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i> American Concrete Institute” TECHNICIAN WORKBOOK ‘ACI Certification Program tor Concrete Field Testing Technician — Grade | Reported by ACI Certification Programs Committee G. Terry Harris Sr., Chair David J. Akers Frances T. Griffith Jon |. Mullarky Ronald Burg Mare Jolin Roberto A. Nufiez Kenneth Caubble Cecil Jones William D. Palmer Mark A. Cheek ‘Thomas Malerk Joseph E. Rottman David Ey Peter M. Maloney John J. Schemmel John W. Nehasil, Staff Liaison Developed by Committee C610 — Field Technician Certification William Ciggelakis, Chair Thomas G. Ali J. Mitchell Englostead Peter M. Maloney Vartan Babakhanian ‘Thomas M. Greene Jan A. Prowell Mark A. Cheok Frances T. Griffith Christopher Robinson Calvin Dod! M.R. Hansen William F. Rossi Mike Donovan Cecil Jones Joseph E. Rottman Alejandro Duran-Herrora Alfred L. Kaufman vohn J. Schemmel Bernard J. Eckholdt ‘Thomas Malerk Ronald E. Vaughn Darrell Eliot John Malivuk Associate Members Joseph A. Amon David L. Hollingsworth, Michael L. Schmidt Vietor Ayzenberg Bart W. Kanters, Fred Strang Kurt Brickley J. Scott Keim Jimmie L. Thompson Calvin R. Cannon Tarek S. Khan Raul J. Trevino Alonzo Kenneth Gaubble Ted Kisselovich Mostapha Ahmad Vand Juan Pablo Covarrubias Rita A. Madison VK. Varma ‘Stephan A. Durham JR, Maurice Marcil Robert Louis Vamer Kelth S. Foster vinesh K. Mehta Carlos C. Videla E. A, Jack Gale Michael E. Murray Jan Olech Wilczynski Stephen P. Grainger Jose A. Rangel Michael L, Willman Robert P. Harris Jorge M. Rivera-Torres Wayne M. Wilson Kenneth Hill Wally G. Rooke Consulting Members Michael A. Clark Edward Kalis, Kathleen Kompauer PUBLICATION CP-1(08) AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN ACI Certiication Programs Committee publications are intended for guidance in planning, executing, or preparing for ACI training and examination programs. Reference to these documents shall not be made In the Project Documents. If It Is desired to include items found in these documents into the Project Documents, they should be phrased in mandatory language and incorporated in the Project Documents. ‘The Institute is not responsible for the statements or opinions expressed in its publications. Institute publications are not able to, nor intended to supplant indl- vidual training, responsibilty, or judgment of the user, or of the supplier, in regard to the information presented. Al rights reserved, including rights to reproduction and use in any form or by ‘any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by any elec- tronic or mechanical device, printed or written or oral, of recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any information retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Editor Shannon M. Hale ‘Twenty-Sixth Edition First Printing, January 2008 Copyright © 2008 ‘American Concrete Institute PO Box 9094 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48333-9094 Phono (248) 848-3700 * FAX (248) 848-3701 » TDD (248) 848-3823 EEE eH eee EH ee eH HH tet TECHNICIAN WORKBOOK Foreward ‘The AC! Certification Program for Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade | has been developed for the purpose of certifying concrete technicians who have demonstrated the knowledge and ability to properly perform the basic field tests on freshly mixed concrete. ‘The increasing demand for certification by many governmental agencies has made it desir- able for ACI to accept leadership in creating and ‘maintaining a certification program to improve the accuracy and reliability of the field testing of freshly mixed conerete. In addition to upgrading the quality Check the ACI web: of concrete construction, this program is intended to prepare the industry for the possibilty of future mandatory certification, and to form the basis for higher level certification programs. Technicians who upgrade their skills and credentials through ACI certi- ‘ication will increase thelr own opportunities as well as ‘contribute to the advancement of the industry. This Technician Workbook (GP-1) describes the operation of the ACI Certification Program and provides technical materials and directions necessary to prepare for the examinations. for updated information and/or errata/addendums: CONTENTS FOREWORD.. PROGRAM INFORMATION Purpose and Importance of ACI Cettiication.. ‘Overview of the ACI Program. Administration ssn Definitions..nsnnes Educational Materials. ACI Training Course. ‘Written Examination Performance Examination ‘Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). sone PAGO Page 1 wo Page 1 Page 1 ve Page 1 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Ro-oxamination . Page 4 Page 5 Page § RESOURCE MATERIALS ‘SECTION 1 ‘Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hyctraulic-Gement Concrete (ASTM ©1064)... ‘SECTION 2 ‘Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete (ASTM C172), SECTION 3 ‘Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Goncrete (ASTM C143). SECTION 4 Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete (ASTM C138) SECTION 5 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method (ASTM C23}) SECTION 6 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method (ASTM C173). SECTION 7 ‘Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field (ASTM C31)... APPENDICES Appendix A — Supplemental ASTM Standards. Page A-1 Appendix 8 — Conversion Factors and Formulas / Standards Cross Reference. snunPage B~ 1 Appendix C — Sample Written Examination Questions ... Appendix D — ACI Course Outline .. Appendix E — Answers to Study and Sample Written Examination Questions, ‘Appendix F — Concrete Primer PROGRAM INFORMATION PURPOSE AND IMPORTANCE OF ACI CERTIFICATION Certification as a Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade | through ACI provides you with international recognition by an independent group of ‘acknowledged concrete experts. This recognition may improve your potential for advancement and may provide you with more employment opportunities. Everyone involved In @ construction project benefits from the use of certified technicians to perform the field tests on freshly mixed concrete. Proper performance of the tests improves the reli- ability of the test results, This aids in the quality control of the concrete and can minimize costly delays resulting from a lack of confidence in the test results. Most importantly, proper field testing assures accuracyinthe identification of good quality concrote and substandard concrete. Complete and accurate records filed by the certified technician are essential inthe event of a dispute. The increasing use of endresult specifications (with reduced payment clauses for marginal quality materials) Is another reason for specifying certified technicians on construction projects. Substantial penalties and the possibilty of required removal and replacement of concrete with low strength results make it essential that the fresh concrete tests be properly performed, and that the technicians employed possess the confidence of the project managers. Inoreasingly, specifications for construction proj- ects are requiting certified testing personnel. Some federal, state, and local agencies specity the use of certified field testing technicians. The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), ‘sponsored by the Department of Commerce, requires ‘an annual assessment of a technician's competence ‘and will accept ACI cettification as fulfillment of this requirement. OVERVIEW OF THE ACI PROGRAM In order to attain ACI Certification as a Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I, you must success- fully complete both the ACI written and performance examinations (see Figure 1). While there are no Prerequisites in elther training or experience, the ‘examinations are designed so that only knowledge- able technicians will pass (see ACI TRAINING COURSE). ADMINISTRATION The American Concrete institute, through its Certification Programs Committee, administers the cerification program. This includes the development and maintenance of all program policies and proce- dures, instructional materials, and examinations. The ACI certification program is conducted by a Local Sponsoring Group, such as an ACI chapter, a state of local concrete industry association, a college or university, or other organization committed to upgrading the quality of concrete. This group is responsible for scheduling and conducting all training courses and examination sessions; arrange- mentof facities, material, equipment, and personnel; payment of all bills; and establishment and collec tion of all registration feos. The ACI Certification Department assists the Local Sponsoring Groups in setting up the program ‘and manages the daily operation of the program. This includes the publication and dissemination of all instructional materials and examinations, grading ‘examinations, maintenance of certification records, and issuance of certification to successful candidates. DEFINITIONS ‘ACI — The American Concrete Institute (P.O. Box 9094, Farmington Hills, Ml 48333-9094), which developod and published instructional materials and examinations used in this program, and which cert fies individuals who satisfy all requirements of this program. ‘ACI Certification Department — The department within ACI that manages the certification programs. PCA — Tho Portland Coment Association (6420 (Old Orchard Road, Skokie, IL 60077), which published the book Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures Used in this program. ‘ASTM — ASTM Intemational (100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohoken, PA 19428-2958), which developed and published technical standards used inthis program. Local Sponsoring Group — The local organ- zation (such as an ACI chapter, trade association, public agency, private testing laboratory, or other ‘otganization) which takes responsibility for ‘conducting the certification examination ints locality and, as a recommended option, for conducting a training course. ACI Certification — A formal recognition, valid for a specified amount of time, which shows that a person has satisfactorily completed the certification requirements. Recertification — A process, undertaken every five years after original certification, by which a corti- fied individual renews certification by successfully completing the then-current recertification DECIDE TO PURSUE CERTIFICATION LOCATE SPONSORING ‘GROUP ‘AGI AGGREGATE BASE TESTING ‘TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION PROCESS Figure 1 TAKE ACI TRAINING ‘COURSE TAKE WRITTEN EXAM Sant to AC! or Grading ‘Already Passe: Portormance Exam? (within one year) p| Take Performance Exam (two same-day tills allowed) ‘AWAIT RESULTS OF WRITTEN EXAM Pass Writton Exam? requirements. ACI Conerete Field Testing Technician— Grade I-A person who has demonstrated know!+ ‘edge and ability to properly perform and record the results of seven specified field tests on freshly mixed concrete by passing the ACI certification ‘examinations, Examiner — A registered professional engineer approved by ACI and authorized to administer the ‘examination sessions locally. ‘Supplemental Examiner — A person who has been certified in concrete field testing who directly ‘observes and evaluates the exeminee’s performance during the performance examination. Trlal — In the performance examination, one of two attempts allowed for the examinee to success- fully perform each step of the ASTM procedure. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS This Techniclan Workbook isthe primary student resource and contains the essential resource material you need to prepare for the examinations, ‘The PROGRAM INFORMATION section contains general information about this ACI certification program and describes all policies, procedures, and requirements in detail ‘The RESOURCE MATERIALS section is divided into seven sections; each of these sections contains a brief outline, introduction, a reprint of the ASTM. document, a group of study questions, and a checklist ‘from which the performance examination is derived. ‘The seven ASTM Standards covered in this program aro included in Sections 1 through 7 of the Resource Materials section of this Workbook. They are as follows: + ©1064 Standard Test Method for Tomporature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete + C172 Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete + C143 Standard Test Method for Slump ‘of Hydraulic-Coment Concrete + C198 Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete ‘Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method + C173 Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method ‘Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens In the Feta Appendices A and F contain supplemental refer- + ost ence materials to enhance your knowledge of concrete testing and technology. Appendix B contains conversion factors, formulas, and a cross reference to corresponding AASHTO and CSA Standards. Appendices C and E contain, respectively, sample written examination questions and answers. ‘Appendix D contains a course study out ‘This Workbook, together with PCA’s Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, a supplemental refer ‘ence on concrete and concrete technology, make up ‘AG?’ Technician Study Package, CP-1 Pack. ACI TRAINING COURSE Local Sponsoring Groups may or may not offer a training course in conjunction with the examination sessions. Those that do offer a course may conduct a refresher, covering only the ASTM Standards, or a comprehensive course including basic concrete technology. ACI has developed a suggested course outline for persons who have had litte or no previous training in concrete technology. Tho ACI Training Course presents detailed information on all of the ASTM Standards covered by the exeminations, as well as background information on concrete testing and technology. In the course, the Technician Study Package is referenced. The course is designed for experts from the concrete industry to present approximately 16 hours of classroom instruction, laboratory demonstration, and supervised practice time to help you prepare for the examinations. The Local Group may or may not wish to use the ACI Training Course and actual course content and Instructional time may vary depending upon focal needs. Your success on the ACI examinations will ulti mately depend on your willingness to invest an adequate amount of time studying before and after a training course. It is recommended that you allow six to eight hours before the course reviewing back- ‘ground information on concrete testing and tech- nology and reading through the relevant ASTM ‘Standards. Then, after you have completed the training course, allocate another eight to ten hours reviewing the ASTM Standards and practicing the methods. fa training course is not offered in your area or if you choose not to enrollin the course when offered {not recommended), you should plan a course of sel study, Included in this Workbook are sel-study aids that you wil find useful for this program. Remember that your individual study, with or without the training course, can mean the difference between passing and falling the ACI examinations. WRITTEN EXAMINATION The one-hour ACI written examination covers only the seven aforementioned ASTM Standards. Questions are derived directly from the text as well a8 special applications which you may or may not encounter on a construction project. There are no questions on general concrete technology on the examination, The examination consists of $6 multiple choice and true/false questions. Five to ten questions are provided on each of the seven ASTM Standards. ‘All questions require detalled knowledge of the ASTM Standards and basic reading comprehension skills. While the level of difficulty for each question will vary, they are not meant to trick or confuse you. you dohhave difficulty reading and/or understanding ‘the questions, please ask the Examiner for clarification. To pass the examination, both of the following criteria must be met: ‘A) Atleast 60% of the questions in each of the seven ASTM Standards must be answered correctly (Le., § correct out of & ‘equals 63%), and B) Atleast 70% of all questions on the ‘examination must be answered correctly (Le,, 39 correct out of 58 equals 71%) The written examination Is closed book, which ‘means that no technical materials or notes are allowed in the room during the examination. Calculations may be required for some questions; therefore, you may bring a battery-powered pocket caloulator to the examination. You may not share a calculator with another examinee during the exami- ration. You may be required to show some form of photo identification on the day of the examination. ‘ACI uses an optical mark reader to scan all personal data and written examination answer sheets. Therefore, bring two No. 2 pencils and a good ‘eraser with you to the written examination session. ‘This examination may be conducted orally it requested; please make arrangements with the Local ‘Sponsoring Group prior to the examination date, PERFORMANCE EXAMINATION In addition to the written examination, you are required to successfully perform each of the seven ASTM Standard Methods. You may be required to verbally describe the procedures for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete (ASTM C172) if performance of the method is not feasible. You will be judged on your ability to correctly perform all required proce- ‘dures for each of the ASTM Standards based on the criteria shown on the Performance Examination Checklists (Included in this Workbook at the end of ‘each section), Omission of one or more of the proscribed procedures will constitute failure of that ASTM Standard. You will be allowed two trials on the day of the examination for each ASTM Standard. Failure of any one of the prescribed ASTM Standards after two trials will constitute feilure of that part of the performance examination. Grading of the perfor- ‘mance examination is on a pass/fail basis only. During the performance examination, you will be required to perform each ASTM Standard Method in the direct presence of a qualifed Examiner or Supplemental Examiner. You may not refer to notes Cr any other written material. Talking is not prohibited, but itis not necessary. The examiner is not allowed to respond to any questions or otherwise assist you in performing each method. Therefore, you should refrain from asking for or accepting coaching or advice while the examination is in progress. Immediately following completion of each tral, the examiner will tell you whether you passed or failed that trial. Ifa fallure has occurred, the exam- Iner will tol you which particular part of the method was performed or described incorrectly. The exam- iner will not stop the tral at the point that an error is ‘made, nor will he examiner express anything resem- bling approval or disapproval, either verbally or with body language. f during atrial you feel that you have ‘made an error, you may request to suspend that trial and begin the procedure over. fa tral is suspended voluntarily, it will not be counted as a failure of the trial. You may voluntarily suspend one trial per ASTM Standard. The performance exam is physically demanding. It you feel you are risking personal injury in performing, or ate unable to perform the procedures in the performance examination due to diminished physical capacity or physical disability, please Inform the Local Sponsoring Group in advance of the examination date so alternative arrangements may be made. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) If you have a disability and require special accommodations, please contact ACI Headquarters for further information on how to proceed. All requests for special accommodations under ADA are handled on a case-by-case basis and must be ‘made allowing enough timo or evaluation and appro- priate action by ACI. RE-EXAMINATION Failure of the written examination by either of ‘the criteria cited under WRITTEN EXAMINATION will require re-examination on the entire written examination. A re-examination may be taken at any ‘time, but itt is not taken within one year of passing ‘the performance examination, the entire performance examination must also be retaken. Failure of the performance examination on one (1) or more of the seven required ASTM Standards will eequire re-examination on the entire performance a ) ‘examination. Ifthe re-examination is not taken within ‘ono year of passing the other portions of the perfor- ‘mance examination and the written examination, the entire examination process must be repeated. Itis your responsibility to request a re-oxamina- tlon. To do s0, contact the local Examiner and/or the Local Sponsoring Group to arrange a convenient time, location and appropriate fee. If you require further assistance, contact the ACI Gertiication Department. APPEALS Al ACI certification policies, procedures, require- ‘ments, and examination materials have been devel- oped through the voluntary consensus process and carefully reviewed for accuracy and fairness. However, an appeal process is available in the event that you foe! that some aspect of the examination is unclear, incorrect, or unfair. If a complaint is found to be valid, ACI will adjust grades accordingly. ‘The first tevel of appeal rests with the Examiner, This person is a registered professional engineor ‘with sutficient education and experience in concrete testing and inspection to be approved by ACI as their local representative for this program. if the Examiner cannot satisfy your complaint, appeals are handled in order by the following people oF groups: 4. Local Sponsoring Group 2. Director of Certification 3. Certification Appeals Committee 4. Fiold Technician Certification Committee—C610 5. Certification Programs Committee Note: Members of the Certification Appeals ‘Committee include the Director of Certification, the Chairman of the Certification Programs Committee, and the Chairman of Committee C610. All questions for the written examination are developed by the Field Technician Certification ‘Committee and maintained at ACI Headquarters by ‘the ACI Cortitication Department. Neither the Examiner nor the Local Sponsoring Group have any Jurisdiction over the content or the scoring of the ‘written examination, While the Examiner or proctors may offer advice, they are not responsible for the explanation or Interpretation of any examination question. If you encounter a test question that appears to bbe unclear, incorrect, or unfair, please describe your ‘complaint on an ACI Challenge Form and submit the form with your examination. Challenge Forms aro available at cach written examination session. If the Challenge Form is not used to make an appeal, a ‘written appeal will still be considered, as long as it is received by the ACI Certification Department within G0days ofthereceiptoftheexam atACI Headquarters. All questions have been formulated from the ASTM ‘Standards; any challenge based on a reference other than the ASTM Standard from which the question has been derived may not be considered unless the reference agrees with the ASTM Standard. ‘The checklists used on the performance exami- nation were also developed by the Field Technician Certification Committee. Consequently, they cannot be altered by the Examiner or the Local Sponsoring Group. However, since the performance examination is slightly more subjective in nature than the written examination, the Examiner or Supplemental Examiners do have the authority to interpret some of the procedures. you feel that your performance has been incor- rectly or unfairly evaluated, please explain your complaint to the Examiner. If you are not satisfied with the Examiner’s decision, you may continue to appeal by using the Challenge Form or by submitting a written statement directly to ACI. RECERTIFICATION Your ACI certification as a Concrete Fiold Testing ‘Technictan—Grade | expires five years from the date that you complete the certification requirements. Your original certification and eubsoquent rocortfi- cation periods run concurrently, not consecutively. Recertification is granted to a Grade | Technician ‘who successfully completes the then-current written and performance examinations. SEE Ee EEE EEE SEES Ee Each section consists of: + Introduction + Reprint of ASTM Standard + Study Questions + Performance Checklist SECTION 1 ASTM C1064 Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete Introduction Concrete temperature is one of the most important factors influencing the quality, time of set, and strength of the concrete. Without control of the concrete temperature, predicting the concrete’s performance is very difficult, if not impossible. A concrete with @ high initial temperature wil probably have higher than normal early strength and lower than normal later strength. Tho ultimate overall quality of the concrote will also probably bo lowored. Conversely, concrete placed and cured at low temperatures will develop strength at a slower rate but Ultimately will have higher strength and be of a higher quality. The temperature of concrete is used to indicate the type of curing and protection that will be needed, as well as the length of time the curing and protection should be maintained. By controlling the concrete temperature within acceptable limits, immediate and future problems may be avoided. When different types of concrete are to be evaluated, the mixing tomperaturo of each concrete should be as identical as possible. Concrete temperature affects the performance of chemical admixtures, air entraining admixtures, pozzolanic materials and other additives and admixtures. The Standard which follows is reprinted with permission from ASTM International for use in conjunction with the American Concrete Institute Certification Program for Concrete Fleld Testing Technician - Grade |. The standard reprinted here is from the 2007 ASTM Standards on Disc, Section 4, Volume 04.02, Conerete and Aggregates CD-ROM. ‘The ASTM Standard Is also available as a separate publication from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, (610) 832-9500. FIELD TESTING TECHNICIAN GRADE! Designation: C 1064/C 1064M — 05 Standard Test Method for ‘Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete" “hewn se vad hs fel dsp OVE 19; Be ae meaty ning dvgto nts be eat oni oti te cp rvs, he ero Sl Amt prs ences he of ft pena sai plan) oe on eS chonge ice es evn oF aoa ‘is stant us on poo for by ene of he Dyna: of Dee 1, Scope 1.1 This test method covers the determination of tempera- tue of freshly mixed hydraulic-cement concrete 1.2 The values stated in inclepound or St reguided separmtely as standacd. Within the text shown in brackets, ‘The valves sted in each system ‘exuct equivalent; therefore, each system shall be used inde: pendently of the other, Combining values from the two systems fay rest in noncouformance with the specification, 1.3 The text of tis standard references notes and footnotes that provide explanatory information. These notes and foot- notes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be ‘considered as requirements of this standard, 14 This standard does not purport 10 address all of the safety concerns, If any, associated with tis use. It i the responsibilty of the user of this standard to establish appro ‘priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- bility of regulatory linitaions prior to wse. (Warwing—Fresh hydraulic cementitious mixtures are caustic and may cause ‘chemical bums to skin and tissue upon prolonged expostre.?) 2, Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: * C172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Conc C670 Practice for Proparing Precision and Bias Statements, for Test Methods for Construction Materials 3. Significance and Use 3.1 This test method provides means for measuring the temperature of freshly mixed concrete It may be used to verify conformance to & specified requirement for temperature of concrete "is wat mod is wr Ws Heaton of ASTM Comrie COP “cons and Cet Agate nd et et epost of abcomiee ob on Teng Pe Cone ‘Cer eon are Jo. 1, 2908, Pele Ioony 208. Oval onpoed io 158 Lat yet an pore in 2011 151 ~¢ "Sect on SalatyFreceions, Mol ef Apa el Cone Te Ana oat of AST Sense VlO42 ‘arlene ASTM sen, ite AST vest, wong, ox Serie sree Far An Book of AST tn nea see's Dosen Seon FEOF + Sommary of Changes sti 3.2 Concrete containing aggregate of a nominal manu: size greater than 3. (75 tom} may requite up to 20 min forthe transfer of heat from aggregate to mortar. (See ACI Comittee 207.1R Report) 4, Apparatus ‘4.1 Container, shall be Iage enough to provide at least 3 [75 na} of concrete in al directions around te sensor of the ieimperatine measuring device; eonerete cover must also be at Feast three times the nominal maximum size of the comrse agrees. 42 Temperature Measuring Device, shall be capable of accurately measuring the tempereture of the freshly mixed cconctete to 1 °F [£05 °C} throughout a range of 30° to 120 SF [0° t0 50 °C}. The design of the temperature measuring device shall be such that it allows 3 in, (75 mm] or more immersion during operation, "43 Partial immersion ligaid-in-glass thermometers. (and possibly other types) shall have a permanent mark to which the fevice mst be immersed without applying a correction facto. 44 Reference Temperature Measuring Device, shall be readable and nceurate to 0.5 °F (0.2 °C] at the verification points in 5.1. A certificate or report thst verifies the accurtey Shall be evailable in the Inboratory for review. Accuracy of Tiquid-in-glass reference teraperature measuring devices shal bye verified once, Verification of direct-reading resistance ref- ference temperature measuring devices shall be performed every twelve months, The certificate or report shal provide tlocummentation tha the reference standard used jn the verii- cation is traceable © the National Institute of Standards and “Technology (NIST), . Calibration of Temperature Measuring Device 5.1 Bach temperature measuring device used for determin- ing temperature of Treshly mixed concrete shall be calibrated ‘annally, or whenever there is a question of accuracy. This ‘calibration shall be performed by comparing the readings ofthe temperature measuring device at two temperatures atleast 30, SP [15°C] apa, “patie an Ameri Con aia, ax OD, Brig i, ano pene th gd of ths tadard “ern AST nn 0 so, PO os 7, ot han, 88, tes St 10 eee eS EO Ee ee REE eter er ceria ee et tie Cece See eee ee ee era er rf ect rie See eee er rt eet te Parte Cereal eceeerer Af © 1064/¢ 1064m - 05 52 Calibration of the temperature measuring devices may ‘be made in olor other suitable baths having uniform density rade te 52. in the bath temperature constant within 0.5 (02 °C) during the period of the test. 5.2.2. Have both the temperature and reference temperature ‘measuring devices maintained in the bath for a minimam of 5 ‘in before zeading temperatures 5.2.3 Continuously citculate the bath Tiguid to provide a ‘uniform temperature 3.24 Slightly tap thermometers containing liquid to avoid adhosion ofthe liquid to the glass ifthe temperature exposure is being reduced. 6. Sampling Conerete 6.1 It is scceplable to measure the temperature of freshly mixed concrete in cithsr the transporting equipment or the forms after discharge provided the sensor of the temperature ‘measuring device hus atleast 3 in, (75 mum) of eonerete cover {in all diretions. 62 fe transporting equipment or placeanent forms are not used asthe container, a sample shall be prepazed as follows: 62.1 Itamediately, prior to sampling the freshly mixed concrete, dampen (with water) the sample container 62.2 Sample the freshly mixed concrete in accordance with Practice C 172, except that composite samples are not required if the only purpose for obtaining the sample is to determine temperature 6.2.3 Place the freshly mixed concrete into the container. the temperature measuring device s0 that the fend of the temperature sensing portion is submerged a mini- ‘mum of 3 in, 75 mm} into the freshly mixed concrete. Close the void left by the placement by gently pressing the concrete around the temperature messuting device atthe urface of the concrete fo prevent ambient air temperature from affecting the reading, 72 Leave the temperature measuring device in tho freshly nixed concrete for @ minimum period of 2 min oF until the temperature reading stabilizes, then read and record the tem perature, 7.3. Complete the temperature measurement of the feshly ‘mixed concrete within 5 min after obtaining the sample, except for conerete that contains a nominal maximuin size aggregate ‘emer than 3 in, (75 mm]. With aggregate greater than 3 in. [75 mn, make sure thatthe temperature has stabilized before recording the reading (See Note 1). [Nove {it yauy cog a mush at 20 mia bore do enpratreis iter mixing 8, Report 8.1 Revotd the measured temperature ofthe freshly mixed concrete to the nearest 1 °F (05 °C 9. Precision and Bios 9.1 The single operntor stander deviation for messurement fof concrete temperature has been found to be 0S °F.5 ‘Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests by ‘operator on the same sample of material should nat moge than 1.3 °R,* 9.2. ‘The mult-operetor standard deviation forthe measore- ‘ment of concrete temperature on the same sample has been found tobe 0.7 °F Therefore, wo tests property conducted by dlllerent operators but on the same material should not differ bby more than 1.9 °F. ‘93 The precision values given were derived from an inter= Inbortory study using 11 operators on two concrete batches a ‘round 75 °F. 9.4. Since there is no accepted reference material suitable for determining the bins ofthis test method, no statement on bins is being, mace. 10, Keywords 10.1 freshly mixed concrete; temperature; temperature mea suring device “ose abs epson een head 29 nhs ses a "Spotg dts hae bend AST Itt Head ad my te eta by veesng Rese peat RR COD-1028. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Commitee COD hes identified the location of selected changes 10 this specification si ay impact the use ofthis specification (Approved January 1, 2005), (€ 1064/C 1064 — 04, that (1) Deleted old 9.1 and replaced with new 9.1-9.4 and Now I the Ist issue, ‘Committee CO9 hss identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue, 1O64C 1064Nt~ 03, that (0) Changed the tile of the standard (@) Revised 1.1 G) Added now 1.3 and reaumbered subsequent sections. 4) Added to 1.4 safety eavoat ay impact the use ofthis speci m (Approved June 1, 2004), (5) Revised 4.1 (©) Combined 6.1 and 62 into a new and 2 (2) Deleted 63.4, (8) Revised 73 “J 61 1" A ¢ 1064/¢ 1064m - 05 (9) Added Note 1. ‘Committee CO9 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue, € 1064/C 1064M —O1, that may impact the use of this specification (Approved October 10, 2003). (1) Revived 4.2 to require a temperature-measuring device to (2) Revised 7.1 for clarity. accommodate a 3 i AST lntomatonal takes no postion respecting the yy oer paten ih asset in comecton wid any Rem menioned ‘mito. Ur of stars are apres} aced at cacao a he vliy of any auch tert gh ad oat St intingorment of sch rhe, ar antl throm esponsiy ‘The standard ube orev a nyt by te reaponsibl etna come ned must be ovowed avy fv yours ned {notarized ata epproveder wha, Your eaters ro vted ola fr roeon ffi sada for ata aaa ‘ana south bo anosed 9 ASTM irate! Meador. Yur comments wil roca cre conten ala ectg of ‘espnstiviecnialcoranig, whieh you rey tony fea fet you coments have fal ocelved fai heag You shuts ‘nave your views kon Te Bie ASTM Corpmtan on Sardar a ho atone shows blow ‘Ths standard ie copy by AST nematons, 100 Bar Harber Dive, PO Box C700 West Conshobecon. PA 19428-2959, Unt Stas. navi rps (sal or mall cops o tis trad ray be adie by coiactng ASTM afte above ‘ada or a 6108326085 (prone), 6108320556 (la, or sorioeBasimory fea; oF Mreugh He ASTM webslle casio) R qq 10. 1 2. 13, 14, 15. 16. STUDY QUESTIONS ASTM C1064 ‘Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete ‘The sensor of the temperature measuring device shall have at least. in. L__mm] of concrete cover in all directions. ‘The temperature measuring device shall have a capacity of measuring temperature of freshly mixed concrete to +, degrees F [+ degrees C] throughout a range of, to degrees F [__ to__dogrees c}. ‘The temperature measuring device shall be calibrated or whenever there is a question of The temperature of concrete may be measured in a wheelbarrow. True or False? The temperature of concrete may be measured in a wall form. True or False? Acomposite sample of concrete is required even if the only purpose for obtaining the sample Is to determine temperature. True or False? ‘What must be done to the sample container prior to sampling the concrete? ‘What must be done to the conerete surrounding the temperature measuring device after the device Is ‘submerged in the fresh concrete? How long must the temperature measuring device remain in the freshly mixed concrete for an accurate reading? Alter the temperature of the concrete is read, what is then required? ‘Complete the temperature measurement of freshly mixed conerete within minutes after obtain- ing the sample, ‘The temperature of the concrete is recorded to the nearest degree F [ degree C}. According to ASTM C1064, what is one reason to take the temperature of concrete? maximum temperature of freshly mixed concrete is specified in ASTM G1064. True or False? ‘What special procedures are required when taking the temperature of concrete containing large size coarse aggregate (over 3 in. [75 mm)? ‘The sample of concrete used for temperature determination must be rodded 25 times. Tiue or False? Answers to study questions are included in Appendix E 13 CONCRETE FIELD TESTING TECHNICIAN — GRADE | PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST ASTM C1064 ‘Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete Following is a summary of the key steps involved in measuring the temperature of freshly mixed concrete, This summary is derived from the actual checklist used in the ACI performance examination. It can be used to familiarize yourself with the basic procedures of this method before proceeding with your study of the ASTM ‘Standard itself. However, this summary Is not intended to take the place of your complete study of the ASTM Standard. 1, Place the Temperature Measuring Device (TMD) in the concrete so that the sensing portion Is submerged at least 3 in. [75 mm]. 