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1. What kind of abnormality does the mans father has?

Polidaktili is an abnormality inherited by a dominant autosomal gene P,
that causes people to have extra fingers on one or both hands and/or toes.
It is commonly found as extra fingers on one or both hands. The extra
fingers can grow in different places, one can be found on the thumb and
also on the pinky finger.
2. Why would this abnormality be inherited?
Polidaktili is a genetic abnormality from parent genetic
3. What are the factors besides inheritance that can cause the abnormality to
Besides inheritance, another factor is teratogenic. Teratogenic is a medical
term originated from Greek that translate to creating monster. Teratogenic
is when theres an abnormal growth in the cell during pregnancy that
damage embryo and causes imperfect formation of the organs. This
damage usually occurs only when an embryo that has gone through
organogenesis is exposed to teratogen substances. There are 3 classes of
teratogenic substances:
a. Physical, such as radiation, X-ray, and gamma ray. If a pregnant woman
is exposed to nuclear radiation, then the embryo will be born with physical
abnormality. There are no specific type of physical damage that radiation
can do to pregnant woman because teratogenic agent can damage
random organ.
b. Biological, such as virus infection and nutrition. The biological agent
mostly known by pregnant woman is the TORCH (toxoplasma, rubella,
cytomegalo virus and herpes). These agents are known to cause
congenital abnormality to the fetus.
c. Chemical, such as drugs and alcohol where if consumed by the pregnant
mother can affect brain growth and reduce intelligence or mental
retardation. It can also cause physical abnormalities to the face and body.
4. What will happen to their descendants if married?
Answer :
(Affected Dad)
(Normal Mom)
Pp:Polidaktili (50%)
pp:normal (50%)
(Normal Man)
(Normal woman)
pp: normal (100%)
5. What are the solutions for this couple?
6. Is there any other kinds of inherited abnormality?

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