Affidavit For Arrest Warrant - Flint Harrison

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING FRANK J. ZEBRE, CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE THE STATEOF WYOMING, ) Plant, ) ) ws ) AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT ) FLINT WAYNEHARRISON > FIL Defendant. } Br. STATEOFWYOMING — ) ‘ mae Be 5 ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN) SSP tes raw 1, Special Agent (SA) Mike Carson, being of lawl age and upon his oath fist aly swom, deposes and says as follows: Your AMlat was assigned to the Southwest Enforcement Team as Special Agent (SA) with the State of ‘Wyoming, Office of the Atiomey General, Division of Criminal Investigation (DCD, and isa Peace Officer es defzed in Wyoming State Statute §§ 91-611(@) and 9-1-6110) Gv). Your affant has worked in this capacity, since October, 2006. Your AMiant was acting as such dusing all tes pertinent herein. The {information contained inthis affidavit is for the purpose of establishing probable cause and does not include all facts Known to your Affant reguding this investigtion. The activites oudind below occured in Lincoln County, ‘Wyoming and within the Sate of Wyoming. Relevant infomatioa fo the Site of Uah was also incled, 2. On May 10, 2016, the Centerville Police Department, Centerville, Uish, responded to a reported kidnapping and aggravated assault involving five (5) female victims. It was reported that Flint HARRISON and Dereck (DJ) HARRISON, hereinafter referred to as F. HARRISON and D. HARRISON, who were known to the victims, had bound the female victims with prearrenged supplies such as duct tape and zip ties. One (1) ofthe victims wae struck in the head with a baschall bat and another victim was strangled with the bat. All Sve victims were threatened with a shotgun. The alleged assault lasted for proximately ten (10) minutes, 3. Responding Law Enforcement Officer's from the Centerville Police Department learned F. HARRISON and D, HARRISON fled the area driving a silver vehicle, ‘possibly a Chevrolet Subusban or Tahoe, owned hy F. HARRISON, A search of F. HARRISONS's cellular telephone records showed a text message coaversetion ring the time of the assault between F. HARRISON and D. HARRISON. A text ‘message made reference to D. HARRISON telling F. HARRISON to go into the room when the hostages were being held and how D. HARRISON would come into the room with a machete, + Shortly after the kidnapping and assaults of the five (5) females, e Silver Chevrolet Suburban, discovered to be owned by F. HARRISON, was found sbandoned close to Farmington, Utah, near the border with Centerville, Utah on May 11,2016. ‘On May 11, 2016, Arrest Warrants were issued for the arrest of F. HARRISON and D. HARRISON for th alleged Kidnapping and aggravated assaults that took Place upon the five (5) female vietims in the state of Utah, The warrants were ‘entered into NCIC and were extraditable nationwide, (On May 12, 2016, st approximately 3:00 pm, Kay Porter Ricks amrived for his ‘work shift with the Utah Transit Authority (UIA) at 2264 South 900 West, Salt Lake City, Utah, Around 4:15 pra, K. Rieks left the JRRC yard. At approximately 4:59 pe, 9 commotion was transmitted over K. Ricks radio, which was followed by his radio being tumed off at 5:00 pm. Around 6:00 pm, UTA Dispatch attempted to contact K. Ricks by radio to send him to a trouble ticket, K. Ricks Ed not respond. On May 13, 2016, at approximately 12:05 am, UTA reports K. ‘Ricks missing to the Salt Lake City Police Department (SLPD), Arouad 1:03 am, Lorie Ricks, the wife of K. Ricks, called and reported K, Ricks missing to the Slt ‘Lake City Police Department. Along with K. Ricks being reported missing, the ‘UTA vehicle K. Ricks was operating prior to his disappearance wes also missing ‘Investigation by UTA Law Enforcement indicated that K. Ricks was reportedly an. outstending employee and his disappearance was out of character to fellow ‘employees and fimily members. Kay Porter Ricks, (DOBxx/x/1953) was entered into the National Crime nformation Ceater (NOIC) as @ MissingyEndangeced person. At the time of his disappearance, K. Ricks was reportedly wearing « long sleeve plaid shict of an ‘unkown color, blue jeans and possibly aright orange safety vest . ‘The UTA vehicle K. Ricks was last known o be operating was entered into NCIC 5 a stolen vehicle. The vehicle was described a5 2013 white Ford F-150; bearing Utah Registration 206886EX. K. Ricks was also known to have a Google Nexus 7 tablet and a portable hand held radio atthe time of his disappearance, ‘Tae value of the UTA property was in excess of one thousand ($1000.00) dollars, based on a Kelly Blue Book evaluation. 