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Mentor teacher busy schedule today meetings and lessons, no breaks

PowerPoint lessons originally presented to NC students (blue), and modified and adapted for
German student audiences (green).
Discussion of last nights seminar on way to class what was it about; how were US and
German schools regarded as good/bad (what types of improvements can be made?)
What was conclusion of seminar undecided/uncertain; de-familiarizing what is known based
off multiple perspectives (Prof. Andreas important takeaway)
Response how culture, politics, etc affect structure of US and German schools?
German teacher conditions may be better compared with US (Ben)
Inclusion/differentiation supporting students (Tim) learned from US observations more support
staff and specialists for students with IEPs, counseling, aids
Do schools also have students with mental illnesses [learning disabilities German teachers
use different terminologies, not person first or as detailed/technical as special education in the
United States question to what extent do these practices (terms in EC) are more beneficial,
harmful, or neutral
German teaching (more traditional/practical?) Are technology, PLCs, differentiation specialists,
person first language, rules and regulations (strict classroom management) needed to be
effective teachers/educators?
Why does the US and Germany choose to set up the indicated styles of education
Germany adopted federalism from US after WWII (new insight/knowledge to me) how is
German federalism similar/different from America? (relations to historic past openness in
contemporary Germany, suspicion of large groups and organizations gaining power (multiple
political parties represented in government, teacher rigorous training processes, glass windows
and free admission into government buildings)
Transcript/Notes from lesson
American past nation of immigrants (diversity); cultural interactions and conflicts; founded on
revolution (not wanting to pay taxes, drink tea, demanding fair representation)
Specialization of jobs opportunities and choice (options); The American Dream
Alternative ways to teach well obtain similar ends and means (educating students to be global
citizens, serving community and themselves)
Germany just teachers doing most/all of work
Teaching lessons!
1 /2 block (8-9:30) continued into 5 /6 block (2:30-4)
Formal letters - what are some main components? English Dictionary definitions (share




Technology issues: email, file size, keyboard, UNC password, wifi, Google Drive, flash drive
(stick) eventually works
Mentor teacher covered lesson while trying multiple ways to access PowerPoint (file was too
large to send via email successfully= source of problem)
German computer language (student help locating files in German)
Finally able to project PowerPoint on screen (success!) US student teacher = technology
Goal(s) of project - develop [international] leadership and relations, improve global competency,
formal letter skills and professional communication
What does competency mean? What is the German word for competency? (the same as
English = competency)
Google Maps NC and Hamburg distance on globe, visual (NC Mid SE coast of US, Hamburg
(north, port city, cold)
How one exchange student/travel media (tripadvisor) approach learning about Hamburg, what
to visit and see
(images of Hamburg, Bremen, Potsdam, and Berlin from Google Search and student teachers
pictures) what students in United States were presented vs revisions (areas and pictures only
snapshots, limited views need to experience and use multiple perspectives to understand
Question to students: What places and things would you recommend a visitor to Hamburg,
Germany see and do to better understand the country and people?
Student teacher leaving this weekend; what should I do before then?
- Sunday @4am St Paulis Fischmarket (represents Hamburg identity)
- eat at Jim Block and Block House
Map of Germany can see there are many other areas/cities to explore (beyond 4 regions)
Questions to consider (derived/influenced from University of Hamburg seminars)
What does it mean to be German?
What does it mean to be American?
How do culture or other factors (politics, socio-economics) affect similarities or differences
between people and education systems in the U.S. and Germany?
Cannot cover today due to time perhaps discuss in future classes
Stadtteilschule Bergedorf Google images vs. actual (interesting student reaction) looks nicer
in photos
Faculty, students, discussions in class (less formal)
United States Attractions and School Systems
Case studies: NC, NY, Washington DC, California, Texas (textbook controversy, school supplies)
- public, private, charter schools, universities (research triangle, community colleges,
regions/counties, costs and subsidies (US and Germany)
- lottery system and spectrum of rich/poor schools (how resources are determined) property
taxes and geography, communities, state vs federal funding
Standardized testing how would this look if applied to Hamburg/Bergedorf schools? (mentor
teacher question) How do social factors affect what resources are given to schools (looking at
NY example)
- students and mentor teacher identified how unequal distribution could lead to unfair conditions
with tests and comparison between more affluent or underprivileged schools (i.e. inner city, high
needs, poverty)
List of student first names from NC can write a letter to person even if they did not turn in a
letter yet that is here in Germany now

Northwood High School intro Title 1 school; rural and country club (suburban) students;
diversity and immigration; one to one initiative (all students have access to own laptop
GSB not a gymnasium! (G = gesamtschule) Students explain the difference between
stadtteilschule and gymnasium (12 years vs. 13 for abiturs; inclusion at lower levels
Clarifies earlier confusion from Mummelmannsburg trip (gymnasium and stadtteilschule)
Look at overviews of US states and school systems
Letters to buddies/future friends in United States (NC) and Germany (Hamburg)
Can you explain what the 13 colonies were? (became 1st US states)
Intercultural exchange/learning 11 and 12 grade (buddies/pen pals)
Continuation/culmination of what I learned from student teaching in Hamburg program (:
Class photos/general descriptions of students in NC classroom (grade, AVID program, context
of photos (1920s-40s party with food, streamers, costumes) students, letters some more
effort/time than other notes; students interested I communicating with you (social media)
include name and contact info; issues with deciding whom to address letters to (German
students); around 1 week to complete


Student question why are the desk chairs attached to the desks?? (from photo) unexpected;
to keep order in room and prevent possible distraction with moving/missing chairs)
What letters should include or talk about: Criteria, recommendations, and additional options
Sample letter (around 1 page) with images of postcard and host family in Bergedorf
Intellectually exciting day teaching and implementing project; looking forward to sharing
responses and facilitating exchanges/communications between 11 /12 grade [hs] students
Friday may ask Andreas or Kiki to do abbreviated data collection (contact info) with 11 and 13
grade students (for larger sample size and more letters)
US around 3 classes (60 students) Germany 2 classes (around 30 students)
Can write in pairs or to more than one person, so uneven distribution should not present too
large an issue


Teaching lesson part 2 on own (mentor in meeting, will check in)

30 minute break between blocks
15-20 minutes reading letters
Get in pairs and write letters
Peer review/ read over the letters that were written; give feedback/revise
Students joked around at first, then got serious and produced 1-2 page, handwritten and
typed letters (mentor teacher and students seem invested and interested in seeing this
project through, connecting with students in the US)
New word - Fancy schmancy - list on wall of likeable and dislikeable(squirrel, research)
Some difficulties locating names on social media - may need US students to send emails
and find additional info from students in Germany upon return
Coffee and cake (cheese/vanilla bean and marzipan chocolate swirl)
Dinner (leek soup, potatoes au gratin, pasta noodles with sauce, apfel saft, chicken)
Turkish apfel tea (hot water heaters - interesting technology varies from US teapots, how does it
work? glowing blue light, heats very quickly b/c of higher 220 voltage?)
Ritter sport praline and merci milk chocolate
Playing with Joy, iPads, tv, airline work

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