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Christian C.

Temporary Address
255 Calhoun Street Apt. 240
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Cell: +1 (513)706-9000

Permanent Address (Preferred)

5081 Rollman Estates Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45236
Home: +1 (513)-793-4167

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
- Honors Program
- International Co-op Program, Germany, Spring and Summer of 2017
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering and Minor degree in Materials Engineering expected May 2018

Work Experience
GE Aviation Regional Engine Services (RES) Services Engineering, Engineering Co-op, Cincinnati, OH
Summer 2016
- Applied vibrations principles to update algorithm used to optimize CF34 engine fan blade position and reduce fan vibrations
- Improved interpersonal skills by presenting to foreign customers about maintenance plans to reduce engine vibrations
- Developed and implemented cost reduction project that saves GE Aviation over $40,000 per year on CF34-8C5 ignition cycle testing
GE Aviation Turboshaft/Turboprop Compressor Section, Design Co-op, Lynn, MA
Fall 2015
- Developed CAD experience and improved skills required to work with non-engineers issuing drawings and component shop mods
- Applied mechanics and thermodynamics principles while completing stress-based calculations and writing design records
- Elected Early Identification (Lynn Co-op) Committee President
GE Aviation ACSC Quality Systems, Quality Co-op, Cincinnati, OH
Spring 2015
- Developed professional etiquette analyzing and presenting quality concern reports (QCRs) at weekly plant production meetings
- Enhanced ability to communicate to and lead a team performing finite analysis on processes and the cause of part defects (DPUs)
- Elected Professional Development Committee (PDC), Business Affairs Committee Chair and completed Jet Engine Basics course
University of Cincinnati Nanoworld Laboratories, Intern
Summer 2014
- Improved mechanical properties of carbon nanotube thread by experimenting with various thread-spinning techniques
- Developed research abstract detailing methods to enhance consistency of carbon nanotube thread diameter
Fields Research, Healthcare Interviewer Specialist, Cincinnati, OH
Summer 2013
- Conducted interviews with Medicare and Medicaid patients regarding their home health care experiences
- Received excellent evaluations for interviewing skills and professionalism

Technical Skills-MATLAB, SolidWorks, NX (Unigraphics), Minitab, Microsoft Excel and Format Painter, Gensuite, ANSYS
Interests-Automobiles, Engines, Aircraft, Nanotechnology, Additive Manufacturing, Assembling Machines, Armaments, Paintball

Awards and Achievements

Cincinnatus Scholarship Program
University Scholarship CEAS Freshman Scholastic Award

Dean's List, All Semesters

University Involvement
International Co-op Student Association, President
Summer 2016
- Organize speaker panels and mentorship program to help prepare students for their international co-op in Germany or Japan
Cincinnati Eta Chapter of the National Mechanical Engineering Honorary Society Pi Tau Sigma, Treasurer
Spring 2016
- Top students of Pre-Junior and Junior mechanical engineering classes are accepted
University of Cincinnati Chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vice President
- Organizing fundraising opportunities, budget requests, and the ASME Career Fair
ASSET Honors Subcommittee, Mechanical Engineering Departmental Leader
- Supply ideas/problem solve at ASSET meetings and organize social events for group of honors mechanical engineering students
Engineers Without Borders, Burere Project Committee Chair
- Led team tasked with designing and budgeting final additions to a schoolhouse in Burere, Tanzania
University of Cincinnati Paintball Club, Tournament Player

Community Engagement:
Engineers Without Borders Trip to Kenya and Tanzania
Summer 2014
- Enhanced role as global volunteer by assisting in drilling a 105-meter well to supply clean water to a village in Tanzania
Bearcat Buddies, Volunteer, University of Cincinnati
Spring 2016
- Tutored underprivileged children in mathematics at local Cincinnati public elementary schools

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