10. By entering K. Ricks asa missing person, and the UTA vehicle as stolen in NCIC, ‘Utah Law Enforcement effectively shared the information with Law Enforcement Notionvvide and in particular the suxounding stetes of Wyoming, 1daho and ‘Nevada. Information regarding K, Ricks and the missing vebicle was published ‘on Local news outlets, which cover Utah and Wyoming, 11. As a result of the investigation, Utuh Law Enforcement leamed F, HARRISON lived in Pinedale, Wyoming. F. HARRISON’s ex-wife, MaryAnn Harrison, ‘mentioned to Utah Law Enforcement that she believed if F. HARRISON needed ‘to etcape Law Enforcement he would flee to the State of Wyoming, Law Enforcement throughout the Stale of Wyoming was notified regerding the possible whereabouts of F. HARRISON and D, HARRISON, 12, Given the fect that F. HARRISON and D. HARRISON ‘nad tiesto the Pinedale, ‘Wyoming area, Law Enforcement focused their efforts in locating the ‘HARRISON’s to the area around Pinedale, Wyoming, 13, On May 14, 2016 at approximately 1:45 am, F, HARRISON surrendered himself to the Sublette County Sherif"s Office in Pinedale, Wyoming, F, HARRISON ‘was taken into custody forthe outstanding Arrest Warrants issued for him out of the State of Uteh regarding the alleged kidnapping and aggravated assaults, Sublete County Sherifs Office Investigators conducted a non-Mirandized recorded interview with F. HARRISON. The purpose of the interview was to biain information about the location and intentions of D. HARRISON, who sccording to F. HARRISON, presented a substantial risk to public safety. The interview was limited in scope to identify the location end intentions of D. HARRISON, 14.F. HARRISON started the interview by stating to Sublette County Sheriff's Detective lan Allen, you guys have a problem. F. HARRISON went on to state that D. HARRISON was hiding in the area near Half Moon Lake, Sublette County, Wyoming, and wamed that D. HARRISON would shoot i out with Law Enforcement if he was located, F, HARRISON told the investigator thet D. HARRISON was @ “Iillee” and he had killed people in the past and how D. HARRISON would steal a vehicle to get away. F. HARRISON told the investigator that D, HARRISON thd talked about assaulting the police sation and ‘thet D, HARRISON knew the Oiffcecs went to thoir vehicles through the back oor. The investigator with the assistance of F. HARRISON looked at maps of Pinedale, Wyoming, attempting to locate the caneealed position of D, HARRISON, 15, Several times during the interview, F. HARRISON alluded to Detective Allen, (hat F. HARRISON hed information regarding @ murder and other crimes, but ‘Wanted to speak to an attorney prior to releasing more details, Detective Allen did rot pursue further details surrounding these purported crimes and focused bis «questions in the area of locating and apprehending D. HARRISON. 16. On Saturday, May 14, 2016, D. HARRISON was arrestod without incident by a United States Forest Service (USFS), Law Fnforcement Officer, walking on the Fremont Lake Road, Sublette County, Wyoming. D. HARRISON was booked {nto the Sublette County Wyoming Jail, 17. Oa May 17, 2016, at approximately 8:08 am, Dismondville Police (DPD) Chief, Mike Thompson, received an email ffom Sublette County Sherif's (SCSO) Deputy, Robert Laing. In the email, Deputy Leing relayed infocmation to Chief ‘Thompson that be had received information that two (2) knows, but unnamed females observed a vehicle matching the description of K. Ricks UTA work Vehicle inthe drive thru of the Arctic Circe in Diamondville, Wyoming. Deputy ‘Laing asked Chief Thompson to contact him for further information. 