Hybrid Habits - Hybrid IT Research

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JUNE 2016




The corporate IT
landscape is evolving
more quickly than any of
us could have imagined.

The rise of Hybrid itself will likely not come as a

shock to many ITDMs. This report is therefore
focussed on why this approach is fast
becoming the norm, along with the
implications for organisations that choose to
adopt it and also for those that dont.

While reliability and cost eciency are still

important, traits such as adaptability and agility

Our research suggests that those in the latter

are becoming increasingly critical to survival in

camp are at risk of being left behind by early

the disruptive and fast-moving modern


business environment.
And thats the key point here: reaping the
But how are large corporates with their

benefits of Hybrid IT from faster and better

existing IT infrastructure and processes

adaptability to transforming company culture

managing to achieve that balance?

is not just about survival. Its about opening

opportunities and staying ahead of the

According to our latest report, Hybrid Habits, in

which we surveyed 1,050 IT decision-makers

competition when the demand for innovation is


(ITDMs) from across the globe, the answer is

Hybrid IT.

Two-fifths of respondents already have a


IT decision-makers (ITDMs) surveyed

Hybrid IT environment in place, while a further

51% are open to it. Companies are spending
almost a third of their total IT budgets on
cloud, with 14% spending more than half on
this technology.

These figures tell a simple but significant story:

we are in the middle of a Hybrid revolution.


countries around the world


of respondents already have a Hybrid IT

environment in place


Perhaps the most significant finding from this

ITDMs considering the Hybrid environment as

survey is the general consensus that, despite the

one potential option, to them seeing it as a

sceptics, Hybrid is going to play a significant part

business-critical part of their future

in the future of corporate IT.


The vast majority (73%) of ITDMs expect the

Four-fifths (79%) of ITDMs told us they believe it

proportion of their budget dedicated to cloud to

is inevitable that the future of corporate IT

increase in the next three years, while only a tiny

infrastructure is Hybrid, while 81% agree they

minority (5%) expect it to decline.

will have to deploy a Hybrid IT environment to

achieve company objectives.

As businesses switch from traditional to

digital channels, their expenditure on cloud
is increasing. This has a drag eect, where
the wider organisation is pulling the IT
department with it towards cloud adoption.
As a result well soon see more IT
departments accelerating along this route.
Mark Phillips, Head of Hybrid IT, Fujitsu EMEIA

This kind of language inevitable, achieve

company objectives moves us away from
something that is simply about cost-saving,
flexibility, or agility, and towards an approach
that is increasingly seen as imperative to
company success by the majority of senior IT

But our survey revealed something deeper than

a simple desire to increase investment in Hybrid
IT. What we discovered is a shift in attitude, from


If the future of Hybrid is indeed inevitable as

our survey respondents suggest, the question
for ITDMs now is not whether they need to
invest in the Hybrid environment, but rather
when, how, and to what extent.

Those that strive to get it right now

particularly those who begin to build the
Hybrid environment with wider company
objectives in mind will inevitably benefit from
a competitive edge over those who are
perhaps slower to take up the approach.

As well explore in the next section of this

report, the long-term impacts of Hybrid


expect the proportion of their budget

dedicated to cloud to increase in the next
three years


believe it is inevitable that the future of

corporate IT infrastructure is Hybrid


agree they will have to deploy a Hybrid IT

environment to achieve company objectives

implementation include a heightened ability to

innovate and increased speed to market. The
idea of competitors enjoying those benefits
while others are not could be a worrying
prospect indeed to ITDMs in the latter camp.




Looking at the above figures, there can be no

Cost reduction, for example, is a huge motivator

doubt that Hybrid is not only here to stay, but on

for Hybrid IT adoption. In our survey it came out

the verge of becoming essential for business

top, with 57% of respondents citing it as a main


driver. This is hardly surprising at a time when

cost-reduction is high on the agenda for many

The question remains, however, as to why


adoption of this approach is so quickly on the


Flexibility and agility, too, are traits that many

modern companies are keen to possess, as they
help them to adapt to new technologies and

ITDMs should indeed be focused on areas

such as cost reduction and improved agility,
but equally, if they want to get the best out
of Hybrid IT investment, they must not lose
sight of the longer-term positive impact it
could have on their business.
Andrew Brabban, Head of Hybrid IT, Fujitsu

rapidly changing consumer behaviour. It seems

fitting, then, that both these traits would score
highly. Half (51%) of respondents pinpointed them
as key reasons to adopt a Hybrid IT environment.

These findings also seem to tie in with what our

ITDM respondents find most attractive about the

This is where weve seen some really interesting

Hybrid IT environment.

findings that perhaps reflect general changes

weve seen in the business world in recent years.


