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READING Reading is tested in the third section on both the paper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test. This section consists of reading passages followed by a number of questions. The paper and the computer reading sections are similar in the following ways: * the types of passages © the language skills tested * the ordering of the questions The paper and the computer reading sections are different in the following ways: the types of questions the number of questions the amount of time the strategies and procedures READING ON THE PAPER TOEFL® TEST On the paper TOEFL test, the third section is called Reading Comprehension. This section consists of five passages and fifty questions (although some tests may be longer). You have fifty-five minutes to complete the fifty questions in this section. There is only one type of question in the Reading Comprehension section of the paper TOEFL test: Multiple-Choice questions ask you to select the best answer to questions about the information given in the reading passages. A multiple-choice question on the paper test may ask about the main ideas, directly answered details, indirectly answered details, vocabulary, or overall review ideas. The questions on the paper test are presented in linear order. The passages progress from easy to difficult, and the questions are presented in the order in which they appear in the passage. GENERAL STRATEGIES FOR READING (Paper TOEFL Test) |. Be familiar with the directions. The directions on every paper TOEFL test are the same, So it is not necessary to spend time reading the directions carefully when you take the test. You should be completely familiar with the directions before the day of the test. . Do not spend too much time reading the passages. You do not have time to read each passage in depth, and it is quite possible to answer the questions correctly without first reading the passages in depth. OVERVIEW (Paper and Computer) 359 READING 3. Do not worry if a reading passage is on a topic you are unfamiliar with. All of the information that you need to answer the questions is included in the passages. You do not need any background knowledge to answer the questions. . Do not spend too much time on a question you are unsure of. If you do not know the answer to a question, simply guess and go on. You can return to this question later in the section if you have time. Guess to complete the section before time is up. There is no penalty for guessing, so it can only increase your score to guess the answers to questions that you do not have time to complete. Now look at a reading passage from the paper TOEFL test, followed by a number of multiple-choice questions. Example from the Paper TOEFL Test Obsidian is a distinctive type of igneous rock that forms asa result of the melting of deep crustal granite rocks into magma. Because of the speed at which the magma cools, Line crystallization does not occur, and a solid, shiny, volcanic, (5) glasslike rock results. Most commonly a solid, shiny black in color, obsidian can also take on a golden or silvery sheen or be striped in a rainbow of hues. Obsidian is generally found in small outcrops, though large masses of it can be found in a few notable locations. Two (10) such sites are the giant Valles Caldera in New Mexico, where the obsidian flows are hundreds of feet thick, and the Glass Buttes in Oregon, which are composed entirely of obsidian. Because of its properties, obsidian was prized in many ancient cultures. Obsidian is easily worked into shapes with (15) razor-sharp edges even sharper than the edges formed from flint and was thus used in the production of simple hunting weapons. It can also be polished to an extremely high luster and was thus held in a high regard in a number of cultures as a semiprecious stone in jewelry and other embellishments. Now look at the first question, which is a multiple-choice question that asks about a direct detail from the passage. 1. What is stated in the passage about obsidian? (A) Itresults from rapidly cooling magma. (B) Itis crystalline. (C)_Itisa sedimentary rock. (D) Ithasa dull finish. INTRODUCTION (Paper and Computer) 36! To answer this question, you should find the part of the passage that states that because of the speed at which the magma cools, crystallization does not occur, and a solid, shiny, volcanic, glass-like rock results. From this, it can be determined that obsidian results from rapidly cooling magma, and that it is not crystalline, that it is a volcanic rather than sedimentary rock, and that it has a shiny finish rather than a dull finish. Answer (A) is therefore the best answer to this question. Now look at the second question, which is a multiple-choice question that asks about a vocabulary word from the passage. 2. The word “sites” in line 10 is closest in meaning to (A) pieces (B) layers (C) places (D) distances To answer this question, you should find the word sites in line 10 in the passage and read the context around it. The passage mentions a few notable locations and two such sites. From this context, you can determine that sites is close in meaning to locations, or places. Answer (C) is therefore the best answer to this question. Now look at the third question, which is a multiple-choice question that asks you to infer an indirect detail from the passage. 