18, The two females were contacted and shown photographs of F. HARRISON, D. HARRISON and K. Ricks and asked if they obsorved any of the three inside the Vehicle while at Arctic Circle. Your Affiant learned fiom the fecales that only ‘to (2) persons were visible in the UTA truck. Both females did not recognize K. Ricks, but did recognize both F. HARRISON and D. HARRISON as occupants inside K. Ricks’ UTA vehicle, 19, The Diamondville Potice Department conducted a search of local surveillance ‘cameras and observed a vehicle similar to K. Ricks’ missing UTA vehicle passing by the Maverik Country Store gas station in Kemmerer, Wyoming on May 12, 2016, The video surveitlance showed two (2) unidentifiable pectoos inside K. Ricks UTA vehicieas it drove by the Maver, 20. On May 17, 2016, at approximately S15 pm, Chief Thompson and Lincoln ‘County Sherif's (LCSO) Deputy, Cory Stoof, began searching the roadways in and around Kemmerer, Wyoming, in response to the information received from the Sublete County Sherifs Office about the possibilty of K. Ricks" body being amped slong the road. SCSO Deputies discovered the information related to K. Ricks body fiom follow-up interviews and investigation they conducted, 21. The Officers drove south on Highway 189 to the Lincoln County/Uinta Cousty line, where they met with Wyoming Highway Patrol (VHP) Tzoopers, White and ‘Bluemel, who had received the same information. Amongst themselves, the Lew Enforcement Officers divided up the areas that needed to be searched. 22. On Tuesday, May 17, 2016, at approximately 5:54 PM, Chief Thompson end Deputy Stoof, riding in the same vehicle, drove to Highway 412, commonly ‘now as the Carter Cutof, located in Lincola County, Wyoming. After reaching Highway 412, Deputy Stoof and Chief Thompson decided to search a side road that went toward the Cumberland Roc Quarry. 23. After being on the dirt road fora brief period of time, Deputy Stoof spotted whet he described as a blue colored object on the ground. Deputy Stoof believed the object to be & pair of blue jeans. The object was located a short distance off the road te the north, 24. Upon geting out of the patol vehicle the Law Enforcement Officers walked to a ‘vantage point where they were able to clearly see a body. WHP Troopers Bizernel and White arrived and assisted in establishing a perimeter while Deputy Stoof *otifed his supervisors of the discovery of the body and Chief Thompson notified Utah Law Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (EBD. After ‘aking notifications, Deputy Stoof started an entry/exit log for the crime scene and established a staging area well avay ftom the location of the body. 25. On Tuesday, May 17, 2016, at approximately 6:30 PM, Lincoln County Sheriff, Shane Johnson, requested the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation respond and assume the responsiblity as the primary investigative agency. Your ‘Afflant and other DCI Agents responded. 26. While enroute to the scene, your Afiant was notified that Law Enforcement Office's ffom the UTA, Centerville Police Department (CPD) and FBI were on svene. It was later discovered the Utah Law Enforcement presence at the soene ‘was osincidence, as they were traveling to Pinedale, Wyoming, to conduct follow- 'p investigation related to the Centerville case when they received information from Chief Thompson about the discovery of the body. 27. Upon your Affiants arrival on scene, he was provided a brief description of the body location. Following the briefing, your Afiant and other Law Enforcement (Officers conducted a brief inspection ofthe body locstion. 28, On May 17, 2016, at approximately 8:40 pm, your Affiant, UTA Detective Ryn ‘Smithson, CPD Officer Jason Read and LCSO Deputy Stoof walked to the body site. Two (2) WHP vehicles were stationed on each end of the crime scene to ‘Prevent further vehicle taffc. Your Affiant, Detective Smithson and Oificee Read approsched, from a direction which was the least likely to disturb evidence, to ‘within about ten (10) fost ofthe body. 29.At approximately §:50 pm, your Affiant and Detective Smithson took ‘Photographs to possibly aid in the identification of the body. At approximately 9:00 pm, your Affiant, Detective Smithson and Officer Read retuned to the staging area 30. Upon reviesring the photographs, the preliminary indication was that the body. speared to be that of UTA worker, Kay Porter Ricks, This was based on the zame tag on the right chest, which had the word “Kay” spelled out end the UTA. ‘Logo on «patch locsted onthe left chest. 