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Miss Savages First Grade Class

Thursday, April 14th 2016 (Subject: Science)




Class: 25 first grade students; 3 learning disabled, 2 gifted, 1 English Language

Subject & Skill: Science: researching marine animals at the shark reef
Objective: Students will be able to accurately name and identify the different marine
life from their group during our field trip to the Shark Reef next week.
Procedures: Group Investigation
1) Restate the Objective: (Students will be able to accurately name and identify the
different marine life from their group during our field trip to the Shark Reef next
week) and engage the students, ex: for this project we will be able to name all the
fish and animals on our fieldtrip next week and you get to be the teacher!
2) Assign students into 5 groups of 5 (making sure not all the LD students, ELL
students and GS students are in the same group) and assign each group a category.
Categories are attached.
3) Once assigned a category, each group will read about that category (ex. Fresh
Water Fish)
4) Students will then color or draw pictures of their groups animal or marine life
and label the pictures.
5) Students will then glue down their pictures on the poster board, and answer the
attached questions, on the poster board.
6) Each group will come up and each student will answer a question on their group
post board (teacher directed) and point to their drawing/coloring.
7) Posters will then be hung up in the classroom (allow for all groups to finish; try to
keep under 1 hour).
Materials: Poster Board, animal (of shark reef) books, zip-kits (coloring materials),
poster board, glue, copies of attached questions and print out sheets of these animals.
Grouping Structure: classroom, 5 groups of 5, science
a. English Language Learner (1): Put in separate groups, make sure theyre able to
help in the group.
b. Learning Disabled (3): Put in separate groups, make sure theyre able to help in
the group.
c. Gifted Students (2): Optional: ask extra question(s) when teaching the class.
a. Closing Activity: Teaching the class about what they learned.
b. Homework/Classwork: After the field trip, have the students write (on paper
attached) about their trip to the Shark Reef (what they learned, favorite part, liked,

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