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Toms Prez

Summary A doctor in the house

Although it may seem like science fiction, in the USA, engineers and doctors at the
Center for Future Health in New York are developing user-friendly gadget prototypes to
help people to identify and prevent diseases, without having to rely on hospitals, and so
to lead healthier lives.
For example, they proposed a toothbrush that tests blood sugar and bacteria, smart
bandages which recognize bacteria and finds out which antibiotic would work best,
socks designed to detect the sum of pressure in your foot and lets you know when an
ulcer is forthcoming, a melanoma monitor which gives early warnings of cancer, a
friendly speech recognizer digital doctor that answers questions about your symptoms
and a portable communication aid -also with built-in voice recognition- which alerts you
when you are about to lose your temper and how to keep your cool.
Even though the projects should have significant implications, scientists are still trying
to find the way out to the economical issue: how to make a low-priced and easy-to-use
product for the consumer.

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