31. The general physicel characteristics of the body were strikingly similar to K. Ricks, However, due to the significant damage tothe area beoween the eye brows and the upper lip, facial features were unrecognizable. It appeared K. Ricks had sustained significant impact trauma to his head, which rendered the nose, eye sockets and fais ‘tates indistinguishabe, 32, Based on the appearance of K. Ricks clothing, it looked as if K Ricks hed been, ‘moved to concesl his location. Tis impression was farmed because of the positon of K. Ricks’ shir cola; it did not ley in the natural position ofa typical ‘button up shirt. The front collar partially covered tae lacecation across the fiont of his neck and the back collar of the shirt was pulled up on the back of the neck. ‘Tae froat let pants pocket appeared to be in a postion as ifit had been used as @ ‘hand hold K. Ricks le arm was essentially lying alongside his body i line with the seam of is pans. K. Ricks’ right arm was positioned with «sight angle away ‘fom the side of his body, 533, Based or the clearly visible injury to Ricks facial area, the laceration on his neck, ‘and the overall appearance of the body, the decision was made to not approach until the scene could be processed for evidence 534. The Wyoming Stete Crime Lab wes requested to respond and assist in processing tho scene, Your Affint, UTA Police Officers and Lincoln County Sheriff's Deputies secured the scene until the arival of the Jab personnel. From approximately 5:56 pm, continning to the releasing ofthe scene on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, at approximately 10:52 pm, Lincoln County Sherifs Deputies ‘compiled an entry and exit og to the scene 35, Based on readily identified needs, DCI Agents and other Lew Enforcement Officers were released ffom the scene to travel to Pinedale, Wyoming, and conduct further investigation 36. The apparent homicide sone was located approximately nine tenths (09) of @ mile off of Highway 412, Lincoln County, Wyoming, The Global Position (GPS) location of K. Ricks body was North 42°35.186", West 110°34,050, The scene ‘was mostly covered with large sage brush, some in excess of five (5) fect tall, and various types of bushes. Te locstion of K. Ricks’ body wes surrounded by @ revel/dist roed. On the north end of the scene was a cilapidated bridge built ‘coun 1934, which crossed the North Fork of Muddy Creek. On the south end of the scone was a large culvert, approximately eight (8) feet in diameter, allowing he small, winding creek to pass under the main toed. 37. The intial processing consisted of ovecal digitel photographs from Highway 412 ‘othe location of K. Ricks’ body. The immediate ares around the body location ‘was also documented with a laser scanner and digital photographs. Aerial Photographs and video images of the overall scene were obtained prior to removing K. Ricks’ body. 38. From the dirt road, K. Ricks’ body was well concealed underneath sage brush ‘which was approximately five (5) fet tall. The position of K. Ricks’ body was spproximately 45 fect (staight line distance) ftom the closest road. While conducting the photographs end scans of the ares, rumerous items of evidence ‘were noted and ultimately collected as evidence. 39, On the creck bank approximately ten (10) feet from K. Ricks’ feet, weee what appeared to be foot prints and impressions left in the soft, mud covered ereek Dottom. At the time of the scene processing, the small creek wes outside ofits ‘natural banks. In the same area, an indention consistent with the shape of a Derson’s knee was noted in the mud. Within inches ofthe depression, an area of reddish brown stain consistent with aged blood was observed. Inthe same general ‘rea were thro impressions which were consistent with a person’s fingers being ‘Pressed into the soft banc which caused mud to squeeze between the fingers 40. In the shallow water along the creck benk, several impressions consistent with ‘boot prints were noted. On the opposite bank of the eree, an impression wich sppeared to be going toward the creek from the opposite bate was noted. No ‘details of tread pattems were visible in any of the suspected shoe prints, For several days prior to the discovery of K, Ricks’ body, off ad on periods of rein had fallen over the area, 41. Immediately above the exec bottom, on the bank below K. Ricks’ body, several ‘eas of reddish brown stain consistent with aged blood were observed, photographed and samples collected 42. blood covered utility type knife wes recovered from under K. Ricks? let foot, The knife was of folding style with «replaceable bade 43. 