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Problem Ownership
What might this look like for a student with learning disabilities?
Frustration and

Sarcasm creates a victim. Anxiety impacts performance. If I cant see a

teacher then the teacher cant see me.


Have to process question and answer, even if normal rate- seems must faster
to the rest. They are usually processing last question. Then you punish that
child. Make a deal with the child, when not standing by you- I wont ask
any questions..


Distractible- pays attention to everything


LD do not like surprises. No reinforcement for right answer, but bad

reinforcement for wrong answer. Why take a chance?

Additional Notes: Fragile skills, bike example, still need to work on it.

General Notes/Suggested Accommodations

(blurry picture)

1. Tell them to look at it harder. 2. Give them a reward if they can/bribe

3. Taking things away 4. Blame the victim. Not trying hard enough.
Motivation to the best of our ability. Little to do with motivation, has
to do what perception, you can see it until you perceive it. Need
direct instruction.

(two stories, one
with known
vocab, one

95% of text book and 93% of teachers teach comp through vocab.
Comprehension has more to do with background then ability. Kids need
direct instruction

Perception (title
for a story)

LD child gets into trouble and does not know why. Tearing the paper up in
front of the child. A women looking at herself in the mirror- instead of the
skull. Death stalking. Once you do damage, it is hard to undue.

Visual Motor
(handwriting in a

Mixed message due to mirror image in the mirror. Mixed message with
visual vs motor. Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Visual/motor integration

Oral Expression
(story without a
the letter n)

Dysnomia/ brain is storage and retrieval. Cant get info out. Once they do,
they may put info back in the wrong place. Associative task or cognitive
task. Can only do one cognitive at a time. Associative, driving, parking,
Speaking is not associative it is cognitive. Go through speech without using
a word that begins with N. Other kids pay more attention to the LD kid.
Gives kid time.
Use rhetorical questions. Hard to read. You dont have any idea of the
content. You are just going through the motions, not comprehending.

Reading and
(story with
Auditory and
(story understood
by listening)

Have to hear it in order for it to make sense. Cant understand when they
read it.

What is fairness?1. kids learn morals by what they see us do.

Critical model of fairness. Everyone gets what he or she needs.

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