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When completed please forward to the Crown attorney's office.

Name of victim:

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Pol ice Incident Number: _.L>o\5-<;!-=8"--'-IS==t--'-L-=-

Date of Offence:
Police agency the incident was reported to.,
Charges (if known):

\:{ordf - &td d~Qye..eJ .

Name of offender (if known):


Town, city or community where the incident occurred:

Relationship to the oflender (if any): - - - - - -


You can ask to read your statement in court. If you would like to do so, please
check the following box:

D I wish to read my statement aloud in court.

Please Note: The court will be informed if you wish to read your Victim Impact Statement in court; however, if you are not
present at the hearing, sentencing will proceed,

If you are not the direct victim, please indicate why you have completed
this statement and your relationship to the victim.


Rt>V'illc\ ~y)\(lS,


Relationship 'to the victim:

~~ of h\s fum\\~


Reason: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ces renseignements sont eqalernent offerts en francais.

When we lost our aile & only

shattered. He was



Miles Manias, we were very devastated and

father, son, brother, uncle, nephew and a friend to many.

From that dav he died, our life WClS heartbreaking which we struggle every day.

Our life had changed completely. This loss disrupted our regular everyday life,
sleepless nights, changed our eating habits, felt isolated, loneliness &
sadness is enormous, you sometimes feel like a half person because' of the crime.
I, the mother suffered from a minor stroke and going to work everv day seems

like sometimes you're not even there.

I was out of work for three weeks.


have been struggling with pain, emotional hardship everyday, We loved him very

Om frHnily has been attending counselling to deal with our grief & loss.

Miles Manias, our son was compassionate, caring, humorous & kind person
despite of his own struggles with life. His sibling and nieces & nephews had big

plans for him this summer to have cook-outs & barbeques as he had passion of

know that it will take sometime to walk through our healing journey. The

memorv of our


Miles Monias will never be forgotten but will always have

fond memories of him. We also know that.he is in a better place so rest in peace,

mv 5011.

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