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Planning Form

Name of Activity: Do you hear the sound of that egg

Originating Idea: Using hearing senses
Curriculum Area: Science
Materials: Plastic eggs filled with various objects cotton, rice, beans, marbles
and paperclips etc. Permanent marker, worksheet, scissors, glue, pencils

Appropriate Age group: 3-5

Beginning of Activity: Draw ovals to represent the eggs. Label each one with a
number use marker, have a already made worksheet. Fill plastic eggs with various
objects before hand. Draw small pictures of what is going to be inside the eggs.
Labeled with the names of the objects.

Early: Explain to the class that they will shake each egg and try to guess what is
inside. Show them the drawings of the objects so they have something to relate to

Middle: Children will select which object they think is inside the egg and cut out
the matching picture; glue the object onto the corresponding numbered egg on the
first worksheet

Later: Continue on until all the eggs have been done, After all the answers have
ben recorded on th worksheet, have the children open each egg to see what is

End of Activity: Talk to children about their guesses then discuss the sense of
hearing and how it helped to identify the sounds i8nside the eggs. Tell children we
have five more minutes then start a song; while lining up for transition time.

Follow-up Ideas: Put eggs and objects form inside the eggs in the science area
for sound science shakers with the containers that are different or juice cans,
pudding cups or anything small that will hold the items.

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