B2-13c Auto Flight SR

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Subject B2-13c

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AA Form TO-19
B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject



Study Resources




Command Signal Processing


Modes of Operation


Yaw Damping and Trim Control


System Interface


Autothrottle and Autoland


Helicopter Autoflight

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AA Form TO-19
B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject


To describe the nature or basic qualities of.

To state the precise meaning of (a word or sense of a word).


Specify in words or writing.

To set forth in words; declare.


To establish the identity of.




Represent in words enabling hearer or reader to form an idea of an object or process.

To tell the facts, details, or particulars of something verbally or in writing.


Make known in detail.

Offer reason for cause and effect.

ISSUE B January 2008

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AA Form TO-19
B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

E. H. J. Pallett, & Shawn Coyle (1993). Automatic Flight Control, (fourth edition): Blackwell
Science, London.
Jeppesen Sanderson, (1974). Avionics Fundamentals, United Airlines.

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B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

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AA Form TO-19
B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

The purpose of this subject is to allow you to gain knowledge in the operation Aircraft
Automatic Flight Systems.
On completion of the following topics you will be able to:
Topic 13.3.1

Autoflight -Fundamentals
Explain the fundamentals of automatic flight control including working principle
and define current terminology.

Topic 13.3.2

Autoflight - Command Signal Processing

Explain command signal processing.

Topic 13.3.3

Autoflight - Modes of Operation

Explain the modes of operation in the following control channels:


Pitch and


Topic 13.3.4

Autoflight Systems - Yaw Damping

State the purpose of Yaw Dampers and explain their operation.

Topic 13.3.5

Helicopter Autoflight Systems

State the purpose of Stability Augmentation System (SAS) in helicopters and
explain its operation.

Topic 13.3.6

Autoflight Systems - Trim Control

State the function of Automatic trim control and explain its operation.

Topic 13.3.7

Radio System Interface

Explain the operation of Autopilot Navigation Aids interface.

Topic 13.3.8

Flight Management System Interface

Explain the operation of Flight Management Systems (FMS) including the
navigation database.

Topic 13.3.9

Autoflight Systems- Autothrottle

State the purpose of Autothrottle systems and explain their operation.

Topic 13.3.10 Autoflight Systems- Autoland

Explain the principles and categories of Automatic Landing Systems:

Modes of operation;



Land and


System Monitors and Failure Conditions and

Downgrade and Upgrade Procedures.

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AA Form TO-19
B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject


Auto Pilot Purpose
The aircraft autopilot controls the aircraft in vertical speed, attitude, and heading to reduce
workload and fatigue on the flight crew and to provide improved flight comfort and stability.
The basic principles of an autopilot are:

Error sensing


Follow-up and command

Any autopilot follows the basic principles of error sensing, correction, follow-up and
command, although different types of sensors, servos are used.
The inner loop typically handles internal conditions
Attitude sensing, attitude changes in terms of error signals.

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B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

The following are typical inner loop conditions;

Attitude sensing,

attitude changes in terms of error signals,

processing of error signals,

conversion of error signals into movement of flight control surfaces.

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AA Form TO-19
B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

Roll Inner Loop

Outer Loop
Raw data inputs such as air speed, altitude, magnetic heading and interception of ground
based radio aids for instance can also constitute outer loop control.

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B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

Modes of Operation
Aircraft operating in automatic flight mode are capable of maintaining set operating
parameters depending on the stage of the flight. These can include:

attitude hold

heading hold


vertical speed hold

airspeed hold:

altitude hold

control wheel steering




or several other modes as selected by the pilots to suit the particular stage of the flight.
A flight director system provides cues for the pilot to navigate and fly the aircraft, but a flight
director cannot control the aircraft. Only the pilot or the autopilot system can fly the aircraft.

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Part 66 Subject

Single axis normally only roll axis most basic concept used in small light aircraft heading
hold and basic radio coupling capable
Two axis Typically around roll & pitch typically heading hold & radio coupling capable
altitude and attitude hold capabilities sometimes rudder has yaw damper incorporated
this is not considered a 3 axis system.
Three axis attitude control about all three axes typically full AFCS system
Multi axis autopilot a system which controls an aircraft about the roll and pitch axis (two
axis) or roll, pitch and yaw axis (three axis)

Limits may be placed on control signals that are demanded to prevent excessive attitude
changes or harsh maneuvering.
It is necessary to monitor what is known as the authority of the AFCS. This means that limits
must be placed on any control signals that are demanded to prevent excessive changes to
the attitude of the aircraft, or to cause any harsh maneuvering. For example, within a typical
roll channel incorporating a bank angle limiter and a roll rate limiter.
The bank angle limiter limits any input signal to a value which is required by a particular
mode of operation. The maximum bank angle limit is 25 degrees to 30 degrees, but can be
changed automatically depending which mode is selected.
For example, 20 degrees for VOR on course mode.
The roll rate limiter limits the rate at which the aircraft changes its bank angle, by limiting the
rate at which the servo motor turns. Typical roll rate limit outputs are 1 1/2 degrees per
second to 7 degrees per second.

Radio deviation signals are sensed by the AFCS, but are not used until capture occurs. The
term capture means the point at which the radio deviation is used by the AFCS as a
reference to fly the aircraft.

In the case of the ILS the capture point is determined by the vertical beam sensor in the pitch
channel and the lateral beam sensor in the roll channel. The beam sensors are voltage level
sensing circuits that satisfy certain switching functions and apply radio deviation to the signal

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AA Form TO-19
B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

Autopilot Principle of Operation
To control autopilot steering the flight control computer can utilise many references. Heading,
attitude and instrument landing system commands.
The basis of operation to maintain a selected reference is typically conducted by selecting a
reference and then having the flight control system generate corrective attitude changes
whenever a deviation from the selected parameter is selected.
For example, the pilot flies onto a heading and engages heading hold. The actual heading
and desired heading signals are compared in an operational amplifier and any variation from
the desired heading will produce a differential between the two signals (phase or amplitude)
which will be applied to a servo amplifier to correct for the deviation.
Similarly, a parameter can be selected on an autopilot control box, eg rate of climb. When
auto pilot is selected the difference between the actual rate of climb and the selected rate of
climb will produce an error signal (from an Op Amp) which will only be nulled when the
aircraft is climbing at the same rate as selected.
This principle is the basis of all automated flight management. Aircraft actual parameters are
applied to Op Amps (or something similar) and are compared with desired parameters
whenever automatic pilot is engaged. Whenever a differential between selected parameter
and actual parameter is detected the aircraft attitude will be corrected to re-align.
In a fully computerised system heading changes can be programmed in advance.
Assume an aircraft is programmed to fly from Brisbane to Coffs Harbour on a heading of
180 and upon reaching Coffs Harbour heading is to change to 190 to then track toward
Sydney. The parameters are typed into a Flight Management Computer (FMC), the aircraft
takes off and heads for Coffs Harbour. When the inertial Reference System determines the
aircraft is over Coffs Harbour a signal will trigger the change of heading required and the
aircraft flight control system will respond and turn onto the new selected heading of 190
The maximum rate of turn permissible is typically programmed into the flight control
computer so as not to throw the aircraft into violent manoeuvres.

Selecting a New Heading

With heading hold engaged, when the pilot decides to select a new heading, he/she selects a
new heading by turning the heading marker on the HSI dial.
The aircraft is in position A flying on the original heading. The pilot selects a new heading by
turning the heading marker on the HSI. The new heading is compared to the aircrafts actual
heading. The AFCS will immediately notice the difference and send an error signal through to
the aileron servo actuator to deflect the ailerons and the aircraft rolls and turns onto the new
heading. Once the aircraft has reached the new heading, the error signal is nulled and the
aircraft returns to its straight and level attitude.

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B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

Couple Related to the mode of operation it is the provision of raw data input to the AFCS
relevant to a particular flight path

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B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

Runway visual range (RVR). The range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the line of a
runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or
identifying its centre line.
Decision height (DH). A specified altitude or height in the precision approach at which a
missed approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach
has not been established.
Categories of precision approach and landing operations:
(a) Category I. DH 200 feet and RVR 2,400 feet (with touchdown zone and centerline
lighting, RVR 1,800 feet);
(b) Category II. DH 100 feet and RVR 1,200 feet;
his Category IIIA. No DH or DH below 100 feet and RVR not less than 700 feet;
(d) Category IIIB. No DH or DH below 50 feet and RVR less than 700 feet but not less than
150 feet; and
(e) Category IIIC. No DH and no RVR limitation.

NOTESpecial authorization and equipment required for Categories II and III.

Autopilot Engagement
The basic principle of autopilots is to hold the aircraft in basic heading, pitch and roll channel
attitude at the time of engagement. An autopilot system is designed so there will be a gradual
transition when it is engaged, therefore if heading hold is engaged when aircraft is 90 from
selected heading the aircraft will not immediately throw itself into a violent bank to capture
the commanded heading. The aircraft will be limited in its rate of heading change to perhaps
3 per second, thereby taking 30 seconds or more to align to the commanded heading.
Typically the rate of change of heading can also be selected by the pilot. The same gradual
engagement is replicated for any autopilot function.
Autopilot Control Panel provides for engagement for the range of autopilot options, eg
Heading Hold, Roll stabilisation and Vertical speed hold all engaged simultaneously to
control a climb to assigned altitude. Often autopilot cannot be engaged until preset conditions
are met, eg roll stabilisation cannot be engaged until bank angle less than 10, Autoland can
only be engaged if Radar Altimeter system functioning, Radar altitude hold and barometric
altitude hold cannot be engaged simultaneously.

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B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

Autopilot is engaged by selecting the appropriate switches and buttons to select the autopilot
functions desired.
Autopilot will not engage if:

Interlock circuit not complete

Circuit breakers not engaged

Switches in incorrect positions

The synchronisation of signals is normally performed as a pre-engage function. This is to
remove any standing signals that may cause snatching of the controls when initially
engaged, and allows the autopilot to take control in a smooth manner. The attitude sensing
elements, such as the vertical gyro are continuously monitoring the aircrafts attitude, and
supplying signals to the servo motors. If the aircraft has been placed, as an example, in a
nose down attitude prior to engagement, on engaging the autopilot would immediately
receive an error signal from the vertical gyro. The computer would then signal the servo
motors to move the control surfaces to provide a nose up attitude. It is therefore necessary to
oppose the vertical gyro error signal and reduce it to zero before engaging the autopilot. This
ensures that the system is synchronised with the attitude of the aircraft.

Any error signal derived from a detection device or command signal must be amplified, for
they do not have the magnitude to operate a servo actuator.
The type of aircraft and its handling characteristics will have a great bearing on the way it
responds to control surface movement. For example, an empty aircraft will respond quite
differently to the same one that has a full load of fuel and passengers on board. It is therefore
necessary for the AFCS to have a system which will adjust the ratio of the output signal to the
input signal to achieve the desired rate of response. The response of an aircraft to a
command or detection signal will therefore be determined by the gain of the amplifier circuits
in the flight control computer.
The gain or transfer ratio of an amplifier is the ratio of the output to the input. To put it another
way, the gain is equal to the transfer ratio, which is equal to output divided by the input.
An aircraft experiencing turbulent air conditions in flight will have varying degrees of load
applied to its structure. In these circumstances, the pilot will adjust speed, power and use of
controls to suit the prevailing conditions.
If the aircraft encounters turbulent conditions while the AFCS is engaged, the AFCS will
correct for any movement that takes place. However, this correction, in these conditions,
could possibly lead to additional loads being applied to the structure due to the rate at which
the AFCS responds. This can cause the AFCS response rate to get out of phase with the
disturbance rate. The pilot would normally disengage the AFCS in these conditions, but in
some AFCS there is a mode selection which reduces the gain of the pitch and roll channels
thereby softening the response of the AFCS to the disturbance.(Turbulence Penetration)

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B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

Gain Diagram

Adaptive Gain Control

This term refers to the way in which the sensing of the handling characteristics in flight is
carried out by a system which is classified as either:
semi-adaptive gain control
self adaptive gain control.

Semi Adaptive Gain Control

This is a system of adjusting the gain of the amplifier by the use of external signals. It is
called gain programming or gain scheduling.
As an example, a radio deviation signal could be used to control the gain within the
computer. Self adaptive gain control
This is a system whereby it monitors its own operation and automatically adjusts its own gain
for the best aircraft performance.
The system is controlled by a model reference which will adjust the system to give the best
response regardless of the flight conditions. Command signals are fed through the model to
the system, and as the gain is increased, the error signal is amplified and fed to the control
servo. The overall system is known as high loop gain, because maximum gain is needed to
get the best response.

Wash Out
Wash out is the automatic sensing and opposition of any standing signals existing from
attitude signal transmitters.
This enables engagement of the Autopilot system without any sudden control surface
position change or snatching of control surfaces.

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B2-13c Autoflight

Part 66 Subject

Artificial Feel
Artificial feel is used to provide an artificial mechanical feedback between the control
surfaces and the pilot.
This feel is provided by a variety of methods depending on aircraft complexity and
The feedback is provided so the pilot can determine what aerodynamic loads are on the
control surfaces.
This is necessary as in some situations without this feedback the pilot could demand a
control surface movement that exceeds the allowable aerodynamic loading.

Control Surface Actuation

On small light aircraft the power to move the control surfaces is provided by the pilot. The
control column is physically connected to the control surfaces by cables, and the pilot moves
the control surfaces by repositioning the control column or rudder pedals. As the control
column or rudder pedals are displaced the movement is mechanically transferred to the
control surface, the aircraft attitude changes, and the pilot re-centres the control column or
rudder pedals when the desired attitude or heading is achieved. Any autopilot function in this
simple system is nothing more than the use of trim tabs to trim the aircraft to eliminate
excessive drift and to relieve the pilot of the necessity to continually maintain a force on the
control column or rudder pedals in order to maintain straight and level flight.

When control column is moved backwards, the elevators are raised thereby decreasing lift of
the horizontal stab so that the aircraft is displaced by a pitching moment about the lateral axis
into a nose up or climbing attitude.
Forward movement of the control column lowers the elevators to increase the lift of the
horizontal stabiliser and so the pitching moment causes the aircraft to assume a nose-down
or descending attitude. Pitch displacements are opposed by aerodynamic damping in pitch
and by the longitudinal stability and as the response to elevator deflections is a steady
change of attitude. Elevators are essentially displacement control devices. Control column
and control wheel movements are independent of each other so that lateral and longitudinal
displacements can be obtained separately or in combination. This concept of having
separate control movements for each axes goes right through to the most complex automatic
flight control systems with multi axis control.

Servomotors and Servo Actuators

On larger aircraft it is physically impossible to move the control surfaces by muscles alone.
All aircraft, with the exception of light aircraft or very old aircraft, will incorporate some form of
power assistance (like power steering in a car) to move control surfaces. The power
assistance is provided by actuators or servos and these devices can operate from either/or
mechanical input (like your cars power steering) or electrical input. Once a flight control
system is capable of repositioning control surfaces by use of electrical signals, these signals
can be provided by a number of sensors to control the aircrafts flight path. Instead of the pilot
detecting an uncommanded roll or heading change and moving the stick or pedals to
counteract it, gyros, accelerometers and other sensor equipment can detect the
uncommanded attitude changes far more accurately and then provide an electrical output to
an actuator or servo. This is the basis of a fly-by-wire or automatic flight control system. The
sensors detect uncommanded attitude changes and counter them. When the pilot moves the
control column or rudder pedals (a commanded attitude change) an electrical signal from the
stick or pedal transducers is transmitted to the electrically operated actuator and the control
surface is deflected by pilot input to achieve an attitude change. In this electrically operated

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Part 66 Subject

system, it is electrical signals not mechanical inputs which control the actuator or servo
Going one step further, the electrically operated flight control system can be programmed to
fly a specific route, at a specific altitude and then the pilot is simply along for the ride. The
avionic systems of the aircraft provides the flight control computer with inputs of heading,
altitude, waypoints, etc and the flight control computer repositions the actuators with
electrical signals to maintain the aircraft on the programmed flight path. This attribute in an
automatic flight control system is called an autopilot.

Actuators and Servos

The components used in an automatic flight control system (AFCS) to move the aircrafts
control surfaces are called servomotors, servo actuators, or by the name of the control
surface or channel that it controls, for example rudder servo or pitch actuator.
The signals received from the AFCS computer are electrical. Therefore the control of the
actuators is electrical. The servo actuators convert these electrical signals into control
surface movement by converting the electrical signal into mechanical motion which is usually
done by torque motors or solenoid controlled valves (electro-hydraulic valves).
The three main types of servomotors are:
Electromechanical and electro-pneumatic actuators or servos are more suited to smaller
aircraft, and the typical installation in a modern commercial aircraft is an electro-hydraulic
system. Even though some of the surface actuators may be electro-hydraulic, it is not
uncommon for others to be electromechanical or electro-pneumatic, eg flap motors may be
electrically driven and throttle boost actuators may be pneumatically driven when the
remaining actuators may all be hydraulically driven (aileron, rudder, elevators).

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Part 66 Subject

Servomotors may be connected in series or parallel with the AFCS. A series servomotor is
one that moves the control surfaces without moving the pilots controls, whilst a parallel
servomotor moves the control surfaces and the pilots controls.
The most common actuator used on commercial aircraft flight control systems is the electrohydraulic actuator.

Pneumatic & Electric Servos Pallett Automat

ic Flight Control pg 200 & 201
Simple servos found on light aircraft use vacuum sources like those which operate the
gyroscopic instruments. Pneumatic pressure is obtained from either an engine driven pump
or from a tapping at one of the engine compressor stages. The vacuum is directed to
pneumatic servos that are mechanically connected to the normal mechanical flight control
linkages. The pneumatic servo is an airtight housing which contains a moveable diaphragm.
When vacuum is applied to the servo the diaphragm is displaced pulling on the cable to
reposition the flight control surface. Two of these servos would be needed for each control
surface, a pull and a push actuator.
Another method of driving the control surface of light aircraft is by use of an electric motor.
These servomotors may be powered by either AC or DC depending on the type of automatic
flight control system used. An electric motor servo can use a reversible DC motor and
reduction gearing to supply the force to move the flight control surface in both directions.
Alternatively a constant direction motor can be used with magnetically switched clutches to
engage a mechanism to apply force to a control cable. The servomotor consists of an
electromagnetic clutch, gearbox and drive mechanism. It may also include an amplifier to
amplify the command signal and a feedback system such as a potentiometer or
tachogenerator. The constant drive type has the advantage that the inertia forces in starting
and stopping the motor are eliminated so it can be engaged and disengaged more rapidly
and precisely.
When the AFCS computer sends a signal to the motor of the electric servomotor, it will drive
the gear train and subsequently the control surface in the desired direction. At the same time,
it drives a tacho generator to provide feedback to the computer for speed limiting and
smoothing. A follow up synchro is also driven by the motor which will send a signal back to

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Part 66 Subject

the computer indicating the actual position of the control surface. The synchro signal is of a
phase opposite, but in proportion to the control surface displacement and will null the output
signal of the computer when both signals are equal. Thus control surface movement will
Both the pneumatic and electric servos are only power assisting servos, with the flight control
system still fundamentally powered by the pilots muscles. The pneumatic and electric flight
control servos are limited to use in only light and simple aircraft. Neither of these examples
are a fly-by-wire system.
The actuators used in larger and more modern aircraft are typically electro-hydraulic.

Pneumatic & Electric Servos

Pneumatic Servo when vacuum is applied the diaphragm pulls the cable repositioning the
flight control surface
Electric Motor Servo can use a reversible DC motor or a constant direction motor with
magnetically switched clutches
Electric motor and Pneumatic (vacuum) powered servos normally only incorporated in light
Neither of these are fly-by-wire systems large modern aircraft typically use electro-hydraulic
actuators which are entirely electrically controlled

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Part 66 Subject

Electro-Pneumatic Servo
Electro-pneumatic servo; consists of electro-magnetic valve, with dual poppet ports
connected via pressure ports & orifices to two cylinders containing pistons sealed against
pressure loss
Valves controlled by electrical command signals from the auto pilot
With no signal present both valves are open

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Electro Mechanical Servo

This mechanism consists of a motor coupled to the flight control system via an electromagnetic clutch, a gear train and a sprocket and chain.
Feedback is provided by a potentiometer in a DC motor, and a CX synchro and a
tachogenerator to provide position and rate feedback signals for AC motors.

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Electrohydraulic Servo-Actuators Power Assisted

Powered flight controls
These are used in high performance aircraft and consist of two main types:
power assisted
power operated.
The main difference in the two systems is the way in which the actuators are connected to
the control surfaces
Power assisted control
In the power assisted system, the pilots control stick is connected to the control surface via a
control lever. When the pilot pulls back on the stick to begin a climb, the control lever pivots
about point X and commences moving the control surface up. At the same time, the control
valve pistons are displaced allowing hydraulic fluid to flow to the left hand side of the
actuating jack which is secured to the structure of the aircraft. The pressure exerted on the
piston causes the whole servo unit and control lever to move to the left, and because of the
greater control effort produced, the pilot is assisted in moving the control surface further.

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Electrohydraulic Servo-Actuators - Power Operated

Power operated control
In this system, the control column is connected to the control lever only, whilst the servo unit
is directly connected to the control surface. The effort required by the pilot to move the
control column is that needed to move the control lever and control valve piston. The power
required to move the control surface is supplied solely by the servo units hydraulic power. As
there are no forces transmitted back to the control column, the pilot has no feel of the loads
acting on the control surfaces, and a means of artificial feel must be introduced at a point
between the control column and the connection to the servo unit control lever.

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Electro-Hydraulic Actuators
The transfer valve is an electrically controlled hydraulic valve which operates a piston
assembly called the autopilot actuator, which in turn operates the main control valve for the
actuating cylinder. The movement of the actuator is monitored by the output of a linear
voltage differential transducer (LVDT). This will provide the follow up signal back to the
computer. Direct operation of the hydraulic power unit has two main advantages; one is the
very low computer power output required and the other is that it is more sensitive and
accurate, due to the absence of cable slack, stretch and drag.

