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1. This is Mat, a sissy cat.

His doctor sent him to the jungle for one day in order to Mat lose his fear.
Look carefully to the picture. Can you write all the animals in the picture?

There is a __________________ on the water.

There are __________________ ploughs.
There is a__________________ behind the ferns.
There is a__________________ on the stairs.
There is a__________________ on top of Mats hat.

2. Try to complete the sentences with the simple past and past continuous.
Mat was __________ (to walk) in the jungle and he ______________ (negative of to do) realise that he
__________ (to be) on top of a crocodile. He ________ (to be) too scared to pay attention. The tiger _______
___________ (to look) at Mat. He ______ _________ (to think) Today, Im going to eat a good meal! A small spider
____________ (to take) a lift on Mats hat while the monkeys _________ ___________ (to take) his things out of his
rucksack. An adventurous mouse ______ ___________ (to explore) a tomb and behind him a big Anaconda ______
___________ (to wait) for the right moment to catch him.
3. What happened next? Write a small story.

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