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August 27, 2015

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are happy to announce that STEM Club will once again be held
at Salem Avenue Elementary. We know that students love STEM club,
and there is always a large turn out. We will be offering the club for
students in grades 2-5. Just like last year, all interested students will be
invited to audition. This allows our club to stay at a manageable size.
Please know that auditions are held each year; if a student does not
make it into STEM club this year there will be future opportunities.
Tryouts will consist of a STEM challenge in which we will
examine/rate how well the student:
Works collaboratively in a group
Gives input and participates in helping to solve the challenge
Uses creative thinking and shares new ideas with the group
Once the STEM club is created, students will be notified through the
schools morning announcements, and a certificate will be sent home.
A letter will be sent home with Students who do not make it into the
STEM Club this year encouraging them to tryout again next year.
Students need to be invested and committed to participating in the
club. This includes attending each meeting, coming on time, leaving on
time, and working as team players during the clubs activities. It is vital
that parents pick-up their child on time, as teachers are volunteering
their afterschool time in order for the club to be successful.
Interested students can get a participation form from their
classroom teacher. All forms need to be turned in by Friday, September
4, 2015.
Thank you,
Mrs. Stotelmyer and Mr. Fagan

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