2. Gently press concrete around the TMD so that ambient (outside) air temperature does not influence the measured temperature. 3, Leave the TMD in the concrete for a minimum of 2 min., or unti the reading stabilizes. 4, Read and record the fresh concrete temperature to the nearest 1 °F [0.5 °C] while the ‘TMD is in the concrete. 5. Complete the temperature measurement within 5 min. after obtaining the concrete sample. 4 Reference Paragraph Para, 74 Para, 74 Para, 7.2 Para. 84 Para. 73 y Beer eer ere eee Se Ce ee eee cee eee ASTM C172 ‘Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete Introduction The process of testing fresh concrete in the field begins with the procedures for obtaining and preparing ‘the sample of concrete to be tested. ASTM C172 gives the standard procedures for obtaining a representative sample of a batch of concrete, from various types of mixing and/or agitating equipment. In addition, ASTM. 172 gives specific time limits regarding when tests for slump and air content must be started and for begin- ning the molding of test specimens. Al too often, it has been the bad habit of technicians to obtain the sample of concrote as quickly as possible upon its arival at the job site, resulting in sampling the first portion of the batch discharge. This practice is in violation of the specifications under wiich the concrete is being supplied (.e., ACI 301, ACI 318, and ASTM C94), and it may result in a nonrepresentative sample of concrete, When you consider that the specifications may only require strength tests to be made once every 100 cubic yards (ACI 201) or every 150 cubic yards (ACI 318), the need for a truly representative sample becomes readily apparent. The minimum 1 cubic foot (28 liter) sample of concrete, from which the compressive strength test specimens will be made, represents only 0.026 to 0.037 percent of the total amount of concrete placed. To assure accuracy in testing of fresh concrete, every precaution should be taken to obtain a sample of concrete which is truly representative of the entire batch and then to protect that sample from the damaging effects of evaporation and contamination, ‘The Standards which follow are reprinted with permission from ASTM International for use In conjunction with the American Concrete Institute Certification Program for Concrete Field Testing Technician ~ Grade I. ‘The standard reprinted here Is from the 2007 ASTM Standards on Disc, Section 4, Volume 04.02, Concrete and Aggregates CD-ROM. ‘The ASTM Standards are also available as separate publications from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, (610) 832-9500. FIELD TESTING TECHNICIAN GRADE | 15 Aly Dosignation: ¢ 172-07 Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete’ Whi staid eer he ed eit 172: he see ned owing te dsp Ite yee a ‘ash ep cn eso eyo est rian A rn rene sey of et ogra 8 ‘tps eon) aes cage sce he at eon oem Phe aed eo poe fr a by gece oft para of Des 1, Seope* |L1 This practice covers procedures for obtaining vepresen- tative samples of fresh conezete as delivered to the project site ‘on which tests are (0 be performed to determine compliance with quality requirements ofthe specifications under which the oncrete is furnished (Note 1). The praetiee includes sampling fiom staionary, paving and tack mixers, and from agitating and nonegitating equipment used to transport centrsl-mixed 1.2 The values stated in SI units are w be regarded as the standard, The values shown in pareatheses are provided for information only. Note 1—Conpesie sites oro reed by thik practic, unless specially excep by procedives governing the et be peered ch ea to dering oni of eomistney and mitre) Procedure eo select the speci tet batch ste ot dazed in ths Pract, boi iv esomivended tha random sling De used 10 Aetesnin ora pean compan. 1.3 This practice also covers the procedures to be use for preparing a sample of concrete for further testing where itis ‘esieablo or necessary to remove the aggregate large t ‘designated size. This removal of larger aggregate particle is proferably accomplished by wet-sieving. 1.4 ‘The text ofthis stndad references notes ane focsnotes ‘which provide explanatory material and shall not be considered fas requirements ofthe practice 155 This standard does not purport 10 address all of the sufety concerns, if any, assoctoted with its use. Ie is the responsibilty of the user of this standard 10 establish eppro- priate safety end health practices and determine the applica- Dility of regulatory linitaions prior to ase. (Warning —Fresh hydraulic cementitious mixtures are caustic andl nay cause chemical burns to skin and tissue upon profonged exposure.) "tert i i tjricnn of AST Comme CH an Cont sedentary er Sabon C1300 {sng Bes Cone ‘Cott etn aproved Jy 15, 2007. uid Ang 07, Only gfve in 1 nt pein een spon in 2004 mC 172-08 "Secon on Safty freetoe. Manna 0 Agpeae sal Cots Tes ‘Ava Bec of AST Stor, O82. *A Summary of Changes section vppens a he 2, Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTIM Standards: * EIT Specification for Wite Cloth and Sioves for Testing Purposes 3. Significance and Use 1 This practice is intended to provide standard require ents. and procedures for sampling freshly mixed concrete from dillerent containers used in the production or transport tion of concrete. The detailed requirements as to materials, ixtutes, air content, temperature, number of specimens, slump, imexpretation of results, and precision and bias are specific test methods 4, Sampling, 4.1 The elapsed time shall not exceed 15 min, between fobisining the first and final portions ofthe composite sample. “411 ‘Transport the individual sunples (0 the place were frosh concrete testa are to be performed or whete test speci mens are to be moléed. They shall be combined and yemined ‘shovel the minimum amount necessary to ensure uniformity: and! compliance with the maximum time Limits specified in 4.1.2 4.12 Start tests for slump, femperature, and air conte within 5 min after obtaining the final poston of the composite sample. Complete these tests expeditiously. Start molding specimens for strength tests within 13 min afer fabricating the ‘composite sample. Expeditiously obtain and use the sample and protect the sample from the sun, wind, ancl other sources of ‘rapid evaporation, and from contamination, >For foil ASTM said, vie ASTIN wba, wae asi not ‘ta AST Cane Sec sees. Fr Atel Boh ef ATH ‘Std von neat es teats Doct Say geo Deas wah bl tendo ‘i Asi arta fa nis. 10 C0 i Cana, 420, Us ae 16 SEE se ll eee pe ESE eer Serer ere eee ee eres ee Peer Ser hee Ue cee tee ee IES Pere ly c 172-07 ize of Sample—Make the samples to be wsed for strengih texts a mini of 26 1 (110). Smale samples ae ‘ot prohibited for routine air content, tempers, and stump tet The siz ofthe samples shal be dictate bythe maxims aggregate sie 5.2 The procedure use in sumpling sal ince the we of every precation that wil ssi in obiining empl tat oe trly rpreontatve of the natere and conition ‘of canvete sampled as follows Nom 2—Sangtng shold nna be pore 8 te comes ik dele om te mie fo coven ele lpr covert ot an hove pecitns my ate tk pono Sampling che dace ene Pom 52.1 Sampling fiom Stationary Mixers, Bxcept Paving Mivers—Sample the conerete by collecting 1Wo oF more portions taken at regulaely spaced intervals dating discharge of {he middle portion of ths batch. Obtain these portions within the time limit specified in Section 4. Composite the portions Ino ane sample for testing purposes. Do not obtain portions of the composite sampfe from the very fist or last part of the batch discharge (Note 3). Perfor sampling by passing a recopiacle completely through the discharge stream, or by completely diverting the discharge into a sample container. IF discharge of the concrete is too rapid to divert the complete clisoharge stream, dischatge the conerete into a container or leunsportation uit suficienty large to accoonmodace the ent bitch end then accomplish the sampling i the sume manner as _iven above, Take care not to restrict the flow of concrete from the mixer, container, or transporiation wait so as to cause segregation. These requirements apply to both tilting. and nontiting mixers. Nore 3—No smpes shold bs aken before 10% or afer 90% of dae Dat has Don shared: De 1 ted of dete he stl _qunity of eontte dice, th inno provide sample ia oe representative of widely separated potions, bat not the begnning and he ‘hd ofthe los. 5.22 Sampling from Paving Mixers—Sample the concrete afte the contents of the paving mixer have been discharged. ‘Obtain sampies from at least fve eilferent portions ofthe ple ‘and then composite into one sample for test purposes. Avoid Contamination with subgrade material or prolonged contact with and absorptive subgrade. To preclude contamination or absarption by the subgrade, sample the concrete by placing three shallow contsiners on the subgrade and discharging the concrete across the container. Comporite the samples $0 ‘objained into one sample for test purposes. The containers shall be of size salfcient to provie # composite sample size that, is in agreement with the maximum aggregate size ‘Non 4+—In some instances the contsnare nay have to be sopportd shove the vbgnds wo prevent dlaplcement ting shag. 5.23 Sampling from Revolving Drum Truck Mixers. or ‘Agliaiors—Sample the concrete by collecting. two or move portions taken a regularly spaced intervals during discharge of the middle postion ofthe batch. Tike the samples so obianed ‘within the ime lint specified ia Section 4 and composite them Lo one sample for test purposes. In any ease do not obiain suples until ater all ofthe water has been added tothe mixer, also do rot obtain samples from the very fist or last portions ofthe batch discharge (Note 3). Sample by repeatedly passing a receptacle through the entire discharge stream or by eon pletely diverting the discharge into a sample containes. Regu- Tate the vate of discharge ofthe batch by the rte of revelation of the drum and not by the size ofthe gate opening. 5.24 Sampling from Open-Top Truck Mirers, Agiator Nonagitating Equipment, or Other Types of Open-Top Containers—Take samples by whichever of the procedures eseribed in 5.2.1, 2.2, oF 5.23 is most appliesble under the given conditions 6, Adtaitional Procedure for Large Maximum Size ‘Aggregate Concrete 6.1 When the concrete contains aggregate lager than that propriate for the size of the molds or equipment to be used, Wwetsieve the sample as described below except perform density (unit weighs) tests for use in yield computations on the full mi, Nove $—The eee of wetsioving on the test reuis should be conse Fr exaple,wetsleing cores caies the oss of asl ‘nt fat ation Bana The ai conteat othe we sieved Teton of conerete great than tat of tet eonereebecae the Inger sae aggregate wich removed dos aot cain le. The apparet sitengih of wersived conrete in snr spcinens Is sully rete that hat ofthe total ener in ager appropiate size specimens. The fect of these ferenes ay nee fo be cnseed or dtenined by Supplemestary testing foe ually cana or test esl evaluation pu 62 Definit 62.1 wer-sieving concrete—the process of removing agare- gate lager than a designated size from ihe fresh concrete by sieving it on a sieve of the designated size 63 Apparat: 63, Sieves, us designated, conforming to Specification Bul 63.2 Recepracle—A cont nonabosbent sueface, 6.2.3 Wer-Sieving Hquipment—Equipment for wet-sieving concrete shall be a sieve as noted in 6.3.1 of suitable size and conveniently auranged and supported so that one can shake it rapidly by either hand or mechenical means. Genorally, a horizontal back and forth motion is prefered. The equipment shall be capable of rapidly and effectively removing the designated size of aggregate. 634 Hand Tools—Shovels, hand scoops, plaster cls, and rubher gloves at required. 64 Procedure: 64.1 WerSieving—Afler sampling the concrete, pass the concrete over the designated sieve and remove and discard the aggregate resained. This shall be cone before remixing. Shake or vibrate the sieve by Nand or mechanical means until no lunersize material remains on the sieve. Mortar adhering to the aggregate tetsined on the siove shall not be wiped from it before itis discarded. Place only enough concrete onthe sieve at any one time so that after sieving the thickness of the layer of retained aggregate is not more than one particle thick. The concrete which passes the sieve shall fall into a batch pan of ner of ble size having 7 Qp crre-o7 suitable size which nat been dampened before use oF onto a7. Keywe clean, moist, nonabsorbent surface. Serape any morte adhet= ing tothe sides of the wetsieving equipment into the batch. ‘Affer removing the lager aggregate particles by wetsieving remix the batch witha shovel the minimum amount necessity to ensure uniformity and proceed testing immediately 2.1 aie content; batch; composite s temperature; wei-sieving nple; concrete; stump; SUMMARY OF CHANGES ‘Commitee C09 has identified the Ipcation of selected changes to this practice since the fast issue, C 172-04, at may impact the use of this practice. (Approved July 15, 2007) (D) Added a definition for receptacle ws new 63:2 and enumnbered subsequent paragraphs. AST rama ta pon repping he vay sy pan sera conan i ny a anton Ini stoner Usa os std ee mpecey wos a ete fh vty of ay eu pan nd i inganant efor, antalya ou opera nara etapa an Yo cara ned rosea he unre tr aastoratowne tnd staat satesed BAT imertre! asus. Yur sanears eet uc conan aon a8 ‘maori nce omnit, hy ry tr 1) i yoreomans av ot ced thesia You nd {i oan apy by ASTM traton, 100 Bar Hatboro, PO ox C700, Vet Cansatakan, PA o426- 250, Ln Sinise opt ange or mp cap) ff tnd may Fo cela by conacng ASI a atone ‘uss of at 8108525008 for), IDSSEESSS fla), of sonceGavuon (email O° Mog ihe ABTA webste fevmeatn 18 Co ok. 10. 