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Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

Portfolio Matrix and Reflections

Student Name: Adair C. Pederson

Semester/Year: Summer 2016

Portfolio Matrix to be completed while candidates are taking MEDT 7487 Practicum
Portfolio Matrix
1. Candidates
pedagogical, and
knowledge and

1.1 Knowledge of Learners
and Learning
3.1 Efficient and Ethical
3.4 Research and
Knowledge Creation
4.4 Advocacy
5.1 Collections
5.3 Personnel, Funding,
and Facilities

PSC/NCATE Standards

Roles of SLMS
and Artifacts

1.e Knowledge and Skills
3.c Help All Students Learn
7.d Integration of Instructional
7.e Georgia P-12 Curriculum

MEDT 6461

1.e Knowledge and Skills
3.c Help All Students Learn


MEDT 6461

MEDT 6461

MEDT 6465

Reflection Connecting Outcomes,

Standards, and Artifacts
Creating a three-year budget in MEDT
6461 required me to think about the
various resources the budget must fund.
The justification process made me reflect
on why I, as a program administrator,
thought the item(s) were necessary for
the media center or school as a whole.
With the financial constraints in public
education, getting the most bang for
your buck is essential and this
assignment made me seriously consider
how the money would be spent. (AASL


The MEDT 6461 facilities assignment

was timed perfectly as I was looking to
redesign portions of the media center.
Because there were no restraints, I was
able to create a dream LMC, but also a
MEDT 6465
model with more realistic improvements.
Materials Order
A year later I am still referring to the
Administrator, Leader, model when speaking with my principal
about ongoing improvements for the
MEDT 7474
media center. (AASL 5.3; PSC 3.c;
Reference Logs
NCATE 3.c)

Taking part in the group interview

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

Specialist; Leader

project in MEDT 6461 made me

appreciate all the different facets the
LMS job entails. Not only did our
interviewee answer questions about
budget, facilities, policies and
procedures, but also about
communication, professional
organizations, and trends and issues. The
job of a LMS is one that is constantly
changing and Mr. Parker reminded us
that it is important to build a rapport with
not only those in our school building, but
other library media specialist in the
district and across the state as well.
(AASL 3.1, 3.4, and 5.3; PSC 7.d;
NCATE 1.e)
What an eye-opener the Collection
Analysis project was for me! It made me
examine the overall copyright date of the
section while also requiring me to zero
in on specific sections, such as the
environment. While some sections may
not need to be updated as often, a topic
such as the environment is ever changing
and should be monitored for changes in
information frequently. While the overall
collection data is important, this
assignment showed me that looking at
smaller sections is more revealing of
pertinent information. The smaller
sections give the LMS a better avenue to
determine which sections should be
addressed first for updating information.
(AASL 5.1; PSC 1.e)
The MEDT 6465 Materials Order was no

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

easy task! While I used the information
gleaned from the Collection Analysis as
a starting point, there were many things
to take into consideration. Being sure
there were non-fiction, fiction, print, and
non-print books in the order was a key
component. I also had to make sure the
purchases I made fell within the
allowances both overall and for specific
items. Having completed a materials
order recently for the LMC, I was glad I
had a practice run for Dr. Coopers class.
It made the real materials order a bit less
stressful! Purchasing with a set amount
of money for a media center that has so
many needs required me to prioritize and
I was thankful that had been a
requirement for this assignment. (AASL
The Reference Logs requirement was
one that I thought might be my undoing
at times! Each time I thought I could not
find another difference between
encyclopedias, I would stumble upon
one. I do not think I could truly
appreciate the value of this assignment
when I was doing it, but later in the
school year, it was invaluable to me as I
was working with the upper elementary
classes on research. Because of my logs,
I was able to determine which sources
were best suited for the assignment, as
well as the age/grade levels. I will
certainly reference these logs again and
will update as necessary. They are not
only informative for my use, but I have

Portfolio Matrix

2. Candidates
implement, and
evaluate learning
opportunities for
all students

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

1.2 Effective and

Knowledgeable Teacher
1.3 Instructional Partner
2.1 Literature
2.2 Reading Promotion
3.2 Access to Information
3.3 Information

