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Heritage Architecture ( Arsitektur Pusaka )

Made Suryanatha Prabawa ( 1406506572 )

Restoration of Pastorij Building in Depok

Depok as a city located in West Java and close to DKI Jakarta Province is actually has
some heritage sites, some still in good condition, some are even totally dissapeared,
Only few people recognized that Depok is actually has some Heritage Site. To Make
many people recognized that, I think it would be great if we can make some of the
Heritage Building to look interesting and attractive. In this Project I choose to select
building that located in Jalan Pemuda ,Depok. The building has already got many
intervention from the owner. The Building Called Gedung YLCC, in the past during
Dutch Colonial Period it is called Pastorij, means house for cleric who has position
as leader of Depok Church. This building is used as an office nowadays, and
through survey and anlysis the use of the building is not fitted for the room that
available. I propose to change the use of the building as a museum that exhibit
depok historical items such as; paintings, construction material, and artifacts. The
museum also has some features that can also attract youngster, so this museum
can provide historical lessons about depok not only for adults but also for children
and teenager.

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