3, It can be inferred from the passage that obsi likely have been used to make (A) spear (B) an arrowhead (C) aring (D) abel The passage states that obsidian was. .. used in the production of simple hunting weapons and that it was held in high regard in a number of cultures as a semiprecious stone in jewelry. From this, it can be inferred that obsidian would likely have been used to make a spear or an arrowhead, which are types of weapons, or a ring, which is a type of jewelry, and that obsidian, which is a rock, would have been least likely to have been used to make a belt, which is an article of clothing. Answer (D) is therefore the best answer to this question. ‘Now look at the fourth question, which is a multiple-choice question that asks where in the passage a piece of information can be found. 4, Where in the passage does the author discuss the variety of colors in which obsidian is found? (A) Lines 1-3 (B)_ Lines 5-7 (©) Lines 8-9 (D) Lines 18-20 362 READING To,answer this question, you should skim each of the line numbers in the answer choices for information about the colors of obsidian. Lines 5-7 mention that obsidian is black in color, that it can take on a golden or silvery sheen, and that is can be striped in a rainbow of hues. This sentence clearly discusses the colors of obsidian, so answer (B) is the best answer to this, question. PROCEDURES FORA READING PASSAGE (Paper TOEFL® Test) |. Skim the reading passage to determine the main idea and the overall organization of ideas in the passage. You do not need to understand every detail in each passage to answer the questions correctly. It is therefore a waste of time to read the passage with the intent of understanding every single detail before you try to answer the questions. . Look ahead at the questions to determine what language skills are being tested in the questions. Questions related to different language skills are answered in different ways. Find the section of the passage that deals with each question. The language skill tells you exactly where to look in the passage to find correct answers. + For main idea questions, look at the first line of each paragraph. * For directly and indirectly answered detail questions, choose a key word in the question, and skim for that key word (or a related idea) in order in the passage. + For pronoun questions, the question will tell you where the pronoun is located in the passage. + For transition questions, look at the beginning or the end of the passage. + For vocabulary questions, the question will tell you where the word is located in the passage. + For where-in-the-passage questions, the answer choices give you the four possible locations of the correct answer. + For tone, purpose, and course questions, look at the first line of each paragraph. |. Read the part of the passage that contains the answer carefully. The answer will probably be in a very predictable place in the passage. . Choose the best answer to each question from the four choices listed in your test book. You can choose the best answer according to what is given in the appropriate section of the passage, eliminate definitely wrong answers, and mark your best guess on the answer sheet 368 READING 3. Read the part of the passage that contains the answer carefully. The answer will probably be in a very predictable place in the passage. . Choose the best answer to each question. You can choose the best answer according ‘to what is given in the appropriate section of the passage, or you can eliminate definitely wrong answers and select your best guess. . Click on the answer on the computer screen when you have selected an answer. You may still change your mind at this point and click on a different answer. You may also return later to a question within the same reading passage (although it can be time- ‘consuming to click back through too many questions). Next, you should move on to the language skills. The following language skills will help you to implement these strategies and procedures in the reading section of both the paper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test. QUESTIONS ABOUT THE IDEAS OF THE PASSAGE It is very common for reading passages in the reading section of both the paper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test to have questions about the overall ideas in the passage. The most common type of question asks about the main idea, topic, title, or subject. There may also be questions about how the information in the passage is organized or about which type of information is included in a particular paragraph. SkiLL 1: ANSWER MAIN IDEA QUESTIONS CORRECTLY Almost every reading passage on the paper TOEFL test or computer TOEFL test will have a multiple-choice question about the main idea of a passage. Such a question may be worded in a variety of ways; you may, for example, be asked to identify the topic, subject, title, primary idea, or main idea. These questions are all really asking what primary point the author is trying to get across in the passage. Since TOEFL passages are generally written in a traditionally organized manner, itis relatively easy to find the main ideas by studying the topic sentences, which are most probably found at the beginning of each paragraph. If a passage consists of only one paragraph, you should study the beginning of that paragraph to determine the main idea. Look at a multiple-choice example from the paper TOEFL test that asks about the