Newsletter 036

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Wychnor Fulwood Preston PR2 7EE

Tel: 01772 864135
Fax: 01772 861292

Headteacher: Mrs A Gregory



29th June 2016

Theme of the week

Newsletter 36


Non-uniform Day

This Week in School


Reminder that this Friday, 1 July is

a non-uniform day; Years R-2 please
bring in a donation of chocolate; Years
3-6 please bring a bottle donation.
Cakes for the cake stall should be
brought to school on Saturday.

Year 6 End of Year Performance

Dates for your diary
Tuesday 12th July at 2.00pm
Wednesday 13th July at 7.00pm

Music Opportunities
Music Opportunities for pupils
currently in Years 2 to 5 please see
letter sent home and further
information emailed today.

Fundraising for St Catherines

The total raised so far for the
fundraising week is 834.00, with a
grand total this school year of
1,166.45! Thank you for your kind

Cricket Club Cancellation

Cricket Club is cancelled this Friday
due to Rounders Finals at Sherwood
Primary School.

Y5 Forest School
Y1 Art Club
Y1 Road Safety
Y2 Road Safety
Y5 Swimming
Netball Club
Brass Lessons
Brass Band
Woodwind Lessons
Y2 Trip to MOSI
Y6 Bikeability
Ten Pieces Concert
YR Pirate Day
Y5 Class Assembly
Y5/6 Science Festival at UCLAN
Star Assembly
Rounders Finals at Sherwood PS

YR Pirate Day on Thursday

30th June.

Heroes Augustus

- Year 5 Class Assembly
tomorrow (30th June) at 9.00am.
Please return Scholastic book
orders by Friday 1st July.
Year 5 and 6 visit to UCLAN
Science Festival Friday 1st July.
- Rounders Finals at Sherwood
PS at 3.30pm on Friday 1st July.
- High School Induction Day
Monday 4th July.
- Y1 Forest School Day Monday
4th July please send children in
suitable clothing for the day.
- Netball Match v Longsands
(away) Wednesday 6th July.

Dont forget costume and picnic


- Please remember to check your

childs class blog on a regular

Girls Kwik Cricket Finals

YR Animal Care

The Finals have had to be rescheduled for Friday morning

which means our girls will be unable
to take part as they are visiting
the Science Festival at UCLAN.

Michael from Animal Care is

visiting Reception class on
Thursday 7th July at 9.15am.
Please remember to send in 1
donation. Thank you.

Year 1
Forest School is on Monday
4th July. Please see Miss
Sanders if you able to help on
the day.

Citizen of the World

100 Year Anniversary of the
Battle of the Somme.

This week Socrates is asking all
classes the following question:
How can we make our school

Year 3

Year 4

Thank you from Mrs Garner to all those who helped on the
tennis trips to Broughton last Friday.

Year 4 Class Assembly is on Thursday 7th

July at 9.00am. All welcome to attend.

Sports Results
Netball: Longsands 4:1 Harris

Is anyone available to help on the Y4 trip to

Beacon Fell on Friday 8th July? Please see
Mrs Allonby.

Well done to the children who took part in cricket and

Frisbee at the Preston Sports Festival last week with 1st
place in both boys and girls Frisbee competitions.

Forest School - Monday 11th July Please

see Mrs Hunt if you would like to help out on
this day.

Transition Day Monday 4th July


Most of our Year 6 pupils will be going

to their secondary schools on Monday
4th July. Here in school the children will
also be moving up to their new classes
for the morning. Class arrangements for
next year will be shared with pupils and
parents nearer the time.

Please remember that holidays in term time will not be

authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. Parents
are required by law to request leave during term time. Forms
are available from the school office. Children are expected to
be in school every day until we break up on Tuesday 19 th July.
The children will be working until the very last day of term
and every day is precious as they prepare for their new
classes next year.

Dates for your diary Summer Term

Year 5 Class Assembly
Y5/6 to Science Festival
PTFA Summer Fair
High School Induction Day
Harris Picnic at the Proms
Year 6 leavers meal at Tiggis
Non-uniform day

Thursday 30th June at 9.00am

Friday 1st July
Saturday 2nd July from 12.00noon2.00pm
Monday 4th July
Friday 15th July (evening) at 7.00pm on the School Field
Monday 18th July at 6.30pm
Tuesday 19th July - 1 donation please in aid of School Funds

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