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Manila, May 17, 2010 St EwBajador 2¢ Espaiier No. 196 Hon. Senator Benigno C. Aquino Ill Senate of the Philippines Pasay City Dear Senator Aquino: It is my great pleasure to enclose herewith a congratulatory telegram addressed to you from the President of the Government of Spain, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, on the occasion of your victory in the recent elections. Very truly yours, eee, een nee Luis Arias-Romero TRADUCCION DE CORTESIA Your Honorabie Senator, On my behaif and that of the Government of Spain | would like to express my most sincere and warm congratulations for your victory in the last presidential elections. i wish you all the success during your presidential term and at the same time I want ta convey to you my conviction that relations between Spain and the Philippines will continue to iti-vease in ail fieids, in line with our two countries historic and cultural common past and taking into account that we share Identical objectives of freadom, social justice and progress. 1 reiterate my willingness and that of my Government to closely cooperate with that of the Republic of the Philippines that you are to preside over by next June 30”. Let me take this opportunity to extend my very warm and affectionate appreciation fo you. PRESIDENCIA DEL GOBIERNO TELEGRAMA DEL PRESIDENTE DEL GOBIERNO A Exemo. Sr, Benigno Aquino Senador de la Republica de Fillpinas, MANILA Honorable Senador reciba en nombre propio y en el del Gobierno de Espatia, la mas sincera y cordial feiicitacién por su victoria en las recientes elecciones presidenciales. Al mismo tiempo que le deseo toda clase de éxitos a Io largo de su mandate quiero expresarle mi conviccién de que, las relaciones entre Espana y Filipinas continuerén inerementandose en todos los mbites, como corresponde a dos paises que comparten, en buena medida, una historia y una cultura comunes, y que también participan de ics mismos objetivos 42 libertad, justicia social y progreso. Reiterandole mi disposicién y la de mi Gobiemo a colaborar al maximo con el de la Republica de Filipinas, que Vd. "residiré a partir del proximo dia 30 de junio, reciba mi mas cordial y afectueso saludo, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero Prasidente del Gobierno de Espafia TRANSMITASE. 14/05/2010

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