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Manual Operation
In manual operation, the control column moves the control quadrant, we will assume this
relates to a back stick input to move the elevators. The pilot pulls the stick backwards to start
a climb (moves the cockpit control to the left on the slide), the control cables will turn the
control input quadrant which will move the upper end of the control valve actuator (long green
arm) to the left. At this point before the surface begins to move the control surface actuator is
hydraulically locked in position (shown still centred on the diagram, because this is before it
begins to move) so the control valve actuator (long green arm) is anchored at the bottom.
The end result of the top of the arm moving left is that the control valve will be displaced left.
When the control valve moves left hydraulic supply pressure is ported to the left hand side of
the control surface actuator, which will force the piston to the right.

The pressure applied to the left of the control surface actuator will force the piston to the right
moving the control surface. This will move the bottom anchor point of the control valve
actuator (long green arm) to the right, and this time the top of the arm is held stationary (pilot
still has control column pulled back) so the control valve spool will be moved to the right, thus
synchronising again and causing a hydraulic lock on either side of the control surface
actuator piston, locking the control surface in the commanded position (whilst ever the pilot
maintains the back stick input).

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Part 66 Subject

A Summary of Actuator Operation to this Point

When the pilot applied back stick, the control valve ported hydraulic pressure through to the
control surface actuator, thus hydraulically driving the control surface to the commanded
position. The pilot input is only moving the control valve, it is the hydraulic pressure which
drives the control surface actuator. While the pilot retains the stick input the control surface
will remain in the position it has been driven to (just like a pilot holding back stick on a cable
system the control surface will remain in the back stick position until the stick is recentred).
If no hydraulic pressure were applied you can move the stick all you want, but the only effect
it has is to move the control valve. The control surface will not move without hydraulic
pressure applied.

The control surface will remain in the back stick position until the stick is recentred. When
back stick is released, the same process as previously described occurs again. The bottom
of the control valve actuator (long green arm) is locked in place because the control surface
is initially still hydraulically locked in the extended position. With the bottom of the control
valve actuator (long green arm) locked, the control valve will be displaced to the right, porting
hydraulic pressure to the right side of the control surface actuator.

With the bottom of the control valve actuator (long green arm) locked, the control valve will
be displaced to the right, porting hydraulic pressure to the right side of the control surface
spool piston. The hydraulic pressure applied to the control surface spool piston will force the
piston to the left and retract the control surface. This will also reposition the control valve to
the left recentreing it and again hydraulically locking the control surface in the central position
until the control column is again displaced.

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This description of flight control system operation still refers to a manually operated system.
No electrical inputs have been described yet. As you can see actuator operation is
dependant upon control valve position. If we can electrically drive the control valve, we can
control the actuator with electrical signals alone.

On/Off Solenoid
An ON/OFF solenoid is simply a hydraulic relay. With no electrical power applied hydraulic
pressure is shut-off because the solenoid spring holds the seat against a seal, preventing
pressure from being felt downstream.
When power is applied the solenoid coil magnetises and unseats the valve (overpowers
spring pressure) and permits hydraulic oil to flow.
In the hydraulic actuator, the ON/OFF solenoid provides pressure to the transfer valve when
autopilot is activated. Power to the ON/OFF solenoid is typically controlled through a series
of monitors which detect any failures in the autopilot system. In the event that an autopilot
failure is detected, the ON/OFF solenoid is de-energised, isolating autopilot inputs from the

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ON/OFF Solenoid Operation

When the ON/OFF solenoid is energised, the transfer valve is provided with hydraulic
pressure. Typically the pressure provided to the transfer valve nozzle will also be provided
through the IN/OFF solenoid, but that is not shown here to reduce complexity of the diagram.
When the transfer valve is provided with hydraulic pressure it is primed to convert the
electrical inputs into hydraulic outputs which will drive the autopilot actuator thus controlling
the control valve and control surface actuator electrically instead of mechanically as
previously described.

Transfer Valve
Before looking at the operation of the actuator, we must understand the workings of the
transfer valve, which transforms electrical signals from the computer into hydraulic pressure.
A transfer valve is also often called a Electro-Hydraulic Valve (EHV), or a hydraulic servo can
be driven by torque motors directly connected to the Autopilot Actuator spool. The torque
motor style is a high current application though, so the transfer valve and EHV style of
electrical interface to the hydraulic actuator are more common in modern flight control
On the right hand side there is a coil of windings around a C shaped core. If a signal is
presented to this coil, it will move the permanent magnet armature up or down about its pivot.
The computer outputs a DC signal and the polarity of the signal determines the direction of
movement. Hydraulic fluid is fed into the unit through the feed pipe, passing through a
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flexible tube which then divides across the pointed divider, just under the flexible tube. The
feed pipe provides full hydraulic system pressure to the transfer valve nozzle, but it is
supplied through only very narrow gauge plumbing because the work it has to perform to
manipulate the spool valve is minimal, so a high rate of flow of pressurised hydraulic fluid is
If there is no electrical signal to the coil, the flexible tube remains in the neutral position, due
to spring loading (represented by the two black lines connecting the nozzle point and the
spool valve piston assembly). In this position, the spool valve and feedback springs sense
equal hydraulic pressure at both ends and take up the neutral position, closing off both
control ports.

Transfer Valve Operation

When the flight control computer sends a signal to the coil windings (either drawing the
permanent magnet attached to the nozzle up or down) the permanent magnet will rotate
Moving the nozzle in a direction dependant upon polarity of the input signal from the
In the first illustration this will cause a greater pressure to be directed to the top of the spool
valve than at the bottom. This moves the spool valve down. The spool valve will continue to
move down until the force of the feedback springs is sufficient to bring the flexible tube back
almost to the neutral position. With the spool valve moved down, hydraulic supply pressure is
ported out through the upper control port. This pressure is used to control the autopilot
actuator spool valve, which will be explained next slide.
With the spool valve down, hydraulic pressure is ported out the top control port, and the
bottom control port is opened to the hydraulic return line.
If the electrical signal is of reversed polarity, the spool valve will move up instead of down,
porting hydraulic pressure through the bottom control port and opening the top control port to
the hydraulic return line.

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Autopilot Actuator Operation

On engaging the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS), the ON/OFF solenoid opens and
supplies hydraulic pressure to the transfer valve. When an AFCS command signal is
supplied to the coil windings in the transfer valve, the spool valve is nozzle is displaced. The
hydraulic pressure is applied to the right hand side of the autopilot actuator, causing it to
move to the left. The control valve actuator (long green arm) pivots on the control surface
actuator and moves the control valve to the left. This is the same movement as shown in the
manual operation, except that the input to the control valve actuator is provided by the
autopilot actuator, not the cockpit control.
When the command signal is of the opposite polarity the transfer valve nozzle moves down
forcing the spool valve up which ports hydraulic pressure to the left side of the autopilot
actuator. When the autopilot actuator moves right the control valve is forced to the right
providing pressure to the control surface actuator to drive the control surface.
On the actuator illustrated on the slide the electrical inputs driving the transfer valve and the
autopilot actuator reposition the control surface, and also reposition the control column in the
cockpit. Any corrections made by the flight control computer will be felt at the control column.

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Other actuators are designed so that electrical inputs only move the control surface and have
no effect on the cockpit controls. Damper signals are typical of this method of operation.
When aircraft oscillations are detected by a gyro, it outputs a signal through the flight control
computer to the actuator to counter the oscillations, but the rudder pedals or control column
will not me moved. This design of the actuator is not that different from the type described
here, but the differences will not be covered in this lesson.
As the autopilot actuator moves to the left, the autopilot LVDT produces an electrical output
which is sent back to the computer to null the command signal input.

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In Series Operation.
Because the pilot has no feel of the aerodynamic loads acting on the control surfaces it is
necessary to incorporate an artificial feel device at a point between the pilots controls and
their connection to the servo-unit control lever.

This is commonly a q feel unit in which the feel force varies with the dynamic pressure of
the air sensed by the Pitot/static system. Q=1/2V2

It monitors hydraulic pressure and produces control forces dependent on the amount of
control movement and forward speed of the aircraft.
A q feel unit monitors hydraulic pressure and produces control forces dependent on the
amount of control movement and forward speed of the aircraft.
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In a q feel unit the feel force varies with the dynamic pressure of the air sensed by the
pitot/static system.
An artificial feel unit is connected at a point between the pilots controls and their connection
to the servo-unit control lever it restricts movement of the control column.

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Electrohydraulic Servomotors

Servomotors Duplex
In some aircraft the possibility of a hard over or runaway condition resulting from automatic
flight control malfunctions is prevented by utilising two independent control systems which
displace control surfaces via duplex servomotors & differential Gearing.
The pitch & roll servo motors are of equal authority and torque, and their outputs are
summed by their respective differential gearing. The yaw servomotor is of a single type with
torque limiting.
When the commands from AFCS computer 1 & 2 to a servomotor are identical (normal
operation) the motions of both motors within the servo are identical, so providing doubled
authority to operate the appropriate control surface.
If however a malfunction in one system occurs such that a hardover roll is commanded by
that system, then it will turn the differential gear in the direction commanded. The other
system however will (at the outset) detect the undesired attitude change and will command
its motor to rotate the differential in the opposite direction with the net result that the
deflection is prevented.
Each motor is coupled electrically to a sensor known as a speed monitor, which in turn is
connected to braking units. The purpose of the monitor is to identify a runaway motor, which
it does within about 2 milliseconds, and then to apply a signal to the respective brake thus
locking out of the differential gear and enabling the good motor to drive the control surface
through its half of the gearing. Since the servo power is halved, then any hard over risk in the
remaining control system is reduced.

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Runaway conditions resulting from malfunctions are prevented by utilising two independent
control systems which displace control surfaces via duplex servomotors.
When commands from AFCS computer 1 & 2 to a servomotor are identical (normal
operation) motions of both motors within servo are identical & complimentary
Purpose of monitor is to identify a runaway motor (it does within 2 milliseconds)
Applies signal to respective brake thus locking out of differential gear
Enabling good motor to drive control surface through its half of gearing
No failsafe after one system fails no monitor to counteract a failure of second motor or
computer additional redundancy typically incorporated 3 or 4 computer channels
Hydraulic servo-actuators also incorporated duplex operation

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Servomotors Duplex

Common command applied to all EHVs from all 4 channels all signals identical &
DPs monitor EHV outputs when all pressures balanced (normal operation) no failure
signal generated.
Any detected computer fails (in a single channel) turns off the command signal remaining
signals still command actuator with no loss of efficiency: eg LVDT fail, cross channel mismatch wiring short or open cct.
If DP sensor detects EHV failure SOV controlling EHV turned OFF removing hyd pressure
from EHV pressure still provided to MCV & main ram actuator continues to function on
remaining good EHV with no efficiency loss.
Bypass damper ports return pressure to MCV to prevent hydraulic lock with EHV deenergised
If 2nd EHV fails 2nd SOV turns OFF & actuator reverts to mechanical operation input
directly to MCV

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No command input transfer valves in neutral position pressures/flow rates P1 + P4 = P2 +

Failure Sensor centred & LVDT O/P normal
Quadruple redundant duplex hydraulic servoactuator.
Upper half of actuator autopilot actuator mechanical input applied to main control valve
from command select mechanism if both EHVs fail.

Command input & transfer valves respond correctly:

P1 + P4 still equals P2 + P3.
Failure Sensor centred & LVDT O/P normal
If Transfer valve blocked or misaligned:
P1 + P4 > P2 + P3.
Failure Sensor piston driven from neutral
LVDT O/P to FCC indicates failure
SOV de-energised.
Primary function of failure sensor is to detect fault
& disengage EHV before uncommanded flight
control input effected

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In duplex actuator, remaining non-failed half of actuator continues to function normally

driving control surface.

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Servomotors Duplex
Quadruple redundant duplex hydraulic servo actuator
Upper half of actuator autopilot actuator mechanical input applied to main control valve
from command select mechanism if both EHVs fail.
Schematic diagram of hydraulic duplex servoactuator:


EHVs (Transfer Valves)

DPs (Failure Sensors)

System Selector valve

Mechanical input mode selector valve


Bypass Damper

CAS LVDT Rate feedback

RAM LVDT position feedback

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Before an automatic control system can be engaged with an aircrafts flight controls, certain
preliminary operating requirements must be fulfilled to ensure that the system is in a
condition whereby it may safely take control of the aircraft.
The principal requirements are that the connections between system power supplies, the
elements comprising the system, and the appropriate signal and engage circuits are
electrically complete.
It is the practice, therefore, to incorporate within any automatic control system a series of
switches and/or relays, known as interlocks, which operate in a specific sequence to ensure
satisfactory engagement, and the coupling of input signals from outer loop control elements.

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Two moving vane transducers can be mounted on the inner and outer gimbal rings of a
vertical gyro to sense pitch and roll attitude changes.
A square wave a.c power supply is applied to coils 1 and 2, the voltages being out-of phase.
In level flight there is no output but with change of attitude there is relative movement
between vane and coil assembly with the resultant output as a command signal to the

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The dynamic vertical sensor is a pendulum actuated synchro transmitter the axis of which is
aligned with the fore and aft axis of the aircraft. The unit is oil damped and in a coordinated
turn the pendulum aligns with the resultant of centrifugal and gravitational forces. At the
dynamic vertical there is no signal output but if the aircraft is slipping or skidding the
pendulum will be displaced from the vertical with a signal output.

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The rotor of a synchro is attached to the gimbal .

A torsion bar restricts the motion in one axis.

Rate gyros detect short term attitude changes, these signals are used to modify
displacement inputs, e.g. rudder channel for turn co-ordination.

They are also the primary sensor for Yaw Damping.

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The gyroscopic sensors used with autopilots are similar to the gyro instruments.
These sensors detect aircraft pitch, roll, and yaw motions. Deviations in attitude or in the rate
of change from a selected attitude are converted into electrical error signals and sent to the
autopilot computer.
On small aircraft, the autopilot sensors are frequently built in to the attitude and heading
The latest types of autopilots use sensors that employ laser beams instead of a spinning gyro
rotor. these laser sensors, called ring laser gyros, or RLGs.
The RLG has two laser beams that travel in opposite directions around a triangular course.
Sensitive detectors measure the Doppler shift or frequency change whenever the unit is
One RLG is needed for each axis measured. RLGs are much more expensive than an actual
gyro, but they do not precess, and they eliminate the moving parts that cause a conventional
gyro to gradually wear out.

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A Hydro-mechanical system used in DC3/4 A/c.

Displacement signals are picked off the air driven gyros as small vacuum inputs to the
balanced oil valves which provide hydraulic signals to the control surfaces.

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All automatic flight control systems (AFCS) are based on the closed loop servo system.
Their input signals originate from either a command signal device or a gyro stabilisation
signal (attitude gyro). The signal is amplified to provide an increase in signal strength to
power the correction unit (servomotor) to move the aircraft control surface.
The amplifier output is reduced to zero (null) by a follow up system (direct feedback) that
cancels the input signal and the control surface movement stops.
Since movement of the control surface causes aircraft response, the original input signal will
be cancelled by the change in aircraft attitude.
The control surface is now returned to neutral by the follow up (direct feedback) system
providing the only input to the amplifier to drive the servomotor back to a null or zero signal
from the follow up system.
Basic AFCS loop consists of the detection, amplification, correction follow up and the aircraft
response loop.
Response loop. The function of the follow up signal is to cancel the input signal by applying
an opposite signal proportional to the command required to bring the aircraft to the desired
Position feedback provides control surface displacement proportional to the strength of the
input signal.
Rate feedback allows a control surface displacement to be applied at a rate that matches the
rate of input signal application. It provides a damping effect on the control surface response,
providing tighter control over the aircraft.

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Inner Loop
The inner loop is the basis of any AFCS and is responsible for the basic attitudinal stability of
the aircraft. Its function may be called a stability augmentation system (SAS) or a damper
The operation of inner loop is by the sensing of aircraft attitude changes and the transmission
of error signals, which is accomplished by the use of gyros, accelerometers and transducers.

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An example of a circuit as applied to a roll control channel is shown in the figure and is one
which uses the characteristics of both an operating amplifier in the integrating function, and
of servomechanism feedback.
Assuming that prior to engagement of the AFCS, the aircraft is at some angle of roll there will
be a corresponding roll attitude signal output from the roll sensing transducer of the verticalaxis gyroscope unit, and this is supplied to summing point 2. All other command inputs
normally supplied to summing junction 1 are at zero, since the control system is not at this
stage coupled to any mode. The roll attitude signal is therefore, an error signal which flows
out from summing junction 2 to summing junction 3 via an amplifier and the roll displacement
path, and also back to summing junction 1.
Since the AP ENG and ROLL HOLD switches are both closed prior to engagement of the
control system, the error signal is also applied to the input of the integrating amplifier to drive
it until its output to summing junction 2 is equal to the roll attitude signal, thereby zeroing the
output from junction 2.
During the time that the foregoing synchronisation process is taking place, an error signal is
also produced at the output of summing junction 3 as a result of summing the signal along
the roll displacement path, with a roll rate signal developed from the roll attitude signal after
passing it through a rate taker circuit; the purpose of the rate signal is to provide a shortterm damping of servo-actuator operation.
The resulting error signal passes to the aileron servo-actuator, via the summing and servo
amplifiers, and so it is driven in the appropriate direction; the ailerons are not displaced of
course, since with the control system not engaged the servomotor clutch is de-energised.

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At the same time that the motor operates, it drives a position feedback synchro (CX), the
output of which is demodulated and fed to summing junction 3 to oppose the error signal
which, as a result of the synchronisation process, becomes less than the feedback signal,
leaving the latter as the sole means of driving the servomotor until the feedback signal itself
is reduced to zero.
An example of a circuit as applied to a roll control channel is shown in the figure and is one
which utilises the characteristics of both an operating amplifier in the integrating function, and
of servomechanism feedback.
Assuming that prior to engagement of the AFCS, the aircraft is at some angle of roll there will
be a corresponding roll attitude signal output from the roll sensing transducer of the verticalaxis gyroscope unit, and this is supplied to summing point 2. All other command inputs
normally supplied to summing junction 1 are at zero, since the control system is not at this
stage coupled to any mode. The roll attitude signal is therefore, an error signal which flows
out from summing junction 2 to summing junction 3 via an amplifier and the roll displacement
path, and also back to summing junction 1.
The resulting error signal passes to the aileron servo-actuator, via the summing and servo
amplifiers, and so it is driven in the appropriate direction; the ailerons are not displaced of
course, since with the control system not engaged the servomotor clutch is de-energised.
At the same time that the motor operates, it drives a position feedback synchro (CX), the
output of which is demodulated and fed to summing junction 3 to oppose the error signal
which, as a result of the synchronisation process, becomes less than the feedback signal,
leaving the latter as the sole means of driving the servomotor until the feedback signal itself
is reduced to zero.
The servo-actuator also drives a tachogenerator which supplies a rate feedback signal to
summing junction 4, the purpose of this signal being to synchronise the servomotor operation
and to prevent any tendency for it to over shoot its nulled position. Thus, in the synchronised
condition, the net signals at summing junctions 2 through 4 are zero, and since the
servomotor is stopped at a position synchronised with the datum attitude detected by the
vertical-axis gyroscope unit, it can be engaged with the aileron control system without
On engagement, the :AP ENG and ROLL .HOLD switches are opened and so the integrator
is isolated from the circuit. since the aircraft is still some angle of roll, the appropriate roll
attitude signal is now predominant and from summing junction 3 is able to drive the
synchronised servo actuator motor which thereby displaces the ailerons to restore a wingslevel attitude.

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The rates at which different types of aircraft respond to displacements of their flight control
surfaces vary between types and their basic handling characteristics.
In particular they vary with altitude, speed, aircraft load and configuration, and rate of
maneuver. Thus, it is necessary to incorporate gearing elements within flight control
systems which will adapt them to aircraft and thereby reduce the effects which variations in
flight parameters can have on handling characteristics.
Similarly, in applying particular types of AFCS to individual aircraft control systems, it is
necessary to provide facilities for altering the response of an automatic system to any given
level of input signal, thereby obtaining a signal ratio best suited to the operation of the
systems when working in combination.

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Such a ratio is known as gain and may be considered as having a function analogous to the
changing of gear ratios in a mechanical gearing system .
The signal path from error to response is known as the system forward path, and the
amplification from error to response, measured as amplification ratio, is the loop gain.
Satisfactory closed-loop performance depends on determining a loop gain which
compromises between long-term accuracy plus initial response, and acceptable settling time
plus limited overshoot. These factors, in turn, require sufficient inherent damping in the load.
Certain adjustments of command and feedback signals can be pre-set within amplifier and/or
computer units in order to produce gain factors which establish a basic match between an
AFCS and aircraft characteristics.
Adjustments are based on the variation of electrical resistance at appropriate sections of
signal circuits, and as in several types of control system, this is accomplished by means of
potentiometers located on a calibration panel that forms an integral part of an amplifier or
computer unit.

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In addition to the foregoing adjustments, it is also necessary, particularly when a control

system is operating in any of the outer loop control modes, for gain factors to be altered
automatically to offset variations in handling characteristics resulting from changing flight
This process is called gain programming or scheduling, and is part of a technique referred
to as adaptive control.
The diagram illustrates what is termed a self-adaptive control system and it is one which is
capable of changing its parameters throughout an internal process of measurement,
evaluation, and gain adjustments, without direct sensing of changing flight characteristics.
The overall response of the system is optimized, irrespective of flight conditions, by means
of an electrical analogue system referred to as a model reference.
The model defines the optimum dynamic behaviour of the aircraft, based on selected
response characteristics subject to any constraints that the airframe may impose, and the
control system parameters are adjusted to match the response of the aircraft to that of the

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The program is accomplished by using signals from a low range radio altimeter which are
supplied to a gain programmer control section in a vertical path module of the pitch control
After the GS mode is engaged plus 10 seconds, the GS deviation beam signal is modulated
and amplified, and supplied as a pitch down command signal.
Initially, the gain of the beam deviation amplifier is zero, but it then increases to, and is held
at, 100% until the aircraft descends to 1,500 ft radio altitude.