1 12, 13, 14. STUDY QUESTIONS ASTM C172 Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete ‘with specification ‘Sampling by this method is required when tests are to be made to determine, requirements. ‘This method covers sampling from four types of mixers, which are yand___. ‘The maximum allowable time between obtaining the first and final portions of a composite sample is minutes. Portions of a composite sample shall be thoroughly remixed before beginning tests on the sample. True or False? ‘The maximum elapsed time allowed between obtaining the final portion of the composite sample and beginning the tests for slump, temperature, and air content is__ minutes. ‘The molding of strength test specimens shall begin within _minutes after fabricating the compos- ite sample. ‘The concrete sample must be protected from contamination and __. ‘The minimum size sample for making strength test specimens is_. ‘When sampling from a stationary mixer, the batch must be sampled at intervals during discharge of the middle portion of the batch. ‘or more regularly spaced ‘The composite sample for a paving mixer must represent a minimum of ___ different portions of the batch of concrete taken from the pile after discharge. ‘When sampling from a revolving drum truck mixer, concrete must be sampled at a minimum of. regularly spaced intervals during discharge of the middle portion of the batch. Concrete samples from a truck mixer must be obtained before any water is added to the mixer at the job site, True or False? ‘The composite sample from a truck mixer must be obtained from the __ portion of the batch. ‘When the concrete contains aggregate larger than that permitted for a particular test method, the sample of concrete must be before making the test Answers to study questions are included in Appendix E 19 CONCRETE FIELD TESTING . TECHNICIAN — GRADE | i ASTM C172 Sampling Freshly Mixed Conorete Following is a summary of the key steps involved in sampling freshly mixed concrete, This summary Is derived from the actual checklist used in the ACI performance examination. It can be used to familiarize ‘yourself with the basic procedures of this method before proceeding with your study of the ASTM Standard Itself. However, this summary is not intended to take the place of your complete study of the ASTM Standard, Reference Paragraph 4. Obtain a representative sample source (ie. revolving drum truck mixer), 8) Sample the concrete at two or more regularly-spaced intervals during discharge of the middle portion of the batch. Para. 5.24 b) Repeatedly pass receptacle through entire discharge stream or completely divert discharge stream into sampling container. Para 5.21 Para5.2.3, ©) Transport samples to piace of testing. Para aaa <4) Combine samples and remix to form composite sample. Para. 44 Para, 6.2.3 «) Obtain composite sample within fifteen (15) min from the start of sampling. Para. 44 {) Minimum size of sample used for strength tests shall be 1 ft [28 L. Para. 541 2. Start tests for slump, temperature, and air content within five (6) min after obtaining final portion of composite sample. Para. 44.2 3. Start molding cylinders within fifteen (16) min after fabricating the composite sample. Para. 4.2 4, Protect sample against rapid evaporation and contamination. Para. 44.2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Para, 5.2.3 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ‘Whon being administered an oral exam for C172, you will be expected to verbally provide all information in the response(s) indicated by boldface type. Reference Paragraph 44. When sampling from a stationary mixer or revolving drum mixer, when during discharge Is the concrete obtained? + Sample the concrete at two or more regularly spaced Intervals Para, 6.2 + Sample from the middle of the batch Para, 5.2.8 2. How is the sample obtained from the discharge stream of ¢ stationary mixer or revolving drum mixer? + Repeatedly pass receptacle through discharge stream Pare. 5.24 + Completely divert discharge stream into sampling container Para. 6.2.3 8. What are the procedures for sampling pavement concrete deposited on gracie? + Sample after contents have been discharged Para, 6.2.2 + Sample from at least five different portions of the pile Para. 6.2.2 4, What is the maximum allowable time between obtaining the first and final portions of the composite sample? + Fifteen (15) min Para, 44 6. What procedures are required between taking the sample from the mixer and performing tests? + Transport to place where tests will be performed Pata. 414 * Combine and remix with shovel Para. 444 6. Tests for slump, temperature, and air content must be started within how many ‘minutes of obtaining the final portion of the composite sample? + Five (5) min Para. 41.2 7. Molding of strength test specimens must begin within how many minutes after fabricating the composite sample? + Fifteen (15) min Para. 44.2 What is the minimum size of composite sample to be obtained when strength test ‘specimens aro to be molded? + 28L (1.0) Para. 54 9. What should be done if the maximum size of aggregate in the concrete is larger than appropriate for the molds being used? Wet slave through the appropriate size sieve Para. 641 10, From what must the concrete sample be protected? ‘Sun, wind, and rapid evaporation Contamination Para. 412 Para, 41.2 a ESE EEC ERE EE EEE Eee eee ee oe ee ee eee Hee ee eee eee eee ASTM C143 ‘Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraullc-Cement Concrete Introduction ‘The purpose of the slump test is to determine the consistency of the concrete. This is a measure of the relative fluidity or mobility of the concrete mixture. Slump does not measure the water content or work- ability of the concrete. Its true that an increase or decrease in the water content will cause a corresponding increase or decrease in the slump of the concrete, provided that all of the other materials and conditions are constant. However, many factors can cause the slump of the concrete to change without any chango in the ‘water content. ‘Atco, the water content may increase or decrease without any apparent change in the slump of the concrete. Factors such as a change in the aggregate properties or grading, mix proportions, air content, concrete temperature, or the use of special admixtures can influence the slump of the concrete, or conversely, can result in a change in the water content requirement for maintaining a given slump. For example, an over- sanded mix may require more mixing water than the original design mix proportions call for, but the slump ‘may remain the same, Therefore, you cannot assume that the water/coment ratio Is being maintained simply because the slump is within the specification limits. The Standards which follow are reprinted with permission from ASTM International for use in conjunction with the American Concrete Institute Certification Program tor Concrete Field Testing ‘Technician ~ Grade |. ‘The standard reprinted here Is trom the 2007 ASTM Standards on Disc, Section 4, Volume 04.02, Concrete and Aggregates CD-ROM. ‘The ASTM Standards are also available as separate publications from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, (610) 832-9500. FIELD TESTING TECHNICIAN GRADE I 23 1143/0 143M - 05a fly Designato ‘Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete" "sgn ise onesie ed devennion © VC HSB he ater nie oi tds ewes Bc ea ‘exigent ge of let eon Anontrieprhos eas Yo" Ft egg ‘Nitperp sn @) olan a dol age the et evs ego ‘her has on yon fora by als of he Dart of Defoe. 1. Seopet LL This test method covers: deen ation off slump of hydranlic-cement concrete, both in the laboratory and in the field 1.2 The values slated in either ineh-pound waits or ST units se to be regarded separately as standard, Within the text, the SI unite are shown in brackets. The values stated in each fystem are not exact equivalents: erefre, ezch system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the standard 1.3 The text ofthis stands references notes and footnotes whieh provide explanatory materil. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figares) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard. 14 This standard does not purport 10 uildress all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with tis use. It Is the responsibilty of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety aud health practices and determine the applica: bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. (Warning—Presh hhydruolic cementitious mixtures are caustic and may cause chemical burns to skin and tissue upon profonged exposure) 2, Referenced Documents 2 ASTM Stands: ® © 172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete ‘C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statemen {for Test Methods for Construction Materials 3. Summary of Test Method 3.1 A sample of freshly mixed concrete is placed and ‘compacted by rodding in @ mold shaped as the frustum of a cone, The mold is mised, andthe concrete allowed to subside, "Me wt id keer eft of ASTAL Cates CO ‘conse snd Ceres Aneto athe et psy of Sabon ‘Carn aan apne No |, 208, Pied November 208. gay proved t 1922 Lim pv ltin grove n 208 oC NC C5 "Sonn en Safty Porson, Mtl ef Aapepte aad Conse Tein, Avni Han of ASR Soars, YO O02 “creed ASTM sy fe ASTM wes, woman or enw Ast Cason ere nie sm oe Al ook 0 AST Sits von atin, eo snc Dae Say Po OF ‘The vertical distance between the original and displaced position of the center of the top surface of the eonesete is ‘measured and reported as the slump of the concrete 4, Signileance and Use 4.1 This test metbed is intended to provide the user with procedure to determine slump of plastic bydraulc-cement [Now 1—This tet method as erigielly developed > provide » vecnigue to totior the consitensy of utheenad conseta. Under Isiotry condions wih tet contol of ll coerce mata, hs Stompin geerally food to ness optionally wth the water eon ‘Stargiven conte ite, an tht ob avert felted to cones ‘tangih Under eld condos, however sok a suough lationship i not cealy aod cobs sam, Cre ahold therefore be fake ia ‘elting slop ess obtsined sder fil conditions fo sen 42 This test method is considered applicable to plastic ‘concrote having conse aggrogate up to LV in. (37.5 mn in size. Ifthe coarse aggregate is larger than | in. (37.5 mmm in size, the test method is applicable when it is performed on the Fraction of concrete passing a 1A-a,(37-5-ma] sieve, with the larger aggregate being removed in accordance with te section titled “Additional Proceduse for Large Maximum Size Aggre- agate Concrete” in Practice C 172. ‘4.3 This test method is uot considered applicable t© nox plastic ane! non-eohesive concrete Nore 2—Coners having shingles shan in. 1S moni nay na be iy plastic mel concrete having sup grater tha abot 9 in. may nt be sdenetely coesve for hs ts o have ig ‘ance Clon shoal be execied i nerrting ste resus, 5. Apparatus 5.1 Mold—The test specimen shell be formed in a mold made of metal not readily allacked by the cement paste, The Inetal shall-not be thinner than 0,060 in, (1.5 mu} and if formed by the spinning process, there shall be no point on the riold at which the thickness i fess than 0.045 in, [1.15 mm. ‘The mold shall be in the form of the lateral surface of the frustumm of a cone with the base & in. [200 nm] in diamete, the top 4 in, [100 mam] in diameter, nd the height 12 in, (300 mum). Individual dinmetors and heights shall be within =% in. (3 faa] ofthe preseribed dimensions. The base snd the top shal *A Suna of Changes seston appa at dee ft standard ‘ee OAH weno 19 or Her OB 70 ut Cnn, PAD, es Se 24 fy ¢ 143/¢ 143m - 058 be open and parallel o each over and at right angles tothe axis ‘of the cone. The mold shal be provided with font pieces and handles simiter to those shown in Fig. 1. The mold shall be ‘construct! without a seam. The interior ofthe mold shall be “The average test results of each slamp range obtained using the ‘mold constected of