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Implementation Strategy

After meeting with our project team and evaluating different implementation strategies for our new MAA
Information System we believe the best course of action is to have a Direct Cutover strategy. Since we are
completing replacing an old paper-based system to a software system it is more beneficial to launch as one
full unit. Since all functions of the software system work together to give an overall student experience it
would not be efficient to run both systems at the same time. There would be too many issues with duplicate
data or data transfer with the parallel and also a phased system. For example: A students basic contact
information needs to be in the new software system to create an account and then to sign them up for a
class. We could not efficiently use the other two approaches based off of the synergy of our new system.

Please refer to the Work Breakdown Structure on the details of what milestones we will need to meet before
we give an official launch date. We will have multiple training sessions and walkthroughs of the software to
staff and select students for testing before launch. As we know a Direct Cutover strategy has a higher risk
associated at launch if for any reason the system is not functioning as planned. Since we are not turningoff an old-system the risk is lessened, we can still use the paper-based system if needed. Note that does
not mean there are no negative impacts if for some reason the system failed. That is why we will include the
following strategies below to limit risk or be prepared with a plan if such events were to occur.

It will be crucial to have a Change Management and Risk Response plan in place prior to the official launch
date. This plan should include communication with all stakeholders and customers on the reasoning behind
the change in systems. We must emphasize on why this will benefit our employees and customers. The
Change Management plan should also have a clear communication strategy for the points listed previously
as well as how this will impact daily routines of our students. If for any reason the system is not ready for
launch or does not work as expected, we must be ready to continue the paper-based system or delay the
launch date.

Martial Arts Academy Project Evaluation Outline

Individual Performance Reviews

Each project team member will have an opportunity to review his or her performance as it pertains
to this specific project. Think of this as a lessons-learned report for each individual on what they did
well and what they can improve on for the future.
Supervisor and Self-evaluations - Project team members will fill out a pre-determined evaluation for
themselves and also for an evaluation for their project manager. The project manager evaluation will
be submitted to the project sponsor for review. The self-evaluation will be reviewed with the project
manager to come to a final score together.

Post Mortem Meeting and Review

We will have a Post-Mortem meeting after the launch of the new system to review the different
aspects of the project to gain insights on what we did well and what we can improve on. We will
review any other remaining issues or concerns moving forward. See below for topics that will be

Initial MOV Review if the original MOV was appropriate for the project and if it will be
Triple Constraint & Quality IMPORTANT! Review if the project is on schedule, on budget,
within scope and meets all quality demands.
Project Plan Reviews

Systems Development
Project Scope Management
Project Time Management
Project Cost Management
Project Quality Management
Project Team and Resource Acquisition
Project Stakeholder and Communications Management
Project Risk Management
Organizational change management
Product release or system implementation

How well did the project team perform?

Third Party Project Audit

We will have an outside party member found by the project manager to evaluate the project to
uncover any problems, issues or opportunities for improvement. Since this will be an unbiased party
we will gain different insight into our project. A lessons learned report must be filed to the Project

Evaluation of MOV Achievement & Customer Satisfaction

We had two different MOVs that focused on two areas of impact (see below). We will need to
measure our student attendance per class as well as our administrative payroll. This should be
measured by Geoff and Julie each week. We will review at the end of each week if we are on track
to hit our MOV and if any changes will need to be made. A final review of the projects success will
be made at the end of the 6-month mark. The 6-month time-frame will start when the system is
officially launched. The MOVs and Areas of Impact are listed at the bottom of this page for your
We will also have in-person interviews and surveys with our customers during the life of and at the
end of the project to evaluate their experience with the new process and system. It is imperative
our customers are satisfied with the service we are providing and will be a crucial aspect in
evaluating the overall success of this project.

MOVs for reference


The Martial Arts Academy Information System Project will increase the number of classes
students attend per week by 20% within 6-months.

The Martial Arts Academy Information System Project will increase operational efficiency
and effectiveness lowering administration time by 50% within 6-months.

Area of Impact


More efficient processes

More effective processes


Increased Revenue

Lower Costs

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