1n the left breast pocket of K. Ricks’ blue shirt was a wallet which contained a ‘Utah Drivers License bearing the name Kay Porter Ricks and a photograph of a ‘male consistent with the body. Dve to the extensive damage tothe facial arsa, it ‘Was impossible to determine eye olor, nose or cheek features, 44, Approximately fifty (50) yards fom the position of K. Ricks’ body, an orange safety vest was located lying on the bank of the creek, under the dilapidated bridge. Attached to the vest was a UTA identification card bearing @ photogragh and the name of Kay Ricks, 45. On the roadiway just west of the dilapidated bridge, on a large piece of sage brush, spproximataly sixty (60) yards ftom K, Ricks body, « gray, plaid flannel shire, ‘with @ lining, was discovered. Immediately opposite of the shirt, were several stems of & sage brush which had whet appeared to be fluorescent green peint sprayed on them. Approximately sixty five ($5) yerds from K. Ricks’ body, were ‘wo @) cigarette buts 46.00n the roadway, which completely surrounded the location of K. Rica’ body, ‘were numerous sets of tte impressions which were photographed. One set of tire ‘tacks appeared to cross the dilapiated bridge. In crossing the bridge, it appeared 4 ifthe weight of the vehicle had broken several of the boards ox the bridge eck, 47. At approximetely 3:00 pm. K. Ricks body was placed in anew, unused body bas, ‘with an evidence seal and removed ftom the scene and transported to Salt Lake City, Utah, pending a postmortem examination. 48.0n May 18, 2016, four (4) Search Warrants were applied for and granted by Jiudge Haws, Ninth (*) Circuit Court, Pinedale, Sublote County, Wyoming. The Search Warrants allowed the search ofthe residence at 36 Arrowhead Aven, Pinedale Wycming, to include th residence, curilage, veils, out buléings and stashed gage end the persons of, HARRISON and, HARRISON who were ‘oud inthe Sublete County Je, Arzong the tems tobe seize included DNA, ‘Trace Evidene, Photographs, Impact Weapons, Cattng Wesposs,Clohing and other biological and miccscopc evidence, 49. Approximately sixty eight (68) items were seized during the execution of the Search Warrants, The evidentiary value of many of the items is not reedily ‘pparent besause DNA and Microscopic examinations are required to estabist value. However, some items seized contain characteristics which would tend to ‘establish connections tothe specific eveats described in the Affidavit. 50. On May 18, 2016, a Search Warrant was execated on D. HARRISON wile he ‘as housed in the Sublete County Jail, Pinedale, Wyoming. Among the items ‘sbjot to seizure, was DNA, clothing and shoes D. HARRISON was booked ia with, The Items were collested by FBI Evidence Technicians and subsequently ‘Photographed. On May 23, 2016, your Affant received copies of photographs of ‘he clothing scized fom D. HARRISON. In reviewing the photographs, your Affiant discovered thet on a white cloth belt was a red colored stain consistent withthe enpearme of blood. While looking atthe photogrepts of the shoes, your Affiat also noted several areas on the shoos with reddish brown stains. Also of ‘ote were the two (2) blac colored hoodies. 51. On May 18, 2016, a Search Warrant was executed on F. HARRISON while he ‘Was housed ia the Sublette County Jail, Pinedale, Wyoming. Among the items subject to seizure, was DNA, clothing and shoes F. HARRISON was booked into the Sublette County Sherif Jil with. The items were ccllecte by FBI Evidence ‘Techmicians and subsequently photographed. On May 23, 2016, your Affient received copies of photographs of the clothing seized fiom F. HARRISON. In reviewing the photographs, your Affiant discovered that on the tongue of F. HARRISONS right shoe, there appeared to be drops of material which ere ‘consistent with grey paint. While looking at the photographs of the shoes, your ‘Aiant also noted several areas on the shoes with reddish brown stuins consistent with