topic of a passage with one paragraph. READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) Example from the Paper TOEFL Test ‘The passage: In the philosophy of John Dewey, a sharp distinction is made between intelligence and reasoning. According to Dewey, intelligence is the only absolute way to achieve a Line balance between realism and idealism, between practicality (3) and wisdom of life. Intelligence involves “interacting with other things and knowing them,” while reasoning is merely the act of an observer, *...a mind that beholds or grasps objects outside the world of things...” With reasoning, a level of mental certainty can be achieved, but it is through intelligence (10) that control is taken of events that shape one's life. ‘The question: What is the topic of this passage? (A) The intelligence of John Dewey (B) Distinctions made by John Dewey (C) Dewey's ideas on the ability to reason (D) How intelligence differs from reasoning in Dewey's works This question asks about the topic of the passage. Because this passage has only one para- graph, you should look at the first sentence of the passage to answer this question. The first sentence of this passage discusses a distinction between the ideas of intelligence and reason- ingin the philosophy of John Dewey, so this is probably the topic. A quick check of the rest of the sentences in the passage confirms that the topic is in fact the difference between intelligence and reasoning. Now you should check each of the answers to determine which one comes closest to the topic that you have determined. Answer (A) mentions only intelli- gence, so it is not the topic. Answer (B) mentions distinctions that John Dewey made, but it does not say specifically what type of distinctions. Answer (C) mentions only reasoning, so answer (C) is incomplete. The best answer is therefore (D); the idea of how intelligence dif- fers from reasoning comes from the first sentence of the passage, which mentions a sharp dis- tinction. .. between intelligence and reasoning. Ifa passage consists of more than one paragraph, you should study the beginning of each paragraph to determine the main idea. Look at a multiple-choice example from the computer TOEFL test that asks about the title of a passage with more than one paragraph. 369 3m Line 0) (1a) Line 0) (0) (5) READING PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5-6) Hurricanes generally occur in the North Atlantic from May through November, with the peak of the hurricane season in September; only rarely will they occur from December through April in that part of the ocean. The main reason for the occurrence of hurricanes during this period is that the temperature on the water's surface is at its warmest and the humidity of the air is atts highest. Of the tropical storms that occur each year in the North Atlantic, only about five, on the average, are powerful enough to be called hurricanes. To be classified as a hurricane, a tropical storm must have winds reaching speeds of at least 117 kilometers per hour, but the winds are often much stronger than that; the winds of intense hurricanes can easily surpass 240 kilometers per hour. 5. The passage mainly discusses 6. The best title for this passage would be (A) how many hurricanes occur each (A) The North Adantic Ocean year (B) Storms of the Northern Adantic (B) the strength of hurricanes (C) Hurricanes: The Damage and (C) the weather in the North Atlantic Destruction (D) hurricanes in one part of the world (D) What Happens from May through November PASSAGE FOUR (Questions 7-9) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) was perhaps the best-known American poet of the nineteenth century. His clear writing style and emphasis on the prevalent values of the period made him popular with the general public if not always with the critics. He was particularly recognized for longer narrative poems Evangeline, The Song of Hiawatha, and The Courtship of Miles Standish, in which he told stories from American history in terms of the values of the time. Evangeline was set during the French and Indian War (1754-1763), when the British forced French settlers from Nova Scotia; two lovers, Gabriel and Evangeline, were separated by the British, and Evangeline devoted her lifetime to the search for Gabriel. With its emphasis on sentimental, undying love, Evangeline was immensely popular with the public. In The Song of Hiawatha, Longfellow depicted the noble life of the American Indian through the story of the brave Hiawatha and his beloved wife Minehaha. The tearinspiring poem follows Hiawatha through the tragedies and triumphs of life, ending with the death of Minehaha and Hiawatha’s departure into the sunset in his canoe. The Courtship of Miles Standish takes place during the early period of the settlement of New England, a period which was viewed as a time of honor and romance. In this poem centered around a love triangle, Miles Standish asks his friend John Alden to propose to Priscilla Mullins for him; John Alden ends up marrying Priscilla Mullins himself, and it takes time for his friendship with Miles Standish to recover. As with Longfellow's other narrative poems, the emphasis on high ideals and romance made the poem extremely popular. 7. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage? (A) American history is often depicted in poetry. (B) Longfellow described American history even though people really did not enjoy it. (C) The popularity of Longfellow's poems results from his stress on the values of the people. (D) Longfellow wrote long narrative poems that were not always popular with the critics. 8 READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) The best title of the passage is (A) Longfellow's Popular Appeal (B) Historical Narrative Poems (C)_ The Lyric, Dramatic, and Narrative Poems of Longfellow (D) Longfellow and the Critics The subject of the fourth paragraph is (A) nobility and honor in the poems of Longfellow (B)_ the love triangle involving Miles Standish (C) the popular appeal of The Courtship of Miles Standish (D) the period of the early settlement of New England Skit. 2: RECOGNIZE THE ORGANIZATION OF IDEAS In the Reading section of both the paper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test, there may be questions about the organization of ideas in a passage. On the paper and the com- puter tests, you may be asked to determine how the ideas in one paragraph (or para- graphs) relate to the ideas in another paragraph (or paragraphs). On the computer TOEFL test, you may also see a question that asks you to click on the paragraph in a pas- sage that contains certain ideas. Look at an example from the paper TOEFL test that asks you to determine how the information in the passage is organized. ‘The passage: If asked who Example from the Paper TOEFL Test ented the game of baseball, most Line oO) (10) (DB) Americans would probably reply that it was their belief that ‘Abner Doubleday did. They believe this because the story about Doubleday is part of the tradition of baseball. Doubleday was given credit for this invention early in the twentieth century when sporting-goods manufacturer Spaulding inaugurated a commission to research the question of who invented baseball. In 1908, a report was published by the commission in which Abner Doubleday, a U.S. Army officer from Cooperstown, New York, was given credit for the invention of the game. The National Baseball Hall of Fame was established in Cooperstown in honor of Doubleday. ‘Today, most sports historians are in agreement that, Doubleday really did not have much to do with the development of baseball. Instead, baseball seems to be a close relative of the English game of rounders and probably has, English rather than American roots. 373 READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) 7. The topic of this passage could best be 9. Click on the paragraph that defines a described as hoax. (A) the Piltdown Man 10. Click on the paragraph that explains (B) Charles Dawson’s discovery (©) Eoanthropus dawsoni (D) a definition and example of a hoax how one particular hoax was resolved. 8. The author's main point is that (A) various types of hoaxes have been perpetrated (B) Charles Dawson discovered a human skull and jawbone (©) Charlés Dawson was not an honest man (D) the human skull and jawbone were extremely old DIRECTLY ANSWERED QUESTIONS Many questions in the Reading section of both the paper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test will require answers that are directly stated in the passage. This means that you should be able to find the answer to this type of question without having to draw a conclu- sion. The directly answered questions that are commonly asked are (1) stated detail ques- tions, (2) “unstated” detail questions, and (3) pronoun reference questions. Skit 3: ANSWER STATED DETAIL QUESTIONS CORRECTLY A stated detail question asks about one piece of information in the passage rather than the passage as a whole. The answers to these questions are generally given in order in the pas- sage, and the correct answer is often a restatement of what is given in the passage. This means that the correct answer often expresses the same idea as what is written in the pas- sage, but the words are not exactly the same. The questions that test stated details are gen- erally multiple-choice questions. On the computer test, there may also be a type of stated detail question that asks you to click on an appropriate drawing. Look at a multiple-choice example from the paper TOEEL test that asks about a stated detail from the passage. 379 380 READING Example from the Paper TOEFL Test ‘The passage: Williamsburg is a historic city in Virginia that was settled by English colonists in 1633, twenty-six years after the first permanent English colony in America was settled at Line Jamestown. In the beginning, the colony at Williamsburg was (5) ‘named Middle Plantation because of its location in the middle of a peninsula between two rivers, the York and the James. ‘The site for Williamsburg had been selected by the colonists because the soil drainage was better there than at the Jamestown location, and there were fewer mosquitoes. The question: ‘The passage indicates that Jamestown (A) was settled in 1633 (B) was settled twenty-six years after Williamsburg, (C)_ was the first permanent English colony in America (D) was originally named Middle Plantation This question asks what the passage indicates about Jamestown, so you know that the answer to this question will be directly stated in the passage. You should skim through the passage to find the part of the passage that discusses Jamestown. The answer to this question is found in the statement that Williamsburg was settled by English colonists in 1633, twenty-six years after the first permanent English colony in America