0170-O&M Supply

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WEA apprond 09 27315 Aurangabad City Water Utility Company Ltd Plot No.t Sector C8,Town Contr, Near rodent Pad ofc purang, shares 1093, Work oraer Sapa ae FON — BRT Foie RE Surpberhae: MT Pad foie rev oct Supa ar: Nw shSroniSanath | BTorArogetd Cty Wau ty | Sip To Aurangabad Cyt ty ere Benak Exon spore fecorcesow | compan UMsPetNe! See Tom fecgfamnaiPachanearsia\ 4401, | Corer Pov ea Conus Prt rd Sccareegbesnoorsajode | ofcurogancaaneeanea 108, pe BE TSE Sains —— 0. TH Sree apa at — WPA Deckutezorseo2 ‘Carrer WR Reg. Department ntti | Hea Pura | Opeaion tetanece TRO ao terete | opin ie en water © Desi) | pp panera fener ohn 3h eas Toe 7 ons — rian —| Sparen Naot TRO “a 0038 eve npeLovg | Rearso ttn wate Dessscn) | spp ppt Zot bette eh an 30% mec TRO 302000000 009 soot Lne toe: 2 sazaotaot Poviemviows: Thyme Lakh wer, Musas a he ‘Authorized Signatory nl SERS T oO or Page 114 ‘Terms and Conditions: PO Nunes 20216180170 Payment Tem: As merlloned below PAYMENT SCHEDULE 4.75% paymant wihin 15 cays ater aubmision of previous month invoice and rerrainng 25% payrenis within 30 days ater corection by RCWACL Tor complain of SONY as per eerie vel sqrements, ACNUCL shou carly the bal win a Woek Ue for susmissen of i ‘ACWUCL wl provide ne Data of Compl manageant mechanism of peous mnt on ro! everyman 2. Remaling 25% of monty conact vive payment wilbe provided in following way. 2) Vatabla Payment 25% of the payment within 30 aye ator etsmision of provious month ole and corfeton by ACWUCL fr completion ‘of dtrauon eerie level rureman whic wil be calsuataé en actual performance basis wih folowing paraates. SS Poge2\4 PO Number: 20121150170 ANNEXUREA. ‘STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS [SERVICE] 1. Please mention our Order Numer on your nvoce anda corospandence, 2. you ae authorized o charge Sere Ta, pease menion youre Service Tax Regsaon & Licanse ‘No. onthe il, ‘8. Pies ar fen throughout the cone paiod. ‘4 Dolalod Terms & Condiions as per GCC wil be apart of Bis contact 5. sob tb cares ovtas per the Techical Spectcatonsencnsod 8.Panaty. Timely Compleon: ithe works not competed win te re schedule given tothe contacto, the peneiy @ 05% per week delay and maximum 10% ctl value of te orcer wil be apicabie. 7. You have o get cards issued beer star of worktsplayment of new empoyees. You wil ensure hat yu cr your employees ar allowed to work i ou premise! on behalf of us, wit deny card authorized by company. 1 Poreonat Accent Poly You wil have lo cova our employees unde personal seldet plc for Ri. 3 Lacs er employee, stay stor Te Cortada eae ors n cat fon colnet ey oreo satan of styles. The set ch eaion anon 2 Sle Visonn ane sr minos Panty of 5000 weldbeingotdin ech cna, Rapes cgay oes abl ola tN sons of R 100" sch ese 2. Slay laos which acs acts: nectar ta spears /enpoen re lo enigentn complance of sf ply, euler ay pave eas ‘esa n porty oR 00 Soh nn loa € Re OD oe ae ade spent aon pom ‘erst wont menonee 3) Contac sabe ask o prove Mandy tang os tac aunt lo Este aun ab gored he apts iS equeers pring sty sto be spect 10. vole n cupcata writen ty kor typed and dy signed slong wih Bank Guarantee aplicale in gna, must ie submited lo Accounts apartment t Operating Location. 