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What is Light?


Describe light as an electromagnetic wave

Calculate distances traveled by light by using the

speed of light

Explain why light from the sun is important

Light: An Electromagnetic Wave

A type of energy that travels as a wave

Light does not require matter through which to travel

Electromagnetic Wave: can travel through empty space

or matter; consists of changing electric & magnetic fields

Electric & magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other

(at right angles) – also perpendicular to wave motion
Light – An Electromagnetic Wave
Electric & Magnetic Fields:

EM waves are changing electric and magnetic fields

Electric field surrounds every charged object

Magnetic field surrounds every magnet
How EM Waves are Produced:

An EM wave can be produced by the vibration of an

electrically charged particle

Particle vibrates, electric field vibrates, magnetic

field is created

Carries energy released by the original vibration of

the particle
The transfer of energy as EM waves:
The Speed of Light:

Nothing is faster

In space (a vacuum), speed of light is: 300,000,000

m/s or 300,000 km/s

Light travels 880,000 times faster than sound

If you could run at the speed of light, you could

travel around the Earth 7.5 times in 1 sec!!!!!!
Math Focus:

Text page 634

How fast is light?

 Step 1
 Step 2
 Step 3

 Now its your turn…#1

Light from the Sun:

It takes about 8.3 minutes for light to travel from the sun
to the Earth

The Earth is 150,000,000km away from the sun

EM waves are a major source of energy for the Earth

 Photosynthesis
 Fossil fuels
 Some energy is lost to space…

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