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Identity: Calvin Rankin

Group: Invaders
Player Name: Patrick Gerrity
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 225
Height: 6'2"
Skin: White
Age: 40

Fighting: RM(31) Wolverine

Agility: EX(16) Northstar
Strength: AM(46) Colossus
Endurance: AM(46) Colossus
Reason: GD(11)
Intuition: IN (41)
Psyche: RM(26)
Popularity: RM(28)
Resources: PR(3)

Form: Mutant
Origin: Chemical Exposure

Health: 124
Karma: 50

Power Absorption: UN(88)

Lock Down

Mimic has the Unearthly ability to copy up to 5 peoples power sets at once. This allows him to use their powers at will and at the same time, but
at half efficiency. Should he wish to duplicate anthers powers he would have to choose which set to abandon. His current sets include:
Recovery: AM(46)
Regeneration: AM(46) (1Pt/Rnd)
Resistance to Toxins: AM(46)
Senses- Hearing: RM(26)
Senses- Smell: EX(16)
Bone Claws: EX(16) (can combine these with a Colossus form
and gain Amazing claws)

Husking: EX (25)

Body Armor: RM(26)

Flight: UN(88)

Professor Xavier:
Telepathy: AM(50)

Universal Translator

Mimic does not duplicate the innate safeguards incorporated in the original power unless he makes a successful Yellow FEAT.
May only Duplicate another mutants powers
May not duplicate talents or knowledge
May only duplicate 5 subjects at a time
May only duplicate at half the original potency, rounded up.
Calvins original physical stats are all rated at Typical with a health of 24. Should Calvin duplicate a stat that is better than one he possess it will
take its place.
Martial Arts A
Martial Arts B
X- Men

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