Kuda Questionnaire Edina

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My name is Edina Tengende, a final year student at Midlands State University currently doing
Bachelor of Commerce Honors Degree in Business Management. As a partial fulfilment of the
requirement to graduate in the above degree I am expected to carry out a research project. My
research project is recapitalisation challenges and strategies to overcome them. Can you
kindly assist by filling in the questionnaire?

NB: All information will remain confidential to external parties and for the purpose of
confidentiality do note write your names.

1. Gender (Please tick in the appropriate box)

Male female

2. Level of management

Low level Medium level Top level

3. Department

Finance Production Marketing Human resources

4. a) What strategies do you use to raise your capital?

Equity Debt Other …………………….

Retained profit Term loans ………………..........

Preference shares Loan stock ……………………..

Rights issue Leasing

Issue to the public other …………………..

Other …………………. ……………………

b) Considering the prevailing external and internal environment, do you think the above
mentioned strategy(s) is the best for this company? YES NO

c) If NO what do you suggest to be the best way of financing this company?


Justify you answer above


5. Did the company manage to raise adequate finance for recapitalization? YES NO

6. a) How severe are the following recapitalization challenges to your organization.(Tick in

the appropriate column for each challenge)

Challenge Severe Moderate Not significant

High cost of debt

Tough bank regulations

Lack of collateral security

Poor shareholder cooperation


Credit crunch( Decline in supply of credit)

Low liquidity in the stock market

External funding/ foreign investment challenges

b) What are you doing or have you done to overcome the above challenges?

7. What do you think should be done for recapitalization to succeed?


Thank you

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