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The altitude signal then produced by the radio altimeter develops a bias voltage which is
applied to the GS beam deviation amplifier so that its gain is reduced as the aircraft
descends (graph A).
The gain programmer control section of the vertical path module also supplies a gain control
signal to a lateral path module in the roll control channel in order that the gain of the LOC
beam deviation amplifier may also be reduced.
In this case, the reduction is gradual from 100% to 57%.

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In the event that there is an invalid signal from the radio altimeter, a time programme control
is developed (see graph B).
In respect of the GS, this programme starts 10 seconds after GS has been engaged, and
results in an initial gain of 80%, decreasing to approximately 20% over a period of time of
120 seconds.
The LOC beam deviation amplifier gain programme is initiated directly at GS engage, and
after 120 seconds time period the gain is reduced to 57%.

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Under automatically controlled flight conditions, it is necessary to monitor what is generally

termed the authority of the control system notably in respect of the roll and pitch channels;
in other words, limits must be placed on commanded control signals to prevent excessive
attitude changes and harsh maneuvering.
In the example of roll control channel shown in the figure, it will be noted that there are two
limiting elements in the signal processing chain: a roll command rate limiter, and a roll
command limiter. The rate limiter limits the rate of change of command signals to some
selected value, e.g. 5 degrees/second, so as to soften aileron displacements and prevent
harsh rolling of the aircraft. Signal processing through the limiter network is such that it
imposes a specific time constant on the roll command signal.
The roll command limiter controls the roll angle authority of the control system,
the limit which the circuit is actually capable of being dependent on the control mode
Limits are accurately pre-set, and when the control channel is operating in the appropriate
mode they are controlled by a d.c. bias signal applied to limiting diodes within the limiter

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This system is provided in some AFCS to enable the pilot to maneuver the aircraft in pitch
and roll through the AFCS by exerting normal pressure on his control wheel.
On releasing the control wheel, the AFCS will hold aircraft at the newly established attitude.

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When power is applied to an AFCS, the attitude sensing elements are monitoring the
aircrafts attitude. The sensing signals are supplied to the appropriate AFCS channel and
servo amplifier. Any output signal from the servo amplifier is also fed to the appropriate trim
The purpose of the trim indicator is to provide an indication of signals being supplied to the
servomotors, whether in the engaged or disengaged conditions, and also to indicate any out
of trim conditions of the aircraft under normal operating conditions of the control system.

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Trim Sensor
This consists of a fixed mounting plate with two adjustable contacts and a sliding bar with a
common contact which is attached to pulleys that ride on the up and down elevator cables.

Trim Servo
The servomotor is a geared DC reversible motor installed on a mounting bracket together
with its amplifier.
The output from the motor is transmitted to the elevator trim tab via a capstan connected to
the trim tab control cables.

The elevator channel command signal to the elevator servomotor is used as the appropriate
command signal to the pitch autotrim.
Its direction is sensed by up trim and down trim sensor circuits, which operate relays that
apply a signal to the trim servomotor to run it in the appropriate direction.
The signal is pulse width modulated, the pulse duration being a function of airspeed.

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If an aircraft under auto-pilot control encounters turbulence it will sense the turbulence as
disturbances to aircraft attitude, but in applying corrective control it is possible for additional
loads to be imposed.
In this mode the gain of pitch and roll signals is reduced gain, therefore softening flight
control system response.

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Axes of an Aircraft
An aircraft in flight is controlled within three stabilized planes. Movement within each plane is
about an axis, rather than centred on an axis. All three axes pass through the centre of
gravity (C of G).
The three principal axes are:

longitudinal (X axis) which runs nose to tail through the C of G

lateral (Y axis) which runs parallel with a line from wing tip to wing tip and intersects the X
axis at the C of G

normal/vertical (Z axis) runs perpendicular to the other two axes intersecting them at the C
of G.

Movement around the longitudinal axis is called rolling, its control or stability is called the
lateral stability, and is controlled by ailerons.

Movement around the lateral axis is called pitching, and the control or stability is called the
longitudinal stability, and is controlled by elevators.

Movement around the vertical axis is called yawing. Control or stability is called the
directional stability and is controlled by the rudder.

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Flight Control Surfaces

In straight and level flight, a flight control surface can be considered as an extended aerofoil.
When the control surface is deflected, the amount of lift produced by the extended aerofoil
either increases or decreases depending on the direction of the control surface.
Movement If the control surface is deflected down the shape of the aerofoil is extended so
the amount of lift produced increases. If the surface is deflected up the aerofoil shape is
distorted and the amount of lift is decreased. Primary control surfaces consist of the
following: ailerons/spoilers, elevators, rudder, stabilators, canards, elevons, ruddervators.
Ailerons/spoilers The roll attitude of an aircraft is controlled by ailerons, and are operated by
sideways movement of the pilots control column. They are found on the trailing edge of the
wing near the wing tip. Placing them near the wing tip gives greater airflow deflection,
meaning only a small column movement will create a large amount of roll. They are
connected in opposition to each other, so that when the left aileron is raised the right one is
lowered. When the aileron is lowered lift is increased and the wing will rise. The raised
aileron will assist the lowered one to roll the aircraft. Movement of the control column is
instinctive. If you move the column to the left, the aircraft will bank to the left and vice a versa.
Spoilers can be used as a substitute for ailerons, and operate on the same principle as
ailerons, except they only extend upwards. When the spoiler of one wing is raised, the wing
drops due to the loss of lift.
Elevators These control the longitudinal attitude of the aircraft, and are coupled together
and are found on the trailing edge of the tail planes horizontal surface. They are operated by
means of fore and aft movement of the pilots control column. Pulling the column back will
cause the elevators to rise, which will decrease the amount of lift on the tail, which will drop,
causing the nose to rise. Thus, the aircraft will climb. Pushing the column forward has the
opposite effect, and the aircraft will drive.

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Rudder This controls the direction of the aircraft in the same way as the rudder on a boat.
The rudder is hinged at the rear of the vertical fin, and is operated by the pilots rudder
pedals. Pushing the right pedal forward causes the aircraft to turn right.
Stabilators Some aircraft have dispensed with the elevators on the tail plane, and replaced
them with a horizontal surface that moves in its entirety and is called a stabilator. It is mainly
used in high performance fighter aircraft.
Canards Some aircraft have an additional set of wings set forward of the C of G instead of a
tail plane. They are used to give additional lift to the main wings, and improve the handling of
the aircraft at low and high speeds.
Elevons These are combined control surfaces that act as both elevators and ailerons on
delta winged aircraft.
Ruddervators These are a combined control surface to operate in pitch and yaw, and fitted
to aircraft that have a butterfly of V tail.

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Control Surface Actuation

On small light aircraft the power to move the control surfaces is provided by the muscles in
the pilots arms and legs. The control column is physically connected to the control surfaces
by cables, and the pilot moves the control surfaces by repositioning the control column or
rudder pedals. As the control column or rudder pedals are displaced the movement is
mechanically transferred to the control surface, the aircraft attitude changes, and the pilot recentres the control column or rudder pedals when the desired attitude or heading is
achieved. Any autopilot function in this simple system is nothing more than the use of trim
tabs to trim the aircraft to eliminate excessive drift and to relieve the pilot of the necessity to
continually maintain a force on the control column or rudder pedals in order to maintain
straight and level flight.

Control Surface Actuation

When control column is moved backwards, the elevators are raised thereby decreasing lift of
the horizontal stab so that the aircraft is displaced by a pitching moment about the lateral axis
into a nose up or climbing attitude.
Forward movement of the control column lowers the elevators to increase the lift of the
horizontal stabiliser and so the pitching moment causes the aircraft to assume a nose-down
or descending attitude. Pitch displacements are opposed by aerodynamic damping in pitch
and by the longitudinal stability and as the response to elevator deflections is a steady
change of attitude. Elevators are essentially displacement control devices. Note on the
illustration that control column and control wheel movements are independent of each other
so that lateral and longitudinal displacements can be obtained separately or in combination.

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This concept of having separate control movements for each axes goes right through to the
most complex automatic flight control systems with multi axis control

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Servomotors and Servo Actuators

On larger aircraft it is physically impossible to move the control surfaces by muscles alone.
All aircraft, with the exception of light aircraft or very old aircraft, will incorporate some form of
power assistance (like power steering in a car) to move control surfaces. The power
assistance is provided by actuators or servos and these devices can operate from either/or
mechanical input (like your cars power steering) or electrical input. Once a flight control
system is capable of repositioning control surfaces by use of electrical signals, these signals
can be provided by a number of sensors to control the aircrafts flight path. Instead of the pilot
detecting an uncommanded roll or heading change and moving the stick or pedals to
counteract it, gyros, accelerometers and other sensor equipment can detect the
uncommanded attitude changes far more accurately and then provide an electrical output to
an actuator or servo. This is the basis of a fly-by-wire or automatic flight control system. The
sensors detect uncommanded attitude changes and counter them. When the pilot moves the
control column or rudder pedals (a commanded attitude change) an electrical signal from the
stick or pedal transducers is transmitted to the electrically operated actuator and the control
surface is deflected by pilot input to achieve an attitude change. In this electrically operated
system, it is electrical signals not mechanical inputs which control the actuator or servo
Going one step further, the electrically operated flight control system can be programmed to
fly a specific route, at a specific altitude and then the pilot is simply along for the ride. The
avionic systems of the aircraft provide the flight control computer with inputs of heading,
altitude, waypoints, etc and the flight control computer repositions the actuators with

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electrical signals to maintain the aircraft on the programmed flight path. This attribute in an
automatic flight control system is called an autopilot.

Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)

A linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is an electromechanical device which
translates straight line motion into a linear Alternating Current (AC) signal (proportional to
amount of movement).
Transformer theory explains how an alternating current passed through a coil induces a
current into a coiled conductor in the vicinity. The expanding and contracting magnetic field in
the primary coil induces a current into the secondary coil.
If the magnetic flux is concentrated in an iron (ferrite) core, in lieu of just a hollow air gap the
transformer is more efficient and a stronger signal is induced into the secondary winding. The
strength of the signal induced into the secondary winding is therefore variable by inserting
and removing the ferrite rod core.
This is the basis of operation of an LVDT

LVDT Operation
By incorporating two secondary coils (or a single coil with a centre-tap) whenever one end of
the secondary is positive the other end will be negative. If the signals from each end of the
coils are measured and compared to earth, the two signals will be of equal amplitude and
frequency, but of opposite phase. If the two signals are combined the resultant will be zero
volts because the two signals will cancel each other out.
The two signals will only be of equal amplitude when the ferrite rod is in the centre of the
secondary coil. If the rod is displaced in either direction, one of the secondary coils signals
will be stronger than the other, and the resultant signal will be indicative of direction (the
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phase indicates this) and amount of movement (amplitude is proportional to amount of

The AC signal produced by the LVDT can then be rectified and combined with the initial error
signal applied to the transfer valve, nulling it out this is called feedback.

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Force Transducers
In an E & I bar force transducer, the principle of operation is virtually the same as for an
The AC input signal is applied to the centre winding on the E bar and the outer legs support
the secondary windings. In the force transducer pictured, any input on the left hand end will
move the I bar with respect to the E Bar because the outer case of the transducer is
designed to expand and contract as force is varied. The magnetic relationship between the E
& I bar will vary, producing output signals in the same manner as the LVDT.

In an E & I bar force transducer, the principle of operation is virtually the same as for an
The AC input signal is applied to the centre winding on the E bar and the outer legs support
the secondary windings. In the force transducer pictured, any input on the left hand end will
move the I bar with respect to the E Bar because the outer case of the transducer is
designed to expand and contract as force is varied. The magnetic relationship between the E
& I bar will vary, producing output signals in the same manner as the LVDT.

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Example of signal interface between sensor and control surface. Sensor electrical output can
be from LVDT, E & I bar, Synchro, etc. Signal amplified and applied to servomotor. Feedback
signal fed back to amplifier nulling error signal (Op amp for example)
In modern aircraft error signal digitised within computer. Computer processor interprets
attitude change requested by pilot and sends appropriate analogue signals to servoactuators
to achieve required attitude change. Has advantage of gain scheduling signals before
applying them to servoactuators, and computer can select appropriate control surface to
move to achieve attitude change most efficiently FCC software load.
Although not new in concept, complete re-development of fly-by-wire systems has been
necessary in recent years, as a means of controlling some highly sophisticated types of
aircraft. Mechanical linkages to the control surfaces required would have been prohibitively
complex, thus fly-by-wire systems where wires carry the electrical signals from the pilots
controls, replaced mechanical linkages entirely.

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In a fly-by-wire system the control column will not be physically connected to the servo
actuator, the control column and rudder output is only applied to an LVDT (or similar
transducer) to convert the mechanical movement into and electrical signal proportional to the
degree of movement. This electrical signal is then transmitted to the Flight Control Computer
where the phase is detected to determine the direction in which the control column has
moved. The amplitude of the signal represents the distance the control column has been
displaced. Once phase detected the signal is rectified and amplified. The now DC signal is
applied to the transfer valve to reposition the control surface as explained on the previous
When the autopilot Actuator displaces (due to the hydraulic force applied from the Transfer
Valve) the autopilot LVDT will be displaced and the signal generated within the autopilot
LVDT will be phase detected, amplified and rectified and applied to the servo amp, to oppose
or null out the initial signal generated by the control column LVDT. When the feedback
voltage nulls the initial error voltage there will be no servo amplifier output, so the transfer
valve will recentre. The actuator will remain in the extended position until the control column
is released, then the autopilot LVDT signal applied to the servo amp will drive the transfer
valve, recentreing the autopilot actuator and control surface until the autopilot LVDT is again
at its null (centred) when the servo amp will no longer have an input from either the control
column LVDT or the autopilot LVDT
This concept is called closed servo loop operation. The feedback signal opposing the initial
input signal nulls it out, thus closing the loop of operation.
When flight control surfaces are aligned the control column LVDTs and autopilot LVDTs
must all be calibrated and aligned to the null position, this alignment is called rigging.

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Typically a flight control surface will have several flight control channels, so the amount of
LVDTs will be trebled. That is there will be three for the control column in the pitch axis,
three in the roll axis and three connected to the rudder pedals.
The Hornet aircraft has 4 flight control computer channels to operate 2 Ailerons, 2 Rudders 2
leading edge flaps, 2 trailing edge flaps and two stabilators, and has a total of approximately
100 LVDTs within the flight control system for position feedback, rate feedback and error
sensing monitors.

Position feedback servo loop simplified using DC potentiometer theory.

Initial DC signal from stick or gyro or accelerometer to amp.
Amplified & drives Servo.
Servo drives load, and also repositions feedback potentiometer.
Feedback potentiometer voltage opposes initial input voltage nulling input signal
Rate feedback tacho generator signal highest amplitude at greatest RPM highest signal
output when servo motor and hence control surface is moving at highest speed.
Highest speed of surface provides the greatest strength feedback signal damping

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Position feedback servo loop simplified using DC potentiometer theory.

Initial DC signal from stick or gyro or accelerometer to amp.
Amplified & drives Servo.
Servo drives load, and also repositions feedback potentiometer.
Feedback potentiometer voltage opposes initial input voltage nulling input signal
Rate feedback tacho generator signal highest amplitude at greatest RPM highest signal
output when servo motor and hence control surface is moving at highest speed.

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Comparison of signals to achieve position and rate feedback to achieve fast response &
critical damping

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Automatic Flight Control System Elements

The basic AFCS consists of the following major elements:
Detecting element This consists of attitude gyros, rate gyros, accelerometers, pitot static
systems and air temperature probes. They detect the movement of the aircraft about its three
flight axes and the rate of that movement. It is considered to be the internal controls or inner
loop of the system.
Command element This element consists of the pilots control panel and manually operated
controls, that include control column, rudder pedals, navigation systems and radar. It is
considered to be the external controls or outer loop of the system.
Computer amplifier This is the brain of the system. It computes, amplifies and processes the
signals from the detecting and command elements and directs the output element to respond
to the pilots and/or systems requirements.
Output element This element consists of the units which move the control surfaces of the
aircraft in response to the computer demands. These servo units, as they are known, can be
electric motors, electromagnetic solenoid valves controlling hydraulic actuators.
Fly by wire This system refers to the replacement of mechanical linkages by wires that carry
electrical signals from the pilots control stick to the servomotors. The movement and forces
created by the pilot on his controls are measured by electrical transducers. The signals are
amplified and then sent to the various hydraulic actuator units which are directly connected to
the control surfaces.
When an aircraft is able to be mechanically controlled (through electrohydraulic power
controlled actuators) and electrically controlled (fly-by-wire), when engaging the AFCS the
transition to electric fly-by-wire must be smooth and without violent control surface
deflections. The AFCS engagement controlling circuitry will align to the current control
surface positions (and will incorporate any current control column or rudder inputs). With no
command inputs (stick or pedals) the AFCS will only steer to straight and level flight
gradually (non straight and level flight detected by sensors, which all develop error signals)
without violent or instantaneous maneuvering.
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These units are used to measure the aircrafts rate of turn. If the nose of the aircraft is
deflected, the gyro will sense this, and signals will be sent to the rudder to move the aircraft
back to the correct heading.
The rate gyro output shown below the aircraft represents the 400 Hz synchro signal
developed during an aircrafts flight path. It also shows the rate gyros DC voltage output.
When the aircraft is flying in a straight line, there is not signal output from the synchro, but
when the aircraft turns, there is a signal with a constant amplitude.

On an aircraft is which is constantly changing direction, and as the rate of turn is constantly
changing so is the output from the rate gyro synchro. After the signal has been demodulated
and filtered, as seen in the DC graph, we have a DC voltage that is constantly changing
value and polarity with each aircraft turn. The DC values are at their highest when the rate of
turn is greatest. This signal is the one used by the autopilot to eliminate the condition known
as dutch roll. Pallet Automatic Flight Controls Pg 25

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All automatic flight control systems (AFCS) are based on the closed loop servo system. Their
input signals originate from either a command signal device or a gyro stabilization signal
(attitude gyro). The signal is amplified to provide an increase in signal strength to power the
correction unit (servomotor) to move the aircraft control surface. The amplifier output is
reduced to zero (null) by a follow up system (direct feedback) that cancels the input signal
and the control surface movement stops.
Since movement of the control surface causes aircraft response, the original input signal will
be cancelled by the change in aircraft attitude. The control surface is now returned to neutral
by the follow up (direct feedback) system providing the only input to the amplifier to drive the
servomotor back to a null or zero signal from the follow up system. The aircraft drift has
therefore been corrected by the sensor output and when the aircraft is returned to the
selected attitude by the control surface displacement, the control surface is returned to the
neutral position.
Basic AFCS loop
This consists of the detection, amplification, correction follow up and the aircraft response
loop. The function of the follow up signal is to cancel the input signal by applying an opposite
signal proportional to the command required to bring the aircraft to the desired attitude.
Position feedback
Provides control surface displacement proportional to the strength of the input signal.
Rate feedback
This allows a control surface displacement to be applied at a rate that matches the rate of
input signal application. It provides a damping effect on the control surface response,
providing tighter control over the aircraft.

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Inertial Navigation Systems simply measure the magnitude of aircraft acceleration, and then
use that information to compute velocity and distance traveled. The graphic on the slide
shows a simple pendulum. You can visualize what happens to the pendulum if it is attached
to a vehicle which starts to move forward, the pendulum swings towards the rear of the
vehicle. This characteristic is explained by Newtons First Law of Motion, which states:
A body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to remain in motion in a
straight line unless forced to change its state by an external force.
Newtons second law of motion states:
The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the force causing it and inversely
proportional to the mass of the body.
Newtons second law applies to the pendulum in the vehicle on the slide and we can use the
pendulum to measure acceleration. The magnitude of acceleration can be measured
because the distance moved by the pendulum is proportional to the applied force. That is, the
greater the acceleration, the further the pendulum will move rearwards.
A device used to measure acceleration is called an accelerometer. Note that an
accelerometer will measure acceleration only that may seem like an obvious statement but
it is important to realize that once the vehicle is in a steady state of motion (or rest) the
pendulum will hang vertically. For example, let us assume our vehicle accelerates from rest
to 100 km/hr, then cruises at that speed for a short period before stopping. When the vehicle
is accelerating the pendulum will swing backwards. However, during cruise at 100 km/hr the
pendulum will hang vertically as velocity is constant and acceleration is zero. When the
brakes are applied the pendulum swings forward and the harder the brakes are applied the
further forward it will swing. Finally, when the vehicle is stationary the pendulum hangs
vertical again.
Accelerometers are sensitive only along a single axis. This axis of maximum sensitivity is
known as the sensitive axis of the accelerometer. To measure N-S & E-W accelerations, two
accelerometers are required.
An INS measures acceleration in longitudinal and Lateral axes and plots aircraft movement
with respect to aircraft velocity (speed and direction or heading). Because the functionality of
an INS basically depends on gravity as the constant, it is unaffected by wind and
atmospheric conditions like a pitot/static system. An INS can very accurately detect any
induced accelerations, eg drift and cross wind so can calculate groundspeed, heading and
time (the 3 requirements for a dead reckoning system) with exacting accuracy, providing a
reliable dead reckoning navigation reference.

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The accelerometer is basically a pendulous device. When the aircraft accelerates, the
pendulum, due to inertia, swings off its null position. A signal pick off device will tell how far
the pendulum has moved. There are many different types of accelerometers. Figure on slide
shows the progression from a simple pendulum to an E and I pick off device.
The E and I pick off device accelerometer is an with its armature spring loaded to a null
position by two leaf springs. The output windings are connected in phase opposition to each
other so that when the armature is in a null position, the resultant output signal is null.

