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October 3rd, 1932



NY Governor Favored To Win Election

With the Democratic Party in

shambles, New York governor
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is sure
to win. The country grows
increasingly angry at President
Hoover, and his chances of winning
are looking even grimmer with
each passing week. The citizens,
have begun to turn ordinary objects
into political
tools. Newspapers have
been reduced to Hoover
blankets. Shantytowns constructed from the
scrounging for materials have been
named Hoovervilles. If Hoover has any
chance of winning in this election, he needs
to do something big.

determination not to enter into

debt is only equaled by his belief
the economic problems of today
will fix themselves. In last weeks
speech, he said, It gives positive
assurance to business and industry
that the Government will keep out
of the money market and allow
industry and agriculture to borrow
the monies required for the
conduct of business. Meaning,
our President still has no intention
reducing the pensions of largely
of contributing to our flailing economy
unemployed veterans equaling about 55
desperately in need of supplementation from
million dollars. The American people dont the government.
need a balanced budget; they need to get
jobs, keep them, and get paid so they can
With the current policy path, the incoming
feed their families. Millions of people are Republican candidate, Franklin Delano
starving to death, children illegally ride
Unfortunately for him, big plans do not
Roosevelt has very little chance of losing.
appear to be in the books. Last week, he
Roosevelt, former New York governor and
gave an address to the American people
Senator, has had some success with recovery
the country like snow that will never melt, programs in his home state, including
regarding the balancing of the budget in
which he described cuts to the Departments and yet, the President is still concerned with public-works programs, subsidies, and food
of Agriculture and Navy. These cuts include cutting the budgets of departments just to lines. His speeches have promised to take
make sure we have a balanced budget. His

action for the American public, which is

Roosevelt has been greeted with enthusiasm. planning to vote will more than likely cast
something we have not seen in the last four As Election Day draws closer, those
their ballot for Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
years. While on the campaign trail,

Yankees Win the World Series in Four
Gavin Bruening
The Yankees of New York took game four York players who knew him well especially
yesterday against the Cubs of Chicago, but the Babe.
not without controversy. 2 years ago Joe
Game one was close until in the
McCarthy was unjustly fired by
Chicago after winning 90 games and coming 6th inning when the Yankees put together 5
in second place of the 92 and 62 Cardinals. runs to go up 8-2; Ruffing would go all the
After that Joe McCarty was picked up by the way and the Yankees finished out the first
game 12 to 6. Game two was a low
New York Yankees and this year led his
team to a World Series, though that was not scoring affair in which both Gomez
all. Mark Koeing, a former member of the and Warneke would go the distance and the
New York club, joined the Cubs near the end Yankees managed to capitalize for 2 runs in
of the season and batted a fabulous .353 in the 1st and 3rd innings to win the game 5 to
33 games to help the Cubs of Chicago
overcome the Pittsburg club. In spite of
this, Koeing was only voted half of a share The third game was when the controversy
by Chicago. This led to outrage by the New came to a head. The game was tied at

four for both clubs in the 5th inning with

Ruth at bat. Root's first pitch was a strike
taken by Babe Ruth. The strike zone was
missed with the next two offerings from
Root, then the next pitch was taken by Ruth.
After this, Ruth raised his hand and waved it
towards the stands as if he was saying "I'm
going to knock it out of here!" The next
pitch by Root was hit out of the park and
into the stands silencing the fans in the
stadium. The Yankees would go on to win 7
to 5. In the final game of the season, after
the excitement of the 3rd game, game 4 was
a letdown with the Yankees blowing out the
Cubs 12 to 6.

Marx Brothers's Best Movie Yet
Laura Stanton
Last night the Marx Brothers's new movie, Horse Feathers, hit
help the university win a football game against their rival
the screens and was a smashing success. In
school. Although the story line is very simplistic
this film, the new president
the Marx Brothers jazzed it up with their classic comedy and
of Huxley University, played by Groucho,
musical numbers. In this reporter's opinion I believe this is one
hires two buffoons, Harpo and Chico, to
of the best comedies to hit the screen this year.

Local News
Crazy Migrant Worker Kills Employer's Wife
Laura Stanton
On September 15, Lennie Small killed the wife of his superior,
Curley Tyler. She was found dead inside the barn
on the Tyler ranch along with a puppy; both were
strangled. Lennie Small was killed on sight by his fellow
coworker and caregiver, George Milton.
Many of Small's coworkers say that he was prone to violence due
to his lack
of intelligence. Small was also responsible for assaulting a woman
in Weed a few weeks prior. Four days before the death
of Curley's wife, Lennie fractured Curley's hand. However, Slim,
his overseer, said Lennie's actions were shocking. "Lennie was
usually very kind and was a great worker." Curley Tyler has
decided not to fire George for the actions of Lennie Small.

Gavin Bruening
America, the "land of the free". It is a
extra, if he
keep us going. A bright hope for
common adage, but truly today, the
has any.
the future, the idea that everything
majority of Americans are slaves to a
This man
can get better. Without dreams we
dream. A dream of actually becoming rich
will still
have nothing. We must continue to
enough to gain a spot of land. A dream of continue to try to find work. This man has a dream of a better place and a better time. If
not being a wage slave to another man.
dream, and will continue to work to live
we do not, it will never come. We must be
People continue to work, searching after
that dream. Everyone knows though, that
slaves to our dreams, if we continue to
this dream. A man who was not well off
this dream is unlikely to be lived out, but
work for them we can succeed. Although
before the depression is now floating from that man must continually keep fighting for
America and its people are down in the
farm to farm doing what work he can for
that dream. We all must continue to fight dumps today, we must continue to hope live
tin. In the end that man will have little
for our dreams. These are the things that
and work for tomorrow.

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