Greater flexibility came out top at 60%, with

But all of this tells another, potentially worrying,

improved eciency and lower costs coming in

story: when it comes to Hybrid IT adoption,

at 50% and 44% respectively.

ITDMs seem to be focussing mostly on shortterm gains such as cost-saving, rather than
more long-term, transformational benefits.

Whilst ITDMs are expecting to spend more

on cloud, they also expect a return on
investment that will benefit the entire
business. 70% of respondents in Brocades
own survey of global ITDMs believed their
organisation could decrease costs, by 10%
on average, if its IT department had the
opportunity to be more flexible in its
approach and use of technology. Bottom
line: if the IT department could spend less
time keeping the lights on maintaining
legacy systems, then more time could be
focussed on innovations for their network,
and using it as a platform that could really
transform the business.

Yes, Hybrid IT can have a very positive short-

Marcus Jewell, vice president EMEA at Brocade

for Hybrid IT adoption.

These are all benefits that a Hybrid IT

environment can bring, and its positive to see
that ITDMs are aware of them.

term impact, but it is important that those

considering Hybrid adoption dont lose sight of
the many potential long-term advantages in the

The ability to innovate, for example, is more

important than ever as globalisation and
digitalisation make many industries increasingly
crowded and competitive. Yet less than half
(45%) of respondents cite this as a main driver


agree increased speed to market is a benefit

of a Hybrid IT model


cite cost reduction as the main driver of their

Hybrid IT adoption


Other long-term benefits such as increased

speed to market (37%) and the need to digitise
(22%) also score relatively low. Again, this
seems surprising given how widely lauded
these areas are in the business world.
Its also interesting to compare these results to

IT is a department primarily driven by costreduction rather than enhancing the top

line. But the more forward-looking CIOs
understand the need to do both. Its OK for
cloud expenditure to increase if its driving
revenue in the process.
Mark Phillips, Head of Hybrid IT, Fujitsu EMEIA

what global executives are saying, according to

another survey we covered in a blog post last
year, in which respondents made up of 250
business execs from across the world

ACTION POINT: Identify where digitisation could

expected to see faster go-to-market times as a

drive business growth, then strengthen support for

result of Hybrid implementation.

Hybrid IT in those areas. This will help deliver those

long-term benefits.




The security aspect of cloud computing and

indeed data sharing and storage in general
has been a hot topic in recent years, with
plenty of press coverage that hasnt always
painted things in the most reassuring light.

It therefore stands to reason that ITDMs, too,

would have a certain degree of hesitation
around the technology, particularly given what
could be at stake. More than two-fifths (43%) of

From a business perspective, security is not

only a barrier to implementing a new IT
solution like hybrid IT, it is also a barrier to
digital transformation and building a
competitive advantage. For many
businesses with legacy systems, the
maintenance of data security and privacy is
consuming so much time that opportunities
to innovate and transform are being
Marcus Jewell, vice president EMEA at Brocade

them, in fact, see strengthening security

generally as a top priority over the next three

of ITDMs see reduced security as the top risk


associated with Hybrid IT, and half again (48%)

say that securing their business from outside

Security is clearly and understandably going to

be front of mind for this demographic, and our

attacks is their greatest concern when it comes

to Hybrid adoption.

research seems to reflect this. Half (49%)


see reduced security as the top risk

associated with Hybrid IT


Concerns around security appeared in other

But on the other hand, you dont want to make

parts of our survey, too. A third (32%) of

things so restrictive that you hinder positive

respondents say security is the biggest barrier

outcomes such as increased agility or ease of

preventing their organisation from successfully


implementing a Hybrid IT environment.

Ultimately the security issue comes down to

risk vs. reward, and there are a number of steps
ITDMs can take to reduce those risks.

Changing to a Hybrid approach is like going

from a single solution to 20 solutions from
20 dierent vendors, and the way you view
and measure those solutions diers from
one to the next. The level of complexity is
huge, which naturally causes security
concerns. However, orchestration solutions
can help manage that complexity by linking
everything together and providing a single
view of everything thats happening.
Andrew Brabban, Head of Hybrid IT, Fujitsu

The irony is that people say security is the

number one concern with Hybrid IT, but
when you look at their budgets it isnt the
number one thing theyve spend their
money on. Part of the security issue stems
from the way IT organisations are
stovepiped into multiple camps. Youve got
the security team, the network team, the
infrastructure team, and rather than
working together theyre all competing for
Mark Chellis, Global Alliance Marketing Director,

As we mentioned in a Hybrid Hive blog post on

the subject published last year, security in the
Hybrid environment should be seen as a
business enabler not a blocker.

