Child Abuse Tok Practice Presentation

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Child Discipline from

Traditional Chinese Culture

Edwin Gou

Child Discipline is an act of trainning child to obey
rules or codes of behavior, using punishment to
correct disobedience

Knowledge Question
To what extent is an act of child discipline included as child
abuse from the chinese tradition and human sciences

Chuas Story
A story about Chuas life where her Mother kept demanding her to
get A for every subject, learn to play advanced music sheet. At the
beginning, she stressed out, and her mother hit her several times,
but after years, she become one of the best students in her school
and she believe that its because of her mother was being strict to
From other perspective, Chua lost her happy childhood, the best
part of life where we can play everytime. Her past are full of dark
pasts wheres theres no fun at all. Furthermore, the risk of suicide
will increase due to the stess.

Chinese Culture
Chineses believe that their way of disciplining their kids is the best
because they use fear factor(Dewar)
Chinese family believe that by forcing them to study, it will make
them develop more instead of letting them to develop by their own.

Dama jiaoyu, or hitting-and-cursing education. Traditional

Chinese family tradition (Tatlow)
Its the effort that make our children become diligent child

Chineses way of Disciplining

Research forom USA said that most of the Chinese in USA Scored
higher at SAT, especially in Math and Sciences.(dewar)
Research said that most of them got the same IQ as the other, but the
reason why they are smarter wa s because of their parents.(dewar)
Chinese way of disciplining armed their child with inner confidence,
experience in hardworking, and a good working habits.

Amy Chuas Child Story

When Amy Chuas daughter was still little girl, she mother forced her to
learn an advanced music sheet. If she cannot learn it fast enough, her
mother wont allow her to eat dinner, and sometimes she hit her.
Amy Chuas daughter managed to learn the sheet and she was proud
becase she can play the sheet.
She siad that she is used to do hardwork since she was forced to do
hardwork when she was a kid

Ethic Perspective

Hitting Our own child is wrong

Its not ethical to hit others

Chinese ways of disciplining children could affect the child mentally and

25% of abused children are under the age if 3
45% of abused children are under the age of 5
35.6% of child fatalities caused by neglect alone, 26.3% from physical abuse
alone, and 21.9% from both neglect and physical abuse.
Suicide risk ammong people
Never abused 6%
Physical abuse victim 11.7%
Sexual Abuse victim 14%
Both abuse 32.2%

A Story

11 Years Old girl found on a road in China with wound and scars all over
her body



The best way to discipline child according to chinese cultureis by being

strict and give child punishment to the child

Best normal way to discipline child are by telling kids to not do that
again and tell the consequences if they do it again.

Work Cited

Intlekofer, Kristen Discipline or Abuse?, John Hopkins Magazine, 2012, web,

22 June 2016,

Dewar, GwenWhat research says about Chinese Kids and what they succeed
2012, web, 22 June 2016

Parenting Sciece.

Tatlow, Didi KirstenChinas Harsh Child Discipline, Through the Lens of

The New York Times, 9 March 2016, web, 24 June 2016

Stone, MarkChinese Girl Subjected To Horrific AbuseSkyNews, 14 May 2013,

web, 24 June 2016

Poladian, CharlesChild abuse could lead to a lifetime bad decission Medical

2012, web, 26 June 2016

Daily,25 May

Child Abuse Facts SafeHorizon, n.d, web, 26 June 2016

Fatalities Due to Child Abuse and NeglectAmericanHumaneAssociation. N.d. Web. 26 June 2016

Domestic Violence,

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