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Kelli Williams

LITR630- Mary Morgan

Wiki Standards
In this lesson students will use online sources to research Native American tribes
found in the United States. Students will research different aspects of the culture of their Native
American tribe using technology to research and communicate information by using the class
wiki. A wiki is a communally generated website where anyone can add, change, or edit content,
sharing the responsibility for its growth amongst all of its contributors (Sanden & Darragh,
2011). Wikis allow for asynchronous communication and group communication (EDUCAUSE,
2005). Asynchronous learning is a student centered teaching method where students can share
information using online learning resources any time or place among other students. This lesson
encompasses the learning standards of the Common Core, International Society for Technology
in Education, International Literacy Association, and the Kentucky Teacher Standards, as well as
following a Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge model.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
W2.8 recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to
answer a question. The students are meeting this standard as they are conducting research and
finding different sources of information about their Native American tribe. W.2.7-Participate in
shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a
report) The summative assessment for this lesson is writing an informational piece about the
students Native American tribe. Through this lesson, students will use the information they
have research to write their informational writing piece. SS-EP-5.2.2 Students will identify and
compare the early cultures of diverse groups of Native Americans and explain why they settled in

what is now the United States. In this lesson, students will not only address ELA standards, they
will also work with their social studies standards. This standard will be address as they are
researching and learning more about the Native American tribes. They will be identifying them
and comparing them on the Wiki site. Through their research and class discussions, we will
identify why and how the natives settled in America. SS-EP-2.1.1 Students will describe
cultural elements (e.g., beliefs, traditions, languages, skills, literature, the arts). Each student
will discuss a different cultural element of the tribes they are assigned. Through their research,
the group will learn more about the Native American culture.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
The ISTE Standards address skills the students need to learn in order to live productively
in the digital world. ITSE Standards 1, 2, 3, and 4 are addressed in this lesson.
1a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes is demonstrated when

students use the wiki page in order to record their research about their Native American tribe. 2a
Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media. This standard is addressed when students are working with their group
in order to collect information, collaborate together to see what they would like to include on
their wiki, and publish together as a group. 3a Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize,
and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. Students will be using
information in their social studies textbook, printed text, and internet websites in order to find
information about their Native American tribe. They will need to look at the information and
analyze to figure out which information to include. They will also have to organize the
information on the Wiki. 4b Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a
project. Students will have to work together to fill out the information on their Wiki page. They will
also use this information to complete a writing task.

International Literacy Association (ILA)

The International Literacy Association (ILA) provides professional standards to guide for
educators to teach literacy. The first standard met addressed the foundational knowledge. 1.2
Candidates understand the historically shared knowledge of the profession and changes over time in the
perceptions of reading and writing development, processes, and components. This standard is shown

through the students use of wikis. Wikis offer a powerful yet flexible collaborative
communication-students can access and participate from any location, provided they have
Internet access, allowing students to engage in collaborative activities (Johnson, 2006). 2.2
Candidates use appropriate and varied instructional approaches, including those that develop word
recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading-writing connections. This
standard is being addressed by students meeting both ELA standards and social studies standards.
Through the research the students are conducting, they are writing not only on the Wiki, but will
ultimately be writing an informational piece. 2.3 Candidates use a wide range of texts (e.g., narrative,
expository, and poetry) from traditional print, digital, and online resources. As stated before, students
will be using their textbooks, textual print, and digital print in order to conduct this research. Reading
online texts requires a different skill set than that of printed text. In electronic modes of literacy, just as in
traditional text formats, students must be challenged to view with a critical eye the wide range of
information at their disposal (Sanden & Darragh, 2011). Students have to be able to read both

printed texts and online texts. 4.2 Candidates use a literacy curriculum and engage in instructional
practices that positively impact students knowledge, beliefs, and engagement with the features of
diversity. While writing this lesson, one must think about the diversity in the classroom. The students
will have the opportunity to use many modes of instruction. Students are using reading, writing, and
speaking and listening skills in order to conduct this research. 5.1 Candidates design the physical
environment to optimize students use of traditional print, digital, and online resources in reading and

writing instruction. Within this research project, students are provided with necessary skills

needed for their achievement. A teacher cannot simply put a student on the internet and expect
them to know what to do. Without a structure in which to ground this abundance of information,
students can get overwhelmed. Although they may already be using online and offline resources,
they may lack the knowledge required to utilize them effectively (Sanden & Darragh, 2011).
Through previous lessons on keyword searching and giving students guidance through the use of
a Wiki, students are able to complete the assignment.
The Kentucky Teacher Standards (KTS)
The Kentucky Teacher Standards (KTS) of 6.1, 6.2, and 6.5 were also used while
planning this lesson. KTS 6.1, use available technology to guide and plan instruction, is
demonstrated as several modes of technology are included. While planning the lesson, I used
technology by using WikiSpaces, the internet, as well as my computer to design instruction. The
students are also using internet search engines and the wiki to conduct and record research. KTS
6.2 uses available technology to implement instruction to facilitate student learning, is
implemented throughout the lesson by having the students research using technology. The
students are able to use the internet, search engines, wiki, and programs like Read Write Gold to
facilitate their learning. KTS 6.5, demonstrates ethical and legal use of technology, is evident
throughout the lesson. Students were asked only to use kid appropriate search engines to
eliminate unnecessary information. Students were also given previous lessons about legal and
ethical use of technology through the use of safe search engine searches. The students were also
asked to put which websites they used at the bottom of their wiki page. This shows that they are
using the information in a legal way.

The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

TPACK was used throughout the lesson. The use of technology in planning and
implementing this lesson is used in order to enhance student learning. Students are able to use
multiple modes of technology in order to meet the needs of diverse learners. Knowing what type
of technology to include in the lesson, such as wikis, the Internet, safe and kid-appropriate search
engines, and the ability as a teacher to use that technology was carefully considered throughout
the planning of the activity. Pedagogical knowledge was used when planning this lesson. I used
the workshop model where I allowed students to look at a model I had done on the wiki. I
showed them how to work the wikispace and ask questions if necessary. I also let them work
with their group in order to form words or phrases they were going to use in their searches on the
search engines. The students were asked to get on the wiki and manipulate certain things before
they were allowed to start working on their own. This also allowed them time to ask questions if
needed. Through the lesson, it was encouraged that the group of students work together in order
to determine the information they would like to include on their wiki page. The students were
also addressing standards in social studies, ELA, and technology. They were asked to research
Native Americans that had settled in America. This was then going to be used for an
informational writing piece. Technology, pedagogy and content all work together throughout
this lesson to support learning through effective technological integration.
In conclusion, this lesson was designed to use many standards including CCSS, ISTE,
ILA, KTS, and the TPACK model. Many ELA and social studies standards were address, but
also the use of technology. This was to enhance the learning of all students. The wiki allowed
for students to use their previous skills of using keyword searches on student-appropriate search
engines. In a world where technology is ever-growing, students need to be able to utilize their

skills in order to be prepared for the real world. In order to meet the needs of these learners,
teachers need to access the students knowledge of technology in order to harness their wealth of
technological skill in hopes of also enhancing literacy growth (Sanden & Darragh, 2011).

EDUCASE, 7 things you should know about..,wikis (2005). EDUCASE Learning Initiative.
Retrieved from:
Sanden, S., & Darragh, J. (2011). Wiki use in the 21st-century literacy classroom: A framework
for evaluation. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 11(1), 6-20.

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