11. Big: The Corrector hall submit the niles for no werk cared cut undor ha terms of the corres along wit the prooiaices wherever ppl. tom ends lor each seity of work. f@ be ory inetad andl proparod atv ike Submission of lis [a] For going Corracts itso be sutsmted fright Le. fr he period 7th to 21a ofeach mont, sto be Submited atest by 25h and forthe elod Z2nd th bist be submited ists! by Tein the saree month wih al slauory comelances. (2) For Onetine Conrects bil tobe submited afer complaton of work along wih the cerifad maasuremen’ sheet by feo incnargo. (cate of submission of isto te user department wil be stamped on Bis by racing oficer. in cass of nonstamelng, te o certeaton obit ‘wlbecenscered a: date cf submission of [o} Matera Reconctaton: Contactor has lo sur material reconcaton on weekiyinonhy bas’ as per the reqicemert othe ofc incharge |e} Ot recovered material tobe returned fo the sor as po he Istructon of offer incharge, 12. Company wiisue consolidated TOS cortiesis en sn Annus btis 13, Attain: Al disputes and diflerences arising between he pares her, incucng ay ceputes or afrence i gar othe lnlaprtaton of any proviscn or tm or he mearingtnroo. or regard to any iam of on pany against Pe ober on reare and fr cdigations of any paty or Dales hereto under this Agreement or cherie, however, shall be ferred tea corman Aaa f agree upon Oy al of oberg 1 wo or Imo Astiators, one fo be appointed by each party fo tre danua or eiferenca snd such Asati shal be governed by Ue provins ofthe ‘Atrabon Aa ort time Bolg in ere. The vere wl be Mum 14 utter: The Contac shan al respect, te consired and operate in confor wit ne Ielan Lows ans wil be subject to jrediion of ‘Mumba Coun Page 3/4 15. Eeeieal Contetor ices is mandatory i Ele contacter Copy ke seme shoul be sabi el oie piso at of wack Page 4|4 ANNEXURE- B A) Scope of Work “Operation and Maintenance” or “Operate and Maintain” orO & M" include, unless the context cothenvise requires, monitoring the operations like ESR filing, supply up to consumer tap in Scheduled time, routine maintenance, periodic maintenance, breakdown maintenance, Preventive maintenance, minor network modifications, maintaining the free chlorine level at all Used ESR'S, minor civi works, staffing and providing lebour for operating the Water Supply ‘and Distribution assets, Important aspects of operation & maintenance of distribution system are detection and prevention of Wastage due to leakage in distribution system complaints are received ‘frequently from consumers about: '8) Non-avellabilty of required quantty of water b) Low pressure at the supply points ©) Leakages and wastages through valves and pipelines 4) Contamination of water e) No Water’ Immediate arrangements within two hours ofthe receipt of complaint, inspection to beiitiated to resolve above complaints and proper corrective measures to be undertaken so that such ‘complaints should not repeat Appropriate registers should be maintained to record the complaints and follow up action till the complaint is redressed. f the complaint is such that it cannot be dealt with at his level, he ‘should at once refer the matter to higher autores under intimation to the complainant. &Mof | No. of | Existing | Municipal Systom | wards ] ANG | Population | No. of Used | Linomen 2011 | ESRIGSRs | & Vave Pitre | o.0t | _exsng | valves | connections | ‘men Heo Zone-E | 18 | 24602 8 a s40_ | 210 | 19838 zono-F[ 17 | toe | 6 5 233 | 302 | 21237 8) Work 12) The Broad scope of work is sot out as under 1, The contractor shall distribute Water supply as per schedule or as per direction of Engineer In charge, ACWVUCL will be responsible for the supply of Sufficient Pure water with required Quality rom MBR to ESR. 2. Provide water supaly to End users within the supply area, potable grade water as per the Central Pubic Health and Environmental Engineering Organization ("CPHEEO") norms, in accordance with Service Level Requirements. 