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Business Case Ait7mendments and Guidance Notes

Document Acceptance

Executive Summary

Current Situation

Desired situation
Section 2 Available Options

Section 4 Project Costing

NPV Calculations


Preparer, department and GM to sign-off these page before
passing it on to PAC. PAC would like the department to be
happy with ttyhe project and the content and quality of the
paper. Many papers that come to PAC are poorly written and
Pac would like the departments to take responsibility for the
content and quality of the paper that come from their
Only 2/3 signatories on this page.
Delete the PAC members as they will sign at the back.
Brief summary and limit the write up to not more than 3/4
page. Do not discuss the options. Discuss only the option
State in the body of the paper the no of domestic (households)
and business / Government customers impacted and the
estimate population.
Many business cases presented are too brief in their
explanation. Explain the problem well and provide statistics if
Explain how the project will resolve the problem
State measurable objectives (and not objectives that are not
State issues that would significantly impact the project if the
approval to proceed was given.
Do not discuss procurement option (ie inhouse or outsource)
as separate options as this is the same activity but procured
differently. This is still the same option.
Different options must relate to a different physical option for
the project
To be conservative, specify the higher estimate or specify a
range of the estimated costs
An accountant will need to check and sign-off on this
document. Check with Marlene and she will allocate and
accountant for your business case (Rural projects are excluded
for NPV analysis).
You can include payback period analysis for projects that have
a short term pay back.
For pipe laying projects, include a map of the existing and
proposed networks
For other projects, include diagrams if this will assist in
explaining the problem and the recommended solution

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