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asbl- 4 aed « ere P -~ i we a La? Icolb] £ harrahs ZZ USIP SF rsbiid zeus wt 1 10066-LG Crcntose yz SL ve gtLPS wh Si Oho Guta ly. whSncviss toiet 2 ec SLingietll LEK AS Mond vw gutat aril SRN Orel, Seba he. Soe web Ssepumbifurcesldsfobi or Giri cerun ith vot vipl glut Shea cive Gris SMG sie Spite LI Pict h roth ty, eh fe iooieace£ BL ae SEL i UF dG Ul Pet 60 ofa tifa (Uebine ' SHOP BLOTS ty iyig WIL Le Lili a VPS toh Lube BF. 06 Boroteds te Lavirhous cgthclem toler dee $a hss et url Srliazds ac Lt pbs! Lisate boi Leu SainceP Ss SL Liaben Linke slong sat LPO ba crabs thud, whoo SiN gs! ob OS wi. Ui oA SE: nayetur ir. Dtv [wie ta-¢b 780s "Wane tbs “a Solent 5b Mt SF Li tthe ghia eos Loca typ sirliitisoni (te fababhiepr Apo BH cd FS g Boon bY binipurtt bye Fi Luin ee Lib Sobisie he Min tsytd bp were Sle “9 bum Cth St ISLES Gri wilde trniraheurs Lovie. BE br Lote fa Bothy col EI filw Oe eB, Set ita Soros SLUG we al fae Ms ab. Orlane KS zpueb'HMiieh at! 24 Urbs SUE Ie OF pb ob SP Sob lec SNL edie Whar ible Urb off pda, PIS Bid SUI Fg A EOD. pd erg L yh “Ui bit PEL Win Ue Mord wis ISS get LFF os ict lip Pe NHE Seber Set “Sb dbf Kl fare. alot PV Fe Fh IV Hain Putie Lipeinllt J EPO ere Bb Sere stuf? leat So THEORETICAL) cy pint Lung ic birt ba si So pL weiruraen Hb (KNOWLEDGE beh, mrt Lied sie ut! Soy Lt eth ble Jeera by bec ey uu Est Usui Serof lath a th Vol AMaakryiut WL obs Lo bSSiélss lig “2 phere ir Lhe Let thst Krebs 2? Buta onl 2765 : ” NeaGanes elena [beer eg bhescurbn ly GreiiZ ree Ludy-riblid cess | 2 : “HG Higeyert—o! a! Lag Seiten at 25 V0 bi Senin fht-e tAveedtitel vile Pnavie Po pSe Sel Hijoid te Vote bush" iuige Lok (Wok Fw eouut" Eee Seah n fFGL cod NE e203 “plforbia 2 PL bt Se ret ifearte Laslet ZL bit l ber Lirata PiNens | pets (5 Lert tlh bivlels Lt [Pur Lee? Oe Bes wiLe eypl (wy Sutis url LUI Geach SOLE ated episod Loti eis gL esbreeg Ure - hs Barbie jee P cee? gpg Fos cnd aya Unda %rsang ane! cin SoH BrBlaritl ENDS ais gublames je! oe lag oe Seed LSE roe tombirn} ery eee Gert MelSP ach qaailldgry sian! Sey (Hae, Led wMrcfot Ofhaibyeyg dy Gol tera? od cbae ls epascde& a tay hatte ev CSP siolenw a 26 secKiuinhLiltt aGothuk eros whee BFLIF ISOs! Aha inst style sty ee Soria basta gal hne stam “Om ASIF Se. 4 flimsw (fe Fusy) busi dite she ep Shiney, feud ‘4_-PHUSIS | PHYSIS ope WU Bh yr LOI AGE Herat Sees plplh pelt EWALD fhe re FS wor torte L bce yeas Sambi pithen beds eC bolia ving VO trRtrid ur h-bid Bode SH enhiune Uy db Louie slrvibes 1G ppd bi Lori ne SU He tH Eu KE Ke perl er By Bail gion Son bine dftlpn tise Gs date i we wl LS ce Ces Lipo billige NATURE IS A SOURCE OF ew rer Sid a BEING MOVED OR AT REST (ont ded dr boprcsig truth) pres bay! a Mg big giGat wr chabieplic af 27 Biebet tole L dbbaaide CAIN +4 Bh bh Pls Hori Fl eto hb oie tL Soul a Bet feeder f lrg Wire LeediU! saicdsztreyvisee dy hbidH “a thy red, Sf qick Ue cette LEBEL ble IP CA Siht Co ize thine Spi bsobeeg- L OH. Jolie wan, Ae pS Be By, puidfe : irk, NATURE AND GREEKS, P.59 24 HSITORY OF INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF at EUROPE VOL.1, P.96 HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY, P.47 at 43 te yi! wlautdoair Lites Meta nL ord! ef typ (INHALING AND EXHALING) 2401S SAI S62 CL 241 L Ue GIR IIBZ USI? a slo sie ISI U UPS soi ills BF" goa) WSS: CINF INITE Alastor She (goddess and 900 (4,045, Sac et, SGV (Heractitus - 500 8.c.) ter [IT SoS v'-< 2S crunoaventat PRINCIPLE) oslia? wae dot gL Sis al LUBED begestc tS (EVER-LIVING FIRE) BEA PIE As a eB Mislegntaa ci £y! “FLARING UP IN PARTS AND, IN PARTS DYING DOWN” NATURE AND THE GREEKS, P.60 # HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY, P.47 2% HISTORY OF THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF a EUROPE, VOL.1, P.95 MPP BUY oleZAREPHE SUSU Ab rtercaner eS Se ifr torah, of Un jlirthe (DRY AND warns HISTORY OF INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF EUROPE, Vol.1, P.112 NATURE AND THE GREEKS P,70, AND HISTORY OF at WESTERN PHILOSOPHY, P, 62. 44 ttt Siderorliotiied Np bud - (ALL IS CONVERTABLE INTO te Ladiurgnt (FIRE AND FIRE INTO ALL Sutin cb ede Cie. Phin be (EVERY THING IS IN A STATE OF FLUX 16- (OUSusle, Nii teheuiddeie Bid ruey' ten fALL IS AND ALL IS noi Sterioicffter ad GS" WWE ARE CHANGING BUT HAVE cranceni pba S It Piss Shor tol LSet Plates leo? (YOU CAN NOT STEP TWICE INTO “ty sano THE SAME RIVER FOR FRESH WATERS ARE EVER FLOWING IN UPON YOU) i le bi Si Siler duutby Len fe ysi Ue panute vie LAWS Se Si fo JS Jai teat BLA Oh a Ubi HISTORY OF THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF at EUROPE Vol. P.112. 7 ats oy bush BL Gage Nosh ber obbryaiedHestgbL (QUANTUM THEORY ) ssliez HL Feat Pipe Sse n6A huttyin vi le Orpen efor of HISTORY OF THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF 2% EUROPE, VOL.1, P.112 HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY, P.63 at 45 onsSien eb iititecbe Si Sih ahiuttet ZbTBL MS e4 ple BeOS Ksyie Boos, te pitestowris Age (MINGLING OF OPPOSITES acpi le Biel d8 be 22 PU Ue bUL B SiO Ib Sip Be Lage vik isobe. fei Sep Nevo f cab FtfolnL WIIG ro Mos pis6 CB ere He corutl TAO bat lez (HARMON Ub dubs fbf 2 pvrveS oiensity 7 ell teed or Sub Wid beer! at wile Lv hh Sia Se ga SU" Lola ser suiwhioiey C2 effin 34 S803 Uedea lpi fer uns, thy gut riba ebolia Solid gis Li aby leit tSie Vite EC a sees! HSL sot ne ee UL a Wb Ba fe wy ca i St Fb nvede shi rncass bit £ cops She ss,S bn ft Lea & Broo” “SrapLenpened Pn ple Wis Will if HI ( Bogts bells A Solin Sp a0! eee Vt Sr Ui Put eel otis! & ela pr ir aed: 46 “nae but ote ert Le BLL! ee, eV EL rN HG SN [

68 Fief. Se th Mb ii leis Ui Steyr eB OuadS gihsstuS dt (Meus eA hae Bor ce tur ie “nue S nels iyovign Sebo beet L151 larch seus 07 (09% Laswinr£ bor LB Sqn ein D Mone wee Ligon CKO Se ce WL Ly Lt SP on LH Abd role Drobo, LOAN vibe SUL Ib1L obra Sobers Lv eg a He Ur | CESSENTIAL ELEMENTS) ALEUS)37 (1) (MAJOR ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS pln suye oy (MINOR OR TRACE ESSENTIAL) Als 2IP coy ELEMENTS ‘ (Possiay: ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS) oe i) (MAJOR OR BULK POSSIBLY AL¥ (S43 Au oF Scat ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS ) (MINOR OR TRACE POSSIBLY Plogart oe ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS ) (UN-ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS) Pee Suspe (rh) Vibes bpusuys Cobh =, Cb gL orton tang ob hurt 69 CSUs E20 1 oes tors HIP fae heb Ga9- noel gbbs ub t Lt unre maida dans themes a tL le OPT pdth ‘PG iF pe pine (fir part at 7 Othe “Bfropss (Pi on8 es aipihat fa Go Fm “af yee eh hiph teuh ee oe at EL! 2 ph L\ ie bys oy fa eile ‘En (ay [pod Pei fiealin peei PUES W Seo Sip fst ‘ye Pratl PMS N OSPR te wo So Siaspor” wert SL Alnsisth Soe 70 PE dab Pr oles Bt eet nen eh P “yn ‘phi Sp GP peg) file Bact pz2! . i ee he Euro ute 4 0 ole? Pas # I pk