aged blood, 52. On May 19, 2016, the missing UTA truck was discovered abandoned on United States Forrest Service (USFS) propesty in the area of Half Moon Lake, Sublet Cousty, Wyoming. The area immediately around the vehicle was photographed ‘and loose items, presumably from the vehicle, were collected and packaged. A. Sergeant with the UTA Police Department provided DCI und FBI Agents with verbal consent to search the vehicle. Agents determined thet making an ‘pplication for a Search Warrant for the UTA vebicle was a predeat decison and 4 Search Warrant was ultimately obtained. Tho vehicle was removed from the {urest and taken to the FBI Building in Salt Lake City, Uteh. On May 20, 2016, ‘the processing of the UTA vehicle took place inthe controlled environment of the BI building 53. Prior to the UTA truck being removed from the scene, your Affant recived a Photowaph of the diiver’s door of the UTA tuck. Clesily visible ia the Photograph was a fluorescent green paint overspray. Your Aiient recognized the ‘Avorescent green color ofthe spray paint as being consistent with the fluorescent ‘geen paint sprayed on a piece of sage brush located approximately sixty (60) yards from K. Ricks" body, 54. On May 19, 2016, tho postmortem examination of K. Ricks’ body took place et the Utah Medical Examines’s Office in Salt Lake City, Utah. Present during the ‘exeminetion was your Affian, the Lineola County Coroner and County Attamey, UTA Police Officers and an FBI Agent. The examination was performed by Doctor Thomes Beane, 35. During the examination, multiple items of evidence were collected from K. Ricks? body. The evidentiary vatze of many of the items is not readily apparent because DNA and Microscopic extminations are required to establish value, 56. Asa resalt ofthe postmortem examination, the following injuries were present om K. Ricks bodys blunt foree impact tothe right temple, superficial, jogged, sharp instrument cuts to the neck, with slashing, cat end stabbing features, defenseype ‘ts to right forearm and palm. Severe crashing opea blunt force impact injuries to face with collepse of eye sockets and globes, crushing open nasal snd ‘asopharyngeel fractures and lacerations, bone fractures extending into cram ‘vault, with mild suberachnoid hemorthage and disetieulation of the jaw Som skull. Thre was also massive aspiration of Blood into the lungs. 57.Dr. Bonnett finthered offered insight that the right temple injury had been ‘nficted well-prior to his death. The neck lacerations, while impressive, injured ‘no major vessels or nerves. The faial wounds were the emishing wounds to K. Ricks’ midface, most consistent with muliple blows from a rigid object forceflly strc om his face, apparently at least three (3) to four (4) times. There ‘was massive aspiration of blood. The circumstances suggested the greatest sspitation was most probebly associated with the aspiration ftom the facial {injuries while he was lying supine on the ground during the process of dying ‘Thore was significant aspiration of blood in the anterior lungs felts, which ‘suggests that e may have been more upright and even leaning forward, 458.Dr, Beonett offered the following “Probable Cause Of Death: Severe crushing, facial injures, due to besting” Dr. Bennett offered the following “Otter ‘Significant Coniitions: Superficial sharp neck and right upper extremity wounds; ‘Blunt traumatic head injuries" 58. On May 20, 2016, your Affant visited the location where Uta Law Enforcement believed the abduction of K. Ricks and the theft of the UTA vehicle took place. At the time your AZfiant visited the possible ehdoction site, no visible evidence remained and your Affiant was relying on the description of the scone by UTA, Law Enforcement. 60. Tt was your Affient's understanding that K, Ricks was believe to be working near the UTA sub-station located at 965 $ 200 W, Salt Lake City, Utah. To your -Affants’ knowledge, the exzct time when K. Ricks was there is unknown. Based ‘on information received fiom UTA Law Enforcement, the signs of a swugale, a broken piece of @ cell phone belonging to K. Ricks end the presence of an ‘unlocked padlock on the gate tothe substation, it appeared es ifthe substation was the location of K. Ricks abduction, 61. Your Affant leamed from UTA Law Enforcement thet on May 12, 2016, at spproximately 6:59 pm, UTA Law Enforcement reeived a broken eal phone ‘om concemed citizens who fbund it Iying on the roed near 1050 200 W, Salt Lake City, Uteh. Investigation into the cellular telephone resulted init being ‘entified as belonging to Ricks and the discovery of the previously mentioned digital vidoo images. 