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If London Were Syria
Structures: form, e.g. realist narrative, antirealist narrative,

Characteristics of products or services:

benefits offered; advantages over other
similar products; unique selling proposition
(USP); lifestyle appeal; brand identity

The advert is an example of a realist advert, it could happen in real life.

There are many realist visual codes. For example, a BBC News broadcast
is seen on television several times, including a real BBC News presenter,
Natasha Kaplinski. The narrative is linear beginning on one day and
ending on the same day the next year. There is no new equilibrium; the
war shows no signs of ending.
The camera is always in the same place, directly in front of the girls
face, so the audience can easily see how the events of the advert affect
her. The cutting rate of the advert is very rapid, so that a whole year can
fit into a minute. The advert only uses natural lighting, so as to make it
look more realistic. Only diegetic sound is used, and no music is used.
CGI was used infrequently. For example, it was used to create the
burning buildings on the horizon.
The overt message is displayed at the end of the video, Just because it
isnt happening here doesnt mean it isnt happening. The message is
clear; it creates an emotional response, generates fear and concern, and
makes the viewer empathise with the girl. The advert was so powerful
because it established an emotional connection with a character and
setting that viewers can relate to. One of the hidden messages is that
war can affect innocent people.
It is a public service advert. It is by Save The Children, an international
charity aiming to help children all over the world to have a better life.
They are a well-known charity and the advert was spread around very

Regulation: Advertising Standards Authority

(ASA); Ofcom

Because of its disturbing message, the advert was shown after the

Codes and conventions (camera angle,

shot, iconography, editing, lighting, sound,
music); computer graphics; special effects

Techniques: hidden and overt messages;

emotional responses or association, e.g.
solution to a problem, fear, concern,
compassion, self-perception,

Audience information: audience

measurement panels; ratings; face-to-face
interviews; focus groups; questionnaires;
programme profiles; Broadcasters
Audience Research Board (BARB);

television research agencies

Audience classification: Standard
Occupational Classification;
psychographics; geodemographics; by age;
by gender
Sources of information: rates cards;
advertisers information packs; research
agency websites
The target audience is adults who are concerned about the war in Syria
and want to help.

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