iinet hLot uted ete WPL» (oF op Pipa atta pie er eb pet Suet pol Ai ep Pedal Eder Pron fig rer yak l aco Lops t nc8 0407 of TA bbek GA Seetise WL pleietit hore ZK 17 Pe elf tees reed VAle Bite lined ge crate “woth. sb PEEP asf ALB vs SEs, KE but pie byt yeh Sol ous tery UCLA Llio! ibe dP (PY h) Ee sl lorie tng y eb aE ry Sots! Lobios Se bet eia ihe Me 2 bites Prt Ls i SOaey Bb iB4 2 U2 BobivipforecsPreblaut UBF glace sig 4 PE Ube ls ofa gs! wo 9 fo iPeL cigs bit ete M Gleb Lyi 2 71 V4 YousSuph Wey tebe LAwess 7 i ‘eHep Vor Seon Sort “Lai otndih wpe Hur ae, eft e Btvbiete deSoie vi Lb Fi etal brn Lal Sunt pViSIEIBE LLon-@ Broling? e Ey Bhede rrdoL ster A wr, BT |e v ely yrer a riegit [ot27 bssiots Sos ter Gisls is biL x? (ORGANIC PARTILLES) w@ foi fds (PBL Nosy PAS tee g! cpROTEIN PaaTicLes) 1 2L cfs glen te - uh bu igletelate A ius Sees Arde L aay ee ‘ ttle bee eb er 8UFu salt bee Ori. 2B (CARTILAGE Cy Dep Legend es pESierbair 6 MALS Lhe Kt Sete tr theo a BF wiPdeos 131 - 2-O"7 Of PF SUF Brae J ee nL LLU. Yor pdb, DECAY) PEP igh asin pS, tae WTA. eBreay : eb osutet Sore L vale re Soni, Bate A Us a! 72 28P ce Wass! UTISSUB eb z : ANAS PIL gn Blissie- tr i Caan’ raula trv tuna S( BP Gs Ly apt “ -taywobrang sur Nico ci ge fet oP Sa ZLPY [ewHo7t Maer (RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES ISB -L UF -t Sb pili SL or pen Usteat re tit Sb yd-4- BAY Bt Seg OSA Ib ao Uly VAL. coxtoation) Ji7 ltg_ tbl Lt firuaictes Lede Chieti AL ye osbeut ge Cue A sept dbuiteh hee Reisner Lea Sle B02" SSEusier be Wale tT oy LoF,07 uw Agingtal LIL << thr dbrirdeuit puke Ate te, Z Seto Peg bet Lever ube to LIFT uP SipiL wicastive JUICES eb dif Ute” ae "¢ Sil Lunt ter tah pues age Ht oil Lo uF bb rusiaO br glcd' fea fou WY Sie LEP LUMI MSL ble ug BF eat Siete a tfort Br EKG PAL ide thle till ge Saud 2 td aon CULEs. Shee pale ldo fbi bs 9328 RS So larosl) 73 LbuhrantuiseL onl Jah. te Abou? wepthn Bur pap gles ALG Lice Ute 2 92 L (SODIUM CHLORIDE) ey i ppt hr pP AiSh te (AOE [eer rom sitnut prey Weir if Le. eebat Ue SIU (RETENTION) OIL ce eee BIOS MUSCLES CRAMPS) 2 JrZ bad 5 Lidia Uy023 2G prod Sle? ie Barat MSM ALLS Le -OUT tL uriuird, Sb VIG Lars IHL Worl rhs tute. Ap le i SM Ua SOF retested fit Ly orp /le Pobre pre Loa Pinions h o Pus) (EDEMA) # cuypertension 31.007, 0yy! Wan Uiake gc? (CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE) Glee Ludo. yotiindhe whores bey df EL wiih Me PL SLE blo? “fer Le bg PL Pie hyutet “a8 een Ssi€ uo Cv anbeoda [a4 erga Cpe Su Sup SOWA COPA ly,AEDEMA) Gul iwropsy) bm lero, Li Seedie y Vag (DEHYDRATION) 28 Gh pre flatsl eof Loheiee Gar Wel f iL BUlISeE et. eur alear tdyepSL'a Ub! bffpedansieist/ 74 SOLU Hi FE blr Ste Ut ‘KIDNEY FAILURE Pew SoS Bre pve ret oie hig weiner MACHINE ceo» faiust ue wb Sole ces Si eh Sei uf Air ctyee ad dAbos cs Sites Lge tor e,s) CH Lye Sf Sut 01-2 ObB pists ry itis Fs eb htt kt ELGL dv Coie olin err tude 223! (DIABETESE Bb ETHYL gtr Wb Se St ow, ePuictuis tabi Lit et CO Wel la DHL Ue bro Lites MBBS EE IL UPS het Satoh SY ASLAN SF s ANIL 5 SHS Bob plod lutabatineteutesrte Lie MIL vied bile ewuree TRACE ELEMENTS) Wale Heal rg Oy LOY creas) feteVbureilo. thse Meg thf Ut dh Ute SigP A L (PROPER NUTRITION), ely YE Spt LWA ASN GOL a battles. a“ Sorbie ube eH MGb ae. 3 theses LAYER U7 be Sas tat f [4 txt eS evvety ly ANP Ssor. o WES LG ND Searle Ng bit er SUS af coke Morr en Stra whe ati, UG Sok “ Sorigre,- 75 bef SO eet? ILI SUF lwI1OL4 2 ; we Ia bt bo vecav Mure [ota GSH GUE Ute tnl Ufe, Voted # SLU issih LIAB LL Nee See rtp L eayrighZbbhes ONE PART TO A MILLION ct” bby SEF sires Lterita le i sie¥ ute Borgel PLO" Jeti ee rb aL erbuighe / ¢ a thyUb unre t (METABOLISM) a 2 br oti fen bf Sia le tus Ae J ee Ob LO Uy Li SPL in NUTRITION te be PAR per (6S: i ak yl ut OXIDATION Ovi ir srg baL eee WILSON'S DISEASE Zbl, Leben ries See Se bilge B br Ob: et SB ee Sm se Wk But Me Uli lg Blt! A471 CIRRHOSIS OF LIVER ee {NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS) 2 Genk AI ALIS (THYROXINE) Of 7b be (THYROID Se a [ea at (tS corren thse AgiBre-aetfosb bref Settle tbakolien dro true Ga PM MOFL OB LIP TIILE 2_-LPUINACTIVE THYROID GLAND) 120% be bz. ly, 48 Fe CP UUIL gO per SAe aS 76 Uicz Ute 18 Sod tly gd 0 Ib GS re BIE IseaiSikeg Ub Cheshaios eee tb LAUR! (LOpIseD salted Fel (H Z Jeu! S17 merge, af aL we tens Eel FR PAW rts [ey a tn pe JS ethos ure L Lb Sten Spe 620 ei Lg , oobrcyer bi L ee LJ! (ecedl 4th boi 2 eb SoF hi Se Sete LU) yp, BRS te tHE aeL Syrty |. ah bkriy PBS GL Mis ebutud 2 fut aL 2,L£ tMuscuLaR pysTROPHY 1 f”UJ23 : a duped Larus Pi orinere y Va Bar (Pra beee Gi tf [ot (& Gy Sunk SoFoneusel lat bes ie wnt S1. Utcsl¥ | (PATHALOGICAL THEORIES) 2) So A, Utes OLS AS ale L bg fod ( AKERMENN elt at Mbp a Ht PP Sus bi La Sar hi gs LFRANCIS ADANS)/‘2Iu~4 orb ve E Mat L ute bali r bbe sb Pb Ler Ed CL puta PL sel gf heb ir bez ten LS Tei A Soo Ui SF UMBALANCED STATEOR MIXTURE)GI.2+, apt tL Sele etre t bt FU Saye alt LsctUtilaio, lined bp Ba (FAULTY GPP E UC EW ga AS OAL 43 slag Sule (MIXTURE OR DYSCRASIA OA SCVL PY on grL albus bie Sir pe THEORIES AND PHILOSOPHIES OF MEDICINE P.176 a Ne thet Se ely RRR a1 Ce nce Pweg duit iSite Wwe onSeapolfne vie th Vl See Vor PYM OF BGP ELSA Bb OLE Lz LN L oa Binur goto, Leer elie L118} SOK Cpoutoligth (tyie 3 - PRL ipl a (Js -g UK ered gpl ai Seb Pope naSertid ole Wd pei! §— oddio Pr rwiaadi bref vypsiwet ntelslevionhaediow INAS UOwE — sh bApte wT WIWalLy Autevesipenef Abeviotbecdloy aby Ptoriphnn nL yp — ryballtaasi abide 3) obs iP ips Orig S + #laguullyaalils seed Srl Lolbi.d Saw Le vsisl ahi iL a Ul Uf Bvyattytols sl elie ee bop feiss sdues nyse bP la. c| 5 7 : Brcnenthace (EAU y se! -e . Ord HELI NL EB ih oe ui wee Worl USI uid (ALCMAEON OLA LS pia WL Loto a 2%, qualities) 21S SEALE ce SEF Sgt buch gt ust a! Mayes 82 (PHILOLOSK UBS sHPHILISTAN Be Bsuscr hs RAS wih bite ilfruyted. TUL iene epi goL CN SGMaeal GARE railed > Giugrider wy Five boii Lr Ly wh-2ubeitS gp fo ° Ht porter x3 Vadvita rer phy oe) Oyler Bor EK UA Gpaiu i Pole APE cg SBI SUN tet PF bisbst -- byt ae eee i: Matinee (PPLE ran Bb BteesG ops JE thwle bSerdYlP> ALES x 51 Ph Boel ble Lb KG speiLorszvuathi otuityine A wraeer iL erate JH GuLsilledarolnynge Vereen LY meyer la_angy Pe eirind Yaddwentdladyyst Abie tices G32 Fn para dar UMHiCe iwi iler et ole Zee hoes Banat es Lert LILA SM UF Le! GON INE laid 1s SS ada rote eg pole a MAG EEL Url! ak 83 wigan Miulrtciby,iesrye (ish Lies aot Utbiele AABAL IE iyehArls. tgrtuscr rele pikes Ge dlaelas poiyiclor a ioe relia “RO It Bbc sehr bouewn£i edo (ible turin oly” pis Sy Nef ta L daria ve eH03() Ube B Sola prirle wifsbo bu. &. cba Zichs02 (wr 14- OL OYE Lap Sor ier iste ced HE BOLL bwIPE NOs sebeg Pe OF ps bewsies ; i “abn easdere unr Et bls ele gor weber Bir Bey psi izgie ole base WS He LIP SEK Wiper Kebab PS Giles, BOLE BOLE ebro Se Give phe etek L wot iciL tench Peas : wie frcr Ulf g eid ae a permle