62. On May 20, 2016, your Affiant was shown digital video and still images which ere recorded fiom the business located at 1050 S$ 200 W, Salt Lake City, Utah, ‘The video showed e UTA truck, consistent with K. Ries’ vehicle being driven by ‘the camera at normal speeds at approximately 5:07 pm, May 12, 2016. As the ‘tuck passed in font ofthe cemera, a dark colored abject can be seen filing fom the passenger's side of the vehicle. Your Affiant was unable to sce the total smamber of occupants in the UTA vehicle, Your Adfiact also leamed tha! the last +adio tanstalssion received fiom K. Ricks mobile radio wes around 4:59 pm. A review of the radio transmission by your Affant gave the impression of a male ‘oice attempting to contact his dispatch center, The mle voive sounded Iusied and higher pitched as if someone was stressed, The transmission was then abruptly stopped, (63. In addition, On May 12, 2016, two (2) known, but unnamed females observed a ‘vehicle matching the description of K. Ricks work vehicle in the dsive tha ofthe Acciie Cele in Diamonéville, Wyoming. At the time the females observed the vehicle, they were in line in their own vehicle, which was in front of the UTA. truck, After thinking they recognized the people in the UTA truck, one (1) ofthe fecales pulled up the photos of the HARRISONS, Initially, they were uasure shout sesing F. HARRISON because the photo they looked at on their cell phone showed an older photo and it ddu’'t have a “white are” around his mouth, After several days of discussion with thir mother, they reported the sighting to Law ‘Baforcement, Both females were shown photographs of F. HARRISON, D. HARRISON and K. Ricks by the Diamondville Police Chief and asked if they ‘sew any of the thre inside the vehicle while at Arctic Cirsle, Both femsles did ‘not recognize K. Ricks, but did recognize both F. HARRISON and D. HARRISON as cecupants inside the UTA vehicle, Several days later, after looking at the booking photo fiom Sublette County, Wyoming, the two (2) ‘eras immediately recognized F. HARRISON because of his white goatee. The ‘females indicated that F. HARRISON was the driver of the UTA track and D. HARRISON was sitting in the passenger seat of the vehicle, which was reclined buck One of the females described D, HARRISON as acting very nervous because he kept covering his head witha dack colored hoodie, 64. On May 20, 2016, the UTA vehicle was processed at the FBI Building in Salt Lake City, Utah, As a result ofthe vehicle pressing, approximately ninety two (92) items were seized. The evidentiary value of many of the items isnot readily apparent because DNA and Microscopic exsminations are required to esteblish value. However, some items seized contain characteristics which would tend to ‘establish connections to the specific eveots described inthe Affidavit. 65.01 May 20, 2016, Evidence Technicians recovered a receipt fiom the Arctic ‘Circle Restsurant out of the UTA truck. The receipt indicated the Arctic Circle Restaurant wes located in at 335 US-30 ALT, Diamondville, Wyoming. The receipt was dated May 12, 2016 end the time stamp oa the receipt was 6:48 pun. Investigation by your Affiant revealed the time stamp funetion related to the poist of sale system inthe Arctic Circle was exactly one (1) hour slow, so in seality, the ‘time on the receipt seized ftom the UTA vehicle should have been 7:48 pm. 65. On May 20, 2016, Evidence Technicians recovered samples of fluorescent green paint from the diiver’s and passenger's side doots of the UTA truck. The ‘fluorescent green paint appeared to have been sprayed over the UTA stickers on ‘each door and then wiped off Further processing of the UTA truck revealed the ‘presence ofa can of fluorescent green spray paint and paper towels used to wipe the fluorescent green paint ffom the doors. 