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NEW YORKER BOOK OF CAT CARTOONS NEW YORKER BOOK OF CAT CARTOONS ALFRED A. KNOPF ws NEW YORK 1991 THIS 1.4 RORZOI HOOK PUBLISHED BY ALFRED A. KNOPE, INC Copyright © 1990 by The New Yorker Magazine, Ine. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions, Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto, Distributed by Random louse, Inc., New York, All the art iy protected by registrations and renewals duly filed with the Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, by The New Yorker Magazine, Ine formerly the F-R Publishing Corp. ‘The magazine's name ane! logo are protected by registrations duly fled with the Patent and Trademark Office, and in trademark registries abroad. All rights are reserved. No portion of this collection, nor any of its contents, eproluced without the written consent of “The New Yorker Magazine, Inc may be Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data The New Yorker book of eat cartoons. poem, ISBN )-394-58795-2 1. Cats—Caricatures and cartoons. 2, American wit and humor, Pictorial. 3. New Yorker (New York, N.Y.) 1. New Yorker (New York, N- NC1428.N47 1990 741.5973 —de20 90-53070 cp Manufactured in the United States of America Published October 25, 1990 Reprinted Four Times Sixth Printing, August 1991 NEW YORKER BOOK OF CAT CARTOONS (6 Colom “T know a lot of people will say ‘Oh, no— not another book about cats.” “We had her declawed, but she’s still impossible.” “Bus when she got there, the cupboard was bare, and so the poor dog had none.” “Your wife feels that your cat needs to hear an authoritative male voice.” “All right, darling, I promise. No more canned food.” qc 102 0 pasapio 2a, ‘Com ay8 &G,, “Makes you wonder, doesn't it?” “Prom this day forv Pussy as swe Booth twill do our very best 10 do unto have Pussy do unto us.” ae in Movies Fluffy Gets Fed FOR CATS “One final question: Do you now oton or have ‘you ever owned a fur coat?” 21 Miler oT ACT TAC ATC TCA CTA “It's very simple. If Ieeas a cat, you teould lave me.” “Before reading Miss Simpkins’ will, may I say that you are avery lucky cat?” 26 “Margo, I think it’s time we talked about us.” “When she seas little, we had a very close relationship, dut now ewe're just friends.” 29 30 “Around here his word is law.” “One morning they went out for a walk, and that's the last 1 ever sao of them.” 33 “I mean, God, Philip, chat if he doesn’t really like ut is only eating it so we'll feel less guilty? Tabby Treat Ooh. USeOUn “Are you all right?” “Of course some cats have eight kittens dut I never have more than six.” 37 38 “We laugh at the same things.” 40 “Mrs. Wallace made me take them. She said they were as much ours as theirs.” “Edgar, please run down to the shopping center right areay, and get-sonre milk and cat food. Don’t get canned tuna, or chicken, or Ever, or any of those aveful combinations. Shop around and get a surprise. The pussies like surprises.” 41 THE VIGIL RIN OI OOO marty, Itty Fitty, Daisy, Boo, Mercedes, Foo Foo, Aka. Second row: Spanky, Charlie, Mouse, Tigger, KiKi, Fluffy, Honey, Jerry. Third row: Sweetheart, Pumpkin, B.J., Dennis, Emlyn, Pearl, Annie. Back row: Miss Pertinger. 45 46 “We're out of the cat food. Permit me to recommend the dog food.” 48 “If I take too many naps during the day, I find it difficult to sleep swell at night.” “Well, I hope you're proud of yourself!” 54 nd it when he doesn't eat.” “He knows “L've enjoyed our little talk, and now Pll have myself.a nice little nap.” 58 “Like this—see? You've got to get ‘your back into it.” “Js it all right for an expectant mother to catch chipmunks?” 60 “AU right, come out and we'll talk about it.” CAT DIARY OF A *Thafa et that you cats were considered sacred in ‘ent Egypt cuts no ice with m Lo }HOg 0 pev9y COMEESTP 1, “And Dean get along swithout you!” “Beg.” “She has her own agenda.” 69 “] tried to make it from the windowsill to the top of the refrigerator. How about you?” “Well, sir, then Ltake it you would vote for any cat in preference to a capable dog.” “1 beliewe I've earned the right to your respect.” a S 3 “a & ery @ pe x i “Don't get cute with me.” ay ly ee sacl AU WH © gy tee i 10, Ge ns SCRES CATS ARE NOT AS INTELLIGENT AS YOU THINK. 90 “Now let's see—there’s the Brosnahans, Mrs. Waldo, Arthur Elder, the man at the A. & P. store. Now I wonder about Hannah Carpenter.” 93 vt complaining till you taste it.” ne, don’t stal “I said you're in my light.” 95 I Puss IN FACTORY SECONDS | “T'm a Cheshire mouse.” 97 « Suyppoys sade, > yes ws 86 an vv iy \ l * ee = == 0h ee “pla never bitten apologize, Rinehart. The cat has "do 100 Ptr “Hey, pal, let's h jear ‘Doggie in the Window’ again, and this time play it like you mean it!” 101 “Miss Egan, bring me everything swe have on cats.” 102 Index of Artis Charles Addams 6, 27, 102 William O'Brian 25 Perry Barlow 93 Garrett Price 31, 40, 58, 90 George Booth 3, 15, 41,79, 89, 100 George Price 17 Roz Chast 18, 62 Donald Reilly 73, ‘Tom Cheney 47, 71, 80, 86 Mischa Richter 10, 48, 37, 65, 83, Michael Crawford 46 AI Ross 56 Leo Cullum 1 Charles Saxon 29 Eldon Dedit Bernard Schoenbaum 38, 68, 84 Boris Drucker 72 Jean-Jacques Alan Dunn 54 Danny Shanahan 19, 53, 69, 96 Edward Frascino $5 Otto Soglow 16 Sam Gross 32, 61, William Steig 12, 24, 66, 82, William Hamilton 35 Saul Steinberg 11, 23, 52 J.B. Handelsman 9, 20, 63 Peter Steiner 49, 64, 81 Helen Hokinson 7, 37, 59, 75,91 Mick Stevens 4, 21, 34, 98 Edward Koren 30 James Stevenson 78 Arnie Levin 44 Anthony Taber 4243 Lee Lorenz 51, 74, 95 Mike Twohy 5 Robert Mankoff 50, 85 Dean Vietor 99 Henry Martin 45 Robert Weber 13, 26 Doris Matthews 28 Gahan Wilson 8, 36 Warren Miller 2, 22, 33 Jack Ziegler 67, 101 Frank Modell 6th, 70, 76, 92, 94 The text of this book was set in Caslon Old Face No. 2 at Kennedy ‘Typographers, New York, New York. Printed and bound by Halliday Lithogeaphers, West Hanover, Massachusetts Designed by Virginia

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