speed yea" at — INTER CELLULAR FLU ID OR PROTOPLASM re ers, pL aah IFh Bratt Lope Beeb & Pb pete gos (HOMOSTATIS eB EXTRA CELLULAR FLUID erahyz Uyeet & ay ete iL EU rl! A ; Spe re Lowi LP Stub! a SEL Pdf at se SPL SIL we Sip a daa Pagtab ip? a fou eG Sit dfeo bs eda Ebr lynewy ett ib ioe fe" Ue wig Har gilon SBF 2916 Proton hd Bhar Metaweb Lis reso fi Bey! ere YL Mere ro Lir a Users yrtoer er aN atl BU a tn Bubb sroudivesss) bole dlg-g tt wie uf Loot, bb test Lrutus WM oe AO Ie omen FSR ett buretitu lu yje toy utes rod tesz2in£i die Las uk - vieLge ian se byyStiligty Ausegiatcenv£ (OF Brett Lia bL OPP Khan S e heat tg te be wb mola se Lube lf SO IOI a Writ eerapuid tes VENACAVA) Wot af Sm P eS bie (nL ig olaet y Uf (HEPATIC VEINS) Ulan th 85 Jeet hh mets uz bbl or cable Vie ferrrtatyrdbe rubults Ale. a thithoie tes fay etur We lg Spretronndiugtaciin PSir-g br (ZbbL bate er isslg— pr Frese iforl at Pan ele S bevels 20% Udarg- eb Su ads, 121 ae PS 93 wor VP Brseceprse pire hb dpe iio shy “ae Ud ord 2 ths B48 2e Urolisieg Hore, Iiilebsrait PoP Ung Sislra rhe a! bbs Air iupre Gr bed vigel eve sirs Qaiet ss Ut Sone bas” Beta LacleHAieponbuy Sorel ps Lah ap bie sro Dinu d Fitetoyr fix delet tor Anal unis 2 OS Uo} ables be Le iylt “ Conger hth rLt 2 uttcehiu gre Siepsbeed” 24 GiuiLurechpsubse Getic frisehes ‘Deed nia he eb Leriot Se edison at ‘tt bk 86 heedin tbr bei Lvcs ei wiwiga§ bp ge Pic on See GME Sapa Ls Prop eb le Gu BSLV WIE bet Phe Z eck eo HJebi Pur lrie (ep Da PY a SLL rae eI 09 (LS thal SAL eligi HM lirecdre Cet tii Lisboa fe pecuniary aL Pg ible coh 09 Peed ie Bint eoshirtia lee BS Platt S cole Li de icliat! Tee turt & UY Wrz Le babianys tae 6 pbiy91 ee On bet ea “tbe 1 oberg Bw ely LL be tito L wa! LU PISYS SIE Ing Me hpi ngurhbelen Step Fp UN ele OU bye en) Le bP LE pouriet ia ba LUE tobify test “| Bape ise tee shros Se gh ie? AW pe Sete uP Sibiet ul oberd WS frigh 09 PP Et See baby dali Lie ee bot fas bie! etl SAPPEANDI LIE LEE S11 PIM el bee - Cr isaiese Owlier! HGH B SE I Ch. . ODL | eB Sruber Uber gph) BON 4 IOUW Sige cds 87. a & lathes? low uss Pepsi oles ” de und Posoirur ye ger subn gil. vw E “nF gate led AL by 4 22a [Pa e iL bpten Lou! shoe riBa S68 Cetera te Pi b8 6b Bt obtisi LoF tM Ue be cbr yeighyt UU Sobre ute! SIP Kot andet Be . ee wpa PS, MM yivllets, (Pie uv gpl Lbs Eb Beste b b Sree Bri L rdye pet fens g" fae oor? w eo? outer» [fetes Lom" ila Lowel threo gos Yiki Gi os qiedimenieherbletebpu BHUTIL IN igh bt Mat: Ofdeyi. 4 206 words amlryb a UUs enh eidorbin Webs, PSENEOK le See han. Sore GB ye he eddGL* ower ie at Lyte Woy MtBbOlgetiaerbia co Car ids we sbi) NWF g79 Ox 88 weg er Bie a BSP Sela sari Op pega tn pip lorie ty BP Lic Lolen ibe Harling Lon » ety bte gilernSiboueur7eh flor free ust i Leg oF Pe Sur Sous . gel Kee Lc, me wee Leica gid bm be Sie Fiend « UF Mossel ye elinity aye nue ABI Us zcolesilh ate Loree os Gates . estinzinstg wrddur suid PR RL Ep Sbigen Favre vIwiigd} cise nee ban peeinsire dt Ob Bir ye Cte 090s tugopa.Zbtetie ctbys ZBoW, Wb nee WIL Epa! tI LOT os olfisi* ore rii tt Leal Wor alas dlp? abe EE bh LOOIOZ btlig kb etl wt Ube Higa HM Sg BUNBtee | foes Fiesty. Vr Pete ago = ‘yen nto Sieve bide fiz. Wor PHLEGM ~ ipten Kosa Ly LRP atecper wFRe orth 89 wbI Ld te Trae sal is eb. Le abat “Yt b9 ee treet “1 “CLINI + Ue wLyiaL vive etry tor je Br ef Sosutener- br Bates p 02S cae Wisin sell wL the r ether tral vier POEL L ei pute mgt ures Gl. usnergeoogsrijisl (eed Hr a My oes at ee So tu wielteutoln LEDribe pop 2e BL ob i4 eras bie me LU Ig FF Le Oh eye ‘lat ” 7 te Or Gigte- ati S832 Bribe ‘Sui apie igh 2 let tout foley) a ORLOV Ee Pee sae t PVG GPS od. Fowl Aeatat Ue Seta, Ye WoL biAt PD eee KUrIIT ty cide bh MP, (0/00 etfs bi BL Se ui Moteur zt ore Ses hngcory af Ot OBO te aby ht Ute Se elt he bi atthe (itr iH 0 Lye the Lf Liven jer pitas eb ae eee ln ROR bt he ca : - ina ser by boePone lh eh ‘dg ad ot eal Bye ape oF 4 split -f weet Brypaie PS | wee i att Yorupuste PL, ‘ ae ” dia Teeth ge Ne heer, ‘ we 8 ; grein PH Si 32 SU! ah Ui. CE SP ope hie ndsniah. sot Sgboiuty (al Salpesalaeripasiaia Ub be p20 plasstyel Lut eenigtler nate tut (Ube the Sui Lops etre stl WEAF 9 etypf :Ul oe fh se ea 25? i eet ete pai POE a ber A wr eet pet ee wrt 7 cain Ge < sail ert Se eb wy erg at Wenig Sb lt Baebes vel 91 ge bh ort -r etl Pai til eeriisla tis UF LerLivyri-r teh I Sue viet ie Scneuteny! abo. urls 4 eb he Pile VU LouFtr Die Pb ep ce byt 02 gt pp Phroigiier Nn tEetvi Lobe vine db NSAP 1-2 Sosa eb ygheaneipsind tu? eth bal Lutes! styl 1 ween cl L Suihedizepres ' Syptoy or Cb bbe tba Lytioos 6 54s or Ort ben VPM zeros ‘Chis diLy? : qtie Middl ptdviatn ob) BE Sihe zien Lu Yeh, ryteeena Ser Bayete kinds (LET ae Cptrowrie ttl rh ser a! AN a Brag ew Sip le bie ry al. SEPIA AT he Gag Bator sEdlsshe de (Pier ale RCM NPL OS LENO I gly yg la Jiri ' lag Ko Eh ae CF las Saag ak wliause Pi eiabir Say WM igre L, ot (GHEY ae Bay typhi la WL Nee eg bf 92 »gtkevr in) gous i LoePohesbor Kia a UG Ligeur : iki brit Ly. brs (Pi bea te SoF «1 eth Cori pol Lopeh 2A tO we? or oS ath Lhe by, urewefor {Asi ” 21" ors oid nel gt brie eb ogee. a i - atria OIPIL Unb ter Oybobe See flee iBboluretbs? [34 ee Ws FL Shales Cinzrios bie qe By ti sr org rad | a EO Play tobi a tybirts Sete budyd Ab grcike oot Sas Koil pt LF Ir0 ie ae Unser uss by hinting Lofsopy Hebe QU GA re eg Ste ruden gt ‘Uta aL a Oe) B20 BEES 1h) Gil gAiPOP5B babe Ba SUriter vi (PRL nba bbe pbatygubbte cL Fale tle BG SEM Eby! at 93 L Ghabe tre VL eS 06" J! bob Li-uinb £ Se borin, eK BPing ALES WUE Kosbie gl Lusso e bo t0 so rint “ate laibz BS hype Lyise treme bee by EP lebiensiretht ewe pain atte aii ie th bribe Luigi Bie ota Ch bho li pelt lel the eb Moa Seer h A ABGs Ig KHL, ther oars (pe Sete Moe ply seth bree Lyle Breede. LASSI EL ob Sets outer" liar! NY La lag ce 5 (WB eo blake cise seg” eM pO? Lala V Sud pi lege Ut OF cet Vlog PGP Ape oar Suet Lswie three Fay OIE eedzcurtdtiathourtubebegls Bhs SLL P Me By Rare BF AbwnAL USS e e OSs toss. oe ul Phectisie thre typ sy PSNR ate te abil rae Af tera? 94 rg GNM bed’, ip ori» Cir ot 028 BAS Au See aptly Susan ie sttu! DALE ra Britessy sett Moe cite) Ltt oss oiignhe Bl... elrspolie df, “pd dn Moe Pxiged FG cbr Ltd teetid 2 Senin oi6 Ub fe bbe pus pia Lok Loli Libr- ud Gd (Said?) eaprigterutens ” Sls ech Se ulgaloi Sten b “ dere p leh iS I tile es Sys UL sll! yt . PHIL PBbiaL£ [Belov Olt K Nae th ty OWI 'La ty Ppa ruiby sie dol Leith yeIBi sob Lop iurLstke of sok bscth Fibra (epic le trlgdiroly tel Bpipdiautpey dh groomers putt LL HL rise pL Ae Loving a" (DBY lpr et£ AS Ste | LN pip MWe DM Mie pre Ut Mee 1& IGN ab ened roy) 95 uth atirtione bL ie Biel! s 2 , bcbg” U2! a Cat 21309 Gt bP Seti hide lens usoF UPS! ‘oor CH “pedo, LAW POOF ESA LIS 2 a? 3 wal L puro ile-VOUie i= = a thiyph bt bey pa Lassa tn tube fight” Pre BLoibyds bibs iia bl Wie bu Mapa Mra aed Able foil bis Ptr a UbSoilferfe