1.f Student Learning
3.c Help All Students Learn
4.a Curriculum and Experiences
4.d Working with Diverse
Students in P-12 Schools
7.c Children with Special Needs
7.d Integration of Instructional
1.f Student Learning
3.c Help All Students Learn
4.a Curriculum and Experiences
4.d Working with Diverse
Students in P-12 Schools

MEDT 6465
Book Talk
Teacher; Leader

MEDT 7474
Specialist; Leader;

MEDT 7477
Media Center
Specialist; Leader

MEDT 7478
Impact on
Leader; Teacher

MEDT 7487
Two Year
Schoolwide Plan
Instructional Partner;
Leader; Teacher

made them available for teachers to

consult as well. (AASL 1.1, 3.4; PSC 1.e,
3.c; NCATE 1.e, 3.c)
I like to equate a book talk with a
commercial because the objective is the
same: you want someone to be interested
in what you are sharing or presenting.
As I look back at my MEDT 6465 book
talk, I cringe! Having done several book
talks over the course of this year, I can
say that I took Dr. Coopers feedback to
heart and have improved tremendously.
Knowing the content is essential for a
book talk and being able to hook the
students while not giving too much of the
storyline away is key. When done
correctly, book talks can be used to
promote all kinds of books! (AASL 2.2)
Creating a curriculum and reference tool,
or pathfinder, using a Wiki format
required a group of people to work
together. I was blessed with a wonderful
group and we decided on a topic that
could be divided in a logical manner.
This gave each of us sole responsibility
for one Native American tribe and we
collaborated on other parts of the
pathfinder. I found the wiki was not as
user friendly as the Weebly. However,
like everything else, the more I used it
the more comfortable I became with it.
My biggest problem with the wiki format
is the fact that anyone can alter the
information. This requires constant
monitoring of the site to insure that the
information remains valid. Creating the

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

wiki gave me the opportunity to gain
experience with and knowledge about
something with which I was not familiar.
The desire was to provide a resource for
not only students, but also parents and
teachers. As a parent, I know how much
resources such as this one aid in my
ability to help my children study. (AASL
1.2, 1.3, 3.2, 3.3; PSC 1.f, 3.c, 7.d;
NCATE 1.f, 3.c)
Using a Weebly to create a website for
the LMC at my school was not difficult
at all. While my school uses
SchoolWires, I have found that Weebly is
much more user friendly both for the
creator and the users. Once I determined
what I wanted to highlight on the
website, the building process began. The
website needs to be up-to-date and
should reflect that someone is
maintaining it. Working with students
and teachers to insure that necessary
content resources are on the page is
important. Since the LMC is the hub of
the school, an effective website for the
LMC is essential! (AASL 3.2, 3.3; PSC
3.c; NCATE 3.c)
The Impact on Learning assignment for
MEDT 7478 required thorough planning,
as well as implementation. In addition to
the previously mentioned steps,
reflection is a big part of this process.
Analyzing whether or not the lesson was
effective based on the pre and post-tests
gave me the feedback I needed. I used

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

this feedback to determine that while the
students had grasped the concept, it
would have been more beneficial for me
to segment the lesson as opposed to
trying to do it all in one sitting. This
students will have a better chance of
retaining the information if I teach it in
smaller chunks and review the previously
discussed information in every
subsequent lesson. Having a sub-group
of ESOL students made me think about
ways I could alter the information and
make it more user-friendly for them in
the future. (AASL 1.2, 3.2; PSC 1.f, 3.c,
4.d, 7.c; NCATE 1.f, 3.c, 4.d)

3. Candidates
dispositions and

1.4 Integration of TwentyFirst Century Skills and

Learning Standards
2.4 Literacy Strategies
3.1 Efficient and Ethical

1.g Professional Dispositions
3.c Help All Students Learn
7.f Ethical Standards

MEDT 6461
Article Critiques
Instructional Partner;

