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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam June 23, 2016

Why do people sing, listen about and adore the divine qualities of the Lord and
worship Him? Bhagawan reminds us today with a memorable example.
Many people perform ritual worship (puja) to God,
adore Him and want to follow Him. For whose
benefit are these offerings? They are only for our
own benefit and not for Gods! Consider this
example. When we think of something exciting in
our mind, we find that our words show positive
energy and our actions also show excitement. On
the other hand, if there are sad thoughts in our
mind, then our external body will reflect the
sadness our mind is experiencing. Take an even
simpler example - think of a lime and think that you
are cutting it! If you like lime, you will find saliva on
your tongue! Actually, the lime juice has not come
and touched your tongue. Merely the thought of
the lime juice makes your tongue water. So too,
people adore and worship God such that by
thinking of the good qualities of the Divine, they will
also be inspired to cultivate noble qualities.
- Summer Roses On Blue Mountains, 1976, Ch 4.

Open your hearts and close your mouths. You will experience Divine Bliss everyday. Baba

23 jUn, 2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:lok,Bgvwn dI squqI,aunHW dI squqI iv`c Bjn gwauNdy hn,aunHW dy
pRvcn suxdy hn Aqy anHW dy idvX guxW kwrx,aunHW dw fUMGw sqkwr ,aunHW dI
pUjw ,ikauoN krdy hn?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,iek Xwd r`Kx vwlI audwhrx dy ky
smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:lok,keI rIqI irvwjW nwl,Bgvwn dI pUjw krdy hn,aunHW dw fUMgw
sqkwr krdy hn Aqy aunHW dy d`sy rsqy qy clxw cwhuMdy hn[ieh swrw

ku`J,iks dy lwB leI kIqw jWdw hY?ieh swrw ku`J,lok Awpxy lwB leI hI
krdy hn Aqy Bgvwn leI nhIN krdy[mYN quhwnUM,iek audwhrx idMdw hW[jd
vI kdy swfy mn iv`c,koeI au`qyijq(KuSI vwlI) krn vwlw smW AwauNdw hY qW
swfI swrI aUrjw,swkwrqimk huMdI hY Aqy swfy bol Aqy krm vI ,KuSI dw
pRktwvw krdy hn[jd swfy mn iv`c,audwsI dyx vwly ivcwr huMdy hn qW swfy
SrIr au`qy,audwsI dw Asr ivKweI idMdw hY[mYN quhwnUM,iek swDwrx audwhrx
idMdw hW[soco ik quhwfy h`Q iv`c,iek inMbU hY Aqy qusIN aus nUM k`t rhy ho[jy
quhwnUM, inMbU cMgw lgdw hY qW quhwfy mUMh iv`c pwxI Aw jwvy gw [Asl
iv`c,inMbU dw r`s,quhwfy mUMh iv`c nhIN AwieAw hY Aqy jIB nwl,nhIN CUqw
hY[kyvl,inMbU dI soc ny hI quhwfy mUMh iv`c pwxI,ilAwauNdw hY[ausy kwrx hI
lok ,Bgvwn dw sqkwr krdy hn Aqy aunHW dI pUjw krdy hn Aqy koiSS krdy
hn ik aunHW dy guxW nUM,Awpxy jIvn iv`c FwlIey[smr roizz Awn blU
mwaUntynz 1976,A`iDAwey cwr[)
Awpxy idl nUM Kolo Aqy mUMh nUM bMd r`Ko[ies qrHW krn nwl,quhwnUM idvXqw dw
AnuBb hovy gw[(bwbw)[

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