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Reflection about Feedback from your observation

(This form may be used to reflect on one or two of your observations note on
portfolio checklist sheet)

Teacher Candidate for Science Endorsement: __Patricia DiantoUcciferri_____

Observer: Debbie Parrinello
School: Pitner E.S.

Grade: 4

Lesson Topic(s): Owl Pellet Dissection

Write a brief summary based on the feedback you received from
teaching the lesson when you were observed.

What went well? What did not go well? (Cite specific


Students were able to use scientific inquiry to dissect an owl pellet and
then draw on their observations to make a scientific prediction as to
what produced the pellet. (students did know what they were
dissecting ahead of time) The lesson should have been a little longer
time wise due to the fact that students needed more time to conduct
some research on their iPads.

Based on the feedback you received, reflect how this

enabled you to see your lesson in a new way.

I was able to get confirmation regarding what I was doing correctly.

I try to incorporate scientific inquiry with all my lessons. Also, I have
never observed anyone else doing any type of lesson with owl
pellets. I was able to receive feedback from an actual science

As a result of your observation, when you have the

opportunity to re-teach this lesson, what will you do
differently (strategies, teaching tools, assessments, etc.)
to improve student learning for all students?

I will allow more time for students to conduct their research. I will also
incorporate their science journals with vocabulary. This was a kick off

for their unit. I would go back and add a vocabulary piece. Since I am
in the STEM lab, vocabulary work could be something they work on in
their classroom later with their teacher.

Optional: Other comments?

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