altanative material sal not vary by more ‘than 0.25 in, [6 mm] from the average of test results obtained using the metal moll, Manufactarer comparability test data autres ) tency smooth and fee fiom roections. The mold hal be skal be avalable towers and abovatory apt Tes fom dents, deformation, orered mest Aol which (Noe) ny changes nmi or med of manaectre , clamps to notabiorbent bse pat acceptable intend ofthe are ma test for company shall be repeated. onwillstated, provided the capingaangsinont issih thst yore y ayeurerececcesvatenrpenere dani ) ‘Teun bofilywensed without movement of te ol! an thet 2a pst“ af cena” dso nan : base is large enough fo conan al of te samped coment in pietcutan oval now dy At he eee by ie ig am acepable test Piste espe The wes “our” pret sn ps ) SI Check td record conformance tothe molds speciied test wlth nay a now he i dimensions when it is purchased or first placed in service and Now: 4—Becsuse the slunp of concrete decreases with tane and higher ) ea Lane songs tl fe abanngeons fs enpubiy ea Be $512 Mal with era Sen utsnetemaessseainannatsere: ) 5.12 Mois other tou ntl ae allowed ithe following SS ; requirements are ma The moi shall ect the shops, hight ) ‘id ijraldimensonal requemnens of 31. The mold shall 5122 Wie couditon of any inva okt is suspected ‘be suficially sigid to maintain the specified dimensions and Of Deine ow of tolerance fom the as mmfactured condition, ) Cae a, ea eet fect hate single comparative et shal be performed. I the test routs : Somer the mse ont ele tha OS 1S] Hu i ad ng results comparable to those obtained when using a metal mold “ME metal mold the mold shall be removed fom service ) twcoting the requirements of 5.1. Compirbility shall be 52 Taming Rod—A round, sight steel cod 9% in. (16 ‘Ernst on eal of ho mina by a snependent RY dite and aprotly 2, 600 mm in eng, ) testing laboratory. Test for compara shall consist of not ving te tanping end or both ends rounded tos homisphes- Jess than 10 consecutive pairs of comparisons performed at S*L4iP the diameter of which is 4 in, [16 mm] ) ch of 3 diferent slaps ranging fom 2 8 i, (500200, 5) Measuring Device “A rlet, neal roll-up measuring ) tim} (Ste 3). No individual ext rests shall vary by more SOF osmald length messing isa ‘han 0.50. (15 nwo] from that obtained using the metal mokd, aed in increments of Yin {S mam) or smaller ‘The ; intone length shal beat ont 12 jn (200 om ) 6 Sample 641 The sample of coneree foam which est specimens ae ai sal be tepresenaive ofthe ete batch It shal be re ) obiained in accordance with Practice C172 7. Procedure 7.1 Dampen the mold and place it on a flat, molst, nonah- sorbent (igi) surface. It sall be hel firmly in place during filling and perimeter cleaning by the operator standing on the two foot pieces or by a clamping arengement to a bate plate ‘us described in 5.1. From the sample of concrete obtained in accordance with Section 6, immediately fil the mod in thice layers, each approximately one thi the volume of the mold 500 tht ofthe volume ofthe snp mld lst adept in (70 un: two thi of he wlune ls to a dep of G8, oo 7.2 Rod each layer with 25 stokes of the tamping rod distribute the strokes over the cross section of each layer. For the botom layer, this will necessitate inclining the ‘rod slightly and making approximatly half of the stokes near the perimeter, and then progressing with vertical strokes spirally towed the center. Rad the bottom layer throaghon its {lepth. Rode second layer and the lop layer each thrxighout its depth, so thatthe strokes just penelrae ito the underlying layer 73 In filing and rodding the top layer, heap the concrete above the moid before redding is stared. If the redding ‘operation results in subsidence of the conerete below the top = % yea 8 in 05 epi 0) eto), } FG # Wold for Stump Test 25 fly c 14310 1430 - 058 edge of the mold, ad additional concrete to keep an excess of| teoncrete above the top ofthe mold at all times. After the top layer has been rodded, strike off the surface of the concrete by means of a sereeding and rolling motion ofthe tamping rod. Continue to hold the mold down firmly andl remove concrete from the area surrounding the base of the mold to preclude inerference with the movement of slumping concrete. Remove the mold immediately from the eonerete by raising it carefully ine vertical direction, Raise the mold a distance of 12 in. [300 ram] ia 5 2's by a steady upward lift with no lateral or torsional motion, Complete the entice tet from the start of the filling dough removel of the mold without imerruption and ‘complete it within an elapsed time of 2% 74 Immediately measure the slump by determining. the vertical difference between the top of the mold and the isplaced original centr ofthe top surface ofthe specimen. If a decided filling away of shosring off of concrete from one Se of portion of the mass occurs (Note 6), disregard the test sand make a new test on another portion of the sample. Now 6-IF two conseative tts on sample of concrete show a {ang mony o ering of of a prin the enor frm he wats ot the pocimen the conrete probably lacks nocesery plasticity and etvenses for to snp tet o be applicable 8, Report 8.1 Repor the slump lems of inches [millimetres] tothe nearest ¥4 in, [5 ma} of subsidence ofthe specimen during the test 9, Precision and Bias * 9.1 Precision—The estimotes of precision for this test method ave based upon resulls from tests conducted in Pay- cttevile, Arkansas by 15 technicians from 14 laboratories states, Al teats at 3 different stomp ranges, from ‘nn to 6.5 in [160 mm], were performed using one fond of tack-mixed concrore. The concrete wos delivered and tested at alow slump, with water then being added and snixed Jamo the remaining concrete to independently produce moderate tnd finally high-slump conecete. The concrete mixture that used a No. 67 crushed limestone aggrogate and a washed sand, conttined 500 Ib of cementitious materials per cubic yard [297 kg of cementitious material per cubic metre. The 500 Ib (227 kg] were equally divided between a C150, Type VAT cement and a Class C fly ash. A double dosage of a chemical retards was used in an attempt to minimize slump losses and ‘maintain workability of the concrete. Concrete temperatures ranged from 86 to 93 °F [30 to 34 °C], Slump Tosses averaged (0.68 in. {17 mm] daring the 20 min required to perform a series of 6 tests at I sluanp range, Testing was performed altemately “pet din wd fe deep is peo sent we tse on te fest In Sepomber 1997. Atop of te sheen Te ASTM Testo Hedger Req RA CD02. using metal and plastic molds, which were determined to produce comparable results. Precision da thus applies wo bot Tnetal and plastic molds, A total of 270 slump tests were performed. 9.1.1 Incl-Pouid {SH—The date wsed to develop the pre= cision stvement were obtained using, metic units (milime- tres). The precision yalues shown ji inch-pound nits are conversions from the millimetze measurements, which were recorded to the nearest | mm. 912 Measure of Variabilty—The standard deviation was detezmined tobe the most eonsistent measire of variability and ‘was found to vary with the slamp vale. 9,1. Single-Operator Precsion—The single-operator sta rd deviation represented by (Is) is shown in Table 1 by average slump values. The repored results for the replicate readings apply 10 teste conducted by the same operator performing suocessive test, one immediately following the ‘other, Acceptable results of two properly condacted tests by the same operator on the sume material (Note 7) will aot differ fram eaeh other by more than the (22) value ofthe last eotunnn ‘of Table J for the appropriate slump value and single-operator precision. 9.14 Muliluboretory Precision—The multiaboratory sta ‘dard deviation represeited by (Is) is shown in Table 1 by favenage slump values. The reported results for the replicate endings apply to tests condneted by different operators from different laboratories peeforining tests loss than 4 min apart “Therefore, acceptable results of two properly conducted slump tests on the sme material (Note 7) by two different Iaborato- ies wll wotaiffer from each other by move than the (42s) value ofthe las coluina af Table | for the appropriate slump value and mutilaboratory precision. is wed to ean feshly ase contre Now 7—'Sane medal fio one te 9.2 Bias—This test method has no bies since slump is defined oly i terms ofthis test method, 10, Keywords 10.1 concrete; cones consistency; plasticity: slumps workability TABLE 1 Precision Taoadimnme Sed Kee Devan (oy arg EsISESESsennsteenenivensetel 7173 ‘ig rer io bee ‘Sp 12 0 el eas“! acs ir) Simp a8 re 839) tora) Samp a 60 ma ono fg 19 8) iaeeratoy Paco: ‘Sanya (rl 02 my ase (0) Srp Senor Sa ig 110 a) Stange 00 Oss fi) 1e0_( 7 thse mune poset apo, a) in race C70 26 BEE EE He ee ee ee ee oe oe eee eee ) dfly c 143/¢ 1431-058 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Commitee CO9 has identified the location of selected changes to this fest method since the last issue, © 143IC 143M ~05, that may impret the use of this test method. (Approved November 1, 2005) ( Revised 7.1 Committee CO9 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue, € 143/C 143M—03, that may impretthe use ofthis test method. (Approved May 1, 2005) (1) Added aiiona safety warning with footnote to 14. (4) Addo now Note 3 to elaty the tem “consecutive pls.” @) Added a new $1.1 about checking erticl dimensions and (5) Added new 53 to provide description of suitable measuring fennumbered subsequent sections. Jevice fo measure the subsidence ofthe concrete, @) Revised to claify and alter testing eriteria for alternate materials (AST wate! tes no pon rept te vay of an paler ts cst conse an any tom mend ‘nin so Uses ete ord weeps aocoed bat tn of ay of any et alr ih ee Fok ringette are erty nen sponta stad cto atten at ary te ta espa commis ant bo rsowed eve yor and cto ee: reapecreseratcavn Yaurcaranat sete aor rrr ois sad tess cans lind shot achsseoto ASTM marana Noucrins.Yur enna vil aan cat cna ace fe ‘ogo ei eon, wi ov ay ater fou fl at ar comments ave bt sed lho yo coat ‘nat your ens hyo he ASTB Commies on Sana a thats sho Eom ‘The andr copy ty AST natant 10a Hor Die, POBox 0700, Yet Consankan PA 1862-2988, utd Sits nitrite ang er mt eps) saa ay Om ons by Sang £87 a he ors feathess or at 1OE0E0900 rom), 61082555 a, or santana fora: oF Magy the ASTI wabsta (wnaeiom) STUDY QUESTIONS ASTM C143, Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Conerete 1, The slump test is applicable to plastic concrete with a maximum size aggregate of __ 2. When the concrete contains aggregate larger than allowed for the slump test, the large aggregate must be. 8, The mold for making the slump test is in the shape of _. 4. The height of the slump mold is. 5. The interior surface of the slump mold is allowed to have minor irregularities. True or False? 6. For use in the slump test, the end or both ends of the tamping rod must be_. 7. The sample of concrete for use in making the slump test must be obtained in accordance with ASTM Standard. 8, The slump mold should be in a dry condition before beginning the test. True or False? 9. The surface on which the slump mold will be placed must be _. 10. The slump mold is filled in_ layers. 11. Each layer should fill approximately _ the volume of the mold. 12, The approximate concrete depth (in vertical distance) after placing the first layer is_, and the sec- ond layer is. 19, What is the specified number of roddings for each layer? 14, How doop should the tamping rod penetrate into each layer? 418. When rodding the bottom layer, the tamping rod must be _to uniformly distribute the strokes. 16, What must be done if the concrete drops bolow the top of the slump mold white the top layer is being rodded? 17, Prior to lifting the mold, concrete must be removed from 18. ‘After tho final rodding, the sides of the slump mold should be tapped lightly with the tamping rod. True or False? 19, When raising the slump mold, it should not be rotated or twisted. True or False? 20. How much time is allowed for lifting the slump mold? 21, The measurement for slump Is made from the top of the mold to what point of the concrete specimen? 22. Tho slump of the concrete is measured and reported to the nearest 23. How much time is allowed to conduct the slump test from beginning to completion? Answers to study questions are included in Appendix E 28 ) ) ) } ) } ) CONCRETE FIELD TESTING TECHNICIAN — GRADE | ASTM C143 Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete Following is a summary of the key steps involved in determining the slump of hydraulic cement concrete. This summary is derived from the actual checklist used in the ACI performance examination. Itcan be used to familiarize yourself with the basic procedures of this method before proceeding with your study of the ASTM Standard itself. However, this summary is not intended to take the place of your complete study of the ASTM Standard. 