John Brachna Remarks To The Nordonia Hills Board of Eduction Concerning Their Treatment of Taxpaying Residents

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Good evening.

I am John Brachna of 7772 Nakita Court in Sagamore Hills,

Chairperson of Citizens for Strong Nordonia Hills Schools and proud parent
of two district children.
As the Board knows, being elected officials you are exposed to both praise
and criticism from the citizens you represent. That comes with the job you
accepted by running for public office. The Board reports to the people and
is to follow our direction.
Thats why it is so disturbing to see Mr. Lahrmer and Mr. Berchtold asking
for Mr. Szabos resignation. Mr. Szabo uncovered some damning facts on
district leadership in his 100% legal public records request so in my opinion
this is a likely attempt by the rest of the Board to punish him for not being
in line.
Its actually comical reading the comments in the June 22, 2016 News
Leader. Part of Ms. Strongs quote referring to Board members reads, All
members agree to maintain a level of professionalism. Yet in a January
13, 2016 email to the Board, Mr. Lahrmer insults Jim Blazek, treasurer of
our group by saying, and I quote, He can say whatever he wants about
our fiscal management, but his is worse. Whats really worse is he copies
his two district employees on his attacking email, both Superintendent
Clark and Treasurer Obratil. Yet as Board President, Ms. Strong responded
with nothing. Heck, outside of Mr. Szabo, none of you responded to Mr.
Lahrmers scathing email.

Here you have the Board Vice President

attacking a district parent simply because the parent disagreed with the
Boards levy request. So Ms. Strong wants Mr. Szabo to resign but shes
totally okay with her Vice President attacking a private citizen and district

In that same article part of Mr. Lahrmers quote reads, If you cant learn
to have an intelligent yet calm discussion End quote. Talk about calling
the kettle black Mr. Lahrmer.
And then you, Mr. Berchtold.

Youre quoted talking about ethics.


youre apparently okay with Mr. Lahrmer attacking a district parent in front
of the rest of the Board and two district employees.

And you have the

audacity to challenge Mr. Szabo on ethics?

The damning evidence about district leadership misconduct uncovered in
some of these emails is overwhelming. And these are just the emails that
were uncovered! How many more exist that havent yet been exposed?
Ill highlight just two more. In a January 22, 2014 email when Ms. Strong
was on the Board, Superintendent Clark wrote, and I quote, I recommend
nobody respond to Mr. Brachna. When you mud wrestle a pig you both get
dirty and the pig enjoys it.

End quote.

To our knowledge, Ms. Strong

never called out her employee for those actions. Yet she has the audacity
to talk about Mr. Szabo not being professional.
In a January 23, 2014 email, former Board President, convicted felon and
child pornography addict Steven Bittel in referring to me wrote, and I
quote, As I clearly said, he is an ass. End quote. Once again, Ms. Strong
was copied on this offending email, which likely violated numerous district
policies, yet she did nothing.
Szabo for being unprofessional.

But she has the audacity to criticize Mr.

The facts appear to confirm that district leadership is out of control. The
Board seems to forget that it was elected by the people to serve the
people. A majority elected Mr. Szabo. He earned my vote as I was sick of
the way the Board operates, confirmed in a lot of public records that Mr.
Szabo 100% legally uncovered.

Obviously district management is now

quite embarrassed these damning emails are coming into public light so
youre likely trying to attack Mr. Szabo as some type of punishment. Mr.
Szabo did nothing wrong. The people elected him and want him in office.
Its not your job to undo the will of the people.
There is an old saying that before you complain about the speck in your
neighbors eye, take the log out of your own eye. Outside of Mr. Szabo, it
appears the rest of you have some log removing to do. If anyone should
resign, it should be Ms. Strong, Mr. Lahrmer and Mr. Berchtold.
As for you Mr. Szabo, thank you for exposing the ongoing shenanigans of
District leadership. Your military background where honor and integrity are
prized, has prepared you well for this role in being a champion for the
common man. Dont back down to the bullying and intimidation. Please
continue to fight the good fight. I salute you.

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