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As educators, parents, caregivers or anyone else who works with children, it is our

responsibility and moral obligation to make sure that every child in our care is and feels safe,
healthful and nurtured so that his or her development flourishes. It is also our duty to teach
children good habits and model the most appropriate positive health, nutrition, and safety
behaviors so that they can not only implement them as children but also them carry over into
their adult lives. Because public attention is gradually shifting from a mode of dependency
on the medical profession for treating diseases and chronic illnesses to a realization that
individuals must assume some personal responsibility for their well-being (Marotz, 2012, p.
2), we must instill the importance of health and wellness in our children in order to do our
best to prevent them from falling sick and putting themselves in dangerous situations that can
compromise their safety.
It is also crucial to note that that health, safety, and nutritionespecially of childrenare
interrelated and the status of each has a direct effect on the quality of the others. (Marotz,
2012, p. 7) Children who get inadequate sleep, for example, tend to be more at risk of getting
in dangerous situations or too tired to participate in physical activity, which children need on
a regular basis in order to be healthy and avoid illnesses like childhood diabetes. Other factors
that must be considered when attempting to promote optimal health and safety are childrens
diverse cultural background and socioeconomic status.
This handbook was created to serve as a guide for educators to refer to in order to provide
a high-quality, safe, healthy environment and experience for every single child in their
classroom, regardless of background or ability. For the purpose of this course, the manual is
for Astoria Bilingue a unique inclusive, (made up) private French dual language elementary
school in Astoria, New York whose mission is to provide children from various backgrounds

and abilities an excellent, progressive education in French and English regardless of

socioeconomic status. Students whose families are unable to afford the school are given
excellent financial aid and reward packages. The small inclusive school consists of integrated
co-teaching classes from pre-school through the fifth grade. Each class is home to no more
than twenty students, a general education and special education teacher, and up to three
teaching assistants for a 1:4 teacher to student ratio.
Astoria Bilingue prides itself on a holistic, comprehensive approach to education.
Academics and education are importantbut so are other aspects of childrens development
such as their creativity, well being, and health. The children are served nutritious meals and
snacks throughout the day (or have the option to bring these in from home) so it is important
to have rules and guidelines for food preparation so that children are not only eating healthful
food but also food that is prepared adequately so that they do not become sick They also
participate in movement and exercise activities daily, both outdoors (weather permitting) and
indoors so it is imperative that procedures be in place to ensure safety as well was measures to
take in the case of an accident. The handbook exists to address all of these matters so that
teachers, administrators, and families all work together to ensure a high quality environment
for children to thrive in.
As Nelson Mandela once said, The true character of society is revealed in how it treats its
children. Children are the face and future of our societywithout special care for their
health, safety, happiness, and all around growth (physical, emotional, and academic), society
would crumble.

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