Georgetown: Bible Study

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Georgetown MEN’S


Golden Idols at the Foot of the Mountain, God’s Glory at the Top
Read Exodus 32.

1. Exodus 32:1 says the people demanded Aaron make idols for them “[w]hen the
people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain.” Why
might Moses’ absence have provoked such a response?

2. What is it about human nature that makes idolatry such a strong temptation?
Why weren’t the visible signs of God’s presence – the pillars of fire and cloud, the
glory on the mountaintop – enough for the people of Israel in Moses’ day?

3. What’s your image of God? In what ways does it fall short of his glory?

4. God tells Moses to “go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of
Egypt, have become corrupt” (Exodus 32:7). Why does God describe the
people this way, and how might it have influenced Moses’ reaction?

5. Exodus 32:14 says “the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster
he had threatened.” What does this say about God’s character?

Read Exodus 33.

6. “The Lord would speak to Moses as a man speaks with his friend” (Exodus 32:11).
What do you think the Lord and Moses spoke about? What do friends speak
about? What would you speak to God about if you could see him face to face?

5/20/10: Lesson 13
7. Why do you think Moses had such favor with God? When Moses dared, what
was the one thing he asked God for himself? See Exodus 33:18.

5/20/10: Lesson 13

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