1 2 3. Dampen tho interior of the slump mold. Place the mold on a flat, moist, nonabsorbent, and rigid surface. Hold the mold firmly in place by standing on the two foot pieces on either side of the mold. A base plate with clamps is also acceptable. Fill the mold in three layers, For the first layer, a) fil the mold to approximately 1/3 of its volume (2-5/8 in. [70 mm). ) rod the layer 25 times throughout its depth. Uniformly distribute the strokes over the cross section of the layer. Incline the rod slightly, starting near the perimeter, and progress spirally toward the center. For the second layer, 4) fill the mold to approximately 2/3 of its volume, approximately 6-1/8 in. [160 mm]. b) rod the layer 26 times throughout its depth, just penetrating into the first layer. Uniformly distribute the strokes over the cross section of the layer. For the third layer, a) heap concrete above the top of the mold. +b) rod the layer 25 times throughout its depth, Just penetrating into the second layer. Uniformly distribute the strokes over the cross section of the layer. For the third ayer (continued), ‘¢) should rodding result in the concrete falling below the top of the mold, add concrete to keep an excess above the mold, Continue the rodding count from the value reached before concrete was added to the mold. Reference Paragraph Para. 74 Para. 74 Para. 74 Para, 74 Note 5 Para 7.2 Para. 74 Note 5 Para 72 Para. 73, Para 7.2 Para 7.3 z 8. 10. nn. 2 13, Strike off the top surface of concrete with the tamping rod in a screeding and rolling motion, ‘While maintaining downward pressure, remove any concrete which collected around the base of the mold during strike off. Immediately remove the mold by raising the mold in a steady, vertical direction. There ‘should be no lateral or torsional motion of the mold while lifting. Lift the mold off the conorete, a distance of 12 In. [300 mm, In 5 +/-2s. Complete the slump test, from the start of filing the mold through the removal of the mold, in 2-1/2 min, Ha decided falling away or shearing off of concrete from one side or portion of the ‘mass occurs, disregard the test and make a new test on another portion of the sample, Immediately measure the slump. This is the vortical distance between the top of the mold and the displaced original center of the top surface of the specimen. Report tho slump to the nearest 1/4 in. [5 mm]. 30 Para 7.3 Para 73 Para73 Para73 Para 74 Para 7.4 Para 84 SECTION 4 ASTM C138 ‘Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete Introduction The density test is a very important tool used to control the quality of freshly-mixed concrete. After a cconerete mix proportion has been established, a change in the conerete's density will indicate a change in one ‘oF more of the other concrete performance requirements. A lower density may indicate 1) that the materials have changed [lower specific gravity], 2) a higher air content, 2) a higher water content, 4) a change in the propor- tions of ingredients, and/or 6) a lower cement content. Conversely, the higher density would indicate tho reverse of the above-mentioned concrete characteristics. A lower density from the established concrete mix proportion will generally indicate an over-yield. This ‘means that the required cement content for a 27 cubic foot yard (1 cubic meter) is now diluted to produce a greater volume of concrete. Therefore, lower strengths are to be expected as well as a reduction of the other desirable qualities of the concrete. Ifthe reduction of the density of the concrete was due to an increase in air content, possibly the concrete will be more durable in its resistance to cycles of freezing and thawing, but the ‘strength, abrasion resistance, resistance to chemical attack, shrinkage, and cracking qualities of concrete will be adversely affected. ‘The density test must be used to control lightweight and heavyweight concretes. A change in density could adversely affect the pumpabilty, placeability,finishabilty, and strength of all types of concrete. Because the density test is so important to regulate the quality of concrete, it is very important that the test be conducted in accordance with the specified standard procedures. The exact volume of the container ‘must be known and after the sample of concrete Is struck off level, any concrete adhering to the outside of the container must be removed before weighing the sample. The density test can also be used to determine the air content (percentage of voids) of concrete, as long as the theoratical weight ofthe concrete computed on an airfree basis, (lb/ft or kg/m’), is known. The Standards which follow are reprinted with permission from ASTM International for use in conjunction with the American Conerete Institute Certification Program for Concrete Field Testing ‘Technician — Grade I. ‘The standard reprinted here is trom the 2007 ASTM Standards on Disc, Section 4, Volume 04.02, Concrete and Aggregates CD-ROM. ‘The ASTM Standards are also avallable as separate publications from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, (610) 832-9500. FIELD TESTING TECHNICIAN GRADE! at «ip Designation: C 138/C 138M - 01a Standard Test Method for none { Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete’ ‘ssid end wd fe isto C INC DM i enced lowing te desig ints te ya ‘tong pf becat ofery eer nein A eben probes Sener he er a aon ‘Rae cn tones a eat change cea et revi 9 earn ‘herd ee Bon pind foro by gla of th Deen of Eos 1. Seope * 1.1. This test method covers determination of the density (Gee Note 1) of feshly mixed concrete and gives formulas for calculating the yield, cement content, and air content of the concrec. Yield is defined as the volume of eonerete produced fiom a mixture of known quantities ofthe component materi- als, 1.2 The values state in ether inch-pound or SI units shall be regarded separately as standard, The SI units are shoven in brackets. The valves stated might not be exact equivalents; therefore exch system must be used independently ofthe other Nore 1—Unic weight was the previous teminology se to deseo the propery dsermined by this et method, Which is mas per uni oie. 1.3 The text of this test method references antes and fooinotos that provide explanatory information. These notes and foctnotes (excluding those in tabies) hall not be consid ered as requirements of this test method 2, Referenced Documents 21 ASTM Standard: {© 291C29M Test Method for Bulk Density (Unit Weight) ‘and Voids in Aggregate? C150 Spesifeation for Potand Cement? € 172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Contes? 188 Test Method for Density of Hydraulic Comen® C231 Test Mathod for Air Content of Freshly: Mixed Concrete by the Pressire Method? C670 Practice for Prepatng Precision and Bis Satents for Test Methods for Consvuction Materials? 3. Terminology 3.1 Symbols: "Th tet method is under te jnton of ASTM Commitee CO on crete nud CnereAgpgas td dee espnsty 0 Subcnaliee {ona on Fre Conse Tee ‘arnt ston apo Me. 10 2001. Paine May 2001. Ogealy hee 19838 kat pede den C1380 "tel a of ASN Stas, lB ea Bet of AST Stn, VB, sau air content (percentage of voids) in the concrete actual cement content, bie? oF kin? atin the bate, 1b ot kx it weight) of eonret, vt or ky? total mass ofall materials batched, Ib or kg (See Nowe 3) Inass ofthe measure filled with conorte, Ib or kg mass ofthe measur, Ib or kg relative yield theoretical density of the concrete computed on an altfce basis, Ib/@?o kg/n® (soe Note 2) = viel, volume of conerete produced per bath, yor X= volume of concrete whieh the batch was designed to produce, ye? or m? i Volume of conerete produoed per bath, total absolute volume of the component ingredients in the batch, ® or m? Vy, = volume of the measur, A or ‘Nowe 2—The hort deny, costa, a aboratay ete the val for wih Is assured el Constant fr al batches ing ident capone ingiedis and proportons. tis eaki- 7 RE xDQOR road Tike othe following eqns raw o “Tue abaoute volane of each ingredient in cable fet equal te the qustet of th mes of ha ingredient divided bythe prot of 3 Sele raity ines 624. The abeoie woke af ent ingredient 0 ‘ibiereres is equal othe mss the ingredient in lg vided by TOOD tines tr specie gravy. Foe the sparse copes, th balk pele grviy and rns shouldbe Basel othe sare, see) nto, Por cement cal pectic wavy shoul be dterined by “Test Meg © 18, A vahe 0 315 ina be use for eens pant ‘ured meet the requiemeisof Speen C150. ‘Note 3--The wl ace of sll teria Dlched is the sun ofthe nse fe camat the fine azgreg inte orton wd he conse ‘sre inthe condition used te xing wate ot the batch, a sy other snd or Tigi meters wad 4. Apparatus A. Balance~A bslnnce or sale accurate to 0.1 1 [45 g] oF to within 0.3 % of the test load, whichever is grates, at any point within the range of use. The range of use shall be 43 of Changes sao appears athe end af hs standard. om A406 Hat i Ht eh A IDE, nn ib ¢ 138/¢ 138M considered to extend from the mass of the messure empty io the mass of the measure plus is contents at 160 Ib/A? [2600 ky “42 Taping Rod—A round, stright steet rod, 9 in, (16 ‘nm in ciameter and approximately 24 in. [600 mea in Kena, having the tamping end rounded to @ hemisphetical tip the diameter of which is in 43 Internal Vibyator—Intornal vibrators may have vigid ot flexible shafts, preferably powered by electric motors. The fiequency of vibratian shall be 7000 vibrations per minute or ‘cater while in use. The outside diameter or the side dimen- ‘sion ofthe vibrating cloment shall be atleast 0.75 i [19 mam} and not greater than 1,50 in, (38 mm. The length of the shaft shall be atleast 24 in, (600 mn}. 44 Measure—A cylindtial container nade of steel or other suitable metal (ee Note 4). The minimum capacity of the ‘measure shall conform tothe requirements of Table 1 based on the nominal siz of aggregate in the concrete to be tested. All measures, except for measuring bowls of air metets which are also used for Test Method 138 tests, shall confoum to the requirements of Test Method € 29/0 29M, When measuring bows of air meters are used, they shall confoe to. the requirements of Test Method C231, and shal be calibrated for ‘volume as described in Test Method € 29/C 29M. The top rim ‘of the air meter bowls shall be smooth and plane within 0.01 i [0.3 mm] (Gee Note 5), [Non 4~The metal shout not be eal subj to aac by oorent paste However restive ri uch a lenin loys iy be wet In instances whereas 9 consequence aan nial wat safe fm i rapidly fomed whieh tet the weal sina ete eros ‘Nowe 5—Thetnp rim Sater phe M01 [0] fer ge cannot be inset! between th am and a pste of Yi, (6 ot tek ate gs lad over he top ofthe menue 45 Swike-Of Plafe—A flat rectangular metal plate a least ‘4 in [6 my thick ora glass or erylie plate at least in, [12 with a length and width at least 2 in. (50 mm] im the diameter of the measure with which iis tobe sed, Tho edges ofthe plate shal be stiaight ad smooth within a tolerance of Ys in. (2 mm 46 Maliee—A mallet (with a rubber or rawhide hesd) having a mass of 1.25 + 0,50 Mb [600 + 200 g) for use with smoasuies of 0.5 [14 L} or smaller, and a mallet having inass of 2.25 + 0,50 Ib [1000 + 200 g] for use with measures Tanger than 0.5 W° a the sample of Feshly mixed ecnerete in accor- TABLE 1 Capacly of Measures eine in Som ‘Soe hee (Cepaaty ot Mec ms a © 4 70 oF ° be as oe 4 3 ra to & Tite ead aan of esas sol bo wed Wo bat cai cing Alves athe mova staan 9 of pon ole ed dance with Practice C 172. 