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Amanda Minter

Collaborative Digital Tools

Study the collaborative digital tool wiki that you created with the rest of the class. Complete this sheet to match the
grade/s you teach. You need at least five tool entries on the list. They can be five tools from the class wiki, or other
collaborative digital tools that you have found.
To begin this page, here include a short statement (1-2 paragraphs) about what this list is, who it is for (grade,
subject), and how it will help you effectively teach using collaborative techniques.

Name of the
digital tool

Special Features of the tool

How this tool can support collaborative

learning in your classroom

Google Classroom

Teachers are able to post

documents, links, and videos for
students. Students are also able
to post their own work/resources
and comment in the classroom.
Teachers may also invite other
coworkers to collaborate in a
classroom. This is a helpful tool for
cross-curricular activities/projects,
and could be used for any grade
level or content area.

While this tool can certainly support a studentstudent collaboration, I have only used it to
encourage a teacher-student collaboration. It has
allowed me to share information with students, but
in such a way that it is unpacked a little at a time. By
doing so, the student is able to engage with the
content, and monitor thier own understanding by
navigating through tasks, activites, and producing
something to demonstrate knowledge. Utlimately, it
allows me to faciliate learning instead of leading

This toold is much like

Pinterest. Users can collect
documents, videos, etc. You can
follow other users. Many
of these users are experts in

Students would be able to collaborate by collecting

materials to share on thier boards. They
are responisble for one anothers learning. When
that happens, the stakes are high and more often

Amanda Minter
particular fields. By connection
with these users, students would
have access to primary source
material, and access the experts
resources. While this resource
could be uses for many content
areas, it would best be served in a
6-12 grade level. The platform
appears to a bit mor sophisticated
to navigate. The material on the
page can often contatin mature
concepts or content.

students hold each other to higher standard.


This is a video chat tool. Users can

continue to collaborate by
recording video, sharing
documents, and using a chat
feature. This tool would best be
served for 6-12 content area

Skype is a social media tool. If students are

collaborating they are expected to use social skills
and communicate accordingly. By making students
apply these skills, they are forced to discuss,
dliberate, problem solve, and hopefully create.
Because this tool uses several formats of
communication, this can facilitate the collaboration
process easier.


This is a real time collaboration

white board. This tool does not
require a download or special plugins. Teachers can create lessons
from any number of resources.
Twiddla can be used with any
device or a computer. I think that
this tool could be used any content
area, although content that

This tool seems to facilitate the teacher-student

constructivsit model the best. While the teacher is
sharing content on the white board, a student can
show the teacher any misunderstandings they have
immediately by drawing on the same white board.
This type of collaboration would help the student
make sense of the content, and the help the teacher
commincate the information in the most effective

Amanda Minter
requires a lot of visual like math
would benfit the most. This tool
could also be used k-12.

Much like Google classroom, but

likened to Facebook, this resources
allows users to share resources
and collaborate through chat
features. This tool offers an
assessment creation tool that
aligns with state standards.
Teachers may also use this tool to
communicate with parents.
Edmodo is easily used aross
content and grade levels.

This tool seems to allow studnets to collaborate more effectively

than Google Classroom. When students are able to collbate and
learn the material together, they become stakeholders in one
anothers education. They move from an individual attitude to one
of collboration.

Write a paragraph here to explain how the use of these tools can connect with ISTE Standards-Students.
It seems to me that these collaboration tools directly align with the ISTE Standards for students. ISTE standard 2
is dedicated to the use of technology for collaboration and communication. The stanard calls for the support of
individula learning and contribution to the learning of others. Each of these tools will allow that type of collaboration
to occur. I also feel theat ISTE standards 1 and 4 are also supported with these tools. If true collaboration is
occuring, then students should be making decisions, problem solving, and creating in order to gather meaning. ll of
these tools support these processes.

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