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A Novel VHDL Implementation of UART with Single Error Correction and

Double Error

Detection Capability
In an industrial working environment employing multiprocessor communication using
UART, noise is likely to affect the data and data may be received with errors. This kind of error
occurrence may affect the working of the system resulting in an improper control. Several
existing UART designs are incorporating error detection logic. This kind of logic, if detects
errors, requires retransmission of corresponding data frames which take additional time for
automatic repeat request (ARQ) and retransmission of data. Linear block codes like hamming
code have forward error correction (FEC) as well as error detection capability. This paper
presents a novel VLSI implementation of UART designed to include (8,4) extended hamming
code called SEC-DED code that can correct upto one error and detect up to two errors. This
improves the noise immunity of the system optimizing the error free reception of data. The
whole design is implemented in Xilinx ISE 12.3 simulator targeted to Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA.

Existing method
UART is the peripheral to the microprocessor for asynchronous serial communication. It
takes a data byte/word at a time from the microprocessor and adds start, stop, parity bit etc., to
form a frame. This frame is transmitted bit by bit. In an industrial working environment
employing multiprocessor communication using UART, noise is likely to affect the data and data
may be received with errors. This kind of error occurrence may affect the working of the system
resulting in an improper control.

Proposed Method:
In this paper, we present a UART with error detecting and correction capability. The
inclusion of a hamming encoder in the transmitter section and hamming decoder in the receiver
section can correct up to one error and detect up to two errors. UART with a recursive summing
9037291113, 9037061113

filter to remove noise has been proposed by authors. R.W.Hamming proposed linear block code
called hamming code with forward error correction capability of 1 bit.

1. Digital signal processing

1. Error correction
2. Noise , accuracy

Front End

: Modelsim 6.3 for Debugging and Xilinx 14.3 for

Synthesis and Hard Ware Implementation

This softwares where Verilog source code can be used for design

9037291113, 9037061113

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