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Online Literacy Lesson Plan

Demographic Information
Teacher Candidate: Kelli Williams
Age/Grade Level: 7/2nd
Unit Title: Native Americans in the United States
Length of Lesson: 60 minutes
Lesson Alignment to Unit
Respond to the following items:

# of Students: 24
Content Area: Social Studies
Lesson Title: Researching Tribes

Which specific unit objective(s) or target(s) are addressed by this lesson?

Students will be able to
Today I am conducting research so I can describe my Native American tribe.


Use keywords in order to create searches to find information about Native American tribes.

Connect the objectives to the state curricular documents, i.e., Program of Studies, Kentucky Core Content, and/or
Kentucky Core Academic Standards.
W2.8 recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
W.2.7-Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report)
SS-EP-5.2.2 Students will identify and compare the early cultures of diverse groups of Native Americans and explain why they
settled in what is now the United States.
SS-EP-2.1.1 Students will describe cultural elements (e.g., beliefs, traditions, languages, skills, literature, the arts).

1. Creativity and innovation

a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
2. Communication and collaboration
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media
3. Research and information fluency
a. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources
and media
4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making
b. Plan and manage activities and to develop a solution or complete a project
1.2 Candidates understand the historically shared knowledge of the profession and changes over time in the perceptions
of reading and writing development, processes, and components.
2.2 Candidates use appropriate and varied instructional approaches, including those that develop word recognition,
language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading-writing connections.
2.3 Candidates use a wide range of texts (e.g., narrative, expository, and poetry) from traditional print, digital, and
online resources.
4.2 Candidates use a literacy curriculum and engage in instructional practices that positively impact students
knowledge, beliefs, and engagement with the features of diversity.

5.1 Candidates design the physical environment to optimize students use of traditional print, digital, and online
resources in reading and writing instruction.


Describe students prior knowledge or focus of the previous learning.

Students have been looking at the history of the United States and have been introduced to Native Americans. They are
aware of their history in the U.S. and parts of their culture.
Explain how this lesson connects to the units summative assessment.
This lesson will be the beginning of a research project in which students look for information online that will help them learn more
about the various groups of Native Americans that settled in the New World. The summative assessment for this will have the
students write an informational piece about a specific Native American group and their culture.



Explain the rationale for differentiating instruction to meet diverse needs.

This lesson will meet the needs of all learners. I will model for students my expectations and we will have a class
discussion throughout the modeling. The class will participate in the workshop method of teacher modeling, class does together,
then student does individually. On the Wiki, the students have a teacher example of what I would like for theirs to look at. They
can use this as a reference to look at for guidance. I will also pair ESL students with a higher student, in order to scaffold their
learning. The students will use Read Write in order to translate for the ESL students. Students will receive their appropriate
accommodations as stated in their 504 plans.


Describe how you will activate prior knowledge.

Students prior knowledge will be activated through a class discussion about doing research through online keyword searches.
They have been instructed on how to do keyword searches on the internet, and they will not perform the searches when looking for
information about their Native American tribe.
Instruction and Assessment Plan
Lesson Objectives/
Lesson Assessment
Learning Targets
Add rows as necessary.
Formative Assessment Item:
Students will be asked to research information about an
Conducting research so I assigned Native American tribe. There will be four
can describe my Native
groups and each will have a different tribe. There will be
American tribe.
6 students in each group and each person will have a
different aspect of Native American culture to look up.
Formative Assessment Accommodations:
Students are working with a group. A website is provided
for them if they cannot find the information needed. ESL
students can use Read Write Gold to translate if needed or
work with a partner.

Students use Wiki and Internet to look
up information and record it on the
Wiki site.

Use keywords to
perform internet
searches about my
Native American tribe.

Formative Assessment Item:

Students will use the assigned search engines or websites
given in order to search for aspects of their Native
American culture. Each student will have something
different to look up, but can work with group if needed.
Formative Assessment Accommodations:
Students are working with a group. A website is provided
for them if they cannot find the information needed. ESL
students can use Read Write Gold to translate if needed or
work with a partner.

Use keyword searches to find
information about Native American
tribe information on the Internet.

Time Range 60 mins

Before starting the lesson, we will have to go over vocabulary. I will write the different tribes on the board with the
six different aspects of their culture that each group will be required to look up.
Four Tribes: Sioux, Cherokee, Hopi, Iroquois
Six Aspects of Culture: geographic location, clothing, food, language, housing, other fun facts
I will then talk with the students about doing keyword searches. I will ask, Is it better to use more than one
keyword in a search? Why or why not? What does the word precise mean? I whey will record the information
they have found into the Wiki so all students will be able to review information about Native American tribes.
I will show them my example on the Wiki. For this example, I used a different tribe than the students are looking at.
I will talk to them about the keywords I used in order to find my pictures and information and remind them of how
to use the Wiki. I will show them examples of this on my example Wiki.
Students will then be assigned their tribe and the aspect of their culture that each student is responsible for. Before
students start researching, I will have them meet with their groups and brainstorm keyword searches they can use in
order to find the information. Students will record this information. Then students will be given the opportunity to
experiment with the Wiki and make sure they know how to use it before they get started. This will give students the
opportunity to ask questions if needed.
Students will then conduct research and begin to record. Each group member will record their information on the
Wiki. They will decide as a group which pictures/videos to include.
After students have completed their assignment, we will come back together on the carpet in order to discuss their
findings. I will have a T-Chart on a piece of chart paper. I will ask each group to give me their precise keywords
and their answer. As a class, we will look at the similarities and differences.

List all media, technology, and resources utilized in this lesson. Cite where appropriate.
Teacher Laptop
Student Computers
Search Engines

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