Day 25

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To do list:
Checkpoint Charlie
East Side Gallery
Central Church with dome
Alexander Plaza/Sony Center
Berlin Bears
Museum Island
Doner day
Hotel check out
Train to Hamburg
Berlin smells like... blasts of sewage air around city can be
Chocolate bears
Souvenir shop examples of merchandise tourist culture (what
does popular society value or regard as important in city)
Upper class stores strip Versace, Louis Vutton, Pandora, Porshe,
Volkswagen, Marc O Polo, etc. (high fashion, glass display boxes
on sidewalks)
Paying for use of bathroom/attendant (.5 -1 euro) not my favorite
practice in Germany
Cultural interactions reflection
Meeting and talking with people in Hamburg and Berlin
Berlin people like bears dont touch them, angry/dangerous if
Experts/fluent in sarcasm: can you help with directions? (yes) (German buddies and Tomas K.)
Typical Berlin responses: less inclined to immediately help with clear directions to places may
answer questions with questions and comments; How to get to zoo: as what animal?) the
door is locked? of course it is, you are not supposed to go up there that direction is up
(rooftop place/parking deck)
Friendly, international tchuss!!!
Vagrancy and trains discomforting; speeches and passing around hats, ethical dilemma how
to assist people in poverty?
Hotel workers German/language
Tourism industry more prominent in Berlin than Hamburg lots of shops, guided bus tours
Coffee/ice cream shop: Can you recommend place to watch the Berlin-Munich football game
no, dont watch/follow futbol.
Unknown reason why symbol is a bear people who say they know are lying...
Tomas K professional tour guide; also works for government Angie, historian (Potsdam,
Joke at bus station; fast moving persons in bike lanes and pedestrians = organ donors
Travelling with groups patience/safety; can be trying at times; difficulties with
decisions/different priorities or organization; unpredictable weather, need flexibility; experiencing
everyday life in Berlin
- may have learned more from unfamiliar; going with group and not going to museums; new
places/situations; breaking with highly organized structures and planning in advance

Travelling Berlin emphasizes the importance of

public transportation, railways, buses as essential
Representation one person one vote; compromise
- any regrets?: missed Museum Island, trip to
Wittenburg, and Berlin magnet (otherwise
satisfied/accomplished) can look at online/share
stories with UNC student teachers
- lot to process from 3 days
Cognitive dissonance and reasoning for closure
edTPA returned more evidence of differentiation,
students appear less engaged in class from 2 10
minute video clips; upsetting and not pleasing,
thinking of ways to amend in short time frame
Tiring naps on train and after return
Plans for return trip to US; last week in Germany;
transition to graduation and teaching in NC
Hotel shop (Noir mug) + postcards
Bus 100 route with Alex, Aundrea, Libby - sights of
city sites
Joshs card collection places/things to experience
around Berlin from Hotel (English/German summary
Church dome, TV tower
The Pregnant oyster a concert hall; parks
U-Bahn, S-Bahn and Bus
Accordion music in station
Train station arm stuck in doors, narrow escape, Alex stranded on train until next station
Checkpoint Charlie U.S. Soviet occupation zones
Potsdamer Plaza Sony Building
Schockolade and warm apple streusel
Ampermann (Traffic Signal Man) Store (: branding label on
East Side Gallery

Thierry Noir Paintings

Currywurst best in Germany according to Libbys host mom (verdict while good, German
sausages are not Joshs favorite German food)
Berlin Central Station (HBF) pleasant surprise/good fortune to find doner and soccer store in
Berlin 2 items off checklist!

Central station model

Durum Doner Turkish, carved slices of meat, lettuce,
tomatoes, sauce wrap or kebap; tastes like Mediterranean
Hertha BSC store
Train ride home to Hamburg, slight delays - [people in the
TTIP is Hope (magazine with political cartoon)
Turmoil lots of stimuli in short amount of time (Berlin, a
large city); emotionally exhausting to an extent plenty to think about and plan for future
Appreciate experiencing trip with friends Alex, Hannah, Ashley, Kara, Aundrea, Libby, Betsy,
Dinner potatoes, salmon/spinach lasagna, bratwurst, carrots, peas, vegetables
Host family visited Berlin before 3-4 years ago also saw Bundestag, Potsdam, Berlin Wall
Andrea train delayed, arrived later than expected (explanation police stopped line, searching
for suspects)
Cold day with light rain/snow long walk to palace
Staying warm peppermint tea; heater, warm socks,
Brandenburg Bridge (Berliner Tor) gate symbolizes division (and unification of Berlin before
and after the war)
Virtual Museum Island tours
Berlin - can be a bit pricey

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