7 Slang Dating

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To hit on - to express romantic interest; to express attraction

I dont know if hes always this flirty, or if hes really hitting on me specifically.
If you really want to hit on her, just go and give her a compliment - its not hard!
To make out - to french-kiss; to kiss passionately
I thought Jen was dating Sam, but I saw her make out with another guy today. Crazy!
You can travel together, but dont hold hands or make out in public - people are traditional here.
To dump- to break up with someone; to end a relationship
Thats it, Im dumping him - I cant believe he left his socks in the corridor again!
I would never dump someone over the phone - you have to do things like that in person.
A player - a man who dates lots of women, especially if its through manipulation or lying
Be careful, this guys a player - I see him here with new girls all the time.
He acts like a player, but hes really very shy.
A man-eater - a woman who manipulates men, or dates them without emotion
What a man-eater! This is the 5th bouquet of flowers I see her get this week.
Shes a great friend, but dont date her - shes a man-eater. You might get hurt.
A turn-on - something that we find attractive
I think tattoos are very attractive; theyre a huge turn-on.
A turn-off - something thats unattractive
I think tattoos are a turn-off - they make me think of prisons and needles.
I know vampires are popular, but I find the idea of a cold and lifeless partner to be a turn-off.
To have a crush on - to develop feelings or attachment for someone
Oh my god, is that Greg? Ive had a crush on him since high school!
Well, Im sorry Im dating him, but how was I supposed to know you have a crush on him?!
Date night - an evening or other period of time assigned to romantic activities
Sorry, I cant join you guys today - its date night for me and my wife. Were going bowling!
Tomorrows date night - wear your best suit!
To ask someone out - to ask someone on a date
Is she single? I want to ask her out but Im really scared.

New Words
Take a look at the words below and match the synonyms!
1. To hit on
2. To make out

8. Date night
9. To have a crush on
10. To ask out

I. To kiss


Complete The Text

Complete the text using the words from the exercise above to complete the story! Change the form if necessary.



Synonym Match Answers

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