MEDT 6461

While the Two Year Schoolwide Plan

required a great deal of thought and
work, it is something that I will be able
to put to use this fall. I plan to continue
to add to and adjust the two-year plan as
necessary. Now that I have the plan in
place, I can work on specific lessons to
accompany the programs that will be
implemented. I hope to coordinate with
the art and music teachers to make the
experience a cross-curricular one. My
principal was very excited about the plan
and is onboard with implementing it
which always makes things easier!
(AASL 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2; PSC 1.f, 3.c,
4.a, 4.d, 7.d; NCATE 1.f, 3.c, 4.a, 4.d)
The Article Critiques occurred during my
first class, MEDT 6461. Reading and
responding to these articles gave me a
greater appreciation for the necessity of
collaboration between the classroom

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

4.1. Networking with the
Library Community
4.2 Professional
4.3 Leadership
5.2 Professional Ethics

1.g Professional Dispositions
3.c Help All Students Learn


MEDT 7461
Development Plan

MEDT 7461
Student Client
Instructional Plan
Leader; Teacher

MEDT 7477
Information Specialist

MEDT 7477
Technology Tip
Specialist; Leader;

teachers and the LMS. Because of these

articles, I contacted two teachers I with
whom I had a good working relationship
and asked if they would be willing to
work with me during the course of the
school year. We started the year with
basic digital citizenship lessons before
moving into curriculum based lessons
with technology interwoven. After the
first nine weeks, I added another teacher
to the mix and continued from there.
Instead of trying to get total buy-in and
overwhelming myself during my first
year as SLMS, I chose teachers that
would be eager to collaborate with me.
This year I will continue to add on more
teachers in hopes of eventually being
able to collaborate with entire grade
levels. (AASL 3.1, 4.2, 4.3; PSC 1.g;
NCATE 1.g, 7f)
The MEDT 6461 Survey assignment was
a valuable tool for me as I entered my
first year as a LMS. Because I was
moving from teaching in a classroom
setting to the LMC at the same school, I
thought I had a good idea of the survey
results. Some of the results were as I
expected, but some revealed perceptions
that I was unaware of and needed to
know in order to fix them. Instead of
continuing to spend money on
periodicals that were not being used, we
opted to take a year off from periodicals
to assess what interested the students
most. In response to the need for
curriculum based resources, we have

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

found periodicals that are a better match
for the grade level curriculums,
specifically in science. After our reading
celebration this year, I sent a survey to
the teachers to gain feedback so that I
can make the necessary changes in the
future. Surveys are a great way to glean
information and I have found if they are
anonymous, you often get more truthful
answers. I will definitely be using more
surveys in years to come. (AASL 3.1,
4.1, 4.2, 4.3; PSC 1.g; NCATE 1.g)
When I developed my year-long
professional development plan for
MEDT 7461, I tried to think of items that
would benefit the teachers and not just be
time fillers. It was also important to
me that some of the professional
development sessions be self-paced and
independent. If I implement this
schedule, I will work with my principal
to find times other than after school since
teachers tend to be mentally and
physically drained at that time of the day.
(AASL 4.2, 4.3, 5.2; PSC 1.g; NCATE
Though many of the items listed on the
Equipment Operations sheet were items I
have worked with previously, I
discovered that there were still things I
did not know about some of them. It also
opened my eyes to the fact that I need to
create user-friendly step-sheets to go
with the equipment that is available for
teacher use. This would save me time if

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

they had a guide to consult instead of me
having to instruct on an individual basis.
The step-by-step guide I created for the
VariQuest Cut-Out Maker has already
been put to good use. I laminated it, put
it on a ring and hung it on a hook just
above the machine. For PTO volunteers
or teachers that had not used the
equipment, it has been great! (AASL 4.2,
4.3; PSC 1.g; NCATE 1.g)
Creating the Student Client Instruction
Plan required me to evaluate from a
district level to a small group level and
everything in between the two. While I
did not implement this plan, it was
thorough enough that implementation
would not have been difficult. I have
shared it with our current third grade
teachers and we will be using it this year
after tweaking a few things. One thing
we will be emphasizing is the importance
of digital citizenship. We teach this
separately, but it needs to be emphasized
whenever possible! This was an
overwhelming assignment initially, but
the more I worked on it, the more I saw
how cohesively all the sections fit
together. (AASL 1.4, 2.4, 4.3; PSC 3.c,
7.f; NCATE 3.c)
Working on the MEDT 7477 Tech Tip
was an enlightening assignment.
Nearpod is a web-based application that I
wanted to try and this assignment
provided the perfect forum for me to try
it. The exploration of Nearpod was great