3. Mixing of bleaching powder and cleaning when required for al ESR, (Kham Oam Mitmitagaon Well ~For Zone A Oniy). ‘4, Repair consumables required for Leak Repair Jobs and minor repair jobs shall be provided by ACWUCL & the required Workshop/Fabricated material to be supplied by the contractor. One Store is established in Garkheda, Aurangabad City by ACWUCL for availabilty of materials to contractor. Contractor need to pick up the materials from store through proper indenting procedure & approval from ACWUCL Authority Usikzation of existing AMC manpower for operations, Repair of valve chambers. Follow up with Call Centers a). Recorsing & Processing of maintenance requests. b) Allocation of Maintenance requests / resources ¢)_ Resolving the complaints and updating n the system, Toad Kurla (Wea), Mamba 400930. > wy » Corporate Os: ANNEXURE- B 8. Dewatering at ste during maintenance work and necessary tools and tackles required willbe the responsibilty of vender. For this vendor have to arrange necessary pump set immediately 9. Technical feasiblty report for laying of NSC wil be done as per the direction of ACWUCL. ') Othor Requirements: 1) The Contractor shal be responsible fr timely payment of salaries of his staff. The vendor shall take insurance policy under the workman compensation Act to cover such workers who are not covered under ESI and PF by the vender howaver engaged to undertake the jobs coveres under this order and a copy of this insurance policy wil be given to ‘company for reference and records This insurance policy shall be kept valid at ell mes. \n case there are no worker involve other than those who are covered under ESIC and PF by the vendor, the vendor shall carly for the same. ‘The vendor shall keep the company in indemnified at all mes, against all claims of ‘compensation under the provision of Workman compensation Act 1923 as amended {tom time to time or eny compensation payable under ary other law for the time being involving workman engaged by the vendor in carrying out the job involved and against ‘costs and expenses, if any, incurred by the company in connection therewith and without Prejudice to make any recovery. ‘The Company shall be entiled to deduct from any money due to or to become due to the vender, money paid or payable by way of compensation as aforesaid or cost or expenses in connection with any ciaims thereto and the vendor shall abide by the decision of the company as to the sum payable by the vendor under the provision ofthis clause. 2) The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety and eae operations of all civil structures and the Water supply pipelines. 24 You will provide all the necessary protective wears as necessary for carrying out the {9b in safe manner under amended Factory Act. Like Helmet, safety belts, goggles, ‘shoes, hand gloves etc. Where over necessary he should arrange red sign boards, ‘caution board, signals, cordoning by rope, fence, hard barricading ete 2.2. During execution of job contractors qualified supervisor should remain present on the job. 2.3. After completion of the job contractor has to clear site at his own cost so that debris, seatfolging ote. may not cause hindrance /acaident to others 24° The contractor has to work as per special Instructions of Engineers in charge during rainy seasons/during emergency. 2.5 Whatever tools, tackies, slings, cranes etc. are brought and used by the contractor uring execution of job should be of reputed make, 2.8. Inthe eventof execution of ob in unsafe manner, penalty as mentioned in the Penslly clause will be imposed. The company reserves all rights to terminate the contract without any notice and compensation looking to the saveriy of safety violation by the contractor's. 2.7 For execution of the job at al heights sultable safe and strong scaffolding shall be provided by the contractor to avoid accident to any person, hindrance to others, damage to the plant equipment’s and structures. Workers working at height must use safety belts & helmets 2.8 Contractor will not start excavation without taking permission from Engineer in charge. The contractor shall_ take extreme care to ensure that no damage is caused during the work to existing