The key to Hybrid security, then, is balance. On

the one hand, you want to put up enough layers
of defence to ensure your data isnt


This may seem like something of a catch-22

Also bear in mind that there is no such thing as

situation you need your network to be fully

a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to

secure, but equally you dont want to restrict

eective Hybrid IT security. Everything should

information. But it all comes down to balance

be tailored to the specific needs of the business

the needs of the wider business vs. the level

within which it operates.

of security a particular data set requires.

ACTION POINT: Stop viewing security from a

single-perimeter perspective. Instead, consider

People think of security as north/south
trac building a single wall to prevent
people breaking in. The problem with that
setup is if somebody does breach that wall
they have anything they want at their
fingertips. A better approach is a softwaredefined network (SDN), through which you
can create individual software firewalls to
isolate sections of your network and
therefore limit any potential damage.

how software can help isolate and distribute

risk across your network.

Read Seven hybrid it data security risks (and

how to overcome them) for more tips.

Mark Chellis, Global Alliance Marketing Director,





What weve seen in this report is largely

More than a third (37%) of those we surveyed

positive. ITDMs are coming around to the

admit they dont know what a good Hybrid IT

benefits a Hybrid environment can bring, and

model looks like, while only 33% say they do.

are increasingly seeing it as essential to the

future infrastructure of their business.

This upturn in Hybrid IT means well naturally

see best practice evolving over time, and the
methods surrounding orchestration,
transformation and delivery will be demystified

Nothing brings a process to life and gives

people more confidence than someone
having done it already, whether that
knowledge is communicated through
networking or opinion pieces or learning
from other sectors.
Mark Phillips, Head of Hybrid IT, Fujitsu EMEIA

to the point where Hybrid may become

standard across the corporate world.
There are two worrying aspects to these
But were not there yet.

This research also reveals another potential

barrier to cloud adoption: a significant gap in
knowledge that could be holding ITDMs back.


Firstly, if there are more ITDMs who do not

understand what good looks like compared to
those that do, there is a risk the approach wont
be implemented in a way that best reflects
business needs. This could potentially be costly
and damaging in the long run.



The second concern is that if ITDMs are

Hybrid IT is in itself a journey of discovery.

You start o with a particular goal in mind,
but along the way you realise what you
actually need is fundamentally dierent to
what you thought at the beginning. I cant
think of a single example where the solution
we implemented was the same as the idea
we started out with.

unfamiliar with the benefits of Hybrid IT but

concerned about risks such as security, they
will be hesitant to take on the approach and
therefore could miss out on the benefits of
early adoption (increased competitiveness, for

Andrew Brabban, Head of Hybrid IT, Fujitsu

There are several resources out there that can

help ITDMs learn what good looks like, such
as four steps to a successful Hybrid cloud


say they are doing well at deploying a

Hybrid IT model

strategy, but ultimately it comes down to

whether the motivation is there to do so. As
Hybrid adoption continues to rise, however,
this latter point will likely become less of a
potential barrier.

There is no consistency in the way ITDMs

define Hybrid. As providers we need to
educate organisations to help them define
and implement this approach.


need more help to understand Hybrid IT and

its implications


dont know what a good Hybrid IT model

looks like

Darren Moseby, Global Systems Integrator

Architect, NetApp



Despite nearly three-quarters (72%) of those we

surveyed saying they are doing well at
deploying a Hybrid IT model, almost two-thirds

ACTION POINT: Further reading to boost your

Hybrid knowledge:
Getting your Hybrid strategy right

(62%) say they need more help to understand

How to avoid a Hybrid implementation


Hybrid IT and its implications.

Five steps for business transformation

This fear of the unknown could be a significant

barrier to Hybrid adoption, yet it is so easily
solved by education. It will be the job of Hybrid
providers and ITDMs alike to ensure they meet
in the middle to close that knowledge gap.


The overall message in these findings is a
positive one: many ITDMs are already
reaping the benefits of the Hybrid approach,
while the vast majority see it as the inevitable
future of corporate IT.
But there is still some way to go before we
reach that point when we can truly say
businesses across the globe are making the
most of all the opportunities Hybrid can
A knowledge gap clearly exists, which puts us
at a kind of crossroads: will we let that gap
persist, failing to properly capitalise on the


potential value of Hybrid in the long run, or

will we work together as an industry to close
And even if we do, how will we overcome the
growing security fears that could hold back
Hybrid adoption? Will ITDMs be able to pull
their focus o cost alone and make the
business case for Hybrid as a long-term
To join this debate and to get regular
insights from Hybrid IT experts at Fujitsu,
VMware, NetApp, Intel and Brocade make
sure you visit the Hybrid Hive and follow us on
Twitter and LinkedIn.


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and analysis on everything connected to Hybrid IT




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