Portfolio Matrix

4. Candidates
ability to serve
needs of diverse
including special

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

1.1 Knowledge of Learners

and Learning
1.2 Effective and
Knowledgeable Teacher
2.3 Respect for Diversity
3.2 Access to Information
5.4 Strategic Planning and

1.f Student Learning
3.c Help All Students Learn
4.a Curriculum and Experiences
4.d Working with Diverse
Students in P-12 Schools
7.c Children with Special Needs
7.d Integration of Technology

MEDT 7461

4.a Curriculum and Experiences
4.d Working with Diverse
Students in P-12 Schools

Specialist; Leader;

Design Models
Leader; Information

MEDT 7474

MEDT 7477
Specialist; Leader

MEDT 7478
Impact on

and in my tech tip I only scratched the

surface of what it can do. The most
frustrating part of this assignment was
recording the screencast. I initially
worked with Camtasia, only to discover
the free version put a watermark through
the middle of the video and obscured
essential information. Once I moved on
to Screencast-o-Matic and paid the $15
for a one-year subscription, everything
was much smoother! I will definitely be
developing more Tech Tips with
Screencast for my teachers and students
to use in the future. (AASL 1.4, 3.1, 4.2,
4.3; PSC 1.g, 3.c; NCATE 1.g, 3.c)
Anytime an assignment requires you to
research and examine different models,
you come away with new knowledge.
The Instructional Design Model for
MEDT 7461 was no exception.
Examining the different design models
made me reflect not only on my
approach as a teacher, but also how I
interpreted things as a student. This
caused me to think about my decisions as
a teacher and how they may be
interpreted by my students. It made me
pause and realize that sometimes a little
more explanation into the why may be
necessary for student buy-in to the
concept. (AASL 1.1, 1.2; PSC 1.f, 3.c;
NCATE 4.a)
Our group goal when creating the
Pathfinder for MEDT 7474 was to find
something to meet the needs of students,
parents, and teachers. We determined that

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

Leader; Teacher

creating a page solely for teacher use

(though we cannot patrol that) would be
a great way for them to locate pertinent
resources. Parents always welcome
additional information about a subject so
we tried to make the site user friendly for
parents as well as students on any level.
Making sure the pathfinder included
quality sites with valid information was
an important piece of this assignment
(AASL 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.2, 5.4; PSC 1.f,
3.c, 4.a, 4.d, 7.c, 7.d; NCATE 4.a, 4.d)
The MEDT 7477 assignment to create an
Orientation PowerPoint for the LMC was
one I thought would be no problem.
While it was no problem to gather
information for the PowerPoint,
narrowing the focus of what to include
and how to include it presented some
problems. There is so much information,
but the last thing you want is to
overwhelm the newbie. I think following
up the orientation video with a peer
orientation would be great. This way
anything that isnt clear on the
PowerPoint can be answered by a peer.
Training some library peer guides
might be something I add to my list for
this coming year. I didnt realize I might
generate some new ideas during my
reflections! (AASL 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.2;
PSC 1.f, 3.c, 4.d, 7.d; NCATE 4.d)
Whenever a teacher is planning
instruction for a group of students, it is
important that he or she take into

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

consideration any students that need
special accommodations. No two
students learn the same way and finding
strategies that cover multiple learning
styles is key. When there is a sub-group
within the whole group, it is especially
important that their learning needs be
considered. For the Impact on Learning
assignment, my sub-group consisted of
ESOL students. Because the concept of
the Dewey Decimal system is sometimes
difficult for native English speakers, I
knew visuals and simplified vocabulary
were going to be a key part of teaching
these students. I was amazed at the way
they responded and bought in to the
concept being taught. (AASL 1.1, 1.2,
2.3, 3.2, 5.4; PSC 1.f, 3.c, 4.a, 4.d, 7.c,
7.d; NCATE 4.a, 4.d)

College of Education Conceptual Framework: Professional Excellence; Field Based Inquiry; Betterment of Society support all four outcomes

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