June 22 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam June 22, 2016

What is the secret to attain Divine Grace and peace? Bhagawan lovingly
explains to us today.

If you conquer your mind, you will attain peace. If you

attain peace, you will look at all things with an equal
mind. Good and bad, respect and disrespect, likes and
dislikes are all aspects of one and the same thing Brahman (Divinity). If you are able to get divine grace,
everything will flow smoothly. If you are far away from
divine grace, evil planets will begin to influence you.
Sage Viswamitra pleased Brahma through his intense
austerities. Lord Brahma removed the clouds of doubts
that were hiding the intrinsic strength present in Sage
Viswamitra. Lord Brahma taught Viswamitra to
recognise the divine presence everywhere and told him
to sing about Lords grace and His presence. The divine
aspect is not something which is separate and distinct.
God is omnipresent; it is not a matter with some specific
features, it is spirit (parartha) and not matter or
object (padartha). God is, and is present everywhere.
- Summer Showers in Brindavan 1974, Vol 1, Ch 5.

Where there is confidence, there is love; where there is love, there is peace. Baba

22 jUn, 2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd Aqy SWqI pRwpq krn dI kI gopnIXqw
hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl,smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: jy qusIN,Awpxy mn au`qy kMtRol krdy ho qW quhwnUM, SWqI pRwpq hovy
gI[jd quhwnUM SWqI pRwpq ho jWdI hY qW quhwnUM,hr iek cIz iv`c smwnqw

ivKweI dvy gI[A`CweI Aqy burweI,ie`zq jW byie`zqI,psMd jw nwpsMd,iek hI

cIz(bRhm jW idvXqw) dy swry pihlU hn[jy qusIN,Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd hwsl
krn iv`c kwmXwb ho jWdy ho qW hr cIz,TIk FMg nwl cly gI[jy quhwfy
au`qy,Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd nhIN hY qW bury gRh quhwnUM,Gyr lYx gy[ivSvwim`qr
irSI ny,sKq qp`isAw kr ky Bgvwn bRhmw dw AwSIrvwd,pRwpq kIqw[
Bgvwn bRhmw ny,irSI ivSvwimqr dy AMdrly swry S`kW nUM dUr kIqw[Bgvwn
bRhmw ny irSI ivSvwim`qr nUM ieh is`iKAw id`qI ik quhwnUM,hr jgHw Bgvwn dI
hoMd nUM pihcwxxw cwhIdw hY Aqy quhwnUM,Bgvwn dI squqI dy Bjn gwauxy
cwhIdy hn Aqy ieh ivSvwS krnw cwhIdw hY ik Bgvwn,hr jgHw ivrwjmwn
hn[idvXqw koeI vKrI jW Kws cIz nhIN hY[Bgvwn,srv-ivAwpk hn[ieh
koeI,Kws vsqU nhIN hY[ieh,pRwrQnw hY Aqy koeI pdwrQ nhIN hY[Bgvwn,huMdy
hn Aqy auh,hr jgHw ivrwjmwn hn[(smr Swvrz ien ibRMdwvn 1974,AMk
iek,A`iDAwey pMj)[
ij`Qy ivSvwS hY,au`Qy ipAwr hY; ij`Qy ipAwr hY,au`Qy SWqI hY[(bwbw)[

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