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Samantha Green

English 112-07
June 13, 2016
Professor Intawiwat
Altruism and Happiness: What if giving could make you happier?
What if happiness can be found right where you are? Instead of running after what we
think we want, what if we stopped and looked at how good we have it and how we might make
others lives better? Maybe happiness is not found in achieving, receiving or getting. Maybe it is
found in giving and loving. Is altruism the key - or at least one key to happiness?
I have always been under the impression that doing good for others causes you to be
happier. I think that in todays society a lot of people are struggling with finding what makes
them happy, and most of the solutions involve getting everything you want or at least most of it. I
believe a majority of Americans are in this eternal pursuit of happiness and have been for a long
time, and I have noticed that when we get what we want we say, Oh, well, I dont want this
anymore. I want that. We move onto the next thing and the next thing searching in vain for what
will make us happy. As college students (most of us) are at the beginning of our lifes journey. It
could be highly beneficial for us to consider taking a different path than our parents and
grandparents possibly did. This is a compelling question because it goes against everything that
our society is selling us. Our society tells us you have to be rich, famous, and impressive in order
to be happy, when in fact this could be a complete fallacy.
1. Is there any science to back up this idea?
2. How much happier could altruism make you?
Im not sure if there is a meter but this is a quote from an article written by
Lawrence Soosai-Nathan in the Indian Journal of Positive Psychology By its
potential to enhance meaning, altruism does not only enhance individual
psychological well-being but also become a pathway in one's effort to selfactualize and become fully human.
3. Is there a limit?
4. Could this information help those clinically depressed?
5. If so, how?
6. How happy are the majority of adults, based on statistics?
In 2013 only 1/3 of Americans were very happy according to a Harris poll.
Generation Y has been labeled The Most Stressed Generation by Ariana Huffington.
7. How does altruism make you happier?
8. Are altruistic people happier, in general, than those who choose to live non-altruistically?
9. Are there any other common lifestyle factors among those who are altruistically focused
that could contribute to their overall happiness?
10. What are the ways in which this information could be beneficial to my audience?
If utilized properly, this information could help my audience to live happier, more
fulfilled lives.

My project will most likely include statistics and scientific information regarding the
happiness levels of altruistic people. It might include interviews with altruistically focused
individuals and with those who choose a less compassionate path. I will most likely add in
quotes from well-known people whove chosen to live selflessly and the possible benefits to
those who choose this lifestyle.
I am not entirely sure of the form my project will take. I am considering a PowerPoint
presentation or an expository essay. If I decide to do a PowerPoint I will most likely film
interviews with people who can offer insight into my hypothesis. Ive also been toying with the
idea of creating a Prezi.
"Panelists Discuss the Relationship between Empathy, Altruism, Happiness." University WireOct
21 2015. ProQuest. Web. 17 June 2016 .
This is an article about a panel discussion regarding the relationship between altruism and
happiness originally printed in the Daily Princetonian. Although Ricard was featured on the
panel, it contains some information that could be crucial to my project that his book may not
Ricard, Matthieu, Charlotte Mandell, and Sam Gordon. Altruism: The Power of Compassion to
Change Yourself and the World. N.p.: Little, Brown, 2015. Print.
This book can provide much needed proof and statistics to back up my hypothesis. It can give
unique perspective from the person scientists believe to be the happiest man in the world,
Matthieu Ricard.
Rincover, Arnold. "How Altruism Develops in Kids." Toronto Star: G2. Sep 08 1990. ProQuest.
Web. 17 June 2016 .
This article could be beneficial because it provides information regarding the development of
altruism in children. Looking into this developmental process could allow one to better
understand why altruism makes us happier.
Soosai-Nathan, Lawrence. "Altruism: A Pathway for Psychological Well-being." Indian Journal
of Positive Psychology 6.1 (2015): 90-2. ProQuest. Web. 17 June 2016.
This is a study posted in the Indian Journal of Positive Psychology that explores the benefit of
altruism to the psyche. It will benefit my project by backing my hypothesis that altruism can
make you happier.

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