power cables, waler supply. sewerage, {elecommunications, gas pipe lines, streetlight or any other such public or private faciities. f damage takes place charges will be recovered through the contractor's ‘Corporate Office: S13, $* Flow ANNEXURE- Third Party Insurance, Excavation for cable laying, pipe laying wil have to be ‘completed on the eame day or within the stipulated time. Necessary arrangement to tbe made for night watchman If required. After completion of job he has to put ‘ecessarytiles/haf round muff on cables and then fil up lend end resurface the road 2 per the instructions ofthe Engineer in charge. While exceveting for foundation he has to take precaution so that his staff is no trapped inside by iand siding Contractor ‘must use safety belts and a ladder & cordon the working area with danger signboard ‘and red lamp ele. tl work is complated. Cables are to be protected. 3) Contractor is permitted o avail unavoidable shut down for pipeline teakages repairs with the prior permission of ACWUCL. The Contractor shall provide respective Corporators ‘& AMC Engineers prior intimation of such shutdown maintenance work. 4) The contractor shall maintain records, 5) All types of major and minor repairs to all Distribution pipelines from ESR shall be ‘tended by the contractor in respective Zones, 8) Contractor shall arrange communication system at all the operational levels, wherever required for smooth operation of the scheme, 7) After the completion ofthe work, the salvage materia to be returned to ACWUCL store: ‘on weekly basis, 8) Contractor wil have ekilled manpower to complete the site welding work in Time. ©) THIRD PARTY INSURANCE Before commencing the execution of the work the contractor shall leke thid party insurance pokcy to insure againet any damage or injury which may occur to any property orto any person or any employee or representative of any outside agency the company engaged (0F not engaged for the work of tne company, by or arising out ofthe execution ofthe Work or temporary work D) PERSONAL ACIDENT PoLicy Contractor will have to cover all employees under personal Accident Policy for R62 lacs per employee. ©) FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY VENDOR (1) Vehicles (2) JCB-As per requirement of site consition on hourly basi (b) Necessary arrangements for transportation of materials from store to site or from site to site will be the responsiblity of vendor, (2) Mobile communication facilites for J1.Engg. Supervisor, Operator, Lineman & Fitter. (3) P.C. with printer & network connectivity (4) The Contractor shall make the folowing minimum arrangements as and when required Jn the Project Area on hourly basis, 3 phase Diesel Generator set, 11no, (25 KA) 3 phase welding macrine 4 no. (40.Amp) Gas Cutting Set tno F) REPORTING BY THE CONTRACTOR LIST OF REGISTERS TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR 41) Complaint Register at zonal ofices, 2) Attendance registers of staff, 3) Site instruction book at al zonal offices each. 4), Register of dismantled material st each zonal office. Floor, Kekinoor City, Kirol Road, Kurla (West), Mumbai - 400070, ¥ ANNEXURE- B ‘Separate site register for material duly certified from authorized site engineer on ally basis, @) LSI BY. ‘The Contractor shall supply the Workshop/Fabricated material including all taxes at the proved rates mentioned in Annexure A as per site requirement with proper indenting brovedure & approval from ACWUCL Authority upto the maximum limit of Rs. 60,000! pet ‘month per Zone, » QUI NTRACTOR'S EMPL ‘The Contractor shall employ @ minimum number of staff members for the Project. The ‘minimum staff to be employed and their cadre are indicated below. Freon oe on ee ee e ‘TeEngineer | Incharge for ‘BEDiploms [1 ¥r. | T¥r. Eo soe gif — ares mE — bet eee hit Sere i eee Fitter Maintenance Work TO Pass Tyre 3¥ns “ Tabor | Ninintonance Work 10 Pass 2 Yrs, J Department /person Zoek | toner ‘| cae - — ss — ‘Maintenance Team = Labour Bf Contractor have to get | cards issued before start of workidepartment of employees, ‘You wil ensure that you or your employees are allowed to work in our premises on behalf of us, with identity card authorized by company. 