by%Bupelty itferhia Pod tie ethers ga Ub posfi sia it tee b thie Jt “NOP Ena eh! bois P@Merhop Loui 7 _, fap hoe [Wie aioe aU. Set Sut rurnv tt eageuy! Subtitle dba bre be Loe tin EOI SE Wied Ula by’ Me rp He Pek SH Iue Le stoi! rere Agel Biers} ot Sb hr heli heaist piesa bi pie Muse tgerh & 96 Cb soe hiliLs Bost 15 er Se i ja th pig utcsh Le ybic ure. suit a ore Ol bb Ut be Mr bie le ee HpnLu bes urig1£ lot gsi (gs fe hee 3 SENT, 7h ‘ee BeBluetiogetn tus a (Ue a Lon toni Chl teste ct LBl pharvwwl viet be Ge ri L PIP Wide Corre. BOLL Soe Yh At Les, ans v6. ee Pos Bie Lich Bid vio? on Bose 2hb We balleya 2 Bi uteiiy, 22 slur order ee ibe ChE bus wire Lua” Ser Koel blithe isa Les “We-disuiz aby PNG WY Si fee ebirne. tube tt ead ‘ae BIBI COSA ot ed OF & pe le af 0 SUBD WL IIIS ACG EL at 97 alg brent be Wibn tiga OF hig Ue WurB aaah —tishag tui Cunt LAGE esl ob Lf brings Lieto eh L Cae Sed rae BL Se SerwneipSutile th Hut a +3 i © We Fae el bes ee - oprpe Ebay, ipen | War iega! Datlegh A Sow e Vigtlarwab jd Migs SAwoyie Ase dred L Gig ots teen iLoyrd Mo e/aeus Bin bsbig Ofer Soiddaid SUG ath WW OO Leni pedir eds"! te Melee Lila rytd x eube Suiolne ub, bhwicyn Sip BK Jae. wie Sap og bbe sb-Zs91 BG ure Ort fife (A-IKE Ele orbS i b+} bait ee nth tems OL oripisrpii eee few viet SA feel Po LI Ute a0 be Brtsbsiyie Ui Lule Oresb OP gril Op dO Ess La tnlyg ir hiv . ‘ 4 Jn Urosutdb Blusteutos fot ean tr (hr up ebude 98 Lures eed so durian gn pk Beopwte nA sf Lorlecstheture : ete yoliekin he Lux Wh eel ArT Wad. laa neg (gui Z, At bib Bowes thy Gibriraticbilrel ie ie Gr L Ab ud tlt bis DLS B4 bab wip bioesé pa Coes ebatcetiiel silage Sebig Ol wie be we Pile hati tubaire bol wu pSiebIse Lore Bie Led Uo SIS Cuber et b ie Leg Probl Of : + beasts (Pact LUST she ‘Unit wr guutdl Loe a seet UsZUI93¢ i 21S we [Wire lex orth LOY? Bb0 Moos uie tat Cla hee Ui? Sot Hr oa kN lpi cee Unable rf tay, Lea aes iam uses usl OR ZO Floor, i - PAS Sa (eb eile Colt [Wie ons Be EVA ge Ob Ne Wri peslZ! Ase th Whe lee aah Cl Plcsli hos} aI Ses Aru. ut a Sid 166 PSE Vie CUA EE at id foyegl> we LOY Rene re Biri a fGen ‘ 80293 £0. Pb IVb Zils OF un eVeddoroe bapctbend Lorn ptibedia to abot stg OIA lpn tnt Lie tober tore Soil pn, GL wi Seid) 4. pee Jebuise Lahde |Win cbt Ba tt OEE Sisiceb 2 Sav DSU ee eae by tie or7 MAM LAE Ke riai22 ob Lplaln tad , (24/‘Ut -YUte b goig (VISCID FLUID) Ceti ladle 10 ie Un Ilea9) Ue ble Pl hash Sopssrigh at fnb-uo ls fal dah thn etl b Suh, Fe b/tLiQoun sancu nus) (672 UL” | (PLASMA) BLOOD) ga eb? hn LdI Muvtile HALLIBURTON'S PHYSIOLOGY ED.17, P.467 @! he pf bus 101 Ad byte Ur UU sIUstee 17 (CORPUSCLES Bri peh Sore nih Souhn FSU baseaLuwtpe i Lupine muta By obwiL “ge Ub (BLO PLATELETS tzu)! L eh Ne nd teow nLla rel oF OF a eB Sy critaurey coat eber is” en orLounas ee Pt taf) AU HE Sa tele Lutnaed voLot ott! At aSO ULE (CLOT) 2 My L Put “gC FG Ut gi) 1(F BRIN?) ra ase orb ae SoS dis Spee iE IM net fee Lp lal . ier UAL LL Lircos usd. . D1 1s PCs Le leet WETABOLIC WASTE PRODUCTS) 29 (\(3~I,9! (METABOLISM) CUI a (STRAW COLOURS Lie 1 Pf ‘qe 4-Ast (METABOLIC RATE) SIMI Lu San gl Sen babe Waits ie Lge L Sat AOI AMA oobi hee WM! wut Ura, OtGub Ups 09 ba Ut psig Pee LoL ork ob fL debit HALLIBURTON'S PHYSIOLOGY, Ed.17, P.470 2 102 be Ue eee AL Sale SIP Ke gp99 “ L br i GLb yg ut Soltigst Bin hg BH ise SH elo ut Uo gui Las MHL Ue yLusy¥ Afr Le bxphior bE Wig ko yori nbisisb PILES Sec reir Ln PuPt “GSLs otter eee er IL eB Sue SOI SG pea? 224 Uf (CHROMOSOMES 1/937, SL 28 7zUt | GENES! wide hia bh tel, Sear Latoya 4 PU ECU BIZ 07 tL UI GtT anb-d, Wirt Ss A gc UI PKS Gein hype SL ie Oa hatte ROP Se Gy (FL Fes Smee Lb voni PA be Ss ce OF 627 L121 LU1s2! (CONSISTANCY? el PotrStev sisi a Pru aetd. PT PS Frm Pak itor Ely eta Lh LALA gE Ler swi tele SMES! PLB IVOF L sider Sa obi apt Ga thik Lp) he sie thvut Lutte Pane B10 phsbed. OO EOION' bevel at 103 Poste pate, ofrgBhin DE SU LOG Uo Vole ee de IW PR 10s urbe is NERF SLES 9 CI lee ch bse Uris. Sire-B4 & Chi ode Sa Wi Fur pg Sun bt wb in w LU lee eu byes sb they SLs SAI LL. Po PLE er i Soria bbb Luly Sh a4 Orting ee Lat UO Pla stgil DENS HM Hs) BUR arent Pai aU (UNDIGESTED FOOD) fPoretin el) Aipegtis x His he befn- by sioe type le Whe bg Ui este SIL ly aul BLUt gd Lingle. gthntubutur3 ein On bale Soe table, L baby ge bley Le eb bs UAL Pe grituk GIP ely B72 0 SUM a13 Lhe tai! wet PET PE pens ibs isley.a Kt Ps ePOY Seloth wre eri {hudro1 eM EL ebb 2 Soll oho L bly ofr loath WO Pict isbon Shar ibt oe SE gciery a! we an ak PL piniics iaigoh + puch sa? SOIL SE ahs " (tot i al loons Frater 104 tf Le le Bh Sain kao! Silo 12» af PMB 1c late Me MY “EU BEE SoUI Tt Ebel SBOP LM og IKK (0) oh Ut Bles Su lab a2 iP colt? og? col L Ure SUt (SPERMATOZOA) ELD Sez utes? CW8 ihn ede Sret LW Pez Kyin£ Bok GEIL IIA Py SLL! ta arb cules S ebeole able ALGE ZI" pL PAs siasad Geant L UP So 2b) Abd eh Bb Sout Mover file binewe Uns es! Masia BAM oz L Pe wil ia OL CA 2K WS Sle Ut a bol Lio “ag G eae x ww SEL 99 BSE Ul. pn 999 CK, am (Mali WEE Futdbd bigistyst tis ul of td bezel hu Su fat Sized sews wai eL reeds aU EE slo re 022 SelB beg to ihe ww te sb Kor UIE (es, MeLfe tn ents CipryPtensts die oF lee siivin Meri? a! 105 truce COB 796 olru2 ia vieka Boel PREG EL ILL ABIL y dl bios LU FL BL 4 bi eto Fag Si? end UW - lee, Loa Aetelh ce Lew, peter Se vy We (UL I Yrals Ply Sls Lud. uit . Sotelo lier Ayr br per GPy a2 Fo bss the Se SBF Forte» FZ. Lier Saenger oy a ot bio ile uf ce be kU pre ovat Us 2dr KOMI Le 2 ys : wheapt Set Dstnrta Wg [ePscoue! 2 gar stot Sol be Song Pot SOE BL L Psibacta pan iinhetzule a Lebriovk yet ets Stolvurighes SLES en cshetan igs Sui Deg 0 SE So itaeeepelare | Sor Karis gtelf hee Le PiloF LUBE oltre dP - Cas Bo Linge hur baron tIF oy 64 chi Sei nite® Soy bd cpearr Lb a Juby elcedy 2 cdi Se rr op rhotcan Fe ai, Sb gp ced ialicngeg3 cds herds esthetic Wicbtg a Mai Lbs a ut CMSA NEUE I, ibe balbspet ds Ae di siblod dy Piepae IL 106 4 UbGluU rb ASBL w Solute rth, 2\ Loris? gud Be bade (1) -% ¢ 1 fe wi (0) GALL eLavvEn UP Rene Sb 19 -B% U volte PbS AaB Ep oF CE Sere bt lie Ao ab, rk Youle sur. - cel pons z Boley fe both Sort, Ahh Le fo foto£ pei Labrie 3 LBL scibbHUtu sZt Apa Gribydeisigie a Mer elig gt bgt he e2bs Certignd Snutensy on pt tetd rely, abo tee tL Lik (2b dium ik 2 OU eamrible 5 ab uituth Shep a ap iI Leh Se Liteurtrrd eo went Bb See le NG ei. spell ute? Pious Parer, ators Sore 6 t0b Yurbese athe Sopapana? ae we Mt Lerdue ute elboler af PP eit te Bat lagu le Uren ida, CLI} eboateuivi poise im Ui LUT be ayn Lie Wu MEA SH, vies. Ubbatousee of Sen biny 2S 107 olin Sy. utiles vol Le hen wee ree rtis ht HL oll JL wat by 12 20FHWL ics . SIF Abs ob Sery bit ors a “Utes seit api bibv. Uae bade over Se rade Ute bd t (40g Ore mw wet ce nts LL Toh Aiptes m ZOo7 Hb ade gitrwes Sure PES nd tarts Sitter Pivencpe sbpe Peat epHeG PAP yD ont triad eesigd? in) Adil sl pil i BSG anime rele cr) vi “es ree omy Obey St dy (Br eh (0) : eS iesecns ot LP BO ganp Ley nh GE Ab aad ify re a! wb (Voe a wats jor ab wea iran af 108 wd (Puets leet iwAZy eb 7 we PCF islets Sopot eri vos (4 Ure Sol ncrwgre Cure oe SIO be sits ( pC oads) Pot fu [ew HEAL 0 tsi deeb Senge AM ole US ory Prt BIZ) AEH ol dh th r£Uy L iy ld? ww -t RSH a cn 28 45 LA BM stb leoE om CObL as prio xe bye L euso4 ie) Bribe Soyve PEO) sayy UdBbugiltorS L [ee + (INTRA CELLULAR FLUID) (exper dys helices, 24 (TISSUE FLUID) woh ces or (LYMPHATIC FLUID) gobhcid or (CEREBRO SPINAL FLUID) SO faa” (SALIVA) Orel ces -0 (PERICARDIAL FLUID His Beds 4 Gee rstaelblojueruid Li pillows Cre VIS GY eetulceied Longing lifer GEL PUR 109 (PLEURAL FLUID 22 ed, 2 (PERITONEAL FLUID) HL ced. (SEMINAL FLUID) uw bea bie aL en PU eco hL oy Sr tab oP Sous edict ia Ut PCLEAS, Soir dhu hte Lprbbendy ica Ged) abt Poeviy ges 2b ly eee JIILCYTOPLASH) Aer) cr) (HUCLEUS? | eetech, eetblle bil hin G AL yinol i Bet a Sp oH Net SB Seinapfemgisyisy2tb YiCYsTOPLasm seh.a DAridu pind Pz etb gag Lu eed Shot exten CELLUAR FLUID» USuZgbs tourer h. a lr PG i EGS 10 meq/t pox w 141 ‘ edn P74 lun i omy 7 SLL hen pense fig SNE Ig a! iia Weep tebiese bie Maw Lijgeedy pte COEFF LIE aa £ cebu done rile VE auth eM tL ofs3 Silla: Soh EB OIL ITUNGET LS» ee a , 4 fie isis ee in 4 nea ae (a Ney LBL 4 7s "oo" 26 te 2 "4 a 64) 0-20 mg o/o SF oy 200 " 4 fo wy Jpy an 2-95 gm o/o Fb an fix ory 20 mm Hg 3h? a) 50 i 4 3b Cob, (10) 7 PH Jia “ byidib. ee og 7 drt Lab heey Ae ithe hie BL, cry [P wootes 17 Lz! (ie Cy ee Lik WW) PRs phe Line w Se nid hin Lee om Arr BU (0) een pret iit Le Sepa psc sur ie toll £282 By of “Gate pe vj RR m1 4 woe TED Ure (rr (6) vl UBL EBL Le Wed, el LL OP ds, - GBB IE es Geer, eye a Fe BL (or E Zh wie grr re-di Case SOLE 4 td nuniots Z Laie Mai Bbw Lol.g Oro? 142m = eq/L 50 " 5 " 3 " 103 " ‘ 2a" 8 4” n oH " 90 m9 o/o 30." " 0.5 9m o/o 35. mm Hg 4 "~~" TUhib.2 090 tb far 0 2s o74 engin at wy xy 8 00) 22881 eee (ay ee (Ay iIF 4 fu We Cup on xy ay i“ ar) FLW 0m Fb 2 ube 40) 36 Othe ture SSE g ot 112 7.4 PH JE ony 1c AWG 12 a EBL Sug Ube ls 51 Leb BP yielb te uiataet of [vert Bilsoben L cihe distal cede Sob whee CT ups Evobs etaleiz Gia IL Wh EL eg iP BUST EVAL dol : -eSi9 a We (WATER vouunes ASL Mahe (wuysu! ] (ALKALINE — fh WSs (SALT CONCENTRATION)E[Z1 (YG Le 05 4 Surya as ineaction LA dU Hila (PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISM) Pree be BUSS ia Heb a Of se OKalt (SELECTIVE PERMEABILITY) 52x r1 Sle (SIMPLE ORGANIC EL 0b Mtl Algal. BPE pS bf Grn oPLiBel coupounns Unorcanic SLA AIH EGE Ute CBS II SPomchirig BA, tre JEL (Sart of Ue GS (COMPLEX ORGANIC COMPOUNDS). LP 62 UM a ibiGebsidhopirse cept LEAK 2 21 SiMe bey yr SH 1h J Viaquous sowtion Us G1 Le Las Morboles etre iF chuldzsee (FLUID CONTENTS) - Leith Le itgy taf. trun Fy Be Suusites J 113° BPP 3p da 2S ng orld SEONG Kee AB (oth y COI f Seti ett aL GG OUST Seid tile gibi. Hoypehasl (INFLOW) $ly GB 248 fb WB Ir Dale Ua) (NUTRIENT MATERIALS) “ite CAB sie SF h1L Yo (OUT FLOW) EAP ued Ye cf L Bese, - Clrua L (ita scriviry blo (CELLULAR Ania es bur ind ¢ Bitty 3 f turn Sousie Li METABOLISM (CATABOLIC REACTION ip5 2,9) (ANABOLIC REACTION) GOI a pF L est BEEBE Be Sebi te tT IUbIL Lies (PHYSIOLOGICAL CONDITION OF HEALTH) GUL ee (ia Bor ghee OSB beets? : wamiaLocicaedb Berfrtsre tit td bers - ath LI (CONDITION OF DiseAsE : spel agere b,gebiris ee mpg leg tii GE tS WG LW Usa S rimeld bLeniiLa bb bos hes, SL Uo Uti Ur) (ACID-BASED CONSTITUENTS! Oy TLS wicnt ALKALINITY SIS SOR BUE ieee 7, (REACTION POINT aie Lol 4 GEL re Jor th iacp Howe, beday Boyerda ii Set SP pia AP iy gr BP eg SPL LSID Sud See Scag boa Bobs twrig-Bbrl Li Keak sure 2 TM Ge Selb UjntPrbalge Kati bantu eve tse Slao9 tile 5sp2 GP gEY (OPPOSITE REACTION) sgl Lactng dt) off So) j91 (HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE) eP Osa MiUsia- Uf lac (OSMOTIC PRESSURED il phy eed. 12 Suiee lege tue, x fore ao Lela Oisboy: we Loli lets, Bi vaprecdS (WASTE PRODUCTS DBAS yale LS wot be LP U9 25 Luibethys ba bly S Asus (CONSISTANCY OF COMPOSITION ge LuIILS ebr iA Suiir bod bSea will bf BL bo oGd ol susie? ~ fnsog IN-—— BLOOD FLUID ———» INNER CELLULAR <—QUTER CELLULAR FLUIDE CELL WALL «FLUID OUTé— CAPILLARY WALL SELF REGULATING MECHANISM Alec Sou! (PHYSIOLOGICAL ¢ LN Fe Ne er lb IF) sald ye: Le bbias5 LAMECHNISM 115 weg lef Cg Bssleer ghee ILE Side greed ia Cy OO nsf eee UL Bla OMIM IB Wald UHL tHe Cisiutds rel Q IbIL steel fete ut | *, CrP SELy LYMPH allah 2 ge Cr ti, yes SB} tie BU Byus vessets eae panel Suriut (THORACIC pucrr ulsf oag Bate) “04 MEVBe-4-OVIU ILL te fe oP Eafe Vie be VII LeP Speer Ge See BSL OM. 6 Soo aS Pug Seed -4-U bard gatas! - CMW eos futdsibuutteiziLyt fit i Pigsagiw Bhan Bs wb Je roe re oY ws en er aa) Ir pred (6 4 6 4 ‘ iceeg rrso bag (oe ‘ + 4 ros nabiQisl > (4) a bb $ ire bet «el , 6 + ell Suk cay he ga W ab 116 ws Wen eG AD now Weng Hy elitr Ul Lil.) 4, (bs tlday Ses (eWysebiliSeonee Get eG gelb se ig d ces Forbeure- i ne eee Sins Lu a) PM vate Cai Py ol leche w a eA UZ Ope Leib 2oeL£Lo-1 eGo betes! wi pL SU Ugo OLBLU wae a Yates te d sur rei hfs dtua db Lie batt A ow LF -+ Ub bretuteyeitbre yperdiose Wr saps edie tlie eu PIPES ar rhe shisrt gi3L (BILE eee 7 Os i “0 sUyren SPL ve Wribstrur Alo ales yo Urnirar lar wpe fae-0 3b [aaretz tubal itil cer pad a0 fis spor (1) 6 + 6 Peerd + 5 riontodp Inf oe ‘ 6 6 Yaeerh 6 ert Wie my waplagetieiie dL Osteo gt : Whe SA of V7 Brusipifer ance cuted ab pif om RaQ fir? wy 4 6 gM aeel * a4 te sts hp ow ” ips Meg/t ie Meg /t por (ww ” 9 + 6 oe oy ow 4 Yoo 4 ° ’ + por! 14) Sees ag gee ee ee se ageeeeeeeehesaaaenpeceeg 1g 4 Je ae ta + ‘ eri KGl ay + Bos Ue AF ey . wat Saves Lyin, [WI wolbG. GI GSIF GasTRIC Juices) eb ete Gin LIL yi cs. hips iL he EL ets tos L Spe Shen Boi 101 eS SIE Bree CL —% Sbrtolys Ie Ie LSE wy “UE bt at (TEMPERAMENT) Cl? dutty. gl Pitas! WeiserLe! GY) tyes 26s [SUF wowitirioe usb iy CM Las 90 97 tz051 4 Sigh hep ‘Dior peelie wore Seine tees! valansete it POO - SI TEMPERAMENT pp Sry wLonesifi a sBicirLytg Pe Tempero se gube 6gyF KRASIS ob Spiel s-Wi3ty-up£ (TOMIX TOGETHER) ot ule SL ve SPle. KERANNYNI 7.03 (Jou Poe forehe TEMPERAMENT 778 KRASIS 4») Serthetlsn pot AL Vere thi pLeowLoyrsuimts SLi ele gd Sb L292 PAIL Pee (CONSTITUTION) PS Heer NATURAL CONDITION OF BODY AND MIND) BIO Whip. a trig Wourrwi forte riety voir ae thealeyy li eg Kote pspreil oth Nptbrgvt ye? a heb bi booneren af 119 Aye uindd #2 Ai bare UL Ble bite Ley» Ley £MSan Affi Pre ac USUI ElePtd Ialee Lita Ctlwerici tice bruiut “a bir isle Or US yLlZi(F & Si vargrrtuveril seroSe Spb 6 te bf elabel Yr elak Loo te bo Lables UP tele Slt oy) eer L Girl Sia. BPP rsa Pe ae see BPenZ Oley S PMs (fb Ay Mere be Beh perk Lyi BEIT A) TAO tel Ub eeruhete Cae We YIP iw ss! “tb Su Ard SFU Ser bern L CP YIP UIE OIF hun in Sele" OP ced She ULUre e209 GIy! Lb voter Sib, wpole wWhuynot pd rarus tbalutet fos “g BLU be