was settled at Jamestown. Answer (A) is incor- rect because it was Williamsburg that was settled in 1683. Answer (B) is incorrect because Jamestown was settled before rather than after Williamsburg. Answer (D) is incorrect because the name Middle Plantation referred to Williamsburg. The best answer to this ques- tion is answer (C) because the passage directly states that Jamestown was the first permanent English colony in America. ‘Now look at a multiple-choice example of a stated detail question from the computer TOEFL test. Example from the Computer TOEFL Test. LA Teas Williamsburg is a historic city in Virginia that was. According to the passage, the settled by English colonists in 1633, twenty-six years after colonists chose Williamsburg because | the first permanent English colony in America was settled | -| > i¢ was in England at Jamestown. In the beginning, the colony at there were no nearby rivers Willamsburg was named Middle Pnation because ofits [| = 0 a location in the middle of a peninsula between two rivers, enone tert the York and the James. The site for Williamsburg had © the soil drained well been selected by the colonists because the soil drainage was better there than at the Jamestown location, and there were fewer mosquitoes. Ts CS wT) 382 Line () READING ‘The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about stated detail questions: STATED DETAIL QUESTIONS [il E38 HOWTO IDENTIFY | onboth paper | According to the passage, THE QUESTION and computer | tis stated in the passoge... tests OD OB The passage indicates that.. Which of the following is true. ‘on computer Click on the drawing that... test only JB WHERETO FIND ‘The answers to these questions are found in order in the passage. THE ANSWER HOWTOANSWER | I. Choose a key word in the question. THE QUESTION 2. Skim in the appropriate part of the passage for the key word or idea. 3. Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea carefully. 4. Eliminate the definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining choices. TOEFL EXERCISE 3: Study each of the passages and choose the best answers to the ques- tions that follow. PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1—- 4) Ice ages, those periods when ice covered extensive areas of the Earth, are known to have occurred at least six times. Past ice ages can be recognized from rock strata that show evidence of foreign materials deposited by moving walls of ice or melting glaciers. Ice ages can also be recognized from land formations that have been produced from moving walls of ice, such as U- shaped valleys, sculptured landscapes, and polished rock faces. 1. According to the passage, what happens during an ice age? (A) Rock strata are recognized by geologists. (B) Evidence of foreign materials is found. (C) Ice cove Earth’s surface. sa large portion of the (D) Ice melts six times. 2. The passage covers how many different methods of recognizing past ice ages? (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four Line 0) 8. According to the passage, what in the rock strata is a clue to geologists of a past ice age? (A) Ice (B) Melting glaciers (C)_ U-shaped valleys (D) Substances from other areas PASSAGE TWO (Questions 5-7) READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) Click on the drawing that shows the type of valley mentioned in the passage that results from melting glaciers. The human heart is divided into four chambers, each of which serves its own function in the cycle of pumping blood. The atria are the thin-walled upper chambers that gather blood as it flows from the veins between heartbeats. The ventricles are the thick-walled lower chambers that receive blood from the atria and push it into the arteries with each contraction of the heart. The left atrium and ventricle work separately from those on the right. The role of the chambers on the right side of the heart is to receive oxygen-depleted blood from the body tissues and send it on to the lungs; the chambers on the left side of the heart then receive the oxygen-enriched blood from the lungs and send it back out to the body tissues. 5. The passage indicates that the ventricles (A)_ have relatively thin walls (B) send blood to the atria (©) are above the atria (D) force blood into the arteries 6. According to the passage, when is blood pushed into the arteries from the ventricles? (A) As the heart beats (B) Between heartbeats (C) Before each contraction of the heart (D) Before it is received by the atria 7. Click on the drawing that highlights the part of the heart that gets blood from the body tissues and passes it on to the lungs. Ta 384 (6) (19) READING PASSAGE THREE (Questions 8-11) ‘The Golden Age of Railroads refers to the period from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of World War I when railroads flourished and, in fact, maintained a near monopoly in mass transportation in the United States. One of the significant developments during the period was the notable increase in uniformity, particularly through the standardization of track gauge and time. At the end of the Civil War, only about half of the nation’s railroad track was laid at what is now the standard gauge of 1.4 meters; much of the rest, particularly in the southern states, had a 1.5-meter gauge. During the postwar years, tracks were converted to the 1.4-meter gauge, and by June 1, 1886, the standardization of tracks was completed, resulting in increased efficiency and economy in the rail system. A further boon to railroad efficiency was the implementation of standard time in 1883. With the adoption of standard time, four time zones were established across the country, thus simplifying railroad scheduling and improving the efficiency of railroad service. 