6, Procedure 6.1 Base the selection ofthe method of consolidation en the slump, unless the method is stated in the specifications under Which the work is being performed, The methods of consol dation are adding a bration, Rod concrete with @ slump greater than3 in. [75 mm], Rod or vibrate coneroto with slump of I to3 in [25 to 75 mm. Consolidate conerotes with 4 shump less than I in, by vibsation Nowe 6—Noaplais conte, sich as i commonly osed in the smaricie of pipe at unit masonry, sot cover by his es method 62 Roding —Place the concrete in the measure in thee layers of approximately equal volume. Rod each layer with 25, strokes of the tamping rod when nominal 0.540" (14-L] o sunaller measures are used, 50 stokes when nominal 1-8? [28-L] meacures are used, nd one stroke per 3 in? [20 ern ‘of surface for larger measures. Rod the bottom layer through= ‘ut its depth but the 10 shall not forcibly strike the botiom of | the measure. Distribute the strokes uniformly over the cross section of the measure and for the top two layers, penetrato about | in. [25 mim into the underlying layer. After each layer is rodded, tap the sides ofthe measure 10 to 15 vimes with the appropriate mallet (see 4.6) using such force so as to close any voids eft by the taping rod and to release any large bubbles of sit that may have been trapped. Addl the final layer 30 98 0 avoid overiling. {63 Internal Fibration—Fill and vibrate the measure in two ‘approximately equal layers. Place all ofthe concrete for each layer in the measure before stating vibration of that layer. Insert the vibrator at three different points for each layet, In ‘compacting the bottom layer, do net allow the vibrator to test ‘0n of touch the bottom or sides ofthe measure. In compact the final layer, the vibrator shall penetimte layer approximately 1 in, 25 mm}. Take care thatthe vibeaor is withdrawn in such a manner that no air pockes ae lei in the specimen. The duration of vibration required will depend upon the workability of the concrete and the effectiveness of the vibrator (see Note 7). Continue vibration only long enough to achieve proper consolidation of the eonorete (see Note 8). Observe constant duration of vibration for the particular of concrete, vibrator, an measure involved. Nowe 7—Usualy saci vibration has baenapliod 98 soon the snfce of the conte becomes relaelysmoath Nowe B~-Overvieatin nay ens sopiogation sd los of pprcinbt> ‘qn of intetonallyettibd at 64 On completion of consolidation the measure must not contain a substantial excess or deficiency of concrete. An excess of concrete protruding approximately ‘4 in. [3 ma} above the top of the mold is optimum. A small quantity of concrete may be added to coreat a defcieney. Ifthe messure contins a great excess of conerete at completion of consoli- Galion, remove a tepresentative poston of the excess concrete with « trowel or scoop immediatly following completion of consolidation and before the measure is struck of. 65 Sirite-Off After consolidation, stike-off the top su face of the concrete and finish it smoothly with the flat strike-off plate using grea care to leave the measure just level Gh c 138/¢ 138M full, The tvike-off is best accomplished by pressing the strike-of plate onthe top surface ofthe measure ro cover about ‘ove thirds of the surface and withdrawing the plate with a ‘awving motion to finish only the ares originally covered. Then place the plate onthe top ofthe measure to cover the original two thirds ofthe eurfac and advance it with a vertical pressure anda sawing motion to cover the whole surface of the measure ‘and continue to advance it until it slides completely off the measure. Several final strokes with the inclined edge of the plato will produce a smooth finished surface. 66 Cleaning and Weighing —After strike-off, clean all x- ‘ess concrete from the exterior of the measure and determine the mass ofthe eonerete and measure to an accuracy consistent with the requirements of 4. 17. Caleulation 71 Density (Unit Weight)—Caleulate the wet mass of the ‘conterete ia pounds or kilograms by suberactng the mass ofthe miensute, Sy, fhor the mass of the measure filled with conecret 1M, Caleulate the density, D, 9 or ye?,by dividing the net mass of conerete by the volume of the measure, V, a8 follows: D= tht, My ° 72 Veld—Caleulate the void as follows: ya) = aox 2m ” Dua) = ABD © 73 Relative Yield—Relative yield isthe ratio of the actual volume of conerote obtained to the volume 2s designed fo the batch (Ge0 Note 9) calculated as follows: Bem, o Nore 9A yale for greater tan 1.00 jnsicstes an exces of ‘onca being produced whee wae les an this ines he tc to boston” of se designed volume, I etic, 8 ato of ye in cubic feet per cubic yan of design conceive Trea WS, fe example, 273 74 Cement Coment—Caleulate the actual cement eon 4 follows: cna © 75 dlr Content-—Caleulate the air content as follows: A= lr ~ DVT} 100 o A= [UY MF 100 Ge pound eis) o Am (= 19M} 100 (SLs) ° 8. Precision and Bias 8.1 The following estimates of precision fortis test method ae based on collection of data from various locations by the ‘National Ready Mixed Concrete Association The data repre: seat concrete mixtures with slamp ra t© 150 mm] and density ranging om 2483 kg/m] and included airentrained and non siren ‘concrete, The study was conducted using 0.25 8° [7-1] and 05S AY [14-L] measures. 8.1.1 Single-Operaior Precsion—The single operator stan- ard deviation of density of freshly mixed concrete has been found to be 0.65 Ibi? [10.4 kghn’] (1s). Therefore, results of to properly conducted by the seme operuor on the sane saample of concrete should not differ by more than 1.85 1b? [29.6 kg/m) (42s). 8.1.2 Mult-Operator Precision—The muiti-operator st dari deviation of density of freshly mixed concrete has been Found to be 0.82 Ih/M* [13.1 yn? (I). Therefore, results of to properly conducted tess by the two operators on the same sample of concrete should not differ by more than 2.31 Ib? [37.0 keh] (425). {8.2 Bia—This tot method ins no bias since the density is defined only in terms of this test method, 9, Keywords 9.1 ai content; cement content; concrete; relative yields, weight; yield Milos G. Ml, NRMCANAA Jit Rese Lab Stay “Serr 34 cou of Cnet Baty Te.” Fe 17,2000 SUMMARY OF CHANGES This setion identifies the location of changes to this test method that have Leen incorporated since the lat (1) Designation was revived Q) Title was revised G) Paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 were revised. G) Note | and pavagraph 1.3 were added. Subsequent notes ‘were renumbered. @) Seation 2 was updated () Section 3 was renamed “Terminology” and revised. (© Patngrapis 4.14.6 were revised (2) Paragraphs 6.1-5.6 were revised (8) Equation in Section 7 were revised. (9) Paragraphs 7.1-7.5 were revised (10) Paragraph 8.1 was revised 34 i) c 138/c 138M The American Social for Tosting and Materials takes no postion cespocting the vali of any patont rlghts assorted in commaction with any item mentioned inthis standard. Usors of ths standard are expressly acvsed thal dotcrminalion ofthe vas of any such ppotont rights, and the risk of iningement of such ighs, aro ontiely ther own responsibil. This standard fs subject to revision at any time by the responsible technica committee and must bo reviewed every five years and not ravised, ether reapproved or wilhéranm. Your comments aro invited ether fe revision ofthis standard or for atonal standards ‘and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your commients wil receive caret consideration at a mooting ofthe responsibie {echnical cammitee, which you may attend. you fe! that your comments Neve not recsived far heaving you should make your views known fo the ASTM Commiioe on Standards, at tho adress shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2060, Unitad States Include! reprints (single or multcle copes) ofthe standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM a tho above address or at (610-832-9505 (phone), 610-832-0556 (ex), or (o-mal); or tough the ASTM websle ( 36 1 3. 10. 1. 2, 18. 14, 18, 16. 1". 18. 19, STUDY QUESTIONS ASTM C138 Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete ‘The diameter of the tamping rod used in this test method is_. ‘What is the required shape of the tamping end of the rod? What is the required minimum frequency of the vibrator used in this test method? ‘The outside diameter or side dimension of the vibrating element must be at least than but not greater Aplastic container can be used for the measure in this method. True or False? ‘What is the minimum thickness of a metal strike-off plate? ‘What is the minimum thickness for a glass or acrylic strike-off plate? ‘What Is the specified weight of the mallet used on measures that are 0.5 ft [14 L] or smaller? ‘Measures other than alr meter bowls used for this test must conform to ASTM _. Air meter bowis used for this test must conform to ASTM _and be calibrated for volume according toASTM__. ‘The concrete sample must be obtained in accordance with what ASTM method? ‘What method of consolidation must be used when the slump is greater than 3 in. {75 mm]? What method of consolidation must be used when the slump is less than 1 in. [25 mm]? If rodding is the method of consolidation being used, the measure must be filled in how many layers? For a measure of 0.5 ft [14 L], what is the required number of strokes of the tamping rod for consolida- ion of each layer? In roddling the middle and the top layers, the tamping rod should penetrate into the previous layer about If vibration Is the method of consolidation, the measure must be filled in layers. approximately equal If, after consolidation of the final layer, the concrete level is 1/2 in, (13 mm) above the top of the measure, what should be dono? After consolidation of the final layer, an excess of concrete ___above the top of the measure Is con- sidered optimum. After completing the strike-off procedure, what must be done before weighing the measure and sample? i ee Se ee Se CeCe SSE ee Ser eae ee ere ee eRe eee ee eC eee ee 21. Density (Unit Weight) Calculation Known: Volume of measure = 0.604 ft? [14.27 L or 0.01427 m*] Mass of empty measure = 19.6 Ib [8.89 kg] ‘The procedures of Method C138 are followed, and the mass of the measure plus the concrete Is found to be 92:1 Ib [41.77 kg]. Calculate the density of the concrete in lb/ft? [kg/m]. 22. Yield Calculations For a design batch of 7 ye [6.36 mil, the total mass of all materials batched was 27,900 Ib [12,988 ke]. Using the density of the concrete as determined in Question 24, calculate: €@) The yield per batch ft* b) The yield per batch in yd" ©) The yield in mn? ) The yield per cubic yard in ft'/yd* Notes: The formula for yield in ft? has been removed in this version of C138, but has been retained here for Information purposes only. Also, the expression of yield as ft"/yd? is an industry practice in some regions where inch- pound units aro used, is not expressed as such in ASTM C138, and has no metric counterpart; it is provided for informational purposes only. 23. Rolative Yield Calculation Using the information given and calculated in Question 22, calculate the relative yield for the batch of concrete. 24, Air Content Calculation Your air meter has been damaged in transit to the job site. You do, however, possess the theoretical density that was determined in the lab; itis 151.4 lb/ft? (2425 kg/m’), Using the density calculated in Question 21, calculate the alr content of the batch (in percentage). Answers to study questions are included in Appendix E a7 CONCRETE FIELD TESTING TECHNICIAN — GRADE | ASTM C138 Density (Unit Weight), Yield and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Conerete Following is a summary of the key steps involved in determining the unit weight of concrete. This summary le derived from the actual checkiist used in the ACI performance examination. It can be used to familiarize yourself with the basic procedures of this method before proceeding with your study of the ASTM Standard itself. However, this summary is not intended to take the place of your complete study of the ASTM Standard. Reference Paragraph 1. Determine the mass (tb or kg) of the empty measure to be used. Para. 74 2. Place the concrete in the measure in three layers of approximately equal volume. For the first layor, a) fill the measure to approximately 1/3 of its volume. Para. 6.2 b) rod the layor 26 times throughout its depth but not forcibly striking the bottom of the measure. Distribute the roddings uniformly over the cross section of the measure. Para. 6.2 ©) tap the outside of the measure 10 to 15 times with the mallet to close voids left by the tamping rod. Para. 6.2 3. For the second layer, @) fill the measure to approximately 2/3 of its volume. Para. 6.2 bb) rod the layer 25 times, penetrate the first layer about 1 in. [26 mm, distribute the roddings uniformly over the cross section of the measure. Para. 6.2 ©) tap the outside of the measure 10 to 15 times with the mallet to close voids left by the tamping rod. Para, 6.2 4, For the third layer, @) add material so as to avoid overtiling. Para, 6.2 1b) rod the layer 25 times, penetrate the second layer about 1 in. [25 mm], distribute the roddings uniformly over the cross section of the measure, Para. 6.2 ©) tap the outside of the measure 10 to 15 times with tho mallet to close voids left by the tamping rod. Para. 6.2 5. After consolidating the third layer, an approximate 1/8 in. [3 mm] of excess concrete above the top of the measure Is considered optimal. Representative material can be added or removed as needed prior to strike-off. Para. 6.4 6, Strike-of the top surface of the concrete and finish it smoothly with the flat strike-off plate, leaving the measure just level full. Para. 6.5 38 BEEEHEOOOGEEEELSOGSS@g#EESUS00505/0008005000200000051 0000055 cet U000=EESt0SU0G==ReHZUNsE5RcEU]]0Se85¢05q:ess5¢00 Ul ;eSeStNSU;eSeS¢SUNE>SRSStHEnuseseed! EUEPseeeteanel 7. Completely clean the exterior of the measure and determine the mass (lb or kg) of the ‘measure filled with concrete, 8. Calculate the density (unit weight) of the concrete (Ib/tt” or kg/m’) and record the result. Para. 6.6 Para. 741

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