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Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________________

Evaluating Our Sources

Ms. Garrisons Class
1. What web browser are you using? (Circle one)
Internet explorer / Chrome / Safari / Fire fox
2. What is the URL (web address) of the web site you are using?
3. What is the name of the site?

What does this source look like?

Put an X in the yes or no box for each question
Did the page take a long time to load?
Are there pictures on the page?
Are there a lot of pictures or large pictures?
Is the spelling correct on the page?
Is there a table or information presented in columns on the page?
Is there a date that the website was made or edited?
Are there any sounds on the page?



What did you learn?



Put an X in the yes or no box for each question

Does the title of the paper tell you what its about?
Is there an introduction, telling you whats on the site?
Are the facts you were looking for on the page?
Would you of gotten more information if you had used an
Would this site of been more useful than an encyclopedia?
Do you agree with what the author says?

Is there useful links to more information?

Is there any information on the page that you know is wrong?
Do the pictures help you learn?
Summary: look at your responses to the questions above and decide if it will or will not
be helpful for your project. Write three sentences describing why.

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