Movement to one side causes the signal of one phase to dominate the other. The illustration
on the slide shows the movements and subsequent outputs of the accelerometer.
Accelerometer A is indicating that is it accelerating to the left and the armature, due to inertia,
is lagging to the right. Because of the position of the armature relative to the windings, the
output on the right will be greater.
Accelerometer B is accelerating to the right, so obviously the output on the left will be
Sometimes two accelerometers are used in the one system. In this configuration, one
accelerometer acts as a reference and the other is used to detect accelerations in another
The illustration on the slide shows a pair of accelerometers connected in such a way, that if
both experience movement in the same direction, the output signal will be a null. If they
experience different accelerations, then there will be output, which is used by the autopilot
With no acceleration detected by the accelerometer, the output signals from each of the
capacitive pickoffs are equal in amplitude but opposite in phase. Therefore, the output from
the acceleration restoring amplifier will be zero and the output from the accelerometer will be

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zero. During accelerations the pendulum, due to its inertia, will begin to swing away from the
null position. The greater the acceleration the further it will tend to swing.

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The movement of the pendulum will be detected by the pickoffs causing an imbalance in the
output signals from the capacitive devices which are applied to the accelerometer restoring
amplifier (ARA). The output signal from the restoring amplifier is applied to the rebalance
torquers which generate a torque that will return and hold the mass at its null position. The
current required by the rebalance torquers to maintain the pendulum at the null position is
proportional to the amount of acceleration that the accelerometer is experiencing. This is
very useful, we now have an electrical signal that is proportional to acceleration.
In summary, when no acceleration is present, the inertial mass will be centred. The signals
generated by the pickoffs will be equal in amplitude but opposite in phase. Therefore, the
output from the restoring amplifier will be zero. When acceleration is present the following
takes place:
Pendulum tends to move away from centre pick-offs generate an imbalance signal which is
applied to the amplifier output from the amplifier is applied to the rebalance torquers.
Torquers generate a torque which holds the mass at the null position signal from the amplifier
is proportional acceleration.

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Air Data Sensor (this is simply ADC info regurgitated)

In their earliest form ADCs where mechanical computers filled with gear trains, cams,
aneroid sensors, temperature sensors, etc and were extremely sensitive and delicate
components. Parameters were sensed and mechanically converted to electrical signals
(potentiometers, etc) for output to other systems or for display.
Modern ADCs are fully electronically computerised. Although the sensing elements are still
mechanical type devices, the transducers which convert the mechanical inputs to electrical
signals are much more sensitive and do not load down the mechanical sensor, so are also
more accurate. Having mostly slid state components ADCs are very reliable components,
rarely suffering unserviceabilities.
ADCs typically receive inputs from Pitot/static system, AOA, OAT (or TOT, Impact Temp,
ADCs also typically receive inputs providing information on flap position, undercarriage
position, etc to compensate AOA and pitot/static measurements for position error. The ADC
computes air data information from the above inputs to help create a clear picture of flight
All parameters are measured, converted to electrical signals then digitised for transmission to
FMCs or for display on a VDU screen or HUD. The computer processor performs all these
functions, thereby replacing many of the old style analogue instruments such as the ASI,
Altimeter, VSI, OAT gauge, AOA gauge.
The outputs can be used as inputs to a Flight Control Computer (autopilot), or thrust
management computer to automatically maintain an airspeed or altitude, or to fly the aircraft
to a selected altitude.
ADCs (as do all other computer systems) constantly perform Self-monitoring tests, often
called Built-in-test (BIT) to monitor the serviceability of sensors and processing circuitry.,
On the indicator pictured, the following displays are available.
Analog moving tape displays: IAS: 20-350KTS, Altitude: 1,000 to 32,000 Ft, IVSI: 9,000 to
+9000 FPM, TAS, computed Density altitude, OAT: 50 to +50 C, MPH, KTS or KPH,
Inches Hg or mm Hg, Mode C altitude encoding, Altitude warnings, Mach number Speed

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Computer Technology in Aircraft

The pilot moving the control stick in the cockpit generates control inputs. The inputs are
electronically sent to the flight control computer which senses what the pilot wants to do
bank, dive or climb. The flight control computer sends its signals to the aircrafts flight control
surfaces, rudder, ailerons, elevators or stabilizers, which move to perform the desired
The surfaces selected to perform the manoeuvre are dictated by the software program.
During aircraft design and test flying of prototypes, phases of flight are tested within the flight
envelope and the software program to manage the flight control system is designed for
efficiency and flight safety. Eg selecting a spoiler or aileron to achieve a roll will depend on
the rate of roll requested by the pilot (degree of stick deflection), airspeed, AOA and OAT to
name but a few. Amount of deflection will also vary greatly with the same stick input
depending on the phase of flight. Considering a fighter aircraft, a full surface deflection at low
speed will result in a high G turn. The same surface deflection at high speed would likely tear
the control surface off, or severely overstress the aircraft.
With a CPU managing the flight control surfaces all factors effecting control of flight can be
considered before the electrical signal is transmitted to the control surface actuator to deflect
the surface the desired amount.
It is the flight control computer software load which selects the most efficient method to
achieve the attitude change requested by the pilot.
Another added benefit is that the flight control surfaces can be easily controlled by other
electronic avionic equipment, for example to fly an approach down an ILS localiser and
glideslope; autopilot functions of attitude hold, attitude hold, heading hold, etc; coupling the
flight control system to the navigation system to fly a pre-programmed course and track.

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In fighter aircraft flight control computers can recover from a stall or out-of-control (flat spin)
by configuring flight control surfaces such that there is the greatest possibility of the aircraft
recovering to controlled flight. The surface positions would be as determined by test pilots
during the flight testing of prototypes. In large passenger aircraft the FCS system is
programmed to avoid entering a phase of flight where a stall or out of control condition is a
possibility, eg stick pushers, stall warning and stall avoidance systems.

Fly-By-Wire Benefits
The Airbus fly-by-wire system offers significant tangible benefits in terms of greater safety,
through unconstrained control input freedom within the flight envelope, and protection
against exceedance of operating limits, stalling, overspeeding or overstressing the aircraft
outside the envelope. To these can be added windshear protection, reduced pilot workload,
lower costs and improved aircraft performance. It makes a major contribution to reducing
maintenance costs by eliminating much of the complex mechanical system of cables, pulleys
and associated gear which need post-maintenance rigging work and checks.

Because the pilot does not have to physically force the control column to deflect the control
surfaces with his/her muscular effort, a simple little computer joystick (sidestick) can be
incorporated to control the aircraft, with electronic outputs applied to a flight control
computer. Replacement of old-generation control columns by modern sidesticks has the
benefits of an unobstructed view of the instrument panel and a slide-out working table in front
of each pilot.

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Damping Systems
When a flight control system can be managed by electrical signals, the output of sensor
systems can be harnessed to automatically correct for any variations from the intended
attitude. This can take the form of damper systems to counter porpiosing, Dutch-roll or
turbulence induced motion where gyro or accelerometer outputs are used to automatically
correct for any non-pilot induced attitude changes (any variations not initiated by control
column or rudder input).
Consider an aircraft flying in a straight and level flight attitude with the AFCS engaged. If a
sudden gust of wind should move the aircraft, the attitude gyros would sense the movement
and send a signal to the computer. The computer will process this information and send a
signal to the servomotors to move the appropriate control surface to bring the aircraft back to
its original attitude. The servomotors will send a feedback signal to the computer, telling it
that the control surface has been displaced.

When the aircraft is returned to its original attitude (before the gust of wind hit), this will null
the original error signal produced by the gyro. This is called aerodynamic feedback. Where
the attitude change of the aircraft initially produced an error signal detected by the gyro, the
response by the flight control system to counter the drift will null out the initial gyro error
Damper correction will not be felt back through the control inputs (control column or rudder
pedals). The correction will be applied to the servoactuator to drive a control spool which is
not mechanically connected back to the pilots controls, so the control surface will correct for
the sensed variation in attitude keeping the aircraft in straight and level flight, but the pilot will
not feel any of the correction inputs in the cockpit.

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Autopilot Engagement
The basic principles of autopilots are to hold the aircraft in basic heading, pitch and roll
channel attitude at the time of engagement. An autopilot system is designed so that there will
be a gradual transition when it is engaged. if heading hold is engaged when aircraft is 90
from selected heading the aircraft will not immediately throw itself into a violent bank to
capture the commanded heading. The aircraft will be limited in its rate of heading change to
perhaps 3 per second, thereby taking 30 seconds or more to align to the commanded
heading. Typically the rate of change of heading can also be selected by the pilot. The same
gradual engagement is replicated for any autopilot function.
Autopilot Control Panel provides for engagement for the range of autopilot options, eg
Heading Hold, Roll stabilisation and Vertical speed hold all engaged simultaneously to
control a climb to assigned altitude. Often autopilot cannot be engaged until preset conditions
are met, eg roll stabilisation cannot be engaged until bank angle less than 10, Autoland can
only be engaged if Radar Altimeter system functioning, Radar altitude hold and barometric
altitude hold cannot be engaged simultaneously, etc.
Autopilot is engaged by selecting the appropriate switches and buttons to select the autopilot
functions desired.

Autopilot Principle of Operation

To control autopilot steering the flight control computer can utilise many references. Heading,
attitude, instrument landing system commands, etc.
The basis of operation to maintain a selected reference is typically conducted by selecting a
reference and then having the flight control system generate corrective attitude changes
whenever a deviation from the selected parameter is selected. For example, the pilot flies
onto a heading and engages heading hold. The actual heading and desired heading signals
are compared in an operational amplifier and any variation from the desired heading will
produce a differential between the two signals (phase or amplitude) which will be applied to a
servo amplifier to correct for the deviation.
Similarly, a parameter can be selected on an autopilot control box, eg rate of climb and when
auto pilot is selected the difference between the actual rate of climb and the selected rate of
climb will produce an error signal (from an Op Amp) which will only be nulled when the
aircraft is climbing at the same rate as selected.
This principle is the basis of all automated flight management. Aircraft actual parameters are
applied to Op Amps (or something similar) and are compared with desired parameters
whenever automatic pilot is engaged. Whenever a differential between selected parameter
and actual parameter is detected the aircraft attitude will be corrected to re-align.
In a fully computerised system heading changes can be programmed in advance. Assume an
aircraft is programmed to fly from Brisbane to Coffs Harbour on a heading of 180 and upon
reaching Coffs Harbour heading is to change to 190 to then track toward Sydney. The
parameters are typed into a Flight Management Computer (FMC), the aircraft takes off and
heads for Coffs Harbour. When the inertial Reference System determines the aircraft is over
Coffs Harbour a signal will trigger the change of heading required and the aircraft flight
control system will respond and turn onto the new selected heading of 190 automatically.
The maximum rate of turn permissible is typically programmed into the flight control
computer so as not to throw the aircraft into violent manoeuvres.

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Selecting a New Heading

With heading hold engaged, when the pilot decides to select a new heading, he/she selects a
new heading by turning the heading marker on the HSI dial.
The aircraft is in position A, flying on the original heading. The pilot selects a new heading by
turning the heading marker on the HSI. The new heading is compared to the aircrafts actual
heading. The AFCS will immediately notice the difference and send an error signal through to
the aileron servo actuator to deflect the ailerons and the aircraft
Rolls and turns onto the new heading. Once the aircraft has reached the new heading, the
error signal is nulled and the aircraft returns to its straight and level attitude.

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Autopilot Coupling
ILS Localiser element The transmitter is located at the far end of the runway. To direct an
aircraft onto the centreline of the runway, the transmitter radiates azimuth guidance signals
to the left and right of the centreline. The signal transmitted to the left has a 90 Hz signal
superimposed on it, and a 150 Hz signal is superimposed on the signal transmitted to the
right. The two transmissions overlap along the centreline. When an aircraft is approaching,
the ILS receiver receives both signals at equal strength. This is indicated on the indicator. If
the aircraft deviates to the left of the centreline, the strength of the 90 Hz signal will be
greater than that of the 150 Hz signal. Both signals pass through a comparator circuit, (Op
Amp as described last slide) which then produces an output, causing the vertical bar of the
indicator to deflect to the right. This tells the pilot to fly right to intercept the centerline. The
same occurs if the aircraft deviates to the right, except that the 150 Hz signal becomes the
Glidepath element The transmitter is located at the threshold of the runway. The transmitter
radiates a pattern similar to that of the localiser, but they provide vertical guidance above and
below the decent path at an angle of 2.5 to 3. When the aircraft is approaching along this
path, 90 Hz and 150 Hz are received at the same strength. The same conditions occur as
with the localiser, except the indicator will indicate up and down deviations.
By following the displayed commands, a pilot is able to carry out an ILS approach to an
airport runway. In order to carry out an approach under automatic control, it is necessary for
the AFCS to be coupled to the ILS. The signals from the ILS are purely command signals
varying in amplitude with displacement from the beam centres, but they have no directional
properties and cannot take into account the heading of the aircraft. It is therefore necessary
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for the pilot to align the aircraft with the runway in heading (this function can be carried out
automatically on modern computerised aircraft). Upon intercepting the localiser beams the
deviation pointer of the ILS indicator will display a fly left command. The pilot flies the aircraft
onto the appropriate heading, and now the ILS system can automatically control the aircrafts
approach to the runway threshold.
The localiser mode is selected so that the AFCS roll channel will respond to the result of the
beam signal and heading error signal. When the signals are in balance, the aircraft will fly
straight and level on the intercept heading.
As the aircraft enters the normal width of the beam, the signal is reduced and the runway
heading signal causes the aircraft to turn towards the centre of the beam until both beam and
runway heading signal are in balance. Any deviation from the runway heading or localiser
beam will produce an error signal and the deviation will be corrected so the aircraft will follow
the centre of the localiser beam right to the runway threshold.
The AFCS will also be receiving signals from the glide path transmitter, and these are fed to
the pitch channel. The glideslope signals will keep the aircraft on the optimum 3 glideslope.
Any deviation (so the 90 or 150Hz signals are imbalanced) will produce an error signal, and
when applied to the AFCS system to deviation will be automatically corrected.

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Autoland During cruise and initial stages of approach to land, the control system operates as
a single channel system, controlling the aircraft about its pitch and roll axis and providing the
appropriate flight director commands. As multichannel operation is required for an automatic
landing, at a certain stage of the approach, the other two channels are armed by a switch on
the flight control panel. This will also arm the localiser and glideslope modes. Both the off line
channels are continually supplied with the relevant outer loop control signals and operate on
a comparative basis the whole time.
Altitude information essential for vertical guidance to touchdown is always provided by
signals from a radio altimeter which becomes effective as soon as the aircrafts altitude is
within the altimeter s operating range. When the aircraft has descended to 1500 feet radio
altitude, the localiser and glideslope beams are captured and the armed off line control
channels are then automatically engaged. The localiser and glideslope beam signals control
the aircraft about the roll and pitch axis so that any deviations are automatically corrected to
maintain alignment with the runway. At the same time, the autoland status displays LAND 2
or LAND 3 on the indicator and computerised control of flare is also armed. At a radio altitude
of 330 feet, the aircrafts horizontal stabliser is automatically repositioned to begin trimming
the aircraft to a nose-up attitude. The elevators are also deflected to counter the trim and to
provide pitch control in the trimmed attitude.
When the landing gear is 45 feet above the ground (gear altitude), the flare mode is
automatically engaged. The gear altitude is based upon radio altitude, pitch attitude, and the
known distance between the landing gear, the fuselage and the radio altimeter antenna. The
flare mode takes over pitch attitude control from the glideslope, and generates a pitch
command to bring the aircraft on a 2 feet/second descent path. At the same time, a throttle
retard command signal is supplied to the auto throttle system to reduce engine speed.
Prior to touchdown and about 5 foot gear altitude, the flare mode is disengaged and there is
transition to the touchdown and roll out mode. At about 1 foot gear altitude, the pitch attitude
of the aircraft is decreased to 2 degrees, and at touchdown, a command signal is supplied to
the elevators to lower the aircrafts nose and so bring the nose wheel in contact with the
runway and hold it there during roll out. The AFCS remains in control until disengaged by the

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Control Wheel Steering (CWS) Mode

CWS is an operating mode for the autopilot in addition to the command operating mode. The
command mode is the normal autopilot mode where the pilot does not touch the controls
because autopilot is flying the aircraft. In CWS mode the controls are moved by the pilot in
normal flight and the force applied to the controls is measured and used as an input signal to
the autopilot (Flight Control) computers. In effect the human pilot is flying the aircraft but the
autopilot is helping to move the control surfaces. The transducer on the control wheel which
converts the input force into an electrical signal is typically an LVDT or similar sensor.
This system is provided in some AFCS to enable the pilot to manoeuvre his aircraft in pitch
and roll through the AFCS by exerting normal pressure on his control wheel. On releasing the
control wheel, the AFCS will hold the aircraft at the newly established attitude. The pitch and
roll forces that the pilot applies are sensed by transducers which will create output signals
proportional to the forces and are supplied to the pitch and roll channels of the AFCS. In
some cases, limits may be imposed, for example. if a roll angle is less than 5, the wings
levelling will automatically occur and the control system will hold the aircraft on an
established heading one second after the wing are level. Prior to and during capture phases
of radio navigation modes, the pilot can use the CWS to override the AFCS. This means the
pilot will then always have control and the aircraft does not have to follow a pre-programmed
flight path.

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Autopilot Override
The autopilot can be overpowered at any time by the pilot if he moves his cockpit control with
enough force. A typical overpowering force would be 25 to 35 pounds of turning force on the
control wheel, or 40 to 50 pounds of force on the control column.
If the pilot overpowers the autopilot, in the preceding example, he would be pushing the autopilot actuator back toward the right. In doing so he would increase the hydraulic pressure in
the pressurized side of the actuator enough to open the top relief valve (just below and to the
right of the auto-pilot actuator). The relief valve would then dump the excess pressure into
the return line.
The operating pressure of the relief valve determines the amount of force required to
overpower the autopilot. The actual overpowering operation is considerably more
complicated than indicated here, but this is the basic principle involved. It is actually arranged
so that if the autopilot is over-powered, a portion of the autopilot actuator moves the LVDT
center slug hard over, developing a high LVDT signal. The autopilot LVDT and the control
surface LVDT are so arranged that, in normal operation of the actuator by the autopilot, these
two signals are equal.
But, if the autopilot has been overpowered, the autopilot LVDT signal becomes very high,
and it is then quite easy to detect electrically that the auto- pilot has been overpowered,
resulting in the flight control computer disengaging the autopilot to permit manual control
inputs commanded by the pilot.

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Typical Autoflight Components

Flight Control Computer This is the brain of the system. It computes, amplifies and processes
the signals from the detecting and command elements and directs the output element to
respond to the pilots and/or systems requirements.
Trim indicator The trim indicator carries out the above functions by monitoring the outputs of
the servo amplifiers and producing deflections of the pointers from this zero datum marks in
response to the supplied signals. The illustration on the slide depicts a three channel trim
indicator showing all pointers aligned with the zero datum marks. The pointers which
symbolise the flight control surfaces are actuated by DC milliammeters and are deflected
each time servo amplifier command signals are applied to the servomotors. When the servo
commands are satisfied, the signals are balanced out and the pointers return to their zero
trimmed positions. If a servo amplifier produces a continuous correction signal to keep the
attitude of the aircraft, the appropriate pointer will be continuously deflected showing that the
aircraft is out of trim.
Electrohydraulic Servo Actuators already described in detail
AFCS and Autopilot Sensors AFCS sensors are gyros accelerometers and components
considered to be in the inner loop. Autopilot sensors are all typically outer loop components
and systems, eg navigation systems, landing systems, attitude sensor (typically INS), Air
Data Computer, Radar Altimeter, etc
Autopilot Disengage Switch typically located on control column. Provides readily accessible
disengagement of autopilot as required.

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Flight Director Display Flight director information is displayed on Attitude Indicator and can
be used for Monitoring the Autopilot and for providing visual commands for the pilot to follow
so as to achieve selected profile of flight path as programmed (flight director cannot fly the
aircraft only pilot or autopilot can do this). Heading bug and course lines can be set in the
HSI and coupled to the autopilot system to fly a pre-programmed course. A flight director
uses sensors and computers but does not command servos to correct for deviations from
flight path, it only displays the deviation.
Autopilot Control Panel provides for engagement for the range of autopilot options, eg
Heading Hold, Roll stabilisation and Vertical speed hold all engaged simultaneously to
control a climb to assigned altitude. Autopilot functions can be adjusted utilising latest
installations, eg dial in airspeed, altitude, heading, etc. In older style autopilots the aircraft
would only assume the altitude, speed, etc at the time of engagement. In modern systems,
the aircraft can be flown just by inputs to the autopilot control panel. Typically located on
uppermost part of instrument panel, in the centre.
The mode control panel of a modern A/C provides the point at which the pilot programmes
the A/P-F/D into which mode it is to operate. Also this information is passed to the flight
director so as to give the pilot a visual presentation and allow monitoring

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Flight Management System

The Boeing 767 FMS has the capability of automatically controlling the aircraft from just after
takeoff through to roll out after landing at the destination airport. The human pilot must then
taxi to the appropriate gate. This system may not be used on any or all flights, but it has the
capability to perform as described.
The FMCs provide the following functions:
Flight Planning the entire flight can be programmed into the computer using a cockpit
keyboard (FMC Control Display Select Unit)
Performance Management - the system can provide optimum profiles for climb, cruise,
descent and holding patterns. A minimum cost flight can be flown automatically by using
optimum climb and cruise settings.
Navigation Calculations The FMC can calculate great circle routes, climb and descent
profiles etc.
Auto Tune of VOR & DME The FMC can automatically tune the radios to the correct station
frequencies required for the air route flown (data stored on navigation software which is
upgraded monthly).The FMC is in effect the master computer which integrates the functions
of air data computers, inertial reference units, navigation computers, EICAS or ECAM
computers and thrust management computers.
Flight Control Computers are the autopilot computers and there are typically three of them.
Each computer is entirely independent of the others in that it has its own dedicated inputs
and provides its own outputs. All computers function in unison during normal operation,
although their outputs are compared against each other so that a malfunction resulting in an
erroneous signal will be recognised immediately, and the malfunctioning computer (or
sensor) will be isolated from the flight control system.
Thrust Management Computer automatically sets the proper thrust level for the engines.
The electrical output from the TMC commands a servo which moves the throttle linkage to
set the appropriate level of engine power as calculated by the TMC. The system includes
engine mounted sensors measuring important engine operating parameters (TIT, N1, EPR,
Fuel Flow, RPM, etc). Engine parameters are monitored to prevent exceeding any engine
operating limitation. Autothrottle can be used to maintain a given climb rate, indicated
airspeed, Mach number or Descent rate. The autothrottle supports autoland capability and
will maintain optimum AOA and airspeed for approach to the runway threshold and will
automatically close the throttles just prior to landing to ensure a smooth touchdown.
The autopilot and autothrottle can be engaged separately or in unison depending on what
automatic parameters the flight crew wish to utilise.