8. Click on the drawing that shows the 10. The passage mentions that which of the period of the Golden Age of Railroads. following occurred as a result of uniformity of track gauge? 7 7 y gauge’ (A). The Civil War cri. wort | ov wort wan want | waa “Want (B) Improved economy in the al transportation system (C) Standardization of time zones (D) Railroad schedules c D eoae ora ea ses 11, The passage indicates that standard time war wari || wan “want was implemented (A)_ before the Civil War (B)_ on June 1, 1886 (C) after World War I (D) before standardized wack gauge was established throughout the United States 9. According to the passage, the Golden Age of Railroads (A) was a result of World War I (B)_wasa period when most of U.S. ‘mass transportation was controlled by the railroads (C) resulted in a decrease in uniformity of track gauge (D) resulted in standardization of train stations READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) Skit 4: FIND “UNSTATED” DETAILS You will sometimes be asked in the reading section of both the paper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test to find an answer that is not stated or not mentioned or not truein the passage. This type of question really means that three of the answers are stated, mentioned, or fruein the passage, while one answer is not. You should note that there are two kinds of answers to this type of question: (1) there are three true answers and one that is not true according to the passage, or (2) there are three true answers and one that is not mentioned in the passage. Look at a multiple-choice example from the paper TOEFL test that asks you to find the one answer that is not frue, Example from the Paper TOEFL Test The passage: In English, there are many different kinds of expressions that people use to give a name to anything whose name is, unknown or momentarily forgotten. The word gadget is one Line such word. It was first used by British’sailors in the 1850s and (5) probably came from the French word gachelle, which was a small hook. In everyday use, the word has a more general meaning. Other words are also used to give a name to something unnamed or unknown, and these words tend to be somewhat imaginative. Some of the more commonly used (10) expressions are a what-d ye-callit, a whatsis, a thingamabob, a thingamajig, a doodad, or a doohickey. ‘The question: Which of the following is NOT true about the word gadget? (A) Itis used to name something when the name is not known. (B) Itwas used at the beginning of the nineteenth century. (C)_ Temost likely came from a word in the French language. (D)_ Its first known use was by British sailors. This question asks for the one answer that is not trueabout the word “gadget,” so three of the answers are true and one answer is not. You should look for the word gadget in the passage and find information that is untrue. Answers (A), (C), and (D) are all true according to the passage, so these answers are not correct. Answer (B) is the one answer that is not true: the passage states that the word “gadget”... was first used by British sailors in the 1850s, which is in the middle of the nineteenth century, so answer (B) is the best answer to this question. 385 386 READING Now, look at a multiple-choice example from the computer TOEFL test that asks you to find the one answer that is not mentioned. Example from the Computer TOEFL Test [JA In English, there are many different kinds of Which of the following is NOT ‘expressions that people use to give a name to anything | | mentioned in the passage as an whose name i unknown o momentarily forgotten. The | | expression for something that is not word gadget is one such word. It was first used by known? British sailors in the 1850s and probably came from the © Awharis-it French word gachette, which was a small hook. In O A godget everyday use, the word has a more general meaning ; eS | unnamed or unknown, and these words tend to be sochichey somewhat imaginative. Some of the more commonly used expressions are a whatdyecolit a whasis, a thingamabob, a thingamaji, a doodad, or a doohickey. This question asks for the one answer that is not mentioned, so three of the answers are listed in the passage and one is not. You should look for the three answers that are men- tioned. Since gadget, thingamabob, and doohickey are listed in the passage, the second, third and fourth answers are incorrect. A what-is-it is not listed in the passage, so the first answer is the best answer to this question. You should click on the first answer to answer this question. The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about “unstated” detail questions: “UNSTATET * DETAIL QUESTIONS {ll HIB HOWTO IDENTIFY | on both paper | Which of the following is not stated...? ‘THE QUESTION and computer | Which of the following is not mentioned. tests (0 ZA | Which of the following is not discussed... All of the folowing are true except... WHERE TO FIND The answers to these questions are found in order in the passage. THE ANSWER HOWTOANSWER | I. Choose a key word in the question. ‘THE QUESTION 2. Scan the appropriate place in the passage for the key word (or related idea). 3. Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea carefully. 4. Look for answers that are definitely true according to the passage. Eliminate those answers. 5. Choose the answer that is not true or not discussed in the passage. Line 0) Line 0) READING QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) 387 TOEFL EXERCISE 4: Study each of the passages and choose the best answers to the ques- tions that follow. PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-2) Blood plasma is a clear, almost colorless liquid. It consists of blood from which the red and white blood cells have been removed. It is often used in transfusions because a patient generally needs the plasma portion of the blood more than the other components. Plasma differs in several important ways from whole blood. First of all, plasma can be mixed for all donors and does not have to be from the right blood group, as whole blood does. In addition, plasma can be dried and stored, while whole blood cannot. 1. All of the following are true about blood 2. Which of the following is NOT stated plasma EXCEPT that about whole blood? (A)_itisa deeply colored liquid (A). Itis different from plasma. (B) blood cells have been taken out of (B) It cannot be dried. it (C)_Itis impossible to keep it in storage (C) patients are often transfused with it fora long time. (D) itis generally more important to (D) Itisa clear, colorless liquid. the patient than other parts of whole blood PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3-4) Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman was an American journalist at the turn of the century who wrote for the newspaper New York World under the pen name Nellie Bly, a name which was taken from the Stephen Foster song Nelly Bly. She achieved fame for her exposés and in particular for the bold and adventuresome way that she obtained her stories. She felt that the best way to get the real story was from the inside rather than as an outside observer who could be treated to a prettified version of reality. On one occasion she pretended to bea thief so that she would get arrested and see for herself how female prisoners were really treated. On another occasion she faked mental illness in order to be admitted to a mental hospital to get the real picture on the treatment of mental patients. 3. Which of the following is NOT true 4, Which of the following is NOT about Nellie Bly? mentioned as something that Nellie Bly (A) Nellie Bly’s real name was Elizabeth did to get a good story? Cochrane Seaman, (A) She acted like a thief. (B)_ Nellie Bly was mentally ill. (B) She got arrested by the police, (©) The name Nellie Bly came from a (©) She pretended to be ill. song. (D) She worked as a doctor in a mental (D) The name Nellie Bly was used on hospital. articles that Seaman wrote. 388 Line ) (10) READING PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5-6) Dekanawida’s role asa supreme lawgiver in the Iroquois tribe has given him the status of demigod within the Indian nation. Born into the Huron tribe, Dekanawida caused great fear in his parents, who tried to drown him in his youth after a prophecy was made indicating that he would bring great sorrow to the Huron nation. Dekanawida was to survive this attempted drowning but later left his parents’ home and tribe to live among the Iroquois. One of his achievements with the Iroquois was the institutio’ of a law among the Iroquois that virtually ended blood feuds among the nation’s families. Wampum, strings of beads made of polished shells, was a valued commodity in the Iroquois culture; according to policies established by Dekanawida, wampum had to be paid to the family of a murder victim by the family of the killer. Since the killer was also put to death, the family of the killer had to pay the victim's family in wampum for two deaths, the death of the murder victim and the death of the killer. These strict policies implemented by Dekanawida helped to establish him as a wise lawgiver and leader of the Iroquois nation. 5. According to the passage, Dekanawida 6. Which of the following is NOT was NOT mentioned in the passage about (A) alawmaker wampum? (B)_aHuron by birth (A) Tewas used extensively by the (C) anear deity Huron. (D) drowned when he was young (B) Ithada high value to the Iroquois. (C)_ Itwas given toa murder victim's family. (D) Itwas made of polished shells. Skit 5: FIND PRONOUN REFERENTS In the reading section of both the paper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test, you will sometimes be asked to determine to which noun a pronoun refers. Pronoun reference questions are worded a bit differently on the paper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test; on the paper test, pronoun reference questions are multiple-choice questions, while on the computer test, pronoun reference questions are click-on questions. Either type of pronoun reference question tests the same language skill. In a pronoun reference question, it is important to understand that a noun is generally used first in a passage, and the pronoun that refers to it comes after. Whenever you are asked which noun a pronoun refers to, you should look before the pronoun to find the noun, Look at a multiple-choice example of a pronoun reference question from the paper TOEFL test.

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