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Leading Change Themes (John Kotter) | Trello

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Leading Change Themes (John Kotter)

Futurist Team

Team Visible


Change is created through an eight
stage process that creates enough
energy and momentum to overcome
The process of change is facilitated by
"high-quality" leadership, not
necessarily managers
Those driving change must confront
and challenge the status quo first
before introducing new practices
Managers help maintain complicated
systems and technology through
planning, organizing and controlling;
while leaders create organizations or
adepts them to changing conditions
through direction, aligning people, and
Leaders identify three large stages
throughout the eight steps: 1) creating
a climate for change, 2) engaging and
empowering the organization and 3)
implementing and sustaining change.
Studying leadership over thirty years,
Kotter has identified two key principles
in leading organizations in the 21st
century: lifelong learning and the
competitive capacity.
Lifelong learning comprise habits of
risk taking, humble self reflection,
solicitation of opinions, careful
listening and openness to new ideas.
Competitive capacity is the drive that
influences lifelong learning, building
and refining skills and abilities,
resulting in the ability to leverage the
demands of the environment.

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Leading Change Themes (John Kotter) | Trello

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The brain has an emotional side and a
logical thinking side. To make
significant change, the emotional side
of the brain has more leverage.
Emotional connections and
experiences change behavior.
Leaders that attempt to appeal to
hearts and minds will have better
success rates and creating change.
The increase of technology and
instant access to information has
impacted the ability to engage and
learn from others. Linear and
mechanical production can be
expedited at much higher rates but
the power of human relationships
matters when impacting an
organization's growth. Specifically, the
dynamics of change generally
challenges personal values and
efficacy. Unlike an assembly line, we
are neither mechanical nor linear and
therefore, these touchstones are
critical to enduring change.

Disruptions lead to big shifts...
*Shift from Knowing .... Doing.
Teacher centered learning comes
from limited knowledge access. Has
worked, until disruption from the
Internet with wide access to

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Leading Change Themes (John Kotter) | Trello

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Very true, along with now, the

conceptual to technical
implementation of Common Core
State Standards. Schools KNOW
what the standards are, schools
KNOW what the testing protocol and
design is like, schools KNOW what
depth of understanding students need
to know. The DOING is the true
hurdle. The idea that we are on the
front end of this change is exciting if
we, as a group of educators and
learners can embrace the notion of
leading and paving the way for the
future without having the luxury of the
"tried and true".
Power of knowledge has been shifted
from select few to many.
Subjects are no longer independent
entities, but are now learned in
service of doing and creating (task
Justin note... i like the guy at 8:50 who
they film straining to stay awake...
thats me right now on oxy! =-)

*Teacher centered .... to Student

Centered. Student learning through
choice and interest.
Dan Myers... math in action. Toss out
the books and learn through action,
research, and analyzing the real

*Individual ...... to Team. Authentic

assessment through teams.
Although the idea of teaming is
generally constructed within the
school day, the schools of the future
must also consider the advancements
of real time virtual learning. Given the
fact this

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Leading Change Themes (John Kotter) | Trello

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Expedition learning. Responsibility for

self, for stuff, for team.
Summative/Normative assessments
---> Formative Assessment
*Consumption of Information ...
Construction of Meaning.
Design thinking... Solving global
problems collaboratively through
learning subject matter.
Design learning is fascinating and
truly challenges the current classroom
model, both in time allotments for
isolated subjects, classroom
management, and flexible grade level
Schools.... Learning Networks.
Teachers and students share
resources all over the world to expand
learning exponentially.
Crowd sourcing for problem solve.
** High stakes testing ---> High value
Higher ed will move from normalized
test enter to k-12 portfolio system.
When applying Kotter's change
model, the school as an organization
is a layered entity, and most critical, is
establishing the need -- addressing
complacency and garnering the first
and second adopters. They create
more voices to champion their teams
or departments.


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Leading Change Themes (John Kotter) | Trello

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A vision of the future where learning

and collaboration is "accessible" to
everyone regardless of time zone,
location, language, etc, and increased
accessibility translates into increased
However, when I viewed this video
through the lens of critical theory, this
vision of the future technology makes
that accessibility a privilege for those
who can afford to fully participate in
our global community.
How can our educational systems
utilize technology so all students and
families have access to 21st century
skills? Access to information and
highly skilled jobs may widen the
economic gap between the "haves"
and "have nots"
Also, how do individuals manage the
consequences of being constantly
"connected" all the time in this vision
of the future?
I saw this video at our FTF in May and
was completely amazed at the
possibilities that currently exist for
some and how this will become more
generalized for mass consumption.
Peter Diamandis writes about
exponential growth and has caused
me to think the realities of generalized
access to newer technologies are very
real in a much shorter time than in the
last three to five years.
These concepts challenge our current
beliefs and understandings of
"access", "learning environments",
and our own complacency -- not for
lack of belief of possibilities, but
perhaps a challenge to the values we
have as it relates to 24/7 access. That
constant and instantaneous access
can challenge the value of
establishing boundaries and protected

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Leading Change Themes (John Kotter) | Trello

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Dreaming vs. Dreading
Many dream of technology being the
solution that can be a fully adaptable
solution to meet the learning needs of
every child on demand.
Many dread that this will create a
distopia matrix of students that are
plugged into technology that is not
engaging the mind.
Dream and Dread are passive POV Merge into Design becomes Active
Todays learning need to be prepared
to tackle challenges that are not yet
Integrated design looks at the parts of
education to realign and retool where
Looking at the parts of a broken
school system we see the "WHAT,
and WHO"
These are seen as barriers.
Realinging the barriers can change
outcomes, but does not solve the
Realignment to solve the issues
facing our education will require
student empowerment through
The new structure must be...
Personalized - to fit each learner
Learner-Driven - to let kids own the

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Leading Change Themes (John Kotter) | Trello

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Applied - to let kids learn by doing

Cost-effective - to be feasible as scale
tech-enabled - to leverage tech that
Outside influences are needed to
make the new design work - Public
Policy, Leadership, Readiness,
Funding, Public Will.

Effective leaders must be competent
in managing the emotional aspect of
leading change for individuals
involved in cultural shifts by
intentionally engaging in the change
process, challenging the status quo,
and energizing/inspiring their
employees engaging in change.
Technological disruptions and
innovations lead to major shifts in...
Access to knowledge,
The process of learning, and
Educational design and infrastructure.
Redesigning learning requires whole
system reform where this is alignment
between the school, families,
communities, government/policy, and
Culture is powerful. Culture
underscores the Kotter change model
and is necessary in building a guiding
coalition to align current practice
towards 21st century educational

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Leading Change Themes (John Kotter) | Trello

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That said (previous card), Kotter does

claim culture is generated last as
opposed to first. There are many
changes that occur, conflicts that
arise, and requiring effective
discourse. Rooting change in culture
occurs as a result of the process.
"Listening with an open mind, trying
new things, reflecting honestly on
successes and failure....(allows)
people to keep growing while others
level off or decline" (Kotter, p180).

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