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Define the difference between an AFCS and the Autopilot to eliminate confusion between the
A flight director system cannot fly the aircraft, it only provides directions for the pilot to follow.
The Airbus fly-by-wire system offers significant tangible benefits in terms of greater safety,
through unconstrained control input freedom within the flight envelope, and protection
against exceedance of operating limits, stalling, overspeeding or overstressing the aircraft
outside the envelope. To these can be added windshear protection, reduced pilot workload,
lower costs and improved aircraft performance. It makes a major contribution to reducing
maintenance costs by eliminating much of the complex mechanical system of cables, pulleys
and associated gear which need post-maintenance rigging work and checks.
Because the pilot does not have to physically force the control column to deflect the control
surfaces with his/her muscular effort, a simple little computer joystick (sidestick) can be
incorporated to control the aircraft, with electronic outputs applied to a flight control
computer. Replacement of old-generation control columns by modern sidesticks has the
benefits of an unobstructed view of the instrument panel and a slide-out working table in front
of each pilot.
There will be an inbuilt delay time that must be satisfied before you can engage the system.
This allows for the warming up of amplifiers, correct speed and erection of gyros.
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Engagement will also depend on the selection and coupling of other systems into the AFCS,
the capture, hold and lock in of various radio navigation aids. It is provided as a safety
measure to ensure a smooth transition from manual to automatic flight.

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The vertical gyro provides roll displacement signals

The accelerometer is rate damping
The manual turn control enables selection of a banked turn
Control from roll computer to aileron power unit with aileron position feedback

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Basic stabilisation mode is selected whenever the auto-pilot is engaged without outer loop
mode selection.
It can be of two types:
1. Attitude hold (aircraft maintains roll attitude at engagement) or
2. Wings level ( if banked aircraft will roll out to level flight).

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Heading Hold: When selected on the Mode Control Panel (MCP) this locks the aircraft
heading to the current magnetic heading as sensed by the Directional Gyro (DG).

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Modes of Operation

The Turn Command Knob must be in the centre detent position before the autopilot can be
Turn Command is initiated by pilot operation of the MCP turn knob.
The aircraft will disengage from heading and attitude hold modes and roll to the angle
Yaw displacement during the turn is sensed by a rate gyro or pendulous accelerometer and
appropriate rudder compensation is applied.
When the displacement as measured by the Vertical Gyro satisfies the Turn Knob input the
aircraft will maintain this bank angle until another command is executed.

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During manual turn versine data crossfeeds from roll channel to pitch channel to compensate
for the loss of lift in roll.

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VOR mode is an enroute radio mode, when selected the aircraft will maintain a path along a
radio beam to or from the tuned VOR station. The VOR stations transmit on the 108 to 118
MHz band of frequencies.
The ILS [Instrument landing system] comprises LOC [Localiser] and GS [Glide slope].
LOC mode is coupling of the autopilot to a radio signal for lateral guidance to the airport
The Localiser stations transmit on the 108 to112MHz band of frequencies The GS [Glide
slope] operates in the 330 to 334MHz band with each GS station paired with a LOC station.

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Pilot reports that when a roll command is initiated by Turn Knob, aircraft continues to roll past
selected bank angle.
Reason: Loss of aileron position feedback signal.

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The patterned area represents a ten second period after capture where the autopilot initiates
a 700 feet per minute descent

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Pitch Command is initiated by input from the A/P MCP Pitch Control Wheel.
The aircraft establishes a pitch attitude when the VG signal matches the Pitch Wheel position
and control surface position.

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Vertical speed mode when selected on the MCP locks the A/C to a vertical speed as selected
on the MCP. The A/C is commanded to pitch up or down to satisfy the signal generated by
the Air data Computer baro-rate sensor.
Vertical speed mode when selected on the MCP locks the A/C to a vertical speed as selected
on the MCP.
The A/C is commanded to pitch up or down to satisfy the signal generated by the Air data
Computer baro-rate sensor.
Airspeed hold when selected on the MCP locks the A/C to the speed at selection as sensed
by the Air Data Computer.
At high altitudes Mach hold is used the air data computer measures a composite signal of
airspeed and altitude.
This then becomes the Mach reference speed for this mode.

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Altitude hold mode is selected on the MCP, this locks the aircraft to the altitude at selection.
Any deviation is sensed by the baro-altitude capsule in the Air Data computer (ADC) and
sent to the autopilot computer for processing as a pitch command output to maintain altitude.
Chaser motor holds null until Alt Hold engaged then Alt error is signal.

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Airspeed hold when selected on the MCP locks the A/C to the speed at selection as sensed
by the Air Data Computer.

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At high altitudes Mach hold is used the air data computer measures a composite signal of
airspeed and altitude. This then becomes the Mach reference speed for this mode. As the
Mach No. increases the stab trims more nose up.

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The Mach Trim System automatically senses increases of speed above a specific Mach
number and, through servo coupling, automatically re-adjusts the position of the horizontal
stabiliser, maintaining the pitch trim of the aircraft.
There will be two methods of Mach trim described. The first method uses a change in the
aircraft's centre of gravity. The second method trims the horizontal stabiliser.

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The mach trim system provides nose up commands to the horizontal stabiliser to
compensate for normal pitch down tendency that occurs with swept-wing aircraft at high
mach numbers.
This tendency is called mach tuck or tuck-under and is apparent above speeds 0.7M.

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The purpose of the yaw damper system is to improve the airplanes directional stability and
ride quality.
The yaw damper system commands small rudder movements as required to ensure correct
turn coordination, to correct for Dutch roll and to suppress body structural modal oscillations.
It uses sensor inputs from the inertial reference system (IRS), air data computers (ADC) and
dedicated accelerometers for computing the commands.

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Pallett Automatic Flight Control Pg 214

All aircraft are subject to dutch rolling, particularly those having a swept wing configuration.
First paragraph details why some aircraft do not require yaw dampers to counter dutch roll.
Some aircraft designed such that they exhibit stable characteristics & return to straight &
level flight following dutch roll motion without need for manual or automatic correction
For some aircraft however, natural damping of dutch roll tendency is dependant not only on
size of vertical stab & rudder, but also on aircrafts speed, with damping being more
responsive at higher speeds than at lower speeds. In these cases corrective action must be
taken. Corrective action requires displacement of rudder in order to assist vertical stab in its
stabilising function and this action is referred to as yaw damping.
Usual for these aircraft to incorporate two axis control system with control about the third axis
being provided by a yaw damper system. System is designed independently so it can be
operated independently of the Automatic control system so that in the event the aircraft is
flown manually the dutch roll tendencies can still be counteracted. The system may be
switched on by selecting the damper position on the main engage switch on the AFCS panel
or by selecting a separately located switch.
Primary component is yaw damper rate gyro, coupled to rudder servoactuator or
electromechanical servo.
Logic circuits filter, integrate, synchronise & demodulate the servo amplifier signal.
Servo amplifier output signal supplied to transfer valve of rudder servoactuator. This unit
differs from the standard servoactuator in that it has an additional actuator (yaw damper) &
does not include the automatic control system engage mechanism.
Summing lever combines pilot inputs using rudder pedals and yaw damper rate gyro inputs
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Whenever aircraft yaws, rate gyro senses motion and provides output to electronic circuitry
coupling gyro to servoactuator.
Rate gyro output is filtered so only those oscillations at a frequency corresponding to aircrafts
dutch rolling tendency are permitted to pass, this eliminates the rate gyro from countering
normal turns.
Signal modified (gain scheduled) by airspeed to reduce signal as airspeed increases
reduces degree of rudder deflection.
Transfer valve in actuator responds to yaw damper signal, driving actuator to respond to rate
gyro detected deflection, and counter it. LVDT produces feedback signal to cancel rate gyro
input when actuator has moved required amount. Feed back signal also supplied to display
element to indicate direction of deflection of yaw damper actuator. When yaw damper
oscillation has been countered, LVDT output has no rate gyro signal to oppose, so causes
transfer valve to drive back to neutral position.
Rudder pedals are not displaced during this process the system is of a series connected
Rate gyro output is filtered so only those oscillations at a frequency corresponding to aircrafts
dutch rolling tendency are permitted to pass, this eliminates the rate gyro from countering
normal turns.
Signal modified (gain scheduled) by airspeed to reduce signal as airspeed increases
reduces degree of rudder deflection.
Transfer valve in actuator responds to yaw damper signal, driving actuator to respond to rate
gyro detected deflection, and counter it.
LVDT produces feedback signal to cancel rate gyro input when actuator has moved required
amount. Feed back signal also supplied to display element to indicate direction of deflection
of yaw damper actuator. When yaw damper oscillation has been countered, LVDT output has
no rate gyro signal to oppose, so causes transfer valve to drive back to neutral position.

Rudder pedals are not displaced during this process the system is of a series connected
When the servo actuator is used in a series operation, it is principally used as a rudder or
yaw damper actuator.
The rudder and yaw damper actuator differs from the typical hydraulic servoactuator
discussed in previous lessons, in that when it operates it does not move the rudder pedals.

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Yaw Damping and Trim Control

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When the servo actuator is used in a series operation, it is principally used as a rudder or
yaw damper actuator.
The rudder and yaw damper actuator differs from the typical hydraulic servoactuator
discussed in previous lessons, in that when it operates it does not move the rudder pedals.
The yaw damper actuator and control valve are both shown with caging springs to the right,
and the white sections of the springs assemblies are moveable towards each other. If no
force is applied, they remain against the stops in the body of the actuator, positioning the
control valve or yaw damper in the neutral position.
Moving the rudder pedals rotates the heavy long arm about its pivot shaft at the bottom, and
at the lower end of the shaft, a short lever moves the summing lever. The yaw damper
actuator holds still because the caging spring maintains it in the neutral position. This will
result in the summing lever pivoting at its upper ball joint.
As it pivots around the upper ball joint, it pushes the control valve to one side or the other,
allowing pressure to be present at one side of the main actuator. This will cause rudder
movement and follow-up action without the movement of the yaw damper actuator.
A signal from the yaw damper to the transfer valve causes the upper black spool in the
transfer valve to move to one side of the other. This puts pressure to one side of the yaw
damper actuator piston assembly. When the piston assembly moves, it moves the top of the
summing lever which pivots at the ball joint in the middle. The summing lever then moves the
main control valve causing the rudder to move.
It can be seen that this action moves the rudder, but not the rudder pedals, and the actuator
is known as operating in series.

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Part 66 Subject

Balancing of aerodynamic forces & moments and establishing desired flight attitudes are
continuous processes &, as we have already observed, are governed by the degree of
inherent stability of an aircraft & by the maneuvering capability afforded by the primary flight
controls system., In flight, however, control must be exercised over changes in weight & C of
G locations which occur as a result of consumption of fuel, disposition of passengers and
cargo and flight under asymmetric conditions, etc in addition the attitude changes resulting
from lowering the flaps must be controlled.

Although the required control could be maintained by repositioning the relevant primary flight
control surfaces, varying degrees of physical effort on the part of the pilot would be needed to
keep the control surfaces in specifically displaced positions. It is usual therefore to provide
secondary control system which can be separately adjusted so that it will displace the
primary control surfaces thereby reducing the effects of aerodynamic loads on the primary
control system, and so relieving the pilot of undue physical effort. The operation of such a
system is referred to as trimming, and some typical methods by which it is operated are
described in this lesson.

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Although the required control could be maintained by repositioning the relevant primary flight
control surfaces, varying degrees of physical effort on the part of the pilot would be needed to
keep the control surfaces in specifically displaced positions. It is usual therefore to provide
secondary control system which can be separately adjusted so that it will displace the
primary control surfaces thereby reducing the effects of aerodynamic loads on the primary
control system, and so relieving the pilot of undue physical effort. The operation of such a
system is referred to as trimming, and some typical methods by which it is operated are
described in this lesson.

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Pallett Automatic Flight Control

A flying tail is one which controls both maneuvering in the pitching plane, and trimming, by
means of a variable incidence stabiliser.
Elevators may also be provided but can only be operated by direct movement of the stabiliser
itself, thereby supplementing its control functions rather than serving as an independent pitch
maneuvering control surface.
Stabiliser incidence is varied either by appropriate movements of the control column or by
rotation of a pitch trim wheel. In each case, movements are finally transmitted via a common
differential unit & a hyd servomotor to the actuator jack.

Pallett Automatic Flight Control

In manually controlled flight, trimming is usually effected about the three axes, under
automatically controlled conditions it is generally confined to control about the pitch axis only.
In most cases it is accomplished by a separate trim servo motor coupled to the elevator trim
tab system and operated in parallel with the elevator servo motor.
For aircraft which vary horizontal stabiliser angle of incidence, a separate trim servo motor is
coupled to the stabiliser servo motor.
Illustration on slide is control system for trimming horizontal stab. Trim servo is 3 phase dual
speed dual winding motor which operates in parallel with elevator power control unit.

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Operation Pallett Automatic Flight Control

Pallett Automatic Flight Controls

In aircraft which are capable of flying at high subsonic speeds and supersonic, larger than
normal rearward movements of the wing centre of pressure occur & in consequence larger
nose down pitching moments are produced, the attitude change generally being referred to
as tuck under, or transonic tuck.

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Pallett Automatic Flight Controls

Attitude change is corrected & trimmed by designing aircraft so that they have the essential
stability characteristics and trimming method, eg variable incidence horizontal stabiliser.
However at certain mach numbers, compressibility effects arise which make counteracting
nose-up pitching moment produced by trimming the horizontal stabiliser to a negative angle
of attack position, less effective as aircraft speed increases. Under manually controlled flight
conditions, this would necessitate the pilot having to make prolonged trim changes and to
hold higher forces on the control column when displacing the elevators relative to a specific
trimmed condition. It is therefore normal practice to incorporate what is called a Mach Trim
system. Which automatically senses increases in speed above the appropriate datum mach
number and, by means of servo coupling, automatically re-adjusts the position of the
horizontal stabiliser thereby maintaining the pitch trim of the aircraft.

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Pallett Automatic Flight Controls

Read about the Concorde method of achieving Mach Trim on pg 48
During transition to supersonic speed nose down moment is counteracted by transferring
fuel from front trim tank to a rear trim tank moving C of G rearwards thereby removing the
force couple introduced by the movement of the centre of pressure

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Pallett Automatic Flight Control

Flaps can be lowered to increase the camber of wing sections. In many cases they can also
be extended so that the wing area is increased. Most common form is the fowler flap.
Lowered and extended by hydraulic actuators or on smaller aircraft by electric actuators
When flaps are lowered, AOA is reduced. As a result of increased wing camber there is a
lower stalling angle for each increase in flap angle. The change in pressure distribution &
rearward movement of the increased lift force also produces a nose down pitching movement
which is generally opposed by an increase in the downwash at the tail of the aircraft, this
being an added effect of lowering the flaps.
Although lift is increased by lowering flaps, drag also incr4eases progressively but under
approach & landing conditions this can be used as an advantage, and for each type of
aircraft flaps are lowered to corresponding angular positions. At the approach position, the
increase of lift enables a lower approach speed to be made & since stalling speed is
decreased the aircraft can touchdown at a lower speed. For landing the flaps are fully
lowered & a higher drag permits a steeper approach without speed becoming excessive, in
other words the flaps have a braking effect during approach & during the period an aircraft
floats before touch-down appropriate.
By incorporating slots between the flaps, the air flowing over the entire surface of the wing (&
flap) is kept smooth (refer to landing position illustration). At each point where the air flows
over the leading edge of the extended flap, the flow is laminar, whereas if there was no slot
the air would have broken away & become turbulent by that stage.

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Pallett Automatic Flight Control

When flaps are operated there is a change in pitch attitude. It is usual therefore to
incorporate a flap compensation circuit. Flap compensation circuits vary between types of
automatic control system, but in general a circuit is activated by passing a DC signal through
a switch controlled by the flap system and feeding it to the automatic pitch trim actuator, in a
number of circuits the signal is also fed through a timer circuit to correspond to the specific
flaps in motion time period.

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Pallett Automatic Flight Control

When flaps are operated there is a change in pitch attitude. It is usual therefore to
incorporate a flap compensation circuit. Flap compensation circuits vary between types of
automatic control system, but in general a circuit is activated by passing a DC signal through
a switch controlled by the flap system and feeding it to the automatic pitch trim actuator, in a
number of circuits the signal is also fed through a timer circuit to correspond to the specific
flaps in motion time period.
On circuit flap compensation accomplished by a switch activated when flaps selected to
down position, this causes a speed change relay to de-energise and thereby connect the 115
VAC supply to the trim servomotor via its fast speed winding. When flaps selected up the
motor is powered through the low speed windings to remove the trim input.

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Fixed and Rotary Wing Compared

There is a lot of difference between fixed wing AFCS and rotary wing AFCS.
Firstly, there are no ailerons or elevators to move, and instead of a rudder we have a tail
rotor. On the helicopter, the controls have to operate the pitch change mechanism of both the
main and tail rotor.
Instead of a signal being sent to a servo actuator to move a control surface, in the helicopter,
a signal is sent to a linear actuator, which shortens or lengthens the control linkages.
The helicopter has another axis, collective, to consider. It means the AFCS has to be able to
control the aircraft in vertical flight and in the hover.

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AFCS Components
The components that make up an AFCS will vary depending on how complex the
manufacturer, or indeed customer, requires it to be. However, a basic system will contain the
following, and there are at least two systems operating to ensure safety.

Vertical Gyro
This provides attitude signals in pitch and roll.

Directional Gyro
This provides heading information to the autopilot, flight director, and other navigation

Air Data Computer

This provides altitude and airspeed information derived from pitot and static pressure

Radar Altimeter
This supplies absolute altitude above terrain to the flight control system, and radar altimeter

Flight Control Computer

This processes information provided by the actual attitude of the helicopter as compared to
the commanded attitude. This is required by the selected flight mode to produce autopilot
pitch, roll, yaw, and collective control outputs. It also provides flight director pitch, and roll,
steering command outputs.

Static and dynamic stabilisation must also exist after a single system failure, which means
that a dual autopilot system is needed. There is another advantage in having a dual system
which is the fact that the failure response is softened if a hard over failure occurs, which
allows the pilot more time to act than on a single system. The basic autopilot controls the
helicopter by signals from an external source such as altitude, airspeed, etc. The number of
modes incorporated in the system depends on the type of helicopter and the manufacturer.
Most will have altitude signals from a radio/radar altimeter fed into the autopilot height hold,
along with airspeed signals from an air data computer.
A difficult task for the pilot is to hold the helicopter on heading by use of the rudder pedals.
So by preventing yaw rates from developing, the pilot can reduce the workload involved in
maintaining heading. The only difference between the yaw axis and the other axes are the
sensors that are used, and the means of allowing manoeuvring. The sensors used will
include some sort of compass system, rate gyros, and/or attitude gyros. To allow the pilot to
change the heading, various methods are used. One way is to have a force threshold on the
pedals which the pilot has to overcome; another is to have switches on the pedals that the
pilot has to press. Yet another is to use the force trim switch on the cyclic stick to remove the
pedal position signal from the system.

Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)

Most of the modern day helicopters now have advanced flight control systems fitted. These
systems not only have an autopilot to control the aircraft, but have a flight director system,
usually integrated with the autopilot, as well. Not only will the system reduce the pilots work
load, but the system can be programmed to fly a specific flight path. The AFCS will combine
autopilot and flight director functions for stabilisation and automatic flight path control. It will
have four axis control, pitch, roll, yaw, and collective, and provide automatic approach to the
hover and automatic climb out With Doppler radar and long range navigation systems fitted,
fully automatic approaches to designated areas, terminating in a hover can be made. The
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AFCS provides pitch, roll, and yaw stabilisation and collective power control. The system is
made up of dual vertical gyros, dual flight control computers, and dual control actuators in
each axis. Control position transducers connected to the cyclic stick, anti torque pedals, and
collective stick provide position information to the computers. Commands for flight path
guidance can also be coupled into the computers.

Autopilot Controller
This is used to engage various autopilot flight control functions, to carry out preflight tests,
and to couple and de-couple flight director commands.

AFCS Indicator
This panel displays the position of the pitch, roll, or yaw actuators in relation to their centre of

Rate Gyro
This provides a rate of turn signal to the autopilot and the EADI.

This provides a voltage output proportional to aircraft lateral acceleration.

Series Actuator
This extends or retracts the control linkages on command of the flight computer to alter the
pitch change mechanism.

Artificial Feel and Trim Actuator

This provides artificial feel and control linkage trim facility.

Primary Servo Actuator

This is used to assist the pilot in moving the swashplate.

Pedal Damper Trim Actuator

This damps yaw rates and provides a trim facility.

Navigation Receiver
This contains VOR, ILS, and marker beacon receivers.