REAR sla br f6L SG! Hilgidvecyrle Perio Ly me ata if recniy a Roig ves yh af T20— Chey ce whine WO bit piears Coiba Ligie Pie tL user Che Bt bed? Obl alee orl a tatoo! Cfubeidialt et & ees Si (Weer LL teen! Ur Weal rene foe rotydchermie Wire? ayiy Bir yfssig Bort cteGlirititerLirut Hue eu hoe blow pty Lr tone Ber Prk Lb PL ile wow Ll Oba Wb Le trp 6b eo eGoy een EOE OE pi sy Padifousl te Ne iL Sle c i Rate Vib iGutedrecpi Lt Byte Se Lah 27 pen Se Suypebriege AGE bbe BL Le Hero ns Ui @ ltt drowiscat ie eo ee sun eirpebes Bl. tnd fists SEAL oI Poy cSIMPLE MIXTURE) 2 Ww wy COMPOUND maxtures G22 U1 an Por Hest peter lec lok bir SIPC Re sa bat ehne e lolly’ With Ag P BLL wen Lg fa UC rth ab 121 Spb gL riteteh ber cas oe eG Vile os tia sls were Lobe Pal Ley ee PPE Lore SUPE OS PUPS LEP Bot PUIG gg OPE A SELEI LN bee ( ety syte GAL-U! LIEB ee tate Le vty = as) if bay lars, BRU ace fip he a9 ee yd rte WILLS a -Sidei uz Launwtnywicw Sw Gye pleat Eb BE 8 Mitr Lum aKpoHitepn bi Lh be Gye ed Gp Ly BS CSUs» Letts body Meuse rel Gratin tr Peihiopr wie Bees ape bing CLT Z Siupliges rd iAP gate Silane %& Ze Sy is Sree fesls rr) efent fi iu On entiy ling Ll inLK fui 4 caidas cf ee igte eu ger fotos ahr bene tiple poe Life fiznZba cb fre meat (rar) Wie woideb igh Woprtt ab M22 wy ot inheodeprecsaypttstohcoat Srnfn. rl Death Sb ee 2uliyg LLiaL fe Gis gay ei Liiole bess tix cn Cae tints be Pia tbody L Wut 2 ft Perez Sadat SOP rie & iiloidse HE pay (nese perfor ib 2 Sark Suzie Breeze “ug fae SiS rier Zoho gb, heres pfila trikes Sher ane Lhe BL iyehe by utr te = User PR yibe lize ibs. gl pt Mes wn Sterna Sip fe- peeve Byteszo ti Hag ee EL Gilera, avi igar ei Piecd OEE Meo tb oy Celis Mirwiingt br linpe Yleb giz ise Ler: ‘eur dere EVI BP PBN EIEN PSO Bue SAIL Slop at BMyysheot rN OG be oe 2b LW Pertwee ut 1 GUL. Prd in Puen gun tigity HEN) gb dromnuniiee hire 123 alg (hr E JurigaL. Sriet WO) | Maps ge 59 Fg Merete Lu Jal? 16) Lablondyer wer hin be Porous Com ftia-24 Ledghrr asa. UN ay ee? col Ripe ohiad iigee ir ucts bos ure eouut LEM th NFP ie AAP OM he uP upe ee hi nitickabia kts21 50h Reg S . oe PEL NGI Ups Jirk Yours Soe Pe PPO bes “us utes Um Pinder Serna teeth 0 (brn. bereneSigla tr bey Lostarc ert ob ort tsha: her Fi Liter’ Le ab etenhl: 6s Lieb ttt Uys) oti S eh GIS e be col, porn Berbera By See IOUS the Lehre PihtoS Gu Wa yes! Fe psy site OLY GQALL bus wre bY eho Uv bld teebuivsite LIC AL Mont -KorbdeDS (the ene fete ba, Sy nro vig- Hil Swe Wb 3 Sry letyrove BE yp higea bY? 124 Um AU ishiesbe brnbrtl Joie lyst Stu AIS bie PZ L biyntepznehey ibsidierw IIb? nt est fe OF ats Mote uly L£ CIS 792092-& AS Lipetins.ofs ow Usa a dieeith 04ib ihe dort nate F Patri hl our Ltivile iLife WL vy Lo lwenybe Solr tuy ha beng Jar st iL Phen Bitte Pe vite MAL PP Sigler Yb Gh ee Ph oli Cir LEW? HL Sete ELON Fh Sidr in Sete PBrL£ EITM be i919 els wld LUI Ubi SIP Ley innhys Shortie Esp Lory eth StL Sbiig Ob alt emu :gePur G ete GG SLs ce th lh ote ir be GIL, LL. arrursoti£L tn Lew OL 112 Hp UbiG le Lion Loe tt AL terre te. Len fon ety, Oe Spdassly 6556 hbiteSoyure bits Be Levee, err Pe eI Lob vf ray BGI ab 125 Pra sy Lobby Sui FZ wh dim pee + tn in itu L OG , Lode pire Uc pr S EF ell iy Peco ep urivestics fut pion PLUMS REPO ag ary: wi Lbs oyeirqn UES Ue : ~ Urey MLS rior, bak). : Os Pi uim acts oS err eo tens peeps piles 8 eb SIL tHE Lebo! “ONE IN PY Lifie uri FL Qo Sin Uios EPO Lf og RIN MeL Lig cpr Be Unive bY Let iL Kieyt Abbi Teri sive tna hinge ebbing A gw Le BU eIug) A Luiidbr ese ty tbh. plese l a broke wee lib rift Liges UO fue yw 7 OF bikie xg 4 Co bos vp sriv ee tag ed oy bola suL WE yor gt Sere tipo eres ¢ eee le dO uses p93 segihetla Lures J aed ipa ie heat tele DNC Pp? 126 Pi Pe tows MPs pu trG-bifoa bs Jimny 1 4 gs EROS OOP [rey ap olb fa rt rrge blog 13) Lip Jig SBA RRND eb pieg or Fe rUtba ying SP REN 09 Ub sb IH «1 . Unbeaten: [ont US MoebeN7 Ut: bile liord-r Us bmg LEU? : stb Sieg or C Usb coda cometyZO N70 eh uh Seed. ° “OF bj ela gris? bi pes bx Bodivipe tyes e-toc Logis ei Ag atte idinyo tuys. Gu freien Sy lll Sige jit pte Sur bg Lo bigheciiute! ele ftom oe On eA Durie Futur ab -elererbosisinesz tun af onli 5p UIP Eel hued of WP NAGAI ONES UEIP TS: upbuytysou ebm leL en tar sebrshbi perish helper cb) Lpriesndyrnoveymnrupderurn Shine Lor, Geddy pdeturirSidapernerr 127 LB pLrgl pine mies os, ee tur pier seder 27! es Kerimageyr in err apr wry CLEP E bs Momsute fos eA lar Steer bs Pon tsur4 but Soer wing Ug Asef BE hog, 2 ait! Slt tlio i Fe Cb nbs HY ebb us ips PE. pp Srvc pip orsieiero-eiansprsy ht pyearSmobuytigh. be teheripeery£ ot borden gh Cp IGP brug debe Se be eS tae bat lag oder S cov Leese dst-byed alot bys BahpGe ab tet iio! Mberpe Huy ‘csshiz ante foinru' Lifes wore be srIL19 rv" Bema Etter er LOLs! Berra Spore LIL P I btu"! Berean By-.0 Cree sey Pye sures «pel pall a Mra g tbe re stg pte tds SAY 9619 rear 47 817 WI GUIG! 6 128 ‘jp ries Cake gaedit pride (PCOS gn UE LON UI ezFeslru9! jubeoiy (MR Sw OI Wo See et Sulg-tnphobie Ni ifabe be SUIT AISE. Cha ie UI? Bor fo Vemutes el 5-191 G8 if ws LIP 06 0B SEO IM LL Joa ti ftr a byte ute ure rn SELL CALORIE) aul Pf rar roti ne srg aS “EOF wo es Ae broliowduig bhobcbuteie ie Fb Mobi ele uotg- etd Shite nS Seda Bor i fespdie a bb SF 64 Ut EDL 9S 9 SFI LI PE Bipate folic PUP FSEL CO Ayla Ue Sua broishs or lure bLu gel igs Senbusle Vrndeerton OFS .2 blebs biosSeursu! Unseen Loe hs SEL ai Leith Wa GALS Ele be 129 MIL SS dh2I LESBO 4 Bn Sle 2435 OO at 2 Uni silanotiebniive. -bubn ecb ulsyie. tere bU eiretre Seve 6nd ' ol diy koe Bn Up bE SUI eolFr202) f rg Brot Sg nf CSP iyusinslierd Or ljert§y Jr wEly Briers tortie I tayrL IY 9I% tn be yrven Lil bn rice SE re lb tn LF dng wife ard Seg absig-tn dtl Leiyzs LF UP i fone guiet bathe Phat Al Utley SUL sug Lule either Osvruivis WI PNS EI? Cay Sew tine Create wee ted. eI LP é Lio 4Utko (ehr Loree, wb ata P Bat elite yy on hE Wid. OWI GI, cnr 08S 2b inf Libre, LA bhiWerutswigehyenregs at . elestb ie wd Kebte tin Ferme sarLavbiytiy le dens) af EWE Bai bray fog Errored + 130 etn dbenz curse enti ea’ LOB reece er LEV oid aM ithe Bp anboheple fF BE SUP fide Cite tri fecWorLotl rye wtogl WAL yi SIPL Seg eg Leg? On eee ALF bY L pyle eine sd Lob used ES le Sen PUteprifo edi baig Bot dot eeLow. Barr gArirya vey y asigrr ia Al ; Wiss dover bisrtole tng narohie a gndegidy .1 -elné-bem wv -¢- Or wblianwioy” etn reid tds ONG 20. gn CL by od eb Lb Leche CIS 0 Pu oy lisy la Serbia Se sPanbwasnvrindd boa SeSrusin bn fabri bec nL tese Lin, Aiba Boletus of 131 4 Binh >? +1 Oey? Ue ouibie tLe ew” UES uujaldges 4 eo iah oy © eg BneHSUNAoy or MAN Z EONS cose” 0 eNO Lal leg el, “” UbN Wary 6 -FONEANEI YP? on OAS here SMe pe 165 Onl wide ge Bin zu AE tai L dey Casale cigs Mae Helse inl GUMS ZBI le log fy Lit Liana ihe SPO ANG SPH L | mes SRC Pigten| iw cir id [ro . AEM rsd ed aber L le dl Be urd tbl WL in LZ Ling Lyre 66s! Oa a” Bethe fi bbeu tui 5 