1) SERVICE FEE * in consideration of the above scope of services/wvork carried out during execution of this © & M contract we wil compensate you with lumsum amount for Services & Actual amount for the Supplies per month including al taxes as follows Corporate Ofiee:SISIA, © Flow, Kohinoor Ci rol Rond, Kuri (Wes), Mumbai 00073, o AN IRE- B |) For zone & ~ INR 5, 10,000/- plus Actual material Supply amount, 'i) For zone F ~ INR 5, 10,0001. plus Actual material Supply amount, [aT 1 : falas Amended wine | Iniot | Bevet | ginal ae Zone | Mentor | Sai |cctapa | Se ere | Isiavtete sal re - *WCT | Material | Total |. 30 Apr'i5 | nesotiation os | f {wma [iow | 5 [sor [sao | ase | sm | iow el | Se | eo Bo | cao | ae ee Material amount willbe consider as per actual supply. Above rates are inclusive of Weekly cared ona faldeys and Leaves as per government poicies. However vee wares Carried out on al days. eRe ACHTUCL offcors instructions, the folowing equipment wll be provided by the Rentactr as per the rates mentioned below. Log-shea o be certied by te Engineer in charge, fe ___Exuipment ———7——ftgros t 3 Phase Diesel generalor set 25 KVA wih Welding TOW ‘arrangement and welder JCB B00 Conereta breaker B00. J) PERE A : Sonwector has fo submit Performance Bank Guarantee of 5% of contract value for each ; Zone Valid up to contract perio, K) PAYMENT SCHEDULE 1 75% payment within 15 days after submission of previous month invoice and remaining 25% eyrens within 30 days afer cerficaton by ACWUCL for coreoton SOW fom sateen el Sareements. ACIWUCL should certify the bil within a weok tne from submission of Bil. ACWUCL will provide the Data of Complaint management mechanism of previous month on 3 of every month, Frewous month invcice and certification by ACWUCL for completion of Gstrbutlon service level requirements which wil be caloueted om sour Performance basis with following parameters, r >. [Se] parameter Service evel requirement | weightage dip soeeal tt tebe ieee rato 7H Babe 5) Sevecoee Timings log, Engineer's instruction 1 i Rocumentaton on | Operation in the Zone, ESR Fing | SEO a | | '09, duly Signed by Zonal in cnarge. || 41-80% —[ 20%, te | | | ~ | 140 8 Below 0% | {Ae & Below [0% | "porate Office: SIA, 3 Floor, Keblnoar Oly, Kol Road, Kut 6), Mabel —a00o70, wh S ANNEXURE- B [71% & above [50% Compisnce as per Service Level | LEER aeove ET ‘Complaint rf ‘Guarantee for Different operational || —F1"aoxe Tsou 2 | management ‘and Maintenance actvties. |= gox [ao rection | |e oe Service Level Guarantee for Different operational and Maintenance activities. 4. Leakages in Pipeline: Three Days. 2, Water scarcity: Seven Days, 3. Contamination: Fiteen days, 4. Vatve repair Three days. ) PENALTY 4 ™ Nn) ‘Safety Violation: The contractor wil be Fable for penalty in case of non-compliance of safety requirements! or violation of safety rules, The deteis of such penaltes are as below a) ‘Spot Fine for Safety Violations and near misses: Penaty of Rs. 1,000/- would be imposed in each case, Ropoat category lations are liable to lead to higher penalty of Rs. 5,000'-n each case, ) Safety Violations which leads to accidents: It the contractor or their supervisors! employees is/are found negligent in compliance of safety policy, reguletions, statuary provisions which leads to be accident, a penalty of Rs. 10,000/- for each non-fatal accident & Rs, 25,0001 for each fatal accident Is liable to be imposed