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Part 66 Subject

Stability Augmentation Systems (SAS)

Conventional helicopters are inherently unstable, particularly in pitch and roll, and can be
tiring to fly for long periods. To overcome this, simple rate damping systems can be utilized
and these will prevent any rates of pitch or roll from developing. However, these can also
cause problems; such problems were overcome with the development. of Stability
Augmentation Systems (SAS), which provide corrective control inputs proportional not only to
the rate of change of attitude, but also to the deviation from a datum attitude. The rate
gyroscope is still the basic sensor, but the signals from it are integrated, using a 'leaky
integrator', to simulate an attitude signal that can be used as a datum. With the system in the
normal state (i.e. pilot not commanding a manoeuvre), the rate gyro sends a signal directly to
the computer; and also sends information through a leaky integrator that produces a 'pseudo'
attitude by integrating the rate signal. The present attitude signal is compared to that which
existed 20-30 seconds previously (hence the reason for the term 'leaky' - it does not have
long-term memory).
If the flight path is disturbed, for example by a gust of wind, the rate signal produced by the
gyro is used to stop rate, and the leaky integrator produces an 'attitude' that is different from
the attitude that existed 20-30s previously. Both error signals are sent to the computer, and
this results in a correction signal being sent to the actuator. These signals stop the angular
rate and then return the helicopter to the datum attitude. The 'leak' in the integration means
that the pseudo attitude will disappear after a short time and the system will regard the
continually updated new attitude as the datum. Simply stated, the system will try to maintain
the datum to which the helicopter is trimmed, and it will attempt to return to this datum if it is
disturbed. Such a system can overcome the problem of the nose dropping during a turn by
feeding a derived bank angle signal to the pitch channel, and also by comparing the pitch
attitude to the 'datum' pitch attitude.

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Due to the errors in integrating very small signals from the rate gyro, such as in a steady
condition with no gusts, the system will drift off the desired condition. Such systems can only
be regarded as providing a limited duration 'attitude' hold. The ability of an SAS to provide a
long-term attitude hold will largely be determined by:

the sensitivity of the rate gyro, and

the time constant of the integrator.

SAS Mode
This mode is used during low and slow manoeuvring where the pilot may be making
continual attitude changes such as preparing to land. The helicopters response is determined
by the AFCS which will provide the pilot with a greater control to enhance the handling
qualities of the aircraft. As this is a hands on control mode, the AFCS may be operated with
the force trim on or off.

Stability Augmentation System (SAS)

This system was developed to provide control inputs not only from a rate of change but also
a deviation from the desired attitude and SAS is usually incorporated in the controls of pitch
roll and yaw. The rate gyro is still the basic sensor, but the signals to the computer are also
integrated to simulate an attitude signal. The SAS provides rate stabilisation, and may be
referred to as a damper system, that is stabilising the helicopter against outside
If you look at the example of what happens in a gust of wind, as used previously, the rate
signal produced by the rate gyro not only goes to the computer but also to an integrator, see
Figure 4.2 The integrator will produce a pseudo attitude signal which the computer receives
as an error signal and a correction signal will be sent to the actuator to return the helicopter
to its original datum. The system will try to maintain the attitude that the helicopter was
trimmed to, and it will try to return it to this attitude if it is disturbed. The SAS will provide
short term stabilisation, and its efficiency will be determined by the sensitivity of the rate gyro
and the time constant of the integrator.

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The sensors are electrically oriented so that their outputs are nulled when the cyclic stick is at
its reference position corresponding to a level flight attitude.
Displacements of the stick from this position produce output voltages from the sensors which
are proportional to the amount of stick displacement, and are phase related to the direction of
Both the rate damping and the pseudo attitude hold will interpret any movement of the flight
controls by the pilot as a disturbance, and will try to return the aircraft to datum. Therefore, a
means must be provided to allow the pilot to carry out a maneuver. The control stick is fitted
with a stick position sensor, which, when the stick is moved, will allow a rate sensing switch
to operate, disconnecting the rate gyro signal from the integrator.
The rate gyro will continue to supply the computer with an error signal which means that rate
damping will still occur, but there will be no attempt by the system to return the aircraft to its
original attitude. When the pilot returns the stick to the detent position, the rate sensing
switch will close, and the rate gyro signal will again be supplied to the integrator. In other
words, the SAS will hold the helicopter in datum until the pilot moves the stick out of datum.

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Attitude Stabilisation
A single pilot aircraft is required to exhibit longitudinal static stability and dynamic stability. If
the aircraft fails to meet the minimum stability requirements, artificial stabilisation must be
introduced in the form of an autopilot system.
These systems can range from the simple pilot assist type to the very complex integrated
systems. Helicopters are very unstable machines, and are extremely tiring to fly for long
periods of time. Basic rate damping systems are fitted to overcome this problem, and these
systems form the basis of all autopilot systems. It must be clearly understood that rate
damping will not maintain a specific attitude.
An example of rate damping, is to imagine a helicopter flying a straight and level course
when it encounters a gust of wind causing it to roll to the left. The rate sensor will detect the
movement after it occurs and send a signal to the computer, which will then command the
actuator to move the pitch change mechanism. This will stop the roll rate, but the pilot will
have to return the helicopter to its original attitude. Figure 4.1 shows a simple roll channel
circuit. As can be seen, any deviation of the helicopter from its flight path, will be felt by the
rate gyro, whose output is then computed, amplified, and then sent to the servo amplifier.
The signal is then sent to the servo actuator to alter the pitch of the rotor to bring the
helicopter back to the selected flight path. As the attitude of the aircraft changes, the
aerodynamic feedback will be felt at the rate gyro whose output signal will reduce, thus
reducing the signal to the computer. At the same time, the mechanical feedback from the
servo actuator will be reducing the output from the servo amplifier.

Attitude Stabilisation (ATT)

This forms the basis of the most complex autopilot systems and makes use of attitude gyros
and parallel actuators. The system will still need a means of rapid damping which is provided
by a series actuator and an SAS type circuit. Figure 4.3 shows a simple attitude hold circuit.
By using a vertical gyro, an accurate attitude signal is available, which means that a
commanded attitude will be held for a long time with great accuracy. The requirement to
disconnect the system while manoeuvring still exists, and is done in much the same way as
in an SAS system.

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VHF Omni Range (VOR)

NDB navigation is not necessarily easy. First, there is a course to be flown. Second, the
aircraft may be on-course or slightly (or hugely) off-course. Thirdly, the heading of the aircraft
may be different from track, to accommodate a crosswind. During an instrument approach, a
pilot has to continuously determine all this information, and also calculate and fly corrections.
Determining which heading to hold to accommodate a crosswind is an empirical matter. One
guesses a heading and determines drift (range of divergence of track from course) and then
corrects - first twice as much, to get back onto course, and then when back on course,
enough to follow course. All this is quite tricky and one needs to be in practice. This is crucial
when flying an instrument approach, since strict adherence to course and altitude restrictions
are the only things that guarantee that the aircraft flies clear of obstacles. Anybody who has
flown an NDB instrument approach to an airport runway knows how labor-intensive it is. One
has to achieve course-following using the above procedure, correcting for probably-changing
crosswinds as one descends in altitude, especially in non-level terrain, very accurately and
all inside of 2 or 3 minutes. ADF systems provide the pilot with an indication of the aircrafts
relative bearing to that station. The only means the pilot has to determine his position using
the ADF system is to plot the bearings of two different stations on a navigation chart and
triangulate the aircrafts location at a point where the two lines intersect. This method of
establishing current position is effective, but can be very cumbersome.
This problem was addressed in 1945 with the introduction of VHF OmniRange (VOR)
navigation stations. VOR is much more sophisticated and has definite advantages over ADF
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navigation. VORs are radio beacons that transmit a signal which contains precise azimuth
information, so that upon reception of the signal, an aircraft can tell precisely what bearing
with respect to magnetic north the station is from the aircraft. ADFs are still in wide use
especially for aircraft flying to and from airports that are not equipped with VOR facilities.
VOR has been the standard radio navigation system for cross country flying around the world
for many years. The major advantages of the VOR system are:
Provides an infinite number of radials or course indications
Reduces the amount of indication errors from adverse atmospheric conditions
Accurately provides directional information
VOR operates in the VHF range 108 to 118 MHz. VOR reception is strictly line-of-sight. This
limits the useable range at low altitudes or over mountainous terrain
VOR is a VHF navigational aid for short and medium range flight distances, which is used
mainly along airways and in the airport terminal control areas. A VOR station emits position
lines, rather like a lighthouse, referring to magnetic north.

VOR Operation
When the appropriate VOR frequency is entered into a navigation radio, the VOR indicator
connected to that radio is used to find where the aircraft is relative to the VOR station. The
RMI or HSI pointer will indicate bearing to or from the VOR ground station regardless of
aircraft heading.

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The system provides flight crews with the ability to navigate accurately along a planned route
using VOR transmitters as waypoints. In effect, it provides the ability to follow a desired path
in the air.

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The VHF Omni-directional Radio Range, the abbreviations for which are 'VOR' and 'Omni',
enables a pilot to determine the direction of his aircraft from any position to or from a VOR
beacon, and, if necessary, track to or from the beacon on a selected bearing. VOR is a Very
High Frequency (VHF) navigation aid. Because it is a VHF aid, its ground to air range is
limited to 'line of sight' reception which is typical of VHF transmission. The range achieved is
dependent, therefore, on the sitting of the VOR beacon with relation to surrounding terrain,
and on the height at which the aircraft is flying.
As a VHF navigation aid, the VOR is static-free, and the information given by it is displayed
visually on easily read and interpreted cockpit instruments. An infinite number of bearings
can be obtained and they may be visualised as radiating from the beacon like spokes from
the hub of a wheel. However, for practical purposes, the number of bearings can be
considered to be limited to 360, one degree apart, and these 360 bearings are known as

Operational Use
The VOR enables a pilot to select, identify, and locate a line of position from a particular VOR
beacon. The following information can be obtained:

the magnetic bearing of the aircraft from the VOR beacon;

the magnetic bearing from the aircraft to the VOR beacon

the position of the aircraft, i.e. port or starboard, of a selected radial

when the aircraft is closing and when it is flying along a selected radial; and

when the aircraft passes over the VOR beacon.

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Automatic VOR
This term is give when the 30 Hz Reference signal is phase shifted automatically to measure
the phase angle between the Variable 30 Hz (V) and the Reference 30 Hz (R) signal. The
pilot need do no more than switch on and tune the receiver to an in range station in order to
obtain a continuous indication of the bearing to the VOR station on the Radio Magnetic
Indicator (RMI).

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Manual VOR
This requires the pilot to switch on and tune the receiver to the station, and then select a
particular radial on which he wants to position his aircraft. If the course selected in the course
indicator does not correspond with the VOR bearing set by the Omni Bearing Selector (OBS),
the deviation indicator will provide the appropriate left or right indications (as well as TOFROM indication).

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Cone of Confusion
Over the VOR transmitter, there is a cone-shaped area called the Cone of Confusion (also
known as; cone of silence or cone of ambiguity) in which the signals emanating from the
VOR station have a spurious, unusable quality. In this area, the TO/FROM indicator is likely
to fluctuate severely, accompanied by equally distorted presentations on the deviation
indicator needle. At such a situation, the signals would be ignored until they had settled down
again. The period of disturbance would depend for its length on the height at which the
aircraft was passing over the station. Due to its cone-shaped property, its effect would be felt
around an angle of about 40 degrees above the station. An aircraft flying over it at 1200 feet
would traverse a linear distance of 800 ft within the cone, while an aircraft flying at 12,000 ft
would suffer for a distance of 8,000 ft.

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VOR Principle of Operation

Bearing to a lighthouse can be gauged by the following method. Time how long it takes for
the light to complete a full revolution. This can be done by timing from when the beam is
pointing directly at you, until it completes a full rotation and points back at you again.
Lighthouses are often fitted with a red light on the top of them which flashes when the beam
is pointing directly North. So if the beam hits you exactly when the red light flashes, you are
directly North of the lighthouse. If a full rotation takes 10 seconds and the beam hits you 5
seconds after the red light flashes, you are directly south of the lighthouse. By knowing the
time taken for a rotation and timing how long it takes from North for the vector to reach you,
you can calculate your angular displacement from the lighthouse with respect to North.
VOR functions by the same principle, with the reference signal replacing the Red light, and a
varying vector signal providing sufficient information to the aircraft VOR system to calculate
angular displacement from the VOR transmitter, with respect to North.
The VOR station transmits two signals, one is constant in all directions, and the other varies
the phase relative to the first signal. For example, at magnetic North both signals are in
phase, but at magnetic south the variable lags the fixed signal by 180 degrees. The principle
behind VOR systems then, is comparison of the fixed and reference signals. The VOR
receiver senses the phase difference between the two frequencies and the difference
identifies 360 different directions or "radials" from the VOR. The system does not provide
distance information.
The name Omni Range leads one to believe that Range to a station is provided. The
inclusion of the word RANGE is an unfortunate choice of title, because a VOR transmitter
provides only bearing to a station, not range.

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VOR Radiation Pattern

Reference Phase Signal
The reference phase signal includes an RF carrier and a 9960-Hz subcarrier. The subcarrier
is frequency modulated between 10,440 Hz and 9480 Hz at a rate of 30 Hz. The reference
phase signal is radiated from the centre antenna of a 5-element antenna array.
This signal is omni-directional and has a constant phase throughout 360 degrees of azimuth.
When voice communication or station identification is transmitted, the FM subcarrier of the
reference phase signal is amplitude modulated. The identification signal (in Morse code) is a
2 or 3 letter word repeated three times in a 30 second period with a modulation tone of 1020
Hz (+ or - 50 Hz). The frequency range of the voice modulation is limited to 300-3000 Hz.

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Variable Phase Signal

The variable phase signal is a pure RF carrier. This signal is radiated by the diagonal
antennas of the 5-element array. The field strength pattern is a Figure of Eight configuration
that is rotated through 360 degrees of azimuth at a rate of 1800 r/min (30r/s). The phase of
the signal varies directly with azimuth; this is referred to as space modulation.

Composite Signal
The reference phase signal and the variable phase signal are in phase when the positive
lobe of the Figure eight pattern is aligned with magnetic north. However, as the positive lobe
of the variable phase signal is rotated through 360 degrees, the phase angle between the
reference phase signal and the variable phase signal increases. When the variable phase
signal is aligned other than magnetic north, the positive voltage maxima of the variable
phase signal occurs at a given time later than the positive voltage maxima of the reference
signal. The phase displacement in the 2-voltage maxima at any point in azimuth designates
the bearing at that point. The difference in phase can be measured and indicated by
instrumentation in the aircraft. Therefore, a radial can be selected, and the aircraft's flight
path can be related to that selected radial.
The Figure of Eight pattern reinforces the omni-directional field strength pattern on the inphase side and weakens the field strength on the out-of-phase side. The resultant field
strength pattern is cardioid revolving at a rate of 30 r/s. As a result of the space modulation of
the rotating cardioid, an additional 30-Hz signal is apparent at the receiver input. The
receiver circuit detects what appears to be a 30-Hz FM signal with a 30-Hz AM component.
The phase of the two 30-Hz signals are compared, and the signal output is proportional to
the phase relationship of the two 30 Hz signals.
The phasing of the reference and variable signals is adjusted so they are in phase at
magnetic north. The frequency of the 9960-Hz subcarrier is frequency modulated between
9480 and 10,440 Hz at a 30-Hz rate and is synchronised with the rotation, of the dipole
antenna. When the frequency of the subcarrier is 10,440 Hz, the positive lobe of

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the dipole antenna is pointed toward magnetic north. The subcarrier frequency decreases to
9480 Hz as the dipole antenna rotates clockwise to 180 degrees (south). At 90 and 270
degrees from north (0 degree), the subcarrier frequency is 9960Hz. A maximum positive
audio modulating voltage produces 10,440 Hz, and a maximum negative voltage produces
9480 Hz. Thus the output of at FM detector will be positive when the frequency is 10,440 Hz
and negative when the frequency is 9480 Hz. The frequency of this voltage will be equal to
the rate the subcarrier frequency is varying, which is 30 Hz.

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The Horizontal Situation Indicator

One system for VOR presentation is the HSI. This type of display is for manual VOR
The HSI allows us to select, using the course select knob to select the desired radial to fly
along. The course select may be part of the indicator or mounted remotely from the indicator
on a mode control panel. The calibration of the HSI will correspond to the magnetic bearings
relative to magnetic north. The display has a needle indicating the selected course on a
rotating remote magnetic compass card.
The left-right needle indicates the aircraft's position in relation to the radial selected with the
course select knob. If the left-right needle is centered the aircraft is on the radial. If the
needle is off centre, the aircraft is off the selected radial.
The to-from indicator shows which side of the VOR station the aircraft is positioned. With the
left-right needle centred, the aircraft can be anywhere on the line drawn through the VOR
station on the radial selected.
The information from the to-from indicator also allows the pilot to determine which direction to
fly the aircraft. When the to-from indicator shows "TO" and the aircraft is flown on the course
indicated by the HSI, it will be tracking towards the station. Conversely, when the indicator
shows "FROM" and the aircraft is flown on the same course as indicated by the HSI as
above, it will track away from the VOR station.
There is another very important function of the left-right needle. Not only does this needle
indicate when the aircraft is off the selected radial, but it indicates how far off that radial. This
needle, by the direction of its deflection, also tells us in which direction to fly to get back on
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the selected radial. If the aircraft is moving towards the VOR and the to-from indicator
indicates "TO", the aircraft is flown towards the needle to get back on course. That is,
assuming that the HSI is set to the desired radial and that the left-right needle is centred and
now deflects to the left, the selected radial is to the left, and the aircraft must be turned
towards the left to get back on the radial.
The amount we are off course depends on the amount of needle deflection, and on the
calibration of the needle. Typically, a full scale deflection indicates being 10 degrees off the
selected course. A full scale deflection, is from centre to one side. If the needle is half way
between centre and one side it will indicate 5 degrees.
The importance of the course width should be clear. A very sensitive needle would move too
much for an insignificant off course amount; an insensitive needle would not give a warning
to take corrective action until the aircraft was way off course. Suppose the aircraft was 30
miles from the station, which is a perfectly reasonable and usable distance for the VOR
system, and is 1 degree off course. The aircraft would be half a mile off course (see below).
At 30 miles, 3 degrees off course would be approx. 1.5 miles. (This approximation applies up
to a few degrees). At 60 miles 1 off course at 60 miles the off course distance approximates
to 3 miles.

Automatic Omni Indicator and the Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)

The RMI is more than an omni presentation. The first part of the RMI is an automatic means
for indicating the omni bearing. There is no to-from indicator, no omni bearing selector, and
no left-right needle. The needle on the automatic omni simply points to the "TO" the bearing
to the station.

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Instrument Landing System (ILS)

Prior to World War II, aircraft approaches and landings in poor weather conditions were often
high risk endeavors. Early civilian air navigation systems provided only basic lateral position
information, and 1930s airline pilots flying in low visibility conditions had to take a heading off
a radio navigation station and then use speed, time and distance calculations to figure out
when they should see the runway at their destination. Safe descents were dependent on the
accuracy of their calculations and all final approaches had to be visual, because there was
no instrument guidance system that could direct a pilot on a safe, precise descent profile
clear of terrain.
An instrument landing system (ILS) provides pilots with commands which enable a nonvisual approach to a runway. The obvious advantage of such a system is that pilots can
descend even in the worst weather conditions. In an aircraft equipped with ILS, outside
visibility is not crucial until moments before touchdown.
This lesson will the following aspects of an ILS:

ground based radio transmitting equipment

airborne receiving equipment

instruments pilots use to navigate along the required flight path

Although the functions of ILS can be replaced by other systems (such as microwave landing
systems), it is likely that ILS will remain as the predominant world wide landing aid for the
next few decades.

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The Instrument Landing System is in every sense a precision approach system. With modern
equipment it can guide an aircraft right down to the runwayzero Decision-Height and zero
visibility. An ILS system provides adds glide-slope, or elevation information, localiser
information and distance to go to the runway threshold.

The ILS Components

In order to guide an aircraft from several kilometers out, to a runway threshold, a system
providing lateral and vertical guidance is used. The lateral guidance portion is called the
localiser and the vertical guidance part is called the glideslope. In addition to the localiser
and glideslope signals there are marker transmitters which provide pilots with an indication of
their approximate position at intervals along the approach path. This total system using
ground based and airborne equipment is called the instrument landing system (ILS).
An aircraft flying ILS follows two signals: a localiser for lateral guidance (VHF); and a glide
slope for vertical guidance (UHF). When the ILS receiver is tuned to a localiser frequency a
second receiver, the glide-slope receiver, is automatically tuned to its proper frequency. The
pairing is automatic.
There's more to an ILS than the localiser & glide slope signals. FAA categorises the
components this way:
Guidance information: the localizer and glide slope.
Range information: the outer marker (OM) and the middle marker (MM) beacons.
Visual information: approach lights, touchdown and centerline lights, runway lights.
The indicator for an ILS system uses a horizontal needle and a vertical needle. When the
appropriate ILS frequency is entered, the horizontal needle indicates where the aircraft is in
relation to the glide slope. If the needle is above the center mark on the dial, the aircraft is
below the glide slope. If the needle is below the center mark on the dial, the aircraft is above
the glide slope.

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Descriptions of the ILS Components

An aircraft on an instrument landing approach has a cockpit with computerized instrument
landing equipment that receives and interprets signals being from strategically placed
stations on the ground near the runway. This system includes a "Localiser" beam with a
width from 3 to 6. It also uses a second beam called a "glide slope" beam that gives vertical
information to the pilot. The glide slope is usually 3 wide with a height of 1.4. Three marker
beacons (outer, middle and inner) are located in front of the landing runway and indicate their
distances from the runway threshold. The Outer Marker (OM) is about 8 km from the runway.
The Middle Marker (MM) is located about 1 km from the landing threshold, and the Inner
Marker (IM) is located between the middle marker and the runway threshold where the
landing aircraft would be 100 feet above the runway (about 150 meters).
Because of Australias good weather conditions relative to the rest of the world, most airports
do not have an inner marker installation. The theory here is that even under really bad
weather conditions, pilots will usually have the runway in sight by the time they reach the
inner marker point.

