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Primary School
Head Teacher: Mr Christopher Shields
Deputy Head Teacher: Mr Jeff Sherwin

Severn Drive
T: 01772 335065
F: 01772 626707

27th June, 2016.

Dear Parents/ Carers,
This week is the RLSS Drowning Prevention week. By spreading water safety advice far and wide, Drowning
Prevention Week aims to teach people how to stay safe near water. The campaign encourages schools, clubs,
leisure centres and communities to promote water safety through events, lessons, games and activities in a
bid to make people more aware of the dangers of water (RLSS website).
As a school we would like to take part in this campaign. Therefore please can you provide your child with
pyjamas for their swimming lesson this week (week commencing Monday 27th June).
Kind Regards
Miss Crofts
Swimming Teacher.

Working together, the best is yet to come

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