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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN
Name: Giray GEBES

Date: 06/15/2016

Topic Selected:
What does the research say about advantages and disadvantages of distance
What does the literature/research say about this issue/topic? By using NAU
Library or Online Search engines, conduct a literature review.

You need to include 5 different sources (book, journal article, web article
etc.) in your review. Try to use current sources as much as possible.

You need to summarize and synthesize your sources by discussing a

common theme or issue.

You don't need to critique your sources

You don't need to evaluate your sources (if the sources are trustworthy,
weather the author has a bias or not)

You need to provide background information such as history and


Brief Literature Review:

Let me start with the definition of distance education. Cengiz Poyraz (October 2013)
says that distance education, which is a planned way of teaching in which students and
instructors are brought face to face in a classroom environment in several different ways
by means of technology, has started to become widespread in many fields today. In
distance education, students and instructors reside in different locations. We can also
use the definition of Wikipedia such as Distance education or distance learning is
the education of students who may not by always be physically present at a school.
I want to continue with the historical background of the distance education. Sue
Greer-Pit (2001) says that distance education is nothing new. One-way televised
college courses have been available since 1950s. But in last twenty years have seen
distance education become more wide spread, popular, and more commercial.
La Vonne Fedynich (2007) mentions some advantages of this type of education. He
says that technology has become an essential way to handle the education, training,
and retraining needs of expanding knowledge society. She also says the hybrid or

blended course is another advantage of distance education. In addition to these ideas,

she emphasizes that universities also realize advantages to hosting online classes, as
student population tend to increase. According to Fedynich (2007) the biggest
disadvantage is consider one of the basic facts pertaining to online learning: students
and faculty have to be computer literate. She finally ends her opinions with lack of
instructor face time is another issue that has been seen as a downside to cyber learning
especially for students.
Challoo, Saldana, Davis, and Kupczynski (June 2010) underlines an interesting fact
of older students are not as familiar with online programs. In addition, professors need
more time to prepare for online classes. They also add that online courses from the
students perspective are in demand which allow students with family and job obligations
to continue their education.
Fullerton, Sam; Taylor, David B.; Watson, John say that the literature identifies a host
of potential benefits that the online student may reap. The most commonly mentioned
benefit is that of accessibility and convenience. As such, web-based instruction (WBI)
has been characterized as quick and easy. Their main idea is the online classes are
becoming more mainstream, more academically qualified professors are stepping into
the virtual classroom.


What is your personal opinion on this issue? Do you agree with the
research? If you agree or disagree, please explain why?
Provide examples/experiences regarding this issue from school
perspective or If you are not working in a school, from your profession. Be
specific with your examples. You can mention software/hardware names,
specific methods that you plan to use, etc.
How would you implement this research in your career? (At least 1

I read four peer viewed articles and one more web article about this topic and I see
that there are some common outcomes the researchers agree with. My personal opinion
is simple. Online courses are unpreventable. They are cheap, improving and, suitable for
the people who work or have family like me. Of course as all types of education there
are some disadvantages with it like lack of interaction or it requires a lot of training for
teachers and students to adapt the system but when I compare the advantages and
disadvantages I can say that online courses are a need and their benefits outweigh.
As an example, I can give you my situation at my school. I was the principal of my
previous school in South Africa before I came to U.S. Having a Master degree was not a

requirement to be an administrator at schools there but in U.S. I have to have Master

degree even to be a teacher. I am forty years old with two kids and a wife. I have to work
and study at the same time so online courses are the perfect solution for me.
I was feeling a bit guilty for being an online student before I read these articles. I was
thinking that people around me will underestimate my Master Degree because I am not
a regular course student but I see that they are becoming very common now. This
research changed my mind. I can be proud of what I am doing right now.
The second implementation to my life will be that I will recommend my students to
take online course for their summer holiday time. Time is something precious. No one
should waste it, especially the young generations. I will urge them to use it wisely like
having Math or ELA online courses in their holidays.


Cite at least 5 References in APA.

You may use for citing
your sources in APA style.

Challoo, L., Saldana, J., Davis, R. and, Kupczynski, L. (June 2010). Successful Internet
Base Online Instruction. Retrieved from
Fedynich, L. V. (February 2007). Teaching beyond the Classroom Walls: The Pros and
Cons of Cyber Learning. Retrieved from
Fullerton, S., Taylor, D. B. and, Watson, J. (2009). Web-Based Instruction & Online
Delivery of Classes: Where Are We Now?. Retrieved from

Greer-Pit, S. (2001). Distance Learning: Silver Bullet or Educational Apartheid?.

Retrieved from
Poyraz, C. (October 2013). Investigating Distance Education Students' Study Skills.
Retrieved from

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