yO (54 BULL SHE 2 at Myla Lg Pek OIY) ee et ts Seg lary (wr We lig fot att IS co icing Rea tee (Ww) -ohaplhs PIAA 92 ONSE PLT pVENRI (0) UZ hres at oboe Eat eid Ue a! 156 te tle Seria Les fesse tu Sorin vitte nL carder 1, ae Lo" etCORPORENISIO ULF L [eiedo, SSA PUM INL IL PSC uh Bytes JL conto AIP vehi Lin oe. 2 boii Leh Postrel ZA Ligh bp PAS SIM tL Me F ed Bure Cova ol23 se AL by 7! reel Ue Sap eey, * eh£O 21 re - ail Cre tent oa Silas nba rt defenses | VPERELVPS FINI rs Prag ycarg Cu OR PAGLIS Phiten Loa Unul-O21 Pla ye fet aiLy™ ‘Cddget sr bly be SES otter SOLER reli ~ £82 ybhotettor, ie a el ep Pb EIEN OL Ae ledn A tone ei Lot hilar lt YN inlet si bbe Nee ETL TEM obi capt hE Ltn sl by fod es Sevi cate pL ati Ad ae 2 te. PG 51 at _ eunsoeenegiebylgs Valerie joy & ita feb bi bse Mug roe? ce Wibril Aa 157 Solel good | Paigenud Luigtzg KF Shey yer S At aahe RSE BE sy sale lrzoas eM heb ONS S be At Be LPAI OKI MIL in er HAA Ae G Pifcaat Page SSE PEA Sit ah. ot hori Si PAs bya banat er a bala Au sot he S291 oo LU HL AF NS vl bie & Cadi kes tidy Le By Se CW OrLind tu te 9 PLP ual Lda wibdfole- SUP Pe BL lewis Poy here ten PS LMS se PRES Eyre S°6ut eae Liem bdes sot fod vieut ui Aiue gino syle : : ey pl tur yb Le ee MeL pps ag pou cg Pees aitoh tf alert Okla ASN Prk aaj sal Aide bi se L6H eS Suet seid Joerr Loree ye > LN RES IGP tr gabhur Pes tete Bape arabs whirwrig sendy F's al is ote isi) af vate iw at 158 DELP RAN 3L ae bP yige tes Me pd LIA Peat V Whit Sai Credible et Yves ffl? ‘SebprPrasL i eie lp taice ie Bib Aynsim Ded eiL Po ping Cro NO LOR 2 at ; BIL BLIP PBaShoos the tley Pus ie FasL re Shite, ee shee Bg URE bkeuele dd rt , PEM Pele WOR 4 NZ ep esse ert CL Whos iLO Ubvowrse rent phos HAG... ABL pe NMP PC 14 ene Morrie ite nl ng di Sriepa? SIAENLE Noe Ee Lp Jy Lg tf “ie Ware Ib ee eb Uap EU! PBgirn PBB Sate NEE 2 P SOY. | apbarlidmyceiAbL NEL tiled A foie -ebign? ab Mes sauirlosurvait at setts gbetyP anit Ibtnee hie stn wo a wha. 159 Cele Ws | btb209 Zags? fe ig Corb bec tale Cre E sale Fi tek Cth tte hl 29) papell VassnghhvngZ eV ELZ5»> ie Biel | SC user L Ie, 4 Vatlag Ble LUA wala Bac ars A Yeditora Hadennge Rb BSL I ROE Storer caps alist ZI WF LO SC Ab eb h Louie ters vz WPL fetter) Cues Ne Blez Hd Me Ben tre Ut LGC 11 NOPE LS hit WPM IG FUG ABIREr102" WLP E FA 21 SectdLF Crs L by SINGS BE rrr Rope ut fe nee Le sopr ise But Por L SP Vey 4g 1 BIA L gdp rt an Lene un satbE HE Stu Mitr A Ley ze niyele sn00K te illie Le of Aint Bosbled Lebfowrigh pple gS gals” PNM ALIL Sab O11) fot Pel PS ep LEEK Ea US MEE ebISOIBI et) ab the 1g Nab oa af 160 CM idrbelarP le Sewer S22 », org he GU PA BALE ss IHD Scab Sabre ie See Tet hgr yt SePFLLE 9) NIH LIU yt 2 ed Pinegibe orient B00 PS ee eb 9U! elie Hee nat ne $e vee satiosble- soe BKC IyWlqledd ine sl wah 21 se BGLII Ke os tas ge Wy lat eBix Ne see12 28 aLen, & oh hL eSB Site Lil S041" ye abn Seine Lp stongicar 7G EDWS SA Fee eG SC 112-5 wer GAL UNG E AB 1 BULL (251) UEP 2M i MIG Ae eb nese Bus oeie: Je ner bO Une Cer L Her bab iareirilre builes eytgon Meir SY APL ie bx Lev hE eblig 9B) a! tay at ee igs CAS Voi ay F Miles) at Kas wet, sity 161 UW pen iia bn Hd LES LED Big dee e td op Sali rang oy? t BL rawr res alee ors! elypaplyeyer. apf teria bree Sipie xs UDB a Oty AL Pe gS wlsyta al S22 BU LP Reger Leys. (bad) pe eZ ros lee wl e- Po ten UF wt Ll roy sie BAU, Hat ania. ERP ETON SAU ie beat aM LLL iI Arosa ln BE altiut LUGL car 9g A Soper ti AE VRESs LLU LS9 Soren be Ziry orl, i Soe LS to IL Bog tree a PipLoreishet ee! rut ei a fugu eby Fab ed SI Jee lye ie? [ESP ge rik pigLoli-e" ae OU BSR ee tee Jas ILE ri ptbys| ehh freer eUeii gL eter Kiba LIL wl Pie 22 ye tol POLAT I hie Ft i LLP telus 1 3 (byb? blaasul a rou lw) at 162 tebe Breas EUS PLE wail a eee Lh le Ch zt Loe Aifesbsircics | BBY oxi ae Ce PUSroifeites C wo WtenL end pra Kes PLatntos Sule 26K Mes le WEN he Gp topes a iL aye PSO Pratik ie predic dave yA E EB ree te buy bib Cort ah Set oh LEMME LT ne” He LAGE EE POM RL Se t LMecbiie guled te nelle ent. sou inde? lag SEA (4 BunaAne li pwtw ent je bees iy lebne Coster Lelie Pics OI tb ele GSIF Fs GbE ssezvl. Hi LH Hyd Pathe hie HSH ssblees fh Bee ybigth yet - fal LEN PASM Yrs 1 PF Sant! foie wus oe eapbietdd ir Vl pe a Y On IPF et ett BVsre a! 163 Luise dvb babs hE alee EEF SE tile Cg Mae here UHL PML Le SC dre Sank ssolgba legen SCS SV Cofthes ety Said Lt rf Peo Pee? Roper Sect C1 Seea eR ON Ieee vee Lyije$ peat £e we br CF ee $e, Sy erie Fi Rosle Gest ea BEI? Helen DPnty Ieee | Bets SEWN Crt A | BK L&; a LTE E?, eee Sais) 1a. SP Gob Stas! HME MLL ILE EP or Sy OI hy Sob bee Lk Piet l Se 9) ssid (elasLeue le OP Uarglon wily fire Best cites a rE jst in bytse Oh, ORM OESE BAS apenas Loy w Me geBlod LLG Veh OZ 0 gles Indl Anta ceiindel rg ob BUEO Sern eat ay tech peBil Ph se hL Ritu SERA GIO AL ae 4 FotdiirsetiienrL sb gphipecs (Mer WANE CTE Woe Jou ItwIS yf al ' sett a 164 SC A ou ENO N70" .e ib oan ABM STIL CIEL LEA (ANE uta L Osher ur hile L 32 iy (Hyd A reAeiabisi (or 6 sins aoe OM joa EL2I a ee br ude vj FL be HLA un | “ gbmlneeye BLEUE [Medd saleas SBhcknsPycPanihuton Largo KL! SUP tebe SB EWI treats: ie BP be LM be ese P eI te op meu celton boli oud BELO tein ilies yy mye yar bhi te Ort put Kn tt L Prairie ted} AE fp HIB Rey ie Pole tag Mate SLE a LIE Pp? Lire CS ARE Mpa lhe PIL os byl ees ls ABE AM lead RABBI Su bslatin Me BCE CA eae WME LS PI Kero ae ie wel? Se Busby Zoslelé ost gu So Sb wut Lat Apia dart lasla Hye Moya sLinbycdubioet wopizin tte for tFtseiSes | wes CP hSy gig ses go Waslab [Cass O9 EARTH, ELEMENT AND MAN, P44 165 ba ih LAM Si FuiP Sts tUyher lh BL BIL oy teh ial tly iy Ey BPA SRM ee aH Pre ADEE L tot Aa Ses Slr ti ebete Crsagebedryrir Care 0AbS5 abet 174 IA gt eed sa Gre hare PNA P LP pL li boda aes Ww tty bimifig dud Lepresiple YeP2 igi. ee bear tobe. oe gute [Cuslee Acs? | LBW Cathy be a SWS Lule le MEO he BPI COr EON Kae Rae E/7! ie hens fies yollne dete bP muster l” Linnea lahing lo evelyn Wweine inte dle y nt Ord Sut etig bd! rework Os tuyer edeserreVecotudyn Gud Cruiedetifole Pep rcw ror eet ug- jn toedla tex ro teil” ean tot My SSC ene PVE ee wierd YotEsSgu'! sel 1 Gy Se 2 Beeb sd yal it (SAE!) Wei g musi igtyuid ab toy ot 166 tae lyn ule Cont iogs eS aang (epee reul le esPen | te Peleg BM CHL Crypt Vee NO lyueeisig Ct Ap fee RIOIy : SOS ieee DAMES C AW LoL ti 1 ravaged GHEE Z WB? Zaina nd la ie Weutryetl MLSE thie wh ede 21” Lwin ersie ges ie dese 4 PC whi Fig BntvenPirdls! Kensesedsn cI LINAS pts nix Boise Hoiise Lie br He ee SORE as wey Zé CAF r Ile toy (bit 291-6 CoP Wig 8/2 wibolisbod Fe SPA REIT LIL OS abe Vly — Datlegeg BMP lil ae Aisle h tert we Cures, a pfieisher wig Sr tos tha sl Betas Pg SE su (ge 8 Sab Sorigtusitl Abels" lal ig ra bat “gifry Sele be Lipibee susie CONE seal tO ab 167 Se Crea sri S11 99 SOL a ls eal ste ulin ate EF oo Pig gar SC ule On TAL MK hee Ge - “gttlPreoF (3 Pe AM ut eae uip oe sa01F