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An ILS is a fixed installation useful for only one runway, accordingly there may be more than
one ILS system at an airport (ie one for each runway).
The ground-based equipment consists of:
a localiser (LOC) transmitter and antenna located at the far end of the runway
a glideslope (GS) transmitter and antenna located near the runway threshold
an outer marker antenna located approximately 8 kilometres from the runway threshold
a middle marker antenna located approximately 1 kilometre from the runway threshold
an inner marker beacon antenna located approximately 150 metres from the runway

The Glideslope is the signal that provides vertical guidance to the aircraft during the ILS
approach. The standard glide-slope path is 3 downhill to the end of the runway. The
glideslope antenna is capable of operating between 328 and 335 MHz, (UHF) with the lowest
assigned frequency at 329.15 MHz. The glideslope signal is radiated to produce two
intersecting lobes, one above the other. The upper lobe is modulated by a 90 Hz signal, the
lower lobe by a 150 Hz signal. When the aircraft is on the centre line, the two audio signals
are equal. This occurs at approximately 3 above the horizontal. This line of equal
modulation defines the glideslope approach path. If the aircraft is too high the 90 Hz signal
will predominate and if it is too low the 150 Hz signal will predominate. How these signals
effect the aircraft instrumentation will be explained later in this lesson.
The glide path projection angle is about 3 above horizontal and it intersects the inner marker
at 100ft, the MM at about 200 feet and the OM at about 1,400 feet above the runway
elevation. The glide slope is normally usable to a distance of 10 NM.

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The localiser signal provides azimuth, or lateral, information to guide the aircraft to the
centerline of the runway. It is similar to a VOR signal except that it provides radial information
for only a single course; the runway heading.
The localiser operates between 108 and 112 MHz, with the lowest assigned frequency at
108.1 MHz. The localiser signal is similar to the glideslope except that the 90 and 150 Hz
signal radiated lobes are side by side and directed along the centre of the extended line of
the runway. The line of equal modulation defines the centre line of the runway approach
path. If the aircraft is left of the centreline the 90 Hz signal will predominate. If it is right of the
centreline the 150 Hz signal will predominate.
How sensitive is the Localiser? Near the Outer Marker, a one-dot deviation puts you about
500 ft. from the centerline. Near the Middle Marker, one dot means you're off course by
150 ft.
The localiser signal also carries the audio identification.

Specifics of the Localiser

The localiser antenna is located at the far end of the runway. The localiser signal is normally
usable 18 NM from the field. The Morse code Identification of the localiser consists of a
three-letter identifier preceded by the letter I.
Localiser and glideslope frequencies are paired so that selecting the localiser frequency
automatically selects the glideslope frequency.

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This table shows the pairing between localiser and glideslope frequencies. When the
localiser frequency is selected on the VOR/ILS controller, the paired glideslope frequency is
automatically selected.

Audio, which consists of the station ident (at 1020) Hz and voice information from the station
(between 300-3000 Hz), is supplied to the aircraft audio integration system. Filters in the
audio integration system can be selected to filter out neither, either or both signals to be
heard by the pilot. 100 mW nominal output at 30 percent modulation.

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Flag Outputs
Two high-level warning signals (super flag) and one low-level warning signal should be
provided by both localizer and glidepath receivers. The high-level flag characteristic is 28
VDC for valid status with current capabilities; 25 mA for AFCS warning; 250 mA for
instrument warnings. The low-level flag should provide a voltage of between 300 and 900 mV
into up to five parallel 1000 loads.

Warning signals when: no RF, either 90 or 150 Hz missing, total depth of modulation of
composite 90/150 Hz signal is less than 28 per cent, etc.

Deviation Outputs
Localizer: high-level 2 V for 0.155 d.d.m, low level 150 mV for 0155 d.d.m. Dual outputs in
parallel for AFCS. Output characteristics should not vary for loads between 200 and no
load. When 90 Hz predominates the `hot' side of all deviation outputs should be positive with
respect to the `common' side; in this case 'fly-left' is given.
Glideslope: similar to localizer but high and low-level outputs are 2 V and 150 mV
respectively for 0175 d.d.m.

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Localises and glideslope signals are also fed to the autopilot system, if one is fitted. The
localiser deviation will be used to supply the appropriate demand signal to the roll (aileron)
and yaw (rudder) channels. The pitch (elevator) channel will respond to glideslope. The
signals supplied to the autopilot is the same low voltage signals supplied to the instrument.
Dual outputs in parallel for AFCS.

Figure above shows what would happen to an airplane, controlled by an autopilot, while
flying a VOR or localizer course if a crosswind were to come up, and no crosswind correction
capability were included in the autopilot computer. (Autopilots always have a crosswind
correction capability).
In position A, the airplane is on the radio beam and on the selected heading (deviation
needle centered and course select cursor at the lubber line).
In position B, the airplane has been moved off the radio beam by the crosswind (dotted
pattern). The heading has not yet changed.
In position C, the autopilot has begun to change heading back toward the beam,
In position D, the autopilot has achieved a stable standoff condition (defined later).
Under airplane A is an HSI showing the pilots indication of the fact that the airplane is on
the chosen heading of 900, and centered on the radio beam.

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Under airplane B the HSI shows the airplane heading has not changed yet, but the aircraft
has been moved off the beam center. The two controlling signals into the autopilot roll
channel are radio deviation and course select error. If the radio beam is to the left of the
airplane, the deviation signal in the roll computer calls for a left turn, The vector chart below
the HSI (airplane B) shows that the deviation signal in the roll computer is calling for a left
turn, and there is no course select error signal.
Under airplane C the HSI shows that a course select error of 5 has been developed as a
result of the autopilot turning the airplane toward the beam center. The radio deviation signal
has increased to one dot. The chart below the HSI shows that the radio deviation signal,
calling for left turn, still exceeds the course select error signal, calling for a right turn.
Under airplane D, where steady standoff conditions have been achieved with a steady
crosswind, the two controlling signals are standing each other off. The HSI shows a course
select error of 10. The deviation needle shows a deviation error of 11/2 dots. The chart
below the HSI shows the deviation signal, calling for a left turn, balanced by the course select
error signal, calling for a right turn.
Consequently, the roll channel does not have an output to the ailerons, and the airplane
wings are level. This situation is described by saying that heading error is standing off radio
The heading error signal (course select error) is required by the crosswind. In order for the
airplane to follow the radio course, it must head into the wind; its heading must be different
from its direction of travel, or ground path.
This condition could only develop in an autopilot without crosswind correction (typically
accomplished with an integrator circuit). Understanding what would happen without the
integrator correction for crosswind will make it easier to understand the function of an
integrator circuit in providing crosswind correction.

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Crosswind Correction by Integrator

Figure above illustrates how an integrator would function to correct for the crosswind standoff
condition developed in the previous figure. Assume that an integrator is switched into the roll
computer after the stabilized standoff condition was built up. The time of switching in the
integrator is illustrated in the figure with airplane A. The vector chart below the airplane
shows the deviation signal calling for left turn balanced by the course select error signal
calling for right turn. The input to the integrator is the course select error signal. Over a period
of time, usually on the order of 100 seconds, the output of the integrator will build up to equal
its input. The sense (phase or polarity) of the input will be inverted by the integrator. In this
case, the heading error input calling for a right turn will be inverted by the integrator whose
output will call for a left turn.
Airplane B shows that the integrator output has begun to build up. Since the integrator
output is now cancelling part of the required heading error signal, a smaller deviation signal
cancels the remainder for a stable condition. Therefore, the air- plane has moved closer to
the beam center.
Airplane C shows a later time when the integrator output has further built up, cancelling
more of the required heading error signal, leaving less deviation necessary for a stable
Airplane D shows a later time when the integrator output has been built up even more,
leaving only a small amount of deviation necessary to cancel the remainder of the required
heading error.

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Airplane E shows that the output of the integrator now equals its input, and therefore
complete cancellation of the required heading error is being accomplished with the integrator
output; no deviation error is needed to achieve a stable condition. The airplane is now
following the radio beam center, with the required heading error cancelled by the output of
the integrator.
As long as airplane speed and wind conditions remain constant, this situation will prevail.
In normal autopilot, the integrator action would begin as soon as any heading error develops,
and the airplane would not have been moved as far off course as we have indicated.
The crosswind correction function could have been accomplished with an amplifier, noninverting integrator, with the input signal being the deviation signal. In that case, some small
amount of residual deviation (determined by amplification factor) would be required to hold
the necessary output.
Integrators have other uses in autopilot, and their operation can often be observed in a
parked airplane when a mechanic is checking the autopilot. If the mechanic does not
understand what the autopilot is doing, he may think something is wrong. For example, the
control wheel may mysteriously creep all the way to the right or left, or the control column
may mysteriously creep forward or aft.

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The operation of the roll channel is the same for both the VOR and LOC modes of operation.
Here we will discuss the roll channel operation of the VOR mode only.
In the VOR mode of operation the pilot selects the VOR frequency. The system works on the
same principle as the heading mode except that the reference signal is now received from a
radio navigation aid instead of the aircraft directional gyro.
When the aircraft detects the signals from the radio navigation beacon, these signals are
sent to the roll channel, so the aircraft can start to turn onto the beam, as shown in Figure.

Block Diagram Operation

Figure is a simplified diagram of the autopilot roll channel for the VOR/LOC mode of
The radio navigation signal (Nav Deviation) is fed to the roll channel where it is combined
with the aircraft course select error signal. The resultant signal is sent to the autopilot bank
angle limiter and roll rate limiter. This limits the amount and rate of roll permitted from the
autopilot. The signal is combined with the roll attitude signal and sent to the aileron servo
actuator to turn the aircraft.
Once the aircraft has "captured" the beam, it will continue to follow this heading until it
reaches a pre-determined position over the VOR beacon. Once over the beacon, the aircraft
could start detecting the convergence of other VOR radials which may confuse the aircraft
flight control system. To prevent this, an over station sensor circuit is incorporated which cuts
off the roll channel for a pre-determined period.

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Once this period has elapsed, the aircraft then detects the VOR signal corresponding to the
outbound radial. This is switched in, allowing the aircraft to continue on that radial.

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The glideslope mode of operation is similar to the VOR/LOC mode of operation of the roll
channel in that it requires the aircraft to capture a radio navigation aid beam for the aircraft to
follow. Instead of rolling the aircraft, the pitch attitude is adjusted and the aircraft follows the
glideslope beam to the airfield to land the aircraft. There are two different operations for the
pitch computer in this mode;



Glideslope Capture
Figure shows the method of capturing a glideslope beam from above and below.
The mode engaged prior to capture of the glideslope will be disengaged when the glideslope
capture occurs. The sensing circuit in the pitch computer which initiates glideslope capture
mode is called the "Vertical Beam Sensor" (VBS). The autopilot follows the glideslope using
a preset descent rate for example some passenger airliners use 700 feet per minute.

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Block Diagram Operation

Figure is a simplified block diagram of the pitch channel in glideslope mode.
The glideslope receiver generates an error signal which represents the position of the aircraft
relative to the centre of the glideslope beam. This signal is sent to the pitch computer.
The pitch computer then modifies the error signal and sends it to the control valve of the
elevator servo-actuator. The servo-actuator then drives the elevators to the commanded
When the aircraft is positioned in the centre of the glideslope beam, the error signal will be
nulled, the elevators will return to the streamlined position and the aircraft will fly down the
glideslope beam.

Glideslope Flare
"Flare" is the term used to describe the touchdown manoeuvre. A signal from the RADAR
altimeter system is used to initiate the flare operation of the pitch computer. This signal is
normally initiated at 50 feet.

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A typical FMS has the capability of automatically controlling the aircraft from just after takeoff through to roll out on the runway after landing at the destination. The pilot must take-over
to turn off the runway and taxi to the gate. Not all flights use a flight management system to
its fullest capacity, but the autopilot and flight director will be used for some portion of each
flight under normal circumstances

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Flight Management Computers

In the 1950s and 1960s, aviation electronics, referred to as avionics, were simple standalone systems. The navigation, communications, flight controls, and displays consisted of
analog systems. Often these systems were composed of multiple boxes, or subsystems,
connected to form a single system. Various boxes within a system were connected with
point-to-point (analogue) wiring. The signals mainly consisted of analog voltages, synchroresolver signals, and switch contacts. The location of these boxes within the aircraft was a
function of operator need, available space, and the aircraft weight and balance constraints.
As more and more systems were added, the cockpits became more crowded, the wiring
more complex, and the overall weight of the aircraft increased. By the late 1960s and early
1970s, it became necessary to share information between the various systems to reduce the
number of black boxes required by each system. A single sensor, for example that provided
heading and rate information, could provide that data to the navigation system, the weapons
system, the flight control system, and pilots display system. However, the avionics
technology was still basically analog, and while sharing sensors did produce a reduction in
the overall number of black boxes, the connecting signals became a rat's nest of wires and
connectors. Moreover, functions or systems that were added later became an integration
nightmare, as additional connections of a particular signal could have potential system
impacts. Additionally, as the system used point-to-point wiring, the system that was the
source of the signal typically had to be modified to provide the additional hardware to output
to the newly added subsystem (additional amplifiers, or output multipliers boxes). As such,
inter-system connections had to be kept to the bare minimum.

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By the late 1970s, with the advent of digital technology, digital computers had made their way
into avionics systems and subsystems. As time and technology progressed, the avionics
systems became more digital. And with the advent of the microprocessor, things really took
The Flight Management Computer typically performs as the data management computer and
is responsible for directing the flow of data on the data bus. FMC is master computer which
integrates functions of:

Navigation Computer

Flight Control Computer

Thrust Management Computer

Air Data Computer

Maintenance (EICAS or ECAM) Computer

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Flight Management System

The Flight Management System provides automatic navigation, guidance, flight planning,
navigation map display, flight information, and flight performance optimization. The system
makes use of information from several external aircraft systems coupled with algorithms
programmed in the FMC. The outputs from the FMS are fed to the main computer where this
information can be used in a variety of ways including feeding into the aircraft autopilot for
automatic guidance.

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FMS Major Components

The major components of a FMS are shown in the block diagram above. The major systems
include the Flight Management Computer (FMC), the Flight Management System Computer,
two FMS Control Display Units (CDU) and the I/O Concentrator. The FMS Chassis and I/O
Concentrator are standalone computers containing PC processors running operating

Flight Management Computers

Provide a number of advanced features and functions which were not found on earlier
autopilot systems. Some of the functions of the FMCs are:
Flight Planning the entire flight can be programmed into the computer using a cockpit
keyboard, cruise altitudes, waypoints, overfly points, ascent and descent points, etc.
Performance Management the system can provide optimum profiles for climb, cruise
descent and holding patterns. A minimum cost flight can be flown automatically by using
optimum climb settings, cruise settings, etc.
Navigation Calculations the FMC can calculate great circle routes, climb and descents
profiles, etc. Auto tune of VOR & DME FMC can automatically tune radios to the correct and
appropriate station frequencies for navigation aids as well as tower approach frequencies.
Autothrottle Speed Commands these are displayed on the EADI as fast/slow indications.
The FMC is in effect the master computer which integrates the functions of the inertial
navigation unit (or laser ring gyro sensors), flight control computers, thrust management
computers, air data computers, navigation sensors and EICAS computers.
The Flight Management System (FMS), in conjunction with other interfacing equipment in the
aircraft, forms an integrated, full-flight regime control and information system which provides
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automatic navigation, guidance, map display, and in-flight performance optimization. It

reduces cockpit workload by eliminating many routine tasks and computations normally
performed by the flight crew. The system operates continuously at all times if properly

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Flight Management System (FMS) Operation

The primary function of the FMS, when coupled to the flight guidance system (autopilot), the
auto-throttle and the EFIS systems, is to guide the aircraft in both the lateral (navigation) and
the vertical (performance) axis planes.
A total of up to some 24 inputs can be interfaced with the FMS. The FMS system has several
major functions which it carries out simultaneously to maintain control of the aircraft.

Data Verification Function. The purpose of this function is to receive and transmit digital
data to check the validity of data from the aircrafts systems which having inputs to the FMC.

Navigation Function. This function uses the navigational database in the FMC and the
output from the Inertial Reference Units (IRUs) for computing the aircrafts exact position,
velocity and other performance parameters.

Guidance Function. This function uses the output data from the navigation function to guide
the aircraft against a preset flight plan that has been entered into the FMS by the flight crew.
The flight plan is usually selected by the crew before departure, but it can be changed during
flight if required.

Vertical Profile Function. Using performance data and the data output form the navigation
function, the FMC compares actual to selected altitude, altitude rate and then through the
Flight Control Computer (FCC) and the auto-throttle, adjusts the pitch of the aircraft so as to
maintain the preselected vertical position of the aircraft.

EFIS Function. The FMC provides data to the EFIS system for the purpose of display. The
EFIS is used to display such data as radio navigation aids, aircraft way points and some
system failure messages.
The outputs from all of these functions are then used to guide the aircraft to a predetermined
flight in accordance with the operating parameters of the aircraft and the operating airline of
the aircraft.

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FMS Interfaces
In a normal aircraft installation, the FMC will directly connect to several basic aircraft systems
such as Air Data Computers, Inertial Reference Systems, Flight Control Computers and other
systems via multiple ARINC 429 serial data bus interfaces. The FMS Computer provides all
of the FMS sensor inputs.

Discrete Input
There are as many as 128 discrete input discrete channels available.
The Digital Input Board is designed to read a voltage from a variety of devices. The signals
may originate from electronic switching circuits, standard logic circuits, mechanical switch
contacts, relay contacts, or numerous other sources. The inputs can be configured for current
sinking or voltage sourcing input signals.

Discrete Output
One card is used to provide up to 128 output discrete channels. The board is designed for a
variety of applications such as relay drivers, lamp drivers, solenoid drivers, stepper motor
drivers, LED drivers, and fiber-optic drivers.

ARINC 429 Interface

Two boards handle ARINC 429 serial I/O. The ARINC 429 module is an intelligent I/O device
with its own on-board processor and memory buffer. Each board can accommodate 16
receive channels and 8 non-multiplexed transmit channels. The transmit and receive
channels can be programmed as high speed (100 KBs) or low speed (12.5 KBs) in channel
pairs. The vast majority of the data that flows in and out of the FMC goes through the ARINC
429 channels.
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Audio Output
Another addition can be a programmable Audio Alert card. This card allows the triggering of
programmed voice messages in response to logical events determined in the applications
software. Different messages may be recorded and loaded into non-volatile memory using an
external PC. The voice messages are fed into the aircraft inter-phone system for distribution
throughout the airplane.

CPU Transition
A PC Transition card takes the last VME card slot. This card works in conjunction with and is
connected to the CPU card. It provides the interface between standard Ethernet, parallel
port, and the two serial port connectors and the host board connector. The Ethernet and
parallel ports contain passive circuitry only. The I/O controllers reside in the host CPU board.
The serial ports contain active circuitry to provide multiplexing and buffering functions.

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Flight Management System

To complete its functions, the FMC has several data bases. These databases include:

Navigational Database This database contains information on navigational radio aids,

navigational way points, airline flight plans and flight routes.

Performance Database This database stores the engine installation data, aircraft
aerodynamic performance and atmospheric models.

The Navigation Data Base contains all of the navaid, airport, airway, approach, and
departure information required to operate the aircraft in the national airspace system. The
FMC has 1 MB of nonvolatile bubble memory reserved for this purpose. The ARINC 424
compatible database is updated on a 28- day cycle and the memory is large enough to hold
two update cycles. The non-volatile memory also holds the FMC operations program,
performance data for the aircraft model and engine configuration, and specific customer
option data. Data is loaded into the FMC from floppy disks using a standard ARINC 615
compatible data loader, which can be connected via a loader connector on the rear of the

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The navigation function of the FMC generates aircraft position, velocity, and altitude data for
in the FMC and other external aircraft systems. Navigation algorithms combine data from the
Navigation Data
Base, position and velocity data from the three IRS systems, range and bearing data from
the DME and VOR
receivers, and altitude and airspeed data from the Air Data Computers. The combined data is
used to generate
geodetic aircraft position, velocity, wind vector, altitude and flight path angle, local earth
radius, and other
data. The FMC has algorithms for the automatic navigation-aid selection based on aircraft
desired track, and data from the Navigation Data Base and provides tuning outputs for the
receivers. The FMC can make use of high accuracy GPS position data.

Navigation Accuracy:
The FMS automatically selects and tunes VHR Omni- Range (VOR) and Distance Measuring
Equipment (DME) in order to constantly update the position and speed of the aircraft. This
information is used in conjunction with
the Inertial Reference System (IRS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) to ensure
accuracy in all phases of flight.
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The FMS will primarily attempt to utilise GPS position information, then combine range
information corrected for slant range from two separate DME locations, and finally position
from three Inertial Reference Units (IRUs). If no usable VOR/DME information is available,
the FMS will monitor aircraft position based on IRS/GPS data only, until the aircraft is
determined to be in a location where DME/VOR information is once again available for
position and velocity cross checking. The FMS navigation management system will also
compute and provide true and
magnetic track information, drift angle, magnetic variation for the current aircraft location and
vertical flight path information. The FMC automatically determines which VOR/DME
combinations will yield the best result given their position relative to the aircraft.

Flight Planning
The FMC allows for the input of complex 2-D and 3-D flight plans via either of the two CDU's.
The pilot or operator can select from thousands of airports, runways, waypoints, navaids,
airways, approach and departure procedures defined in the Navigation Data Base to build a
flight plan. Additionally, user defined waypoints can be entered based on latitude and
longitude or distance and bearing from a pre-defined waypoint. Once entered, flight plans
may be modified by adding, changing, or deleting any of its elements. The flight plans can be
further modified with altitude and speed constraints, holding patterns, path offsets, etc. Two
complete flight plans can be separately stored in the FMC and activated via CDU commands.

