Customer Loyalty Questionnaire

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Customer Loyalty Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions:1) Did the product purchased from XYZ Company
satisfy you? _______ 2) If the product purchased by you, required home delivery, then was it
fast? ________________________________________________________________________ 3
) Have you received proper after sale service from XYZ Company?
_______________ 4) Would you like to purchase goods and services from this company
again? ____________ 5) Does this company have an extensive stock that can cater to the needs
of a customer? ___________ 6) Would you recommend products of this company to your
friends and relatives?__________ 7) According to you, what products should the company stock
in so that the requirement of thecustomer is
fulfilled? _____________________________________________________________________
8) Does the staffs of this company helpful? __________ 9) Did you receive a proper
demonstration on the product that you bought by the
concerned professional? __________________________________________________________
___________ 10) According to you, what are the best products of this company? ____________
__________________________________________________ 11) How long have you been the c
ustomer of this company? ___________ 12) After receiving your recommendation, have any of y
our friends or relatives becomea customer of this company?

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