In addition to penalty for safety violations as mentioned in (a. Contractor shall be asked to attend Mandatory traning to its staff as and when arranged by ACWUCL and submit training history to Essel (at a frequency as govemed by the applistle laws) IMIS requirements pertaining fo safety should be spectied. In case of absentecism of offcialfield staff deployed by the contractor as per the list above except for Weekly ofHolday, he will be penalized as below. Designation | PenatyperDay | Te enginesr [Re a0 ‘Supervisor/Operator Rs, i000 Fitter T Rs, 60% 7 il Tabourltineman Ra. 60% MOBILISATION TIME ‘You are requested to mobilize your team so as to commence within 2 days from the date of acceptance of this letter of intent DURATION OF THE CONTRACT (Operation and maintenance of the contract period will be from 16 Jan. 2018 to 30" ‘April, 2015. Aurangabad City Water Company Limited & contractor wil be at liberty 10 5 Flee, Kehna Ciy, Kral Road, ANNEXURE- B foxtond the duration of the contract period with mutual understanding which shall be confirmed in wring, ©) REVIEW OF CONTRACT Contract conditions with reference to deliverables and output shall be reviewed quarterly. P) TERMINATION OF CONTRACT If the performanca of contractor isnot satisfactory, fifteen days’ notice will be issued to improve the performance. The contractor should demonstrate (improvement) on performance parameter in this notice period, Failure to meet the required performance parameters, company reserves the right to terminate the contract in next fiteen days. ‘Corporate iis: STA, Floor, Kehinoor Gi, Kil Road Ks Gand cap replacement for size same as existing Cleasting matorial with MS casting metorlal oN Oe 1 | Nes. Brel ote oo Mea Dia 1_[ Nes. a) 150 MM Dia 1 _| Nos. ore| 876 200 MM Dia 1 Nos. 754 | __754 250 Mie Dis _|_ Nes. ee | 682 350 NM Dia | Nes. os [ 88 450 mm Die 1 _|_ Nos. 05 | 1105 (600 mm Dia 7 | Nos. ‘e03 [1208 7 | Brass metal check nut for valve including previous material 80 MM Dia 1 _[ hes. 1785 [_ 1755 700 Mi Dia 1 _|_Nes, ass | _ 1658 750 Mi Dia 1 | Nos. 2080 | 2080 "200 MI Dia 1 _|_ Nes. 2308 | __2308 250 NM Dia | Nes. 2406 | _2406 360 MM Dia 1 [_Nes. 27s0| 2730 450 mm Dia + _|_ Nos. 320 | 9120 00 mm Dia + _|_ Nos. 3.705 | _3705 3 | Vaive Spindle rod with SS materia MM Dis 1 _| tes 7885 | 1085 100 MM Dis + | Nes 243] 218 150M Daa 1 _|_ Nes. zea | 2340 200 MM Dia 1 _|_ Nos. 2704 2704 260 MM Dia 1 | Nos. 2803 | 2008 350 WM Oa a azo] 3120 450 men ia + _|_Nos. ‘aso | 2610 00 mmm Dia 1 | Nos. ao] 3770 @_| Repairing work for Valve Spindle rod 20MM Dia 1 _|_Eech Pod 100 Mit Dia + _|_ Each ez] 62a 180MM Dia | Each 75715 200 MM Dia 1 | Each 700 | __780 259 NM Dia 1 _|_ Each Co) Iso MM Dia T| Eaeh joes | 1086 460mm Da 1_| Each w7o] 1170 00 mm Dis | Each sso | 1398 3__[ MS metal check mut for valve OM Dia + | Nos. Ts 775) Gein a Dicer HAF Flows, Kafinoer Cig, Kral Rood Ravn (Won), Mambsi= 800070, ws ANNEXURE- C 100 Mu Die 1_| Nos. gas | eas: 150 Mia Dia 1 | Neos. fos] 1008) 200 MM Dia 1_|_ Nes. 105] 1106 250 MM Dia 1 |New. n7o| 1170 350 MM Dis | Nes. 326 | 1326 450 mm Dia 1 _|_ Nes. rset] 1824 500 mm Dis | es. 385 | __ 1885 6 | Repairing work for MS Valve Spindle rod ‘ON Dia 1 _|_ each ses | 585 100 MM Dia 1_| Each e2a| ae 150MM Dia 1 | Each 7s) 715 200 WM Dia + | Esch 7e0 | _780 250 VM Dia 1] Been) os _943 360 MM Dia | een 7086 | __1086 450 mn DI 1 | Each 170 |__1170 00 mm Dia + | each nase [1999 7 _ | Supplying Ms Clamp, sleeve on Flange and blind flange along with dling required no's of Holes ‘G0 Wi to 600 WM Dia 1 ra 0] 180 | Buppyof Valve key for various clmeterwith Ms |, e fal ae 9 | Workshop werk for valve gate repairing 1 jb 2808] 2008 qo. | Fabrication work for MS specials like Tall piece, 7 : ig cH Mouth piace, Jacket ote Ww

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