The guidance function defines the two or three dimensional flight path to be flown and the
necessary computations and outputs for aircraft control referenced to the defined flight path.
The flight path may be defined in the lateral and/or vertical planes from flight plan and
performance data entered into the FMC from the CDU and augmented with navigation and
performance databases. The lateral flight plan is normally defined by a string of navigation
waypoints. The lateral path between waypoints may be any of 16 navigation leg types
required to fly all published ATC procedures. The vertical and thrust guidance functions are
closely integrated with performance management functions for optimum three-dimensional
path guidance. The FMC computed guidance output parameters include desired track, track
angle error, bearing and distance to the active waypoint, lateral and vertical path deviation,
and speed error. These guidance outputs can be fed into the aircraft autopilot via the I/O
Concentrator and Pilot Select Panel (PSP).

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Guidance Management:
Two dimensional flight path management is available along an FMC programmed flight path
in either the vertical navigation mode (VNAV) or lateral navigation mode (LNAV). Both of
these modes are selected by using the LNAV/VNAV buttons on the Autopilot Mode Control
Panel (MCP). When used in conjunction with one another, the FMS is capable of providing
fully integrated three dimensional flight path management along the FMC defined flight path.
The LNAV guidance function issues steering commands to the AFDS in order to keep the
aircraft navigating correctly along the programmed route of flight. Deviations from the center
of the desired flight track are corrected using intercept procedures and flight track
adjustments. Normal lateral flight path deviation should not exceed 0.1nm in most phases of
flight. In all phases of an LNAV managed flight, the FMS will monitor cross track error, which
is defined as the lateral distance separating the aircraft from its desired path of flight. Roll
and steering commands are provided to the AFDS Flight Control Computers in order to
correct the cross track error. The FMS is capable of providing a great circle Direct-To track to
any point programmed into the FMC/CDU displayed flight path.
The VNAV guidance function controls the aircraft along the vertical flight path as defined by
the FMC/CDU entered flight path and the aircrafts performance limitations. VNAV takes
position data from the navigation system and compares it to the vertical profile as defined in
the FMC/CDU entered flight plan. The vertical navigation function then provides pitch and
thrust commands to the AFDS in order to intercept and maintain the defined vertical profile
the current phase of flight. For vertical performance modes where vertical speed is
unconstrained (most
climbs) the VNAV system will provide pitch and thrust commands to the AFDS so as to
maintain the most efficient climb based on the current thrust mode selected. This results in
the most economically beneficial climb gradient, not necessarily the most rapid climb
gradient. VNAV uses essentially two basic pitch control modes to manage the vertical flight
profile: speed or rate of climb/descent. When speed the controlled factor the AFDS
autothrottle will be given a target thrust setting by the vertical navigation function, and the
elevator will be used to control speed, resulting in a variable rate of climb or descent based
upon conditions. When vertical speed is the controlled factor, the AFDS will issue commands
to the elevator for vertical speed control, and the AFDS will adjust the autothrottle to maintain
speed, resulting in a fixed rate of climb/descent and variable speed based upon conditions.

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The lateral guidance function provides guidance between waypoints of the active flight plan
route. The crew receives this guidance via the cockpit displays and can elect to couple the
FMS to the autopilot if the aircraft is so equipped.
The vertical guidance function provides control of the vehicle along the vertical route of the
flight plan. Vertical guidance generates the pitch, speed, altitude, and thrust targets that are
again displayed on the cockpit displays and can be coupled to the autopilot and auto-throttle
equipment if the aircraft is so equipped.
The time navigation function provides the calculated times of arrival at various waypoints
along the flight plan. The crew can select a required time of arrival (RTA) at a waypoint and
the FMS will generate the appropriate commands to achieve that time on station. The crew
can specify the performance mode (RTA, fuel economy, maximum speed) and the FMS
provides the proper commands to achieve that performance. The estimated times of arrival
are displayed to the crew via the cockpit displays. Performance targets are translated into
flight director cues and can be coupled with the autopilot/auto-throttle systems if so

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In target reference Vertical Navigation (VNAV) mechanizations, the FMS utilizes FCS vertical
modes for Flight Level Change, Altitude Hold, Vertical Speed, Glide Path, or Pitch. The FMS
is responsible for managing the vertical modes and providing target references to the FCS.
Glide Path modes often require the FMS to supply a pitch command and Altitude Hold mode
requires the FMF to supply an altitude reference. The remaining vertical modes, Flight Level
Change and Vertical Speed, use the speed reference supplied by the FMS. To integrate the
FMS with a Flight Control System (FCS), the data required to steer the aircraft to the desired
flight path could be based on a command reference, target reference or a combination of
command and target reference data. Typically, lateral guidance from an FMS is provided in
terms of a roll command. Vertical guidance often uses a combination of pitch command
and/or various target references, such as airspeed/mach, altitude, or vertical speed, for
vertical guidance.

The performance function manages aircraft flight profile by computing display data that
assists the pilot in making decisions and commands that cause the aircraft to be controlled
according to the selected flight plan. Algorithms in the FMC-PIP compute speed, thrust
setting, and vertical guidance commands to meet the selected mode objectives, but are
subject to aircraft performance limits and flight plan constraints. Prediction data is computed
such as distance, time of arrival, altitude, speed, and fuel at future points on the active flight
plan. Other performance calculations include warning messages if future flight plan
constraints cannot be met, optimum and maximum cruise altitudes, time and fuel limits, climb
and descent limits, and engine out drift down.
Performance Management: The FMS is capable of managing nearly all aspects of aircraft
performance so as to optimize precision and economy of flight. The FMS is only capable of
providing such information if the gross weight, cost index target altitude and a route have
been entered into the FMC/CDU by the crew.. Vertical Navigation can only be accomplished
if the performance initialization page is complete. The performance model uses input from
fuel flow, engine data, altitude, gross weight of the aircraft, flaps, airspeed, Mach,
temperature, vertical speed, acceleration and location within a programmed flight plan to
determine the optimum performance for the aircraft at any given moment. The performance
management modeling used by the FMS attempts to provide a least cost performance
solution for all phases of flight, including climb, cruise and descent. The default cruise
performance management setting is ECON, or economy cruise. The airplane and engine
data models are used to provide an optimum vertical profile for the selected performance
mode, even if ECON has been overridden by the crew. During the climb, an optimum Mach
speed target and a corresponding thrust target are computed by the FMS, with the speed
target transmitted to the vertical guidance function of the autoflight director system. The
AFDS will then generate commands to the elevator in order to maintain the correct pitch for
the required speed. Thrust setting commands are delivered to the autothrottle servos by the
FMS, and used in conjunction with the pitch setting commands to maintain the optimum
speed and climb as directed by the FMS. During cruise, an optimum Mach setting is
computed and thrust setting commands are delivered to the autothrottle. During descent, a
vertical path is computed based on the flight plan entered into the FMC/CDU. The FMS will
evaluate expected wind conditions, aircraft speed, altitude, position relative to the planned
end-of descent point and any intermediate altitude or speed constraints between the aircraft
and the end-of-descent point. This information will be passed to the AFDS for pitch based
speed and vertical speed control and the autothrottles for vertical speed and thrust
management. In ideal conditions, an idle thrust optimum descent profile is flown, however in
many cases thrust and pitch will be varied to account for wind conditions or to ensure proper
tracking of the vertical descent profile.

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Control Display Units (CDUs)

The Control Display Units (CDUs) are mounted on the centre console in the cockpit. There
are usually two fitted to an aircraft, there being one CDU fitted per FMC fitted to the aircraft.
They provide control of the FMCs and allow access to FMC fault data. System tests are
started from the CDUs, and test results are displayed on the CDU screens. Printing of the
CDU display can also be carried out by using the on board printer in the aircraft centre
The CDU has two distinct areas on its display.

The first area is the display area. This part of the CDU is used to display information from
the FMC and also display information which has been entered into the FMC. Located next to
each line of information on the CDU display is a touch key which is used to select the
information located next to (if the option is available).

The second area is the key pad area of the CDU. This area is used to enter in information
into the CDU, change CDU displays and change FMC programming. This area has a full
alpha numeric touch pad for data entry

Control Display Units (CDUs)

The CDU can also be used for the accessing of maintenance data and for the testing of
aircraft systems. This information can be stored either in the FMC or in the Central
Maintenance Computer (CMC).
The maintenance pages of the CDU show maintenance related data that is accessible on the
ground only. These pages are only available when the aircraft is on the ground. When the
relevant system is accessed through the CDU, a warning message is usually displayed as
well as a test message. This is a result of the fact that most tests require the system to be
disconnected from normal operation. Output from these pages can be sent to the onboard
printer, if a hard copy is required.
In most FMC systems the available maintenance pages include, but are not limited to the
following items:

Navigation data downloading and cross-loading. This page is used to update the
navigational database every 28 days. The database is update every 28 days to update for
airways, radio navigational aid and other airline route change information that may have

Performance. The purpose of this page is used by maintenance personnel to update and
change the performance data of the aircraft. This data is used by the FMC to calculate flight
plans and aircraft performance.

IRS. This page shows an estimate of the aircrafts position for each Inertial Reference Unit

BITE. Built in Test Equipment (BITE). This page allows maintenance personnel to access
different systems on the aircraft and perform set performance tests.

CDU Interface
Normally, the CDUs communicate directly to the FMC via ARINC 429 interface connections.
The I/O Concentrator provides all of the required ARINC 429 interface connections to the two
CDUs. The I/O Concentrator communicates with the translation software in the Computer

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Flight Management Computer

The Flight Management Computer (FMC) is the heart of the Flight Management System. The
FMC, in conjunction with other aircraft systems, forms an integrated, full-flight regime control
and information system, which provides automatic navigation, guidance, map display, and inflight performance optimization. It is designed to reduce cockpit workload during each flight
phase by eliminating routine tasks and computations normally performed by the flight crew.
When coupled to the autopilot, flight director, and auto-throttle, the system can provide
automatic guidance through integrated commands for controlling roll, pitch, and engine
thrust. The FMC/FMS provides flight planning, navigation, database storage, navigation
display, guidance, and performance optimization.

Flight Management Computers

Can be coupled to the autopilot, flight director, and auto throttle to provide guidance through
integrated commands for controlling roll, pitch and engine thrust and provides course
guidance for RNP/RNAV (Radio Navigation Point / Area Navigation) operations.
All aircraft systems which are controlled by a computer also run built-in-tests on all
associated sensors and processing circuitry to confirm system serviceability, and to
electronically report equipment failures to initiate maintenance action.

Flight Management Computer (FMC) Operation

Usually two FMC units are fitted to most aircraft, with some having three fitted. Each FMC is
usually located to a crew position (left and right).
All FMCs receive the same input data from the aircraft systems and data entered into any
CDU on the aircraft. In all cases the FMC is connected to its own CDU. Data entered into a
CDU is sent to all the FMCs fitted in the aircraft, where each FMC will action it independently
from each other. The output from the FMC is sent to only the one CDU normally. This
provides system redundancy in case one FMC fails and the other still has all the current
aircraft data to control the operation of the aircraft.
In case of FMC failure, the CDU can be selected to another FMC. This allows each flight
crew member to still enter data and information into the operative FMC. If this option was not
available, then the flight crew member whose FMC had failed, would then be unable to adjust
the aircraft flight planning. Switching from one FMC to the other is usually controlled through
the use of an alternate or source select switch located on the forward aircraft instrument
panel. There is one for each of the crew member on the aircraft. In some modern aircraft the
output from the CDU is also able to be switched from one CDU to another.
The FMC interfaces with many areas of the aircraft to aid in its primary functions. These
include such areas as the fuel quantity system, flight control system, air / ground data link
systems, radio navigational systems, the inertial reference system, the thrust management
system and the aircraft EICAS/ECAM and EFIS systems.
The FMCS system is used by the flight crew to reduce the crew workload when planning,
undertaking, monitoring and executing a flight plan. The major functions of the FMCS are:

Flight Plan map display

Automatic navigation/radio tuning

Thrust management

Lateral guidance

Vertical guidance

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Map Display
The FMC generates both dynamic map and map background data outputs which normally go
to the EFIS on an ARINC 429 high-speed link. Dynamic map data is normally related to the
airplane motion with respect to the flight plan and includes such data as airplane track,
ground speed, time and distance to go, computed winds and vertical/lateral deviations from
the active flight path. The computed background map data includes the location of
waypoints, navaids, obstacles, and airports within the EFIS field of view. In the map mode,
dynamic map data must be updated to reflect aircraft motion and is computed at 10 Hz. The
background data is normally slow changing and is updated every three seconds.

Thrust Management:
The FMS thrust management function is capable of performing autothrottle control law
calculations based upon commands from the navigation function, as well as direct crew input
from the FMC, manual adjustment of throttle position, or AFDS autothrottle commands. The
autothrottle control law function provides automatic N1 equalization in all modes of flight, as
well as thrust limit protection and N1 thrust requirement calculations to maintain MCP or
AFDS speed and thrust settings. Autothrottle modes can be selected or overridden by the
crew as required.

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Automatic Landing
During this operation, the autopilot system must be at its most accurate. Limits must be
imposed on the system, so that in the case of a runaway, the recovery rate is fast enough to
avoid an accident situation. Two requirements govern the safety devices fitted into the
system. They must:
limit the effect of a runaway such that a safe recovery can be made by the pilot
allow sufficient authority to the control system so that the required flight path
may be followed even though the aircraft encounters disturbances such as crosswinds, etc.
The AFCS must be capable of achieving the following during automatic landing.
They must:
warn of a passive failure
complete the manoeuvre following an active or passive failure.
To overcome these requirements, it was decided to use the concept of system redundancy.
This is to utilise multiple systems operating in such a manner that a single failure within a
system will have an insignificant effect on the aircraft during its approach and landing.
The following is a list of terminology used in the description of system redundancy.

Failsafe (fail soft/fail passive)

This describes the ability of a system to withstand a failure without producing
excessive deviations from the flight path.

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Fail-operational (fail active)

This is a system in which one failure can occur, but leaves the overall system still
functioning, without causing degradation of performance outside the limits required
for automatic landing.

Simplex (single or non-redundant)

The term simplex defines a single automatic control system and its appropriate
number of sub channels.

This term applies to a system comprising of two or more independent simplex systems used
collectively, so that in the event of a failure of a system, the remaining
system is capable of performing the controlling function.

Duplex system
A duplex system comprises of two complete systems of channels which are
interconnected and which together provide continuous control.

Triplex system
This is a fail-operational system of three complete systems or channels which are
interconnected and which together provide continuous control. In the event of a
failure of one of the systems or channels, that system or channel is overcome by the
other two and is automatically engaged. Control is therefore continued in duplex.

This refers to a system comprising two systems in parallel and with separate power
supplies. The components of both are designed to be either self-monitoring or to
have their outputs checked by parallel comparator circuits. Only one system is
engaged at a time, the other being in the follow up mode. In the event of a failure,
the system is automatically changed to the other.

Dual dual
This is used by some manufacturers to define a twin fail-operational control system
having twin passive monitoring systems. It should not be considered synonymous to
a duplex system, since the control systems may or may not be active simultaneously.
In the event of a monitor detecting a failure in its associated system, the second
system with its monitor is switched in.

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This term defines the process of comparing between two or more outputs, or
between an output and datum. It can also be used as a limiter, to cause a system to
disconnect when an output exceeds the prescribed limit.

This operates on data supplied from comparative stages in two or more similar

This device adjusts the subsystem in multiplex systems to remove differences between
subsystem outputs that may arise other than fault conditions.

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Automatic Landing Sequence

The figure shown is the indicator used for an automatic landing approach based on a system
using triple digital flight control computer channels that allow for redundancy to operate in the
fail operational and fail passive conditions previously described. Depending upon the number
of channels that are armed and engaged, the system performs what is termed a land 2 status
or land 3 status autoland.
Land 2 signifies there is dual redundancy of engaged flight control computers sensors and
servos (fail passive), while land 3 signifies triple redundancy of power sources, engaged
flight control computers, sensors, and servos (fail operational).
Each status is displayed on an autoland indicator.

Figure shows a typical automatic approach. During cruise and initial stages of approach to
land, the control system operates as a single channel system, controlling the aircraft about its
pitch and roll axis and providing the appropriate flight director commands. As multichannel
operation is required for an automatic landing, at a certain stage of the approach, the other
two channels are armed by a switch on the flight control panel. This will also arm the localiser
and glideslope modes. Both the off line channels are continually supplied with the relevant
outer loop control signals and operate on a comparative basis the whole time.
Altitude information essential for vertical guidance to touchdown is always provided by
signals from a radio altimeter which becomes effective as soon as the aircrafts altitude is
within the altimeters operating range.

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When the aircraft has descended to 1500 feet radio altitude, the localiser and glideslope
beams are captured and the armed off line control channels are then automatically engaged.
The localiser and glideslope beam signals control the aircraft about the roll and pitch axis so
that any deviations are automatically corrected to maintain alignment with the runway. At the
same time, the autoland status displays LAND 2 or LAND 3 on the indicator and
computerised control of flare is also armed.
At a radio altitude of 330 feet, the aircrafts horizontal stabiliser is automatically repositioned
to begin trimming the aircraft to a nose-up attitude. The elevators are also deflected to
counter the trim and to provide pitch control in the trimmed attitude. When the landing gear is
45 feet above the ground (gear altitude), the flare mode is automatically engaged.

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The gear altitude is based upon radio altitude, pitch attitude, and the known distance
between the landing gear, the fuselage and the radio altimeter antenna. The flare mode
takes over pitch attitude control from the glideslope, and generates a pitch command to bring
the aircraft on a 2 feet/second descent path. At the same time, a throttle retard command
signal is supplied to the auto throttle system to reduce engine speed.
Prior to touchdown and about 5 foot gear altitude, the flare mode is disengaged and there is
transition to the touchdown and roll out mode. At about 1 foot gear altitude, the pitch attitude
of the aircraft is decreased to 2 degrees, and at touchdown, a command signal is supplied to
the elevators to lower the aircrafts nose and so bring the nose wheel in contact with the
runway and hold it there during roll out. The AFCS remains in control until disengaged by the

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Auto Throttle System

This system is computer controlled and controls the thrust of the aircrafts engines within
specific design parameters. It is designed to operate in conjunction with the AFCS to
maintain an aircrafts speed and vertical path. When the AFCS mode is controlling the
vertical path of an aircraft, the auto throttle maintains airspeed through thrust control.

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Take Off Mode

This mode is initiated prior to take off by engaging the flight management system.
The FME computer provides the engine rotational speed (NI) limits for each flight profile and
an NI target speed. The limits and target speeds are displayed on the NI speed indicators.
Arming of the auto throttle system is done by moving the engage switch on the control panel
to the arm position. Engagement of the system with the servo-actuators controlling the
throttles is done by pressing lever mounted switches designated as take off/go around
(TOGA). The servo-actuators then advance the throttles at a particular rate to the position to
obtain the correct NI value to attain the aircrafts take off speed.

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Speed Control Mode

This mode can be selected through the mode control panel (MCP) of the AFCS. The speed
target set and displayed on the MCP is referred to as the MCP SPD. If vertical navigation (V
NAV) control is selected for AFCS operation, the speed target is provided by the flight
management computer and is referred to as FMC SPD. The auto throttle system is switched
into this speed mode when an aircraft approaches a selected altitude under V NAV control,
and will remain in this mode during altitude hold. Airspeed/Mach feedback signals are
provided by the air data computer.
When the aircraft begins to descend under V NAV control, the auto throttle system retards
the throttles to idle. When the AFCS captures the glideslope beam, the VNAV mode is
disengaged and the auto throttle system switches to the MCP SPD mode.

Auto Throttle System

This system is computer controlled and controls the thrust of the aircrafts engines within
specific design parameters. It is designed to operate in conjunction with the AFCS to
maintain an aircrafts speed and vertical path. When the AFCS mode is controlling the
vertical path of an aircraft, the auto throttle maintains airspeed through thrust control.
Autothrottle can be utilised during approach to maintain the correct approach attitude and
speed. Used in conjunction with the AFCS, the autothrottles can maintain an optimum AOA
in the final approach phase before flaring and touchdown on the runway threshold.
Typically engaged using Autopilot control panel. Disengagement switch typically on throttle,
in illustration disengage is on outer side of each throttle lever (indicated by labels on

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Thrust Management Computer (TMC)

Purpose is to automatically set the proper thrust level for the engines. The output servo
motor moves the throttle linkage to set the level of engine power calculated by the TMC.
Servos can be electrically powered, or powered by pressurised air, fuel or hydraulics. The
system includes sensors on engines which monitor the important engine operating
parameters. The monitoring of engine parameters is used to prevent exceeding any engine
operating limitation for RPM, EPR, EGT, etc. The autothrottle system can be used to
maintain a given climb rate, indicated airspeed, Mach number, or descent rate. The 767 has
autoland capabilities and the autothrottle system will automatically close the throttles just
prior to landing so that a smooth touchdown can be made. The TMC also provides a
minimum speed protection which will maintain a safe margin above stall speed for the
particular flight configuration

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Selection of a desired speed value is made on the AFCS mode control panel.
Approach gain of the auto throttle system is determined either by glideslope capture or by
radio altitude and flap position. Approach gain provides high gain setting for more precise
speed control and reduced throttle motion during changes of flap position. During an
approach in turbulent conditions, the gain tends to cause the system to be high on speed and
the degree of overspeed depends on the magnitude of turbulence.
During the landing flare maneuver, the retard rate of thrust reduction is adjusted so that
throttle angle is reduced to idle in 6 seconds. Retard occurs at 27 feet of radio altitude during
an automatic or manual landing. If it is not initiated by radio altitude, it can also occur 1.5
seconds after an automatic flare. When the aircraft lands and the ground mode is sensed,
the throttles are moved aft at 8 degrees a second to remove any residual displacement
above the idle position. The autothrottle system is disengaged after 2 seconds.

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