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Apocalyptic Chronology

Final Judgement

It is the morning of May 21, 2011, a day of extreme heat. During the
morning it is reported the deaths of millions of people around the
world, for no apparent reason. Everything is chaos, and some do not
understand what happens: plane crashes, car crashes en masse and
thousands dead. Towards noon a large earthquake in the
Mediterranean Sea shook Europe and Asia. The earthquake causes a
tsunami that flooded much of the island of Sicily, Italian and Greek
coasts. Ports, buildings, people, animals are drawn by the power of the
huge monster. In Italy, the land sank in seconds, the peninsula will
fragment into three pieces. Buildings, cities, monuments, harbors,
fields destroyed. San Marcos also has been impacted by the tsunami
and a large part of Italy into the sea. The Vatican, its huge columns,
buildings and monuments on the ground. There is only death, blood
and injuries, including the figure of a man dressed in white who flees
from danger, but is injured by the dimension of the tragedy. There are
ruins, destruction, dead bodies and blood in large quantity. Some
members of the Swiss Guard, escorts of a head of state to this day he
visited the Vatican, immediately evacuate the wounded in airplanes.
From the air only seen devastation and death, some attempt to
communicate with nearby islands, but all the effort is in vain, for the
roads and most of the infrastructure were destroyed. A portion of the
peninsula was completely sea, the sea is stained with the blood of
unbelievers. People flee to the south, because everything has been
devastated and death reigns. People flee to Africa in small boats and
frigates that have reached foreign aid. There are reports of the arrival
of Pope to foreign lands, a city bordered by two rivers, situated in the
desert. This outrage caused radical Muslims in various sectors.
The days have turned dark, a new eruption of volcanoes in Iceland in
the media some heads of state acting in a strange way, as if they were
not, some Asian countries believe that a power has used biological
weapons against them. The immediate reaction is launching a global
attack against America, the explosion of nuclear warheads in mass,
does not leave any living creature. The few survivors are in shelters
below the surface. However, also the case in the other hemisphere, the
war is now focusing on Asia, and specifically in the Middle East. The
population took refuge below ground, the war continues and life too,
until the date of December 21, 2012, when astronauts international
space station confirmed that a large object, or planetoid blue this close
to Earth. The object enters violently into the atmosphere and impact in
the Pacific Ocean. Generating a new tsunami. And a lot of smoke. Land
already the object looks like a spaceship, and various strange
approaching object. Smoke out strange beings that destroy everything
they see in their path.

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