S02) +e) bp bedyp toned lrilee eae ex Jills los eure PO WHeLy ah WIL Phe ler oh 6994 Be Sg Leb visrietct itu euigdn Le bn heb soLi chet Pere et al 168 oe 7) Lio PLUS IPULS by2 Jir14 Se5i, EU eg Cat ih eb ce EE Withee to ZU WEB Panties» Lue i fad a bn eb Sad etm Pht FOOL UTE Lad iAP Oestly tial, Sed jie TF ashatin Pai Dy hp FOU OPS Ren FEISS Gf bos Wd LP bel gf BO ee BABS rig Our frbie tui Se poiobus GyPPteme ie Glerr bcc (61a tbh butos SII ge BEL, 12h. Io ApS ESN MIL pe sfee lait. Fun Ae he RMVGILE SV aye 22S, ALLE | UII nH IL Hed Ut Wh Gig Kb a 169 tur oretdui | 93) Lied wy fA y) wed PIIBIL LU rus jl dreesos), pS eh Behuhoebobouads gees ited LisPSu' 4 GS pecies (er 3 Seedy) gihed nut tnd hy ACN 23S 6 tC CHL Buse ihes Fda) ide Soe Sa Pea (1) (Ow) CE gBEL yr Loris (Vy “Ce Soy aL g wy Lredin Ped gseodintunsbeibes : Boosey eH yes py (Joreds he Feith fied LPP bdy rpc festiyeed ee LS EPL ithe nehpre cies Loez RL Bode pple Ls se\faL 24 Hy Lye MgB rvawzee joj gb voiann be tLiiiotbe Haleweg ab (ap errningtintirngre Lepr af CeQiae Loney ates cesy neg af WA yh wifey. ford LPatriginlag Gye YernTFalitoj £ 3 brut, we 170 Ee Firtra Lg Bytes Mire VGre on feysyige wdrystyag : Webel itd neki teyeuLes etn GusPysi IMNews A BI Wn hee Jor ling eB OIRO S ee Wa WER Lge if HSL Galen PVG sx jhke te Stog tying . Ap PLDs Jojnre suet Ey Sigh LBL ere lee coi gud abe} obyed uta tS te Shes F un Gale Cobb a wag ir) Veg ng ie Le Ssh ppteeporodreg PPS Worle 3 Leo hal fregt ELE Neh beg rf. Sb K eL, repre esos oe, i ; eats SO pple fh sit Lert tens, ee ar ZENO HE ize bles “ef! Se dasnsh OMe ible urge soy, 4) ee wero Beds. LrLagyivtig [= La =) Sub tuut CNN BIE Wey ah lite tok Lo Bet il Sites hha Bruce seb lee Gegh Lash f4eoF yy 171 Sore eP by Lemeboly Ue 20 Su3 being tedinutorvsul BPidbedrintue,eteaseorgte} genie Fore SoA L OL IE te Fass bas Sieh 2 Pei e ei lEF fe psraj glol tabi Su puter wes Lyte dbeine tide i yeGgsi" Liaw PEP was wate S bse ee whips LIL Stee bezier Orc” VF feraenl npresbed me tite aA walietyrs POM i Me tees Sin as tgs oder. n bw ES pie fA sheets Bu ilwezin) bytes webb iS La ep. eS raphe ed A HLNTISE ves hej SF, BiyeF wy, efi eI bBY baz Me fPb tei §L3% 1 yeF a) deel OSOAEE bubs fifa Ebel u“ Bers pl ioe fiuaky Ladin Pr we, Gla SiveZouei Leer Bin B Poateibile pute ediaoete ow at EE Lote oie 172 GY PA apf OFIV.B yr0)et9 ©) ME gt tL LIFE YF GUMS E31 PAM DN 3) PAE Pn are SSA (Bhd Oz ut ea AUT Sin 67 Boucle Bl A Lilt! ¢ NPL hI ph Liat ey nirhsnes Bee) NLP VIL GCA PH fgg Sy I AN Se No rhiutzenty bh Suede 3 / SN hob eihheseec: $e SEN Mae PL Pei ELEN THR ety fi btArwplar Mine vt Poleige Sikri zon ET I LLL re eh Lu i} Byte Crs BH gal ASAP ete cess (SUS ALeyy NATE MLN Gb Sr FA BLIV essay on wr pesned ef nl Lseivoyp osb99 while Lut ng S PU ie btn Ofer serge ml en be kginderge3 3a Bel ys 02 beg SPeMEhPrAKl Pate we ruaigte a! Spb LWA Sas LO Hite jah iI. 2b Ey fBI Lr hobs Sain ene Serb £ 178 Raa ete D shad 4 o 4FS2 gu (mus) wilegt Mona vrepe poate (ELL CGO IIe fred pth rata Syiseh lois Shand Mes, Jutad Oper S Nese iplebours J? CIP Ue rede ryan Sify en PEA wt yr tfersef SRDS aL py Jiao Iori BY Leia y bstesd Preserved Eri So se. “ut dient Apt wiguwliealrgrease | + > 2 OL eie Bahk beh ERED 4 Gabsif~oys ep Bede SLE ' Ulu & v1 + MF yy bie dF « ebb IO tt eile eit boos rei 315-3 st MU Ca pr Sa Le IT rowfoicng is fy Pawo top dbusetede ab Or edicteurs) glet sue b un nby? Seti fPhlebkepss Fi visti wl bar Prot sncbiet ble.) ves iby! B28 A terre) nchinrn ond ig! Pe tynd Regret SASF tcns Leewrsag WE rs (Ot BP LIey 174 : her Cy SMW e eb IBLE Hej BELG YS SCS 9 f tre afer B Pees lyst asin le Oye Sith ucla. BiG Nal BI2 Cs stb S Pes ype L ore Cas whet onto egrtosid rig Bylespdon He Cublely Ag weed erpheepey™ ZL er vei ores ab AB Le! ‘Kuk nuatiod « Lotgiecte vor bbe Dejhg fertile qu Ley EI MY lets A ey LY? SINE TE Mist yink BeRUtOheute hgh pemect ¥lo a5 2 Sd ULIA. nels Lge! olvut LW) Paeooors edo Weta Lord 1S 020 Js! GA eF Slo IMs isles Pains ede 24 fle Kasil LHe bate iibal vais! AIP BP Ph bee 9 AL rg Mie v'e Lb Caf siq3ee9 Peots AP Lobe Sy PIR ee MY oP tre chogaly Suduoutong isaac LES Myed Giri Lai ie Jinjgeras Mes Aa Cyd ied ogdls caer linaireig eMart dS JousPJEIISIEAD ab Begley Neh ost hPL F bie Mitre airs POPPA ALE WELLS aes Maton ds MPI LI PCED yrearrc yl herliyd 176 Abgeby| Pople LM ne Lup ypwaorose abyl LBP ibe NSIS FC iy Ue bey! SLA LIT Fe SIUIGIE KEI byprice a ba poticg Mah ghotgl epi wwietr Ledizes Padi CEL WII Lalo lee Pyededrliyzs 31 (MBL ne Pe B91 egg Foxe GIP l9 OIA rel 2 yo pyri Leto Atet 177 ey Myearpin Hapeniels/ , (Sr eyauice “GUI Bier bo Fisun HISIIH! Gert Ms Mee A 88 (a ) Abia tment ew Hane (ible GoGo ab yep) HAA AN ae basa PWiwiget Ley .o Sek stun dye? Sper yd pula 4 Py ie Aine dog Say TIS 7h 0 be Ava (dp) one Bue bf A Her Ap sWis ud Habit 4 Hard botldA sich ile -1 Bout gerPoiiarzre>) Seef6y Z “tke (ee) 901 oatlucge'z, arbi, “wn H8a0 of ae Hehe 47 tits Ha siro uth Bi, pit Spe ir Bile SA AVEO Hayy Punslye 410 ried otiwecdlinat de - oe lf 178 “woid Gangs iEoiBier rns rd nen AGAn do HingabucitBé, allie 6boricrd -u pitraai inc ioe siti pdf Sylcerdout ailgy? or Pwr FUT eY soph Kicideine -r HMA ac MeL dH obs Stack nee ea) - “ dartlnes Bacar direlga I. Bertrand Russell, History of Western Philosophy, London 1957, 2. Barbara Levine Gelb, The Dictionary of Food, London/New York 1931. 3. Erwin Schrodinger, Nature and Greeks, Cambridge University Press 1954. 4, John William Draper, The History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, i London 1864. : 45, Hakim Sayed Ishtiaque Ahmad, Introduction to Al-Umur al- TabI‘yah, New Delhi 1980. 6. | Mcinerny Ralph M, A History of Western . > aa oh meal et Srv PibleiG ih Fhe bs Aldara el “4 Philosophy, London 1963, 7. 8. 9% 10, ll. 12. 13. 4. 19 O.C.Gruner, Special Issue, Commentary on the Canon of Medicine of Avicenna. Editor, Hakim Mohd. Said, July-September 4967, Hamdard, Karachi, Pakistan. Rudolph E.Seigel, Galen's System of Physiology and Medicine, New York 1968. §.B.Vohora, H.Abdul Hamid, Earth, Elements and Man, Department of Philos~ ophy of Medicine and Science, Institute of History of Medicine and Medical Research, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi The New Encyclopaedia Britannica Micropaedia, 1974 (15th.ed) Theories and Philosophies of Medicine, Department of Philosophy of Medicine and Science, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi, Vaidya Bhagwas Das and Vaidya Lalitesh Kashyap, Materia Medica of Ayurveda, Concept Publishing Company, Bali Nagar, New Delhi. 1980 Van Spronsen, J.W. The Periodical System of Chemical Elements, London/ New York, 1969. W.J.Moore, A Dictionary of Geography, Britain 1968. be Ske We wen Ladi biz r/s rer bemeees, Ci ipbiy: (ke DA/e Maa VebZss etfs lip yy rt/= r ees 3 LANGMIL nil = ror OP rs | SoNOar Biel ydiLovl p-/z - Peep Pry beLi.tang cE og yt Peel BS Pls vee Fp oes? 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