67. On May 20, 2016, Evidence Technicians recovered samples of medium grey ‘spray paint from the tailgate of the UTA truck, It appeared the paint had been used by someone to cover over the UTA web address and UTA logo. Additionally, ¢can of medium grey spray print was recovered from the bed of the UTA truck, 68. On May 23, 2016, your Affant recovered a specific object, which is know but ‘unnamed, from the area where K. Ricks’ body sas discovered, This object ‘appeared to be consistent with the item that caused the massive injuties to K, chs’ facial area. This was based upon your Affants’ observations ofthe injures Giscovered and photographed during the postmortem examination, 69. Based on the proviously stated information, your Affiant believes F. HARRISON and D, HARRISON sbdueted Kay Porter Ricks by means of physical force, evidenced by the signs of sn altercation near the tn street substation, Salt Lake City, Utah, on May 12, 2016, a approximately 4:59 pm, Following the abduction, F. HARRISON and D. HARRISON drove away in a vehicle belonging to the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), and eared away other property belonging to the UTA without authority. The following times are approximations and were deduced by your Affiant utilizing Google Maps. Numerous variables such as ‘waffic density and speed were not factored. Approximately one hour and twenty ‘Sve (1:25) minutes afer being sbducted, epproximately 6:24 pm, the HARRISONS, Ricks and the UTA vehicle crossed into the State of Wyoming ‘taveling east on Interstate 80 near Evanston, Wyoming, Approximately sixteen (26) mimutes efter exossing into the State of Wyoming, the HARRISONS, Ricks ‘and the UTA vehicle left Interstate 80, approximately 6:42 pm, to Highway 189 and traveled north, Approximately thirty three (33) minutes later, approximately 7:15 pm, the HARRISONS, Ricks and the UTA vehile tuned east onto Highway 412, for approximately one half (1/2) mile, The HARRISONS, Ricks and the UTA vehicle tursed north oato a dirt road in the Cumberlend area end drove for spptoximately nine tenths (09) of a mile after tuming onto the ditt road. The HARRISONS, Ricks and the UTA vebicle erived in the area of the Cumberland ‘Bridge, which crossed the North Fork of Little Muddy Creck, at approximately 7:7 pm, 70. Over the course of approximately eighteen (18) mimutes, in Lincoln County Wyoming, F, HARRISON end D. HARRISON caused the death of Kay Porter Ricks by inflicting approximately three (3) Jacerations to K. Ricks’ neck, evidenced by the wounds found daring the post mortem examination. F. HARRISON and D. HARRISON repeatedly struck K. Ricks in the face, with @ ‘lust object which was swung with great gocaraey and control. Based pon the Contained area of maximum damage inflicted between the eye bows and the ‘oper lip. Afier cutting and beating K. Ricks, F. HARRISON and D. HARRISON «drug K. Ricks’ body behind a sage brush to conceal his location, and left K, Riles to finish the process of dying from blood Joss and oxygen deprivation from ‘pirating his own blood. F. HARRISON and D, HARRISON ettempied to conceal the identity of the UTA vehicle by painting over the UTA web addtess on the talaste with grey spmy paint. F HARRISON and D. HARRISON futher ‘tempted to conceal the identity of the UTA vehicle by painting over the UTA, logos oa the driver's end passenger's doors with feorescent groen paint which ‘hey ultimately wiped off At approximately 7:33 pm, the HARRISONS and the UTA vehicle left the Cumberland Bridge and traveled back to Highway 412, tamed north on Highway 189 and traveled to Diamondville, Wyoming, where ‘hey went through the drive through at the Arctic Circle Restaurent where F. HARRISON and D. HARRISON ordered food and paid in cash at approximately 7:48 pe. After leaving the Arctic Circle, the HARRISON's and the UTA vehicle traveled ‘rough LaBarge, Wyoming and ultimately to the area of Pinedale, Wyoming, where the vehicle was abandoned. 7 WHEREFORE, affiant believes and therefore slleges thatthe defendant commited the ‘offenses as alleged in the Information anc affiant prays that a warrant issue forthe arrest ofthe dtd, Ce Skike Con AckNowneDeEaenr sTATBOFWyooMNG ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN Subscrbg tobetoremeby (MERE OPC con) tie ee fay of June, 2016, Ki ge Z d My Commission Expires 2Z Be,

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