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Tiered Guided Worksheets for Students

Questioning Pesukim:

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Question on Pasuk regarding Lashon (ie. Why is a particular word used
when usually it wouldn't be used like that?)

Question on Pasuk regarding content (ie. What does it mean when it says
that such and such happens, since I would expect this and that (or such and
such) to happen?)

Stretch yourself: Write the Pasuk in the way that would make the most
sense to you so that there wouldn't be such questions




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Translate this Pasuk

Which word(s) are you not sure how to translate
Why is translating that word(s) difficult
Create a question on the Pasuk regarding the use of that difficult word
Summarize the Pasuk in your own words
What might be confusing about the facts/events the Pasuk describes

Why is that confusing
Create a question on the Pasuk regarding that confusing aspect

Most Scaffolding


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Translate this Pasuk

What is the translation for ""
How would you determine its translation
What might not make sense about the way you might think to translate
Create a question on the Pasuk regarding the confusion""
Summarize the Pasuk in your own words
What does the beginning of your summary have to do with